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Assassin's Creed Shadows Gameplay showcase on a dedicated save through geforce now (AC Shadows gameplay showcase)
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00:00 Stealth Game Changer
01:32 Interesting Combat Changes
03:10 Exploring Kyoto
04:02 More Stealth Changes
04:49 It Has More Depth
06:30 First Helix Weapon
07:10 Yasuke Helix Item
07:48 Other Special Items
08:37 Yasuke Weapon Depth
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00:00I got to play more Assassin's Creed Shadows. Ubisoft shared a save file through GeForce Now
00:04that I got to play around with, so I cannot share my overall thoughts on the full game yet,
00:10my review will go live on March 18th. But in this video I can go over many things that I got to try
00:16on this special save file that do reveal some depth in the combat and stealth, I found some
00:22cool new gear items and yes I got to test the first Helix items as well that I earned for free
00:29through the new Animus Hub system. So lots to go over, I want to start with an important stealth
00:34realization, because if you want the best stealth experience in this game, play on expert. So you
00:41can actually tweak the combat and stealth difficulty individually, but I wanted to see
00:45the impact so here I go into this camp on the default normal difficulty and I can just without
00:51issue run on these small walls, enemies would not notice. I go on these roofs and have all the time
00:57in the world to plan my next move, but if I then switch to the expert difficulty and do the same
01:02thing, immediately when I run on these small walls enemies are like hey who's that. So I had to climb
01:09down so they don't see me, the roofs are also not safe anymore so they force me to go prone
01:15and I eventually have to go down here. Like expert creates a completely different stealth experience,
01:22enemies are way more aware of their surroundings and look up now so you have to be way more
01:27strategic. Totally recommend this if you pride yourself as a skilled assassin. Combat so far did
01:33not seem to include the drastic changes on expert, apart from the enemies killing you faster and
01:39taking a bit more hits to go down themselves. But I did notice some new things. For one,
01:44you totally want to use your environment to your advantage. With the Kusarigama from
01:49Naue you can grab enemies and throw them against objects for nice extra damage. The katana has an
01:55ability that lets you push enemies away as well, or you can send them flying with Yasuke's
01:59Kanabo jump attack, so smart to line these up correctly. Some camps of course also have these
02:04explosive barrels that you can use to your advantage, but with Yasuke you can actually
02:09grab them and throw them to an enemy and then blow them up that way, which was a ton of fun.
02:14But also focus on some of the more annoying enemies, like you have these general types who
02:19if you don't interrupt them can summon two soldiers that then randomly spawn and join the
02:24fight. And they can also summon an explosive barrage, but if you roll next to an enemy
02:29they can actually hurt their allies, which was fun to see. And this was by the way a target I
02:34had to kill. I was just exploring Kyoto and encountered this samurai on the street with a
02:39crown icon, which indicates that it's a target on your objective board. So just like in the previous
02:44games you can randomly run into them without having to focus on the particular clues. And
02:49after I assassinated him his annoying general friend who summoned the soldiers would join the
02:54fight, so I got two targets by accident. I also found some shops while exploring Kyoto and way
03:00way more. Real quick, there's still time to participate in my giveaway for 3 copies of
03:05Shadows. Simply like the video, be a subscriber and they can enter via the link in the pinned
03:09comment. The gear vendor for me was selling some pretty scary masks for Naue. I bought the broken
03:15one with the red that looks very awesome. I also went to an ornament shop where you can buy different
03:20horses, some pretty nice saddles that you can then immediately equip, and many hideout cosmetics.
03:26So as said before, if you have big plans for your settlement, check these shops every season because
03:33then they have new stock. I also encountered guards that I could eavesdrop and this would
03:38lead me in the direction of other targets. There was a beggar who asked for money. After I helped
03:44him he gave information about a certain objective in the open world. And you will also encounter
03:49these ronin roaming the roads that pose quite the challenge. They have unique moves that other
03:54enemies don't have, but you can also assassinate them before they engage and then easily get their
03:59loot, which totally seems to be the way to go. Another new addition is the fact that if some
04:03enemies see you, your assassinations will not work. And I can perfectly demonstrate that with
04:09this samurai I found on the street. So the text is red when I'm in his vision, but when I get behind
04:15him I can assassinate him instantly. If you are hiding in a bush though and crouch down in front
04:20of him, you can also still instantly assassinate the target. If you do engage when he sees you,
04:27then the assassination is negated, but then you can still throw a smoke bomb,
04:32and then try again for that insta kill. There is a skill for Naue called Hand of the Creed
04:38that completely removes this, as the hidden blade can then no longer be denied when enemies see
04:42Naue coming, but you unlock that much later, so you have to keep this system in mind for a lot
04:48of your play session. But you will of course also get into a ton of fights with Naue, and it's really
04:53cool how each weapon next to the regular light and heavy attack combos also has a special playstyle.
04:59For the tanto you can do an escape strike, where you wait for the enemy to get close,
05:04and then slash them and quickly dodge away. But even cooler is that you can combine this with
05:09the leap strike, that has you close the gap, you deal some damage to the target, if you then
05:14do the escape strike you slash and dodge away, so you're basically in and out, deal damage without
05:20the enemy able to react, and it looks very cool too. With her katana she has a special dodge
05:25attack that you can basically spam and also hit multiple enemies with, it's surprisingly good,
05:30and the kusarigama goes a bit further. So this is your regular kusarigama light attack combo,
05:36where you use the sickle, but maybe you noticed that Naue flashes briefly. If you do a light
05:41attack right when she glows, you will perform a quick strike. So in this case do two fast slashes
05:48with the sickle. For the heavy attack we use the chain and swing that around, but if you time the
05:52heavy attack right for that quick strike, Naue will instead do this whirlwind attack, where she
05:58hits the enemy way more often, and this in particular is great if you have affliction on your weapon.
06:03So what's different in Shadows is that any weapon can have any of the status effect types, because
06:09it's a stat this time, it's not a special perk that you only find on a handful of weapons in the game.
06:15Now any weapon you loot can have it. So I got to try poison now, and it's pretty strong,
06:21because if the enemy has no armor, they will be stunned and throw up, while also taking damage
06:26over time, which can of course kill them without you having to do anything. And like I said I could
06:31use some helix items, and this is where the Aikyo kusarigama comes in. I got this for free through
06:37the redalike system that I sadly cannot talk about in this video, but I will of course explain in the
06:42future. But the perk on this weapon was really awesome, as you can now press the light or heavy
06:47attack button directly after a dodge, to also trigger that quick strike. So then you don't have
06:52to focus on these glows anymore, and can just spam the whirlwind attack. This weapon also has the
06:58poison build up, so yeah as you can see it's a very powerful combo. Of course in true helix fashion,
07:04this weapon also has a green glow around it. We've seen weapons like this before in the previous
07:10games. The other helix item I got to try is the armor of the undead, that creates a poison cloud
07:16on a parry. A perk we saw in Valhalla of course as well, on a shield. In shadows it works different,
07:21as it for one only appears for a brief moment. It seems to only poison one enemy, and worst of all
07:28it gives you the status effect as well, so you also take damage over time when you use this perk.
07:34And I'm not sure if that's supposed to happen, but it makes this a really bad chest. Now it does of
07:39course have the unique look, and should be combined with that helmet we already saw in the animus hub
07:44video. Still though, I don't think this one is worth it. Now better is a chest piece I got for
07:49completing the military castle in Kyoto. This would let me parry unblockable attacks, so that
07:55you don't have to dodge away when the enemy does this red glowing attack, which is a game changer.
08:00And I love the look of the protectors armor too. I could also use other free items that you could
08:06claim, like the hourglass that you got if you were paying attention during the reveal and watched my
08:11videos. It looks really cool and can be great for a days build, because it increases the duration of
08:16that powerful effect. The naginata from the root beer was also something I could try. You can still
08:21get this, a link on how to in the video description. It should have a unique look, it works great on the
08:27bamboo, but overall this weapon is nothing special. Still a nice way to get an early epic weapon though,
08:33because these purple items start dropping way later. And the special attack with the naginata
08:38lets you perform a very cool combo out of a block, but you have to learn the button combinations.
08:44It looks very cool though. The kanabo is of course very slow, but you can increase the weapon's speed
08:50if you press the light or heavy attack button just when you hit an enemy, so that's another timing
08:55thing. And with the katana you can put the weapon away, charge it up and then unleash the attack.
09:01This one in particular is very very awesome. Next week on March 18th I will have my spoiler free
09:07review of the full game and that is also when the spoiler free tips and tricks will start.
09:11I will live stream open world exploration, there are twitch drops if you watch on twitch
09:16and way way more. Just subscribe if you haven't already to not miss any of it, we're so close,
09:22I can't wait for you to play. Now don't forget to leave a like, check out my most recent video
09:26by clicking on the screen and I will speak to you very soon. Goodbye!
