• yesterday
The Most SATISFYING SONIC Magnet Art🔵💨


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#Roblox #Cartoon #speedyblox #Speedy

📧 Business email: speedybloxbusiness@gmail.com

Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryxnH7Vp8ow

This reaction video gives commentary and transformative content, which falls under "Fair Use", according to Fair Use Law.

If you have any issues with my reactions towards the animations please feel free to email me!

Speedy owns the rights to the Speedy content, has permission by animators and is protected by fair use.

None of these actions should be replicated in real life, these videos are purely for entertainment

(All Sonic Characters rightfully belong to SEGA, these videos are created as a form of fan parodies and reactions intended for the purpose of entertainment)
00:00Today we're watching the sonic characters become magnets, and it's super satisfying
00:06I can't wait to see how satisfying it gets comment down below what sonic character you want to see as a magnet now
00:13Let's get on to the videos all right here. We go eggman look. It's me as a magnet
00:18No way, and you collected rings and stuff. Yep. I did
00:22There are these all their other projects that they made yeah, I guess so but look he's building sonic as a magnet
00:29This is so cool
00:30What if instead of super and sonic it was super?
00:35Super magnet shut up eggman. Sorry this looks so cool. Yeah, I see it
00:42Whoa wait? He's like squishing it into place
00:46Wow, or those my eyes. That's awesome
00:51That is actually really really awesome. It's a lot of attention to detail right there whoa
00:57Guys comment down below if that already is looking like sonic I
01:02Wonder if they're gonna make an egg, man
01:05No way hold on egg, man. Do you think this is you or do you think it's my shoe?
01:09Oh, I'm pretty sure that's your shoe all right
01:12But wait a second look at this. Oh, yep. I told you it's my shoe. Ha ha yeah
01:17That was two thousand two fat to be me personally what yo?
01:21Your feet are just too big. I just I saw it from a mile away egg, man. You're fat. You're like a planet
01:28Whoa, but look at this. He's putting me together. This looks so cool
01:33Wow, you look so stubby and stupid. What hey no. I don't but look at him. He's I think he's making my quills right now
01:41Is that what that is it looks like a little thingamajiggy look? There's even more. There's one quill. There's two quills. There's three
01:49That's a lot of quills. Yeah, I know there's five quills
01:53How did those quills not stick together are they far enough apart?
01:56I think so guys comment down below how many magnets you think this guy is using but look at this
02:02This looks exactly like me egg, man, bro. That's gotta be at least five magnets
02:08What yo you did like the smile thing? That's so cool. How did he do that? I don't know, but what is he building now?
02:15Is this a podium?
02:19Whoa, this looks cool. It does look cool. But what is this? I don't know
02:25There's a big magnet right there, it's a it's a sonic spinner, that's so cool. Wait, it's the spin dash. Whoa
02:35Oh my gosh, it's Sonic running right now. These people are really talented with their artwork wait, but what's about to happen?
02:43Stop motion animation, holy Sigma Sonic's running and now I'm collecting all the rings
02:50So they made what they made in the beginning, but for real we saw how they made it
02:55This is so cool. Look at how many rings there are. Whoa. Oh
03:00My gosh
03:05Holy you just got cooked on oh, man
03:15What happened to the sonic magnet
03:18I'm pretty sure the sonic magnet is dead as a doorknob
03:21Well, like man, that's not all because we now have to see team Sonic as a magnet as well
03:27Really? There's more of you. Yep. That's right. Well, is that man gonna be there now?
03:32I don't know about an Eggman magnet, but it's not really more of me Eggman. It's the whole team Sonic
03:38No, here we go. Eggman. Look
03:40Wait, this is so cool. It's all your friends. I know right?
03:45And there are other projects look really cool. Yeah, there are there are other projects are super cool
03:49All right. There's the sonic magnet, but he's starting off with the knuckles magnet clearly. I
03:55Like the coloring. Whoa, this looks cool
03:58This does look cool. He's got a hole in his head because he has no brain
04:03Shut up Eggman knuckles has a brain. He's just a little bit slow. That's a lie. So why?
04:10The heads now built let's see the body now. These are so cool Eggman
04:15This is really cool guys. Comment down below if you want to see us react to their other projects
04:20Yeah, exactly. That would be so cool. And wait a second. Hold on after knuckles
04:24Do you think it's gonna be tails or someone else like silver someone else like Eggman? Yeah, okay
04:30That's not what I said, but look at knuckles. He looks so cool
04:33Now all they have to do is build the arms and then the dreads
04:37How are they gonna get his dreads correctly I have no clue that's probably gonna be a little bit challenging
04:43Wait, that fist looks perfect. It's got the little spikes on it as well. I know that looks so awesome. Oh
04:50There's the first dread
04:52There's the second dread. Okay
04:58That worked out really well that actually yo that actually looks pretty cool egg, man
05:02I mean look at it compared to the sonic one. They look pretty cool. Don't they?
05:05Yeah, he looks a lot less bald than you dude. Really? Come on. You look hairless. Shut up. No, I don't look
05:13I have the quills. Yeah, but they're on the back of you. This guy at least has hair shake your dreads knuckles
05:18Shake your dreads. Oh my gosh Eggman. You're so dumb and don't call me bald. You literally are bald
05:24I never said it was a bad thing. You only took it as a bad thing because I have quills
05:28You're so annoying. All right. Anyways, I want to see the rest of Team Sonic. I
05:33want to see
05:35My gosh, you guys just waved. How did you do that? But guess who's getting made next?
05:41Agent stone what? Oh
05:44Dude, are you dumb? Are you dumb?
05:48Dude, stop. Helloing me. It's tails. Clearly. Are you sure? Yes
05:52I'm sure guys comment down below if you think this is tails or
05:56Agent stone tears. What do you mean tears? I said tails errors. Oh my gosh Eggman. You're so annoying. No, no, I'm not
06:04Wait, but look there's tails his face. Oh tails looks chopped. No, he doesn't he looks so cool
06:12All right. Let's see how it goes
06:15This looks awesome. Yeah, that's chopped. No, it's not
06:20Like chopped cheese from the streets of New York City. Shut up Eggman. Stop calling tails chopped. Look at him
06:26He looks so awesome. They literally added the hair too. Did you see that? I did see the hair
06:30That was a nice attention to detail
06:35Look it's the body
06:37That's a lot of white on his tummy tum tums. That's kind of as round as I am
06:41Well, that's what tails looks like and no, it's not as round as you
06:45I'm pretty sure tails might just be rounder than me. I don't think so
06:53Look there's the twin tails. There's one. There's two there's two of them Wow
06:59They added the arms, too. Yay, that was so cool. Wait, are they making the spinner?
07:05I think they're making the spinner again. Like they're gonna make everyone run
07:09They're gonna give everyone spinners. I think so. Yep. There's tails next. Oh my gosh. This is so cool Eggman
07:16Wait, and then there's the next one. Whoa
07:20That's knuckles his feet. All right, here we go. Eggman watch this. I'm ready. I'm ready
07:25There's the first one. There's the second one and there's the third one Eggman. These all look so cool
07:31Those aren't the coolest things ever. I know right guys comment down below
07:35Which magnet is your favorite the knuckles magnet the tails magnet or the sonic magnet?
07:41Obviously mine's a sonic magnet. Mine is the Eggman. There's no Eggman magnet
07:46Soon, there will be soon your magnet would be the size of a plant
07:52But I wonder what they're about to bring into the frame
07:56It's the twin tails
08:00There's a gold ring, oh my gosh, that's so cool. Oh and there they go
08:06They're running away. They're getting all the rings
08:10This is so cool Eggman
08:13They did poses
08:15They did poses. Oh
08:17This is so cool Eggman
08:20They did poses
08:24Yo, Eggman, yeah, here you go. Here's a magnet version of you. This is me. Yes. Look to just to make you happy
08:33Stupid dude, it's a magnet of you. What are you talking about?
08:41They didn't make one. Oh, there's your body wait, what's next? Okay, there's there's two there's your mustaches
08:47Oh boy. What do you mean? Oh boy. Look, it's a magnet of you
08:55Look that looks just like you
08:57No, I don't like this. What do you mean? Why are there balls inside of me?
09:02You're just putting their balls deep inside of me. Who's doing that? Look, they're just putting magnet balls in you
09:07You know what my magnets better than your magnet what no, it's not it's not it is
09:14It is and all the knowers know comment down below if you also agree
09:18Anyways, if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you click another video on screen and like and subscribe for more
09:22We'll see you in the next one. Bye subscribe
