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Assassin's Creed Shadows tips and tricks (AC Shadows Tips And Tricks)
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00:00 Canon Mode
01:25 What You Miss In Canon Mode
02:23 Guided Or Exploration Mode
03:52 Do This To Don't Miss All Trophies
04:49 Smart Setting For Activities
05:51 Area Loot
06:13 Immersive Mode VS English
07:06 What Does Combat Difficulty Do?
08:39 Stealth Difficulty Changes
09:05 Important Info About Assassinations
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This video includes: assassin's creed shadows,ac shadows,assassin's creed,jorraptor,assassin's creed shadows review,ac shadows gameplay,assassin's creed shadows gameplay,assassins creed shadows,ac shadows review,assassin's creed shadow,assassin's creed shadows tips,assassin's creed shadows tips and tricks,ac shadows tips,ac shadows tips and tricks,assassin creed shadow,assassin’s creed shadows,assassin creed shadows,ac shadow,assasins creed shadows,assassins creed shadows review
#assassinscreedshadows #assassinscreed #acshadows
Assassin's Creed Shadows tips and tricks (AC Shadows Tips And Tricks)
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00:00 Canon Mode
01:25 What You Miss In Canon Mode
02:23 Guided Or Exploration Mode
03:52 Do This To Don't Miss All Trophies
04:49 Smart Setting For Activities
05:51 Area Loot
06:13 Immersive Mode VS English
07:06 What Does Combat Difficulty Do?
08:39 Stealth Difficulty Changes
09:05 Important Info About Assassinations
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This video includes: assassin's creed shadows,ac shadows,assassin's creed,jorraptor,assassin's creed shadows review,ac shadows gameplay,assassin's creed shadows gameplay,assassins creed shadows,ac shadows review,assassin's creed shadow,assassin's creed shadows tips,assassin's creed shadows tips and tricks,ac shadows tips,ac shadows tips and tricks,assassin creed shadow,assassin’s creed shadows,assassin creed shadows,ac shadow,assasins creed shadows,assassins creed shadows review
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00:00You have to make some important choices at the start of Assassin's Creed Shadows and
00:03there are also other settings and gameplay changes that are handy to know about before
00:07jumping in or while already playing the game.
00:10So a ton to go over.
00:11Shoutout to Ubisoft for sponsoring the video, that really helps me to maintain my team of
00:15two full time employees and also freelancers are helping with the launch to get more content
00:20to you quicker.
00:21So check Shadows out via the link in the description that would really support the channel as well.
00:25One thing the game asks you at the start is if you want to play in the canon mode or not
00:30and this is important because you cannot change this later on.
00:33So the canon mode removes all the dialogue choices in the game, you are basically experiencing
00:38the events in the way that Ubisoft intended them.
00:41There are still moments where characters will ask you if you are ready to embark on a quest
00:46or if you want to prepare some more.
00:47It can still switch between Naue and Yasuke at any point in the game and also during particular
00:53encounters during main story missions just like in the regular mode.
00:57But in the canon mode you will not see the multiple ways you can respond to certain situations
01:02or you won't be able to frame a certain target when you get the choice between multiple options.
01:08Or you cannot decide to spare or kill someone.
01:11When playing in the canon mode you will not even know if there was a dialogue option because
01:16the cutscenes will not be interrupted.
01:19But the most interesting part is that this does not mean that you get a good or the best
01:24possible outcome.
01:25In many cases you will miss the romance opportunities.
01:29While you can choose to flirt with certain characters in the regular mode, in the canon
01:34mode Naue and Yasuke mostly prefer to be alone.
01:37Which kinda sad actually.
01:39But more important is that one character will not join you if you play in the canon mode
01:44with nothing you can do about it.
01:46While interacting with them during the main story or their special side missions you will
01:50sometimes see a warning saying that this will impact that ally.
01:55So if you make the wrong choice here there's a chance that they won't join you.
01:59So then they are not in your hideout but more importantly you cannot use them in stealth
02:04or combat to help you out which is kinda huge.
02:07Now in the canon mode you cannot make choices so you will not see that notification and
02:13this means that there's one ally you won't be able to recruit while in the regular mode
02:18you have the option to get all of them.
02:20So good to keep that in mind when you make this choice.
02:23Seems like you can still get all the trophies and achievements in the canon mode though
02:27as meeting one of the allies already gets you the trophy instead of actually recruiting
02:32But the settings menu does note that some trophies cannot be unlocked in the guided
02:37exploration mode.
02:38And I will tell you which one in a moment but yeah this choice is also important.
02:44Exploration mode is on by the vault so you get hints as to where your next objective
02:48is and can now use your scouts to reveal the quest marker in the area you are looking for.
02:53In my experience though this can be quite challenging and especially early in the game
02:58you want to use those scouts instead to get resources for your hideout by marking the
03:03stockpiles in restricted areas.
03:05You can also use them to remove an alarm when you are wanted and even if you don't
03:09use your scouts during a season they can still get loot for you and put them in the chest
03:14in your hideout.
03:15So scouts are useful in multiple ways.
03:18This means that in the guided mode you can use your scouts to get more resources so basically
03:23speed up your process because you don't need them to look for objectives.
03:28They will immediately appear on your map.
03:30The new is that the guided mode also reveals where the targets on your objective board
03:34are which kind of feels like cheating as it sometimes lets you skip objectives that would
03:39give you clues but you can also use it if you are stuck so play mostly on the exploration
03:44mode, you cannot find the target, quickly switch to guided mode, locate the target then
03:49switch back to exploration mode as you know now where to look.
03:52I played mostly on the guided mode as it was a way more relaxing experience for me but
03:57yeah that does mean that you cannot get all the trophies according to the menu.
04:02Well I asked Ubisoft and they confirmed to me that it's actually only one trophy or achievement
04:07you cannot get.
04:08And that is the one called a scouting mission as it requires you to gather information using
04:13a scout.
04:14You can't get this one because it's simply impossible to perform this because all the
04:19information will already be on your map in the guided mode.
04:22But yeah that does mean that it's not really an issue because you can simply get this trophy
04:27in the exploration mode, make sure you track a clue by the way and then dispatch the scouts
04:32at the right location.
04:33You now get the trophy, can go back to the guided mode if you want and still get the
04:37platinum or full achievement score.
04:39Got way more important info and of course if you like the videos so far be sure to leave
04:43a like and subscribe for way more spoiler free Assassin's Creed Shadows content like
04:49Another interesting setting I want to highlight is in regards to the quick time events.
04:52Like there are no regular quick time events during cutscenes or anything but you do have
04:57these orange activities on the map that you want to do to get knowledge points.
05:01With enough knowledge points you unlock a new knowledge rank and this opens up a new
05:05line of skills in each tree.
05:07For Naue or Kuchigiri meditation as these button prompts appear that then eventually
05:12disappear so you gotta remember them.
05:14Well if you put the quick time event setting on auto the game will auto complete the activity
05:18for if you don't like it.
05:20You can also do simplistic and then the prompts will be much easier to complete like just
05:24being 2 buttons instead of 4 different ones.
05:27And you can also auto complete the katas from Yasuke or also here put them on simplistic
05:32to make the prompts easier and then you can even fill one of the combos from the set and
05:37still complete the activity.
05:39So handy to know if you're having trouble.
05:41And yes you see me use the deluxe edition items here, got a video going way more in
05:45depth on that on the channel, maybe by the time you watch this it's already up.
05:48You will then find it in the video description.
05:51Another setting I want to quickly touch on is called area loot.
05:54This let's you instantly pick up all the loot from enemies close to each other instead
05:58of having to go to each body individually.
06:00Which the range was a bit longer as it sometimes doesn't let you grab everything and it sadly
06:05does not work on the resource pickups that you find close to each other which would have
06:10been nice.
06:11But still a great setting to turn on.
06:13Another mode you can select at the start is normal or immersive.
06:16Which basically means do you want to play in English or with Japanese voice acting and
06:21here is a nice comparison.
06:44I played in English and while I was worried that now his voice would not land, I did not
06:48really mind their performance, I thought it was actually pretty good throughout the
06:51full game.
06:52Also worth noting is that even in both the normal and immersive mode the Portuguese will
06:56still speak Portuguese to each other.
06:59And you can also just like the guided and exploration mode switch to the immersive mode
07:03or go back to English whenever you want.
07:06You can also always switch the difficulty and this also won't have an impact on your
07:10trophies or achievements but it will of course impact your gameplay.
07:14It's the most noticeable during stealth, I will touch on that in a moment.
07:18But it's also interesting to know what changes when you switch from normal to expert in combat.
07:23So of course the enemies hit harder, this is the general type enemy on normal and now
07:26that same enemy on expert deals this with the same two hits.
07:31So that's a noticeable difference.
07:32And to real quick give you another example, this spear soldier on normal takes 14 hits
07:37to kill me but on expert it's 10.
07:40Some are testing the amount of hits it takes for you to kill these enemies is not really
07:44impacted so enemies do not really become tankier.
07:48The game does note in the settings menu that you should use your highest level weapons
07:52and gear but that's a tip you should use overall because the damage increase per level on these
07:57items is pretty significant.
08:00The biggest change though is that in any difficulty you will see these white glows telegraphing
08:04a regular enemy attack so they can more easily block or parry it and counter the enemy.
08:10But on expert you will not see these anymore.
08:12So on expert you have to observe the enemies movement more which is more rewarding.
08:17The red glowing unblockable attacks that you want to dodge out of the way from and the
08:21blue flurry combo attacks that you want to all parry to stun the enemy will still be
08:25highlighted in the expert mode.
08:27I switched to the expert difficulty half way through the game by the way and I still did
08:32not really find a challenge especially in the boss fights so I hope they release a nightmare
08:37difficulty or something later on.
08:39Expert difficulty on stealth is way more challenging.
08:42Here I go into this camp on normal and can just without worry go on the rooftops and
08:46even to the next building, I have all the time in the world to scout the area.
08:50But on expert the brute immediately spots me and later other enemies will be noticing
08:54me on the roof as well.
08:56Worth noting though is that you do stay hidden on roofs if you remain in the shadows.
09:01So you really have to be more strategic on the expert difficulty.
09:05And I think it's interesting to go over the assassinations and how they are calculated
09:09as well to get you up to speed.
09:12Because it's this time all about the health segments that enemies have.
09:16At the start of the game you can assassinate enemies with 2 health segments, but by upgrading
09:20the hidden blade skill you can increase that.
09:22And also by wearing gear pieces you can increase it even further, although they usually specify
09:27how to assassinate an enemy in order to get the bonuses from the gear piece.
09:33For Yasuke's brutal assassinations it's a bit easier so you can only do that from the
09:37ground and you can also upgrade this in the skill tree and go all the way up to 7 health
09:43And you can still use the brutal assassination even if you don't kill the enemy, then you
09:47will just do a regular slash, but yeah then start the fight with a nice headstart.
09:52You can also do this with Naue, but yeah you immediately start combat which you want to
09:56avoid with Naue overall.
09:58But to round it all out of course you can also turn on the guaranteed assassination
10:02setting and then every hidden blade kill and also every brutal assassination with Yasuke
10:07will be a one hit KO no matter what.
10:10I think it's way more fun and rewarding to go for the regular progression that they put
10:13in place and I got a ton of tips for that and other things to become overpowered early
10:18in my early things video that you can watch by clicking on the screen if it's already
10:22Just subscribe to not miss any of the spoiler free shadows content, got a question?
10:26Drop it in the comments and a like on the video would of course also really help me
10:30I'll speak to you soon, goodbye!