• 3 days ago


#roblox #sonic #speedyblox

None of these actions should be replicated in real life, these videos are purely for entertainment

(All Sonic Characters rightfully belong to SEGA, these videos are created as a form of fan parodies and reactions intended for the purpose of entertainment)
00:00Today, I'm on a fishing boat in the middle of the ocean!
00:05This is so cool, Sonic, but why aren't you moving?
00:08Well, because of this massive turtle that's in our boat's way!
00:11How about we do something about that turtle, you stupid farthog?
00:15KILL HIM!
00:17Wha- Shut up, Robot Sink! I'm working on it!
00:20I mean, we could try feeding it with fish to get it to move, but I don't know how to fish!
00:24Maybe fish with your fishing pole, you dolt!
00:27Oh, this thing?
00:28You're right!
00:30Whoa, look! I can control the fishing line just like this, Robot Sink!
00:34What the Sigma? I ain't never seen somebody fish like that ever.
00:38Wait a second, I didn't catch anything. Let me try again!
00:41Alright, here we go. Ready? Ready?
00:42And come here, come here, come here!
00:44Try hitting the fish, bruh!
00:46No! Bro, this thing is, like, impossible. Hold on, hold on.
00:49Surely it is not impossible. Just hit the fish!
00:53Come here! Stupid fish!
00:55Bro, the fishes do not like me like that.
00:58You're the one who just tried to fish through a rock.
01:01Come on- Yes! Oh, I think I got one! I got one!
01:03Okay, can we use that as bait?
01:06I think so, or- Oh, I know what we have to do next!
01:08We have to bring it inside and- Look, Eggman?
01:12Look, Eggman, we have to scale the fish with the knife,
01:15but the faster you scale, the more damage it does.
01:19And it lowers its value! Look, I already kinda cut into it.
01:23This fish is, uh, going away really quick.
01:26Bro, this is a sardine. It's probably, like, an inch long.
01:29Yeah, exactly! But, um, anyways, what do I do now? I think I got it.
01:34Ready to continue. Back to boat!
01:36Alright, here we go, Mr. Turtle!
01:38Whoa! Wait, Eggman!
01:40Look, his health- That's a lot!
01:41Yeah, his health went down to 26!
01:43So if we do that again and get the sea turtle to move,
01:46then that should be awesome!
01:48Alright, there's one fish.
01:49Can we get another fish that's, like, bigger?
01:51No, we can't.
01:52No! How do you get the other ones?
01:55Well, I think we're gonna need a better fishing rod.
01:57Anyways, let me just go ahead and get these scales off, just like that.
02:01And look, I did it perfectly!
02:02Yeah! That was clean!
02:04Alright, here you go, Mr. Turtle!
02:06Now, let us be on our way.
02:08Bro! There's another one!
02:11Hold on, Eggman! Don't complain yet,
02:13because if we look at the top, it says we have $110.
02:18So, with $110, we can buy a better scaling knife or a better rod!
02:24A better rod sounds like a way better investment.
02:28I agree.
02:28Alright, now we have a better rod.
02:30Let's go ahead and use it.
02:32Whoa, Eggman!
02:33Hold on, I think I can get this fish right here.
02:35Come on!
02:35Oh, I got it! I got it!
02:37No! No way! We did it!
02:39Alright, hold on.
02:40Wait, I can go super deep.
02:41Did you see that?
02:43Yeah, that was kind of crazy.
02:44Alright, anyways, now I'm gonna put this fish right here in Eggman.
02:48Are you ready to see how fast I can scale this thing?
02:50I'm ready!
02:54Um, Eggman, that looks gross.
02:56Oh boy, you put a bunch of pimples on him.
02:59I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!
03:01Oh man, that means its value went down.
03:04Yeah, this guy's gonna like it less, but oh my gosh, it was one fell swoop.
03:09Exactly, but now we have a whole dolphin that we have to feed!
03:13He looks kind of cute.
03:14Why is he moving like that?
03:16I have no clue, but guys, now we have to try and find enough fish for us to feed the dolphin.
03:21Comment down below how big you think the fish is that's gonna one-hit this dolphin right here.
03:27We can probably buy a better rod again.
03:31Alright, here we go, Eggfart.
03:33Let's go ahead and buy some upgrades real quick.
03:35I think we can buy a better knife, not a better rod, or...
03:38Oh shoot, I don't think we should buy a better knife.
03:41I think we should focus on a rod.
03:43I want my rod to be upgraded.
03:45Alright, well let's upgrade our rods.
03:47Whoa, this fish over here might be able to one-hit that dolphin.
03:50Alright, come here, come here!
03:52I think you have to hit that guy like three times.
03:54Come on, come on, come on, give me, give me!
03:57I did it three times and it did not like that.
04:00Okay, maybe four times.
04:02Surely four times.
04:03Come on, come on.
04:04Oh, yes!
04:06We did it, Eggfart.
04:08Can I get this one too?
04:09No, I can't.
04:10Wait, so can you hit fish like after like several rounds apart?
04:15Of course!
04:16So like I could go right here and...
04:17Yo, why can they go through the rock but I can't?
04:20Alright, come here.
04:21They're not even through the rock, they're just hiding.
04:23Come on, bruh.
04:24Oh my gosh.
04:25You gotta go in deep.
04:26You gotta go down there and dig in it.
04:28Alright, fine, fine, fine.
04:30I'll go back down and I'll try and fish a little bit and then I'm gonna cut it up.
04:34Hold on.
04:35There we go.
04:35Alright, now we have two fish to our name, Eggfart.
04:38That's a lot of fish.
04:39That's more fish than we've ever had before.
04:42Oh my gosh.
04:43Oh, slow and steady, Sonic.
04:46Maybe we should have upgraded the knife.
04:47Alright, slow and steady.
04:48Oh, here we go, here we go.
04:50This is alright, this is alright.
04:52Just slow and steady.
04:53Oh my gosh, slow and steady.
04:55Guys, comment down below if you're nervous.
04:57I do not want to break this.
04:58This brother looks yummy.
05:00Come on!
05:01Alright, you got this.
05:03Just keep going slow and steady.
05:05Do you want me to hold your hand and grab you?
05:06No, I don't want to touch you.
05:08You're weird.
05:10Yeah, that's why I call you Robuttsting, because you're gross.
05:13I'm not gross!
05:14Yes, you are!
05:16You're lucky I just woke up and don't have anything charged up yet.
05:20Yeah, exactly.
05:21You're proving my point.
05:22You would have farted just now.
05:23No, I would have!
05:25Just, it's fine.
05:26Come on!
05:27Hurry up!
05:28There we go.
05:29Now, let me go over here.
05:30So close.
05:31You're doing such a good job, Sonic.
05:33I know, I know, I know, I know.
05:34Ready, ready, ready?
05:36Yeah, I'm ready.
05:37This fish is now scaled!
05:39I'm ready!
05:42And we can also tell if it's ready by looking over here on the left side of our screen at 396 out of 396 scales.
05:49Now, let me go to the next fish.
05:51This guy should be a lot easier.
05:52Yeah, this one, this one's a breeze.
05:54Yeah, we should definitely upgrade the knife.
05:56Yeah, this knife is really bad, Eggman.
05:59But first, we should do the rod again.
06:01Back to boat.
06:02All right, here you go, little fishy.
06:04Oh, we got the one hit on the dolphin!
06:07All right, whoa, we have a shark now?
06:09Dude, this is insane.
06:11Holy snap, he's so massive.
06:13Eggman, imagine after the shark, we have to feed things like the Bloop and the El Gran Maja.
06:18That would be insane.
06:19There's no way they show up, right?
06:21Sea monsters from the depths of the ocean.
06:24Wait, we can upgrade the scaling knife, the rod, and the basic hook.
06:28So, let's go ahead and start with the scaling knife because our current knife is really bad.
06:32And then, let's go ahead and upgrade the hook.
06:35We could do the sashimi knife.
06:37Maybe that would be a lot quicker with our scaling.
06:40Yeah, let's go ahead and do that.
06:41All right, here we go.
06:41Now, we're left with $100.
06:43Let's see how fast we can catch some fish.
06:46Wait, we one hit these fish.
06:48Whoa, the hook upgrade was insane.
06:51We're getting fish like crazy.
06:53I know, we have six fish.
06:55All right, that should be enough to feed this shark.
06:57Here we go.
06:58Holy ghat!
06:59Are you kidding me?
07:00This knife sucks.
07:01Bro, I already cut through it.
07:02Hold on, hold on.
07:03Actually, it doesn't suck that much.
07:05It actually goes pretty fast.
07:06Did you see that?
07:07Well, it's got a little pimple on his butt.
07:09I know, I'm sorry.
07:10I cut too deep into it.
07:12All right, let's see what's next.
07:15Did you see how fast we cut through that sardine?
07:17Okay, yeah, that was pretty clean.
07:19All right, this next one.
07:20All right, these fishes.
07:21Slow and steady.
07:22Oh, yeah, you're right.
07:23I gotta go super slow and steady.
07:24I do not want to damage the value of the fish.
07:26No red pimples, no pimples.
07:30And now another one of those bigger fishes right here.
07:33Come on.
07:34We got a lot of these sardines, yeah.
07:35Oopsies, I'm sorry, Eggman.
07:38I'm sorry!
07:39Are you out of your mind?
07:41I didn't mean to.
07:42All right, and now this last fish,
07:43which is easy, just one quick swipe.
07:46And now we have another fish.
07:48Dude, how many fishes did we catch?
07:51Oh, yeah, you're right.
07:51We did catch six fish.
07:52You went for the low-value fishes.
07:55I'm sorry.
07:55I didn't mean to go for just the low-value ones.
07:57I was getting excited because of how many fish we can now catch.
08:00Well, sometimes it doesn't matter how many you get.
08:03We should just go for the good one.
08:06Oh, the shark's almost ready to leave.
08:08There we go!
08:10And now we got $510.
08:13Wait, I think I can get through this dolphin.
08:15No way.
08:16I got through it!
08:17No way!
08:18How much money are we gonna have?
08:19Oh my gosh, we're rich!
08:20And now we have to feed an orca.
08:22All right.
08:23Anyways, let's go ahead and upgrade our stuff.
08:25We can get a harpoon, an upgrade on our rod,
08:28which is probably needed, and then...
08:30We should do our rod again so we can go deep in it.
08:32All right, let's do another rod.
08:34Let's get another sashimi knife.
08:35And oh, we can just upgrade everything.
08:38Dang, wow.
08:39Wait, can we?
08:40Oh, wait, no.
08:41That was a glitch.
08:42I can't actually do that.
08:43All right, let's see.
08:44Wait, let me get one of these big fishes.
08:45Come here!
08:46Wait, it doesn't one-hit it?
08:47Oh, there we go.
08:48Okay, it was a two-hit.
08:49It was a two-hit.
08:50Go deep!
08:50Go deep!
08:51Okay, I will, I will.
08:51Let me get this one.
08:54Okay, solid, solid.
08:56Come on.
08:57Oh, another one!
08:58Aw, man!
09:00All right, it's fine, it's fine.
09:01We can go again.
09:02Here we go, Eggman.
09:03I'm gonna try...
09:03Get that guy!
09:04Go deep!
09:05Yep, I'm gonna go deep.
09:06I'm gonna go deep.
09:07Come on.
09:07Dig, dig, dig!
09:09Oh no!
09:09Come on, go deeper, go deeper.
09:11Where is it?
09:12Oh, oh!
09:13That's a new fish!
09:14That's a new fish!
09:15Oh, I got it!
09:16We got it!
09:17Come on, let me get this one.
09:22But hey, we got one.
09:23Yeah, we discovered a new fish.
09:24So if we keep upgrading our rod,
09:26we'll definitely be able to go even deeper.
09:28Oh, yeah!
09:29Here's our new scaler.
09:32This sashimi knife was definitely worth it, Eggman.
09:35Look at how fast this thing goes.
09:37Holy snap!
09:38That is clean.
09:39I know, right?
09:40There we go!
09:42All right, now it's time for us to go to the next fish.
09:45This one should be a one-hit, right?
09:46Yep, there we go.
09:49But now this is the new fish, new fish!
09:51No, new fish is after this, new fish is after this.
09:55Wait, can I just go in and do it just like this?
09:57Oh my gosh!
09:58Oh man, it missed a little bit at the top.
10:00It's fine though, because...
10:01I can go back and do it.
10:04I wanna see the new fish!
10:05Me too!
10:06The new fish is gonna look so awesome!
10:09Oh my goodness gracious.
10:111,400 scales?
10:13Oh, this is gonna take a bit.
10:14Oh, this is gonna take a bit.
10:15Oh, Eggman, we need a new knife.
10:19There's so much surface area to cut.
10:21Eggman, we need a new knife.
10:22This one is not good for this new fish.
10:25Dang, and our knife is pretty good too.
10:27I know, right?
10:28All right, come on.
10:29Let me just go ahead and go down here.
10:31Okay, literally, I can't drag it, Eggman.
10:33Be careful with that.
10:34I almost ruined it.
10:36I know, I know.
10:37I gotta be super careful.
10:38All right, cut this fish just like this.
10:41You're doing pretty good right now.
10:43Keep that up.
10:44Yep, I will.
10:45All right, come on.
10:45Slow and steady!
10:47Oh, yep.
10:47Sorry, I'll go slower.
10:48I'll go slower.
10:49All right, now we go all the way back here
10:51and start back with these scales.
10:53These scales feel harder for some reason.
10:56I know.
10:56I think that it's because this fish has so many of them.
10:59That's possible.
11:00So many scales, for real.
11:02Come on, I wanna see how much money this can get.
11:05Could this one shot the orca?
11:07I think it might be able to.
11:08Let me try and...
11:10Yo, I do not want to decrease the value at all.
11:13I want to see the full value of this beauty.
11:16Yeah, me too.
11:16Bluefin tuna.
11:18We're almost done, Eggman.
11:19We're almost done with this fish.
11:21Why is it called bluefin if its fins are yellow?
11:24Um, I think it's because most of its blue...
11:26Wait, that's actually a good point.
11:27Like, it is blue, but its fins are not blue.
11:30It's a yellowfin tuna, if anything.
11:33Yeah, it's like a yellow tail.
11:35All right, come on!
11:36Did I do it?
11:37I did it!
11:38Oh my gosh, insane.
11:40All right.
11:40Hello, Mr. Orca.
11:41We're gonna give you...
11:43Okay, was that that one?
11:44That wasn't it, that wasn't it, okay.
11:47And we still have it, we still have it!
11:49All right, let's see if it one hits the shark.
11:51Oh my gosh!
11:53It one hit the shark.
11:54It was absolutely massive.
11:56There was so much meat.
11:57I know, but now we're gonna upgrade to a cleaver.
12:00We should do a katana as well.
12:01A katana as well?
12:02Yeah, it'll be really quick on the new...
12:04Dang, that's a giant knife next.
12:07Yeah, claymore.
12:08All right, I'm gonna upgrade to a harpoon.
12:10And wow, we can get a trident next.
12:12Let's all go fishing for some cool fish.
12:15All right, go down.
12:16Go all the way down, all the way down.
12:18All right, I'm going, I'm going.
12:19I'm trying to avoid as many of these small fish as possible.
12:23What is that?
12:25I don't even know what that is.
12:27It looks ugly though.
12:28Come on, give it to me.
12:29Oh, I got it, I got it!
12:31Oh yeah!
12:32And now we have a katana to scale it with.
12:34Oh, this is gonna be so light work.
12:36Oh, look at the katana!
12:37Oh my gosh, this thing is so big.
12:39Oh yeah.
12:40That was super satisfying.
12:42Comment down below how satisfying that was to you guys.
12:45There's so much range with this.
12:47I know.
12:48I mean, look at it.
12:49It goes across this whole fish
12:50and I'm not even using the full thing.
12:52Why did I catch three of these things, bro?
12:54I think we just went past them by accident.
12:57All right, I'm not gonna scale the next fishies yet.
12:59I'm gonna go ahead and sell these to the shark.
13:03Or the dolphin.
13:03All right, we one-hit the dolphin.
13:05Let's see what we get next.
13:06A mermaid!
13:07A mermaid!
13:08Oh my, she's so bad.
13:10All right, let me go ahead and scale the rest of these fishes.
13:12This is so much faster and it can reach almost the whole thing.
13:16Bruh, how does it not reach the full thing?
13:18How big is this fish?
13:20I can't imagine that one fish that we caught.
13:22Tunas are massive.
13:24And boom!
13:26That was a lot quicker than last time.
13:28Let me see if this one's gonna one-hit the mermaid.
13:30Let's go!
13:32She liked it a lot.
13:33Oh, and there's another-
13:34Bro, we're gonna waste one of the cool fishes on the sea turtle.
13:37Oh no!
13:38I'm surely the sea turtle's gonna eat like two inches of it.
13:42Here, how about we try and find a smaller fish to one-hit it?
13:45But can we change the order of fish that we cut?
13:48I'm pretty sure we can.
13:49Let me see.
13:50Oh, never mind.
13:51Bruh, we're gonna have to waste this on a sea turtle.
13:54Gosh darn it, we have another one after this though.
13:57But you just didn't get a bunch of small ones, which is kind of awkward.
14:00Well, I was trying to get the-
14:02Oh my gosh, those ones will be easy to cut through though.
14:04Yeah, but we could have had a bunch of big ones.
14:06There we go, one-hit that sea turtle.
14:08Oh my gosh, the kraken!
14:11Oh my- Please don't kill us, Mr. Kraken.
14:13Don't worry, we'll- Yep, we'll give you an ocean sunfish.
14:16Oh my gosh.
14:17We got you with the goods, bruh.
14:19The goods.
14:20Wow, this thing has a ton of scales, Eggman.
14:23And this thing is ugly, beyond belief.
14:26Reminds me of Amy.
14:28Wow, insane.
14:29It's true.
14:30All right, and let's go ahead and keep cutting through these scales.
14:32Come on, come on, come on, come on!
14:36We're almost there, we're almost there.
14:38It's so smooth.
14:39The katana was a great investment.
14:41Definitely was.
14:42Hold on, let me go super slow.
14:44Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
14:47We just got through 2,000 scales like it was nothing!
14:50All right, now kraken.
14:52We almost one-hit the kraken!
14:54How did we not one-hit the kraken?
14:56That thing was massive. I don't know how we did it.
14:58All right, hold on, let me just go ahead and go through these.
15:00Surely all of these things together could finish off that kraken.
15:04It definitely will.
15:05You might not have to go that slow with this katana.
15:08Oh, yeah, you're right.
15:08I could probably just, like, drag it over.
15:10The katana's...
15:11Okay, not that fast.
15:13Maybe you were wrong, Eggman.
15:14You put little pimples on him.
15:15Well, I don't think you had to go that fast.
15:18You swiped so quick.
15:20All right, here we go.
15:21Mr. Kraken, eat that.
15:23Eat up, eat up.
15:24There we go, we just finished the kraken!
15:26Yummy, yummy, yummy!
15:28Another one!
15:29Well, you know what? If you guys want to see more of this game, make sure you comment down below and give us 5,000 likes for part 2.
15:36Right, Eggman?
15:37Yeah, 5,000 likes and we'll go deeper in it than you've ever seen before.
15:43Well, anyways, if you guys enjoyed this video, make sure you click another video on the screen and like and subscribe for more.
15:47We'll see you in the next one.