• il y a 13 heures
Jack Traven et son coéquipier Harry, de la brigade anti-gang de Los Angeles, n'ont pas leur pareil pour venir à bout des truands les plus résistants. C'est ainsi que ce tandem de choc parvient à libérer les usagers d'un ascenseur qu'un maître chanteur chevronné, Howard Payne, retenait en otages. Il semble même que Payne ait péri dans l'explosion de sa bombe. Vaine illusion. Ivre de rage, le psychopathe installe une nouvelle bombe dans un bus. L'engin explosera si la vitesse du bus descend en-dessous de la barre des 70 kilomètres à l'heure. Jack parvient à prendre place dans le véhicule. Une passagère, Annie, le seconde fort utilement en prenant la place du chauffeur, grièvement blessé dans une bagarre avec un passager. Jack parvient à détourner le bus vers une autoroute désaffectée...
00:00All right, pop quiz. Airport. Gunman with one hostage. He's using her for cover. He's almost to a plane. You're a hundred feet away. What do you think?
00:09Shoot the hostage.
00:11Go for the good wound and he can't get to the plane with her. Clear shot.
00:15You're deeply nuts, you know that?
00:18All right, gentlemen, what we have here are thirteen passengers in an express elevator.
00:22Bomb's already taken out cables. Bomber wants three million dollars or he blows the emergency brakes.
00:26Anything else that'll keep this elevator from falling?
00:32He can strike anywhere.
00:36At any time.
00:37Will Mr. Guest please sign in?
00:40Why are they messing with me? Do they think I'm doing this for fun?
00:47For L.A. cop Jack Traven.
00:49Tell me again, Harry, why did I take this job?
00:51Come on, thirty more years of this, you get a tiny pension and a cheap gold watch.
00:57The game began.
01:00Very exciting, Jack.
01:03Some close calls, huh?
01:05When someone put the city of Los Angeles to the ultimate test.
01:09Pop quiz, hot shot.
01:11There's a bomb on a bus. Once the bus goes fifty miles an hour, the bomb is armed.
01:16If it drops below fifty, it blows up.
01:20What do you do?
01:21What do you do?
01:25Are you insured?
01:26Yeah, why?
01:30He's the only solution.
01:32We just got a ransom demand from your terrorist. Says he's rigged the city bus. Where's Jack?
01:38Where do you think?
01:39Stay on or get off?
01:40Get off.
01:45This is much better.
01:49Everybody hold on!
02:16Keanu Reeves, Dennis Hopper, Sandra Bullock.
02:21Pop quiz, you have a hair-trigger aimed at your head, what do you do?
02:27What do you do?
02:30Speed, prépare-toi pour Rush Hour.
