• 3 days ago
Sonic and Amy are LOVERS in Among Us...


#roblox #sonic #speedyblox

None of these actions should be replicated in real life, these videos are purely for entertainment

(All Sonic Characters rightfully belong to SEGA, these videos are created as a form of fan parodies and reactions intended for the purpose of entertainment)
00:00Today we played among us, but we turned the lovers roll up to 100%
00:06This means that two people have to be lovers with each other and let me just tell you this it gets kind of sus
00:12Alright guys who's ready to possibly become lovers with each other?
00:18Yeah, whoa, all right, let's go
00:22This is so sus. We're gonna love each other
00:25Not as much as I love Sonic. Give me the Eggman lover. All right, let's see. Let's see. Oh
00:31I'm the imposter first
00:40Okay, well it looks like I'm the imposter and I am NOT the one who is in love with anyone
00:45So this is kind of crazy, but the two lovers have to stick with each other no matter what so I'll be able to identify
00:51Them super quickly for sure. Anyways, let me go ahead and wait. Is it Eggman and Knuckles?
00:57No way. Are they the lovers?
01:00Shoot, I think people are getting suspicious of me. I gotta move. I gotta move
01:08Knuckles is scaring me. Okay, everybody's safe
01:11My lover is safe and I'm also the jester
01:15So maybe I should try to do a jester win or I should do the lover win
01:20Which is just surviving until the end. All right, let's see. Oh, is there a body? Nobody? Okay, now I'm gonna leave. All right
01:27So it looks like I'm gonna have to try and find someone who is alone so I can kill them, but I'm not sure who
01:34Oh, whatever. I'm just gonna do my task and not think about him. Who does your heart belong to if not the Eggman it belongs to?
01:42Hey, who's in there? Hey!
01:44Aw, man. Well, at least I don't have to be lovers with Eggman anymore
01:49Alright, I'm just gonna act like I was on security the whole time. Okay, it's definitely Eggman and Knuckles that are the lovers
01:55What? What happened there?
01:57How could you?
01:59How could you kill my lover? Wait, you and Amy were lovers?
02:04Yeah, you were dating. Wait, I thought it was you and Knuckles cuz you guys are sticking together
02:10No, maybe Amy and I are in a very tight relationship and there's no room for anybody else. Sonic
02:15Are you hearing all of this? Does this make you mad?
02:17I don't think Amy wanted to be there. Guys, this kill happened in the last like five to ten seconds because I was texting Amy
02:25I'll explain where they died
02:27They died in med bay right before I could go in there though
02:31The door closed the killer must have killed them and then vented
02:36Okay, okay. I guess they vented to security cuz I did put a trap up in
02:42Electrical wait, wait, wait, wait, wait
02:44What if that's a cover story for tails actually being the imposter or what if Sonic's the imposter?
02:50And he just went to med bay and killed Amy because he thought she was annoying and was jealous that she was in love with me
02:58Sonic didn't know that you guys were lovers yet
03:01I actually thought you and Knuckles were lovers cuz you guys were sticking together the whole time. Yo, Chad, am I muted?
03:06Are you kidding me? You were muted. Honestly, I think it's dr. Eggman
03:10It's not dr. Eggman. What did he killed Amy cuz he couldn't have her. Okay, you know, how about how about we just skip the votes?
03:16So until we have more evidence, it's tails. He tried voting on my eggy
03:20I was with Eggman the whole round and he didn't kill anybody. Wait, who voted me? I did. I know what you did
03:27Well, you know what? It looks like I gotta go and finish my
03:31Tasks. Yeah, my task is killing people. There's Knuckles
03:35So it looks like Amy and Eggman were lovers and I eliminated them if I kill Knuckles and they're gonna be suspicious of tails
03:43That would be perfect. And then I can go on to the next round where I get the lovers role
03:48I don't know if I trust Knuckles at all. Yeah, there's just no way it's that long. I don't trust him
03:54Oh, and are you kidding me Sonic? Okay, he's not slick at all
04:00Sonic is not slick Sonic. What are you serious? What did I do?
04:05I believe I leave med bay for two seconds. I go back in and Knuckles is dead
04:12That wasn't me. Like are you think I'm stupid earlier?
04:16You killed Amy and now you killed the Knuckles
04:20Do you wanna explain Sonic what just happened cuz I was looking at the security cameras
04:25Went down, buddy
04:27Okay, maybe I am a big coach, you know, that's fine
04:29It's fine vote me out now because that just gives me a chance on the next game to get the lovers role
04:34But you're not gonna be a lover because no one's gonna love you Eggman. No one loves you
04:39I'm do you know I'm voting you I know I'm voting for it. What wait who voted egg boy?
04:46Wait, I could win this I could win
04:52Nice we literally know who the imposter is. Why are we voting for Eggman? I feel like I'm gonna get voted out
04:59No guys, it's Eggman. I can explain you better start talking right now Sonic because um, two people voted in
05:07That makes no sense. Okay, fine. Fine. Um, just don't vote me. Well, what kind of a defense is that?
05:13I was pretty promising. I don't know Eggman. He tried to get you killed last round
05:19Kill him get him out of here. Fine. Fine. I'm I guess I did lose this one. It's fine because next round
05:25I will get the lovers role the love of my life. Amy will come back to life this round, you know, Sonic
05:31I really gotta say. Thank you. Thank you for putting me out of my misery of being forced to be lovers with egghead
05:38All right. Let's see who gets the lovers role now. Wait a second. I'm in love with shadow
05:45No, I don't wanna be in love with Sonic
05:51Wow, when I come to Sonic's rescue, he's gonna be like, oh my gosh, Amy
05:55You're so cool and amazing you marry me and I'm gonna say yes, of course, dear
05:59I love you so so much. Isn't that right Sonic? Oh look, you could hear me right now. That's okay
06:05I'll just be done all my task and make sure to expose the imposters. I wish I
06:12Could kill
06:14You so bad. Yeah, that'll show him. I want you dead
06:19I want you buried and he has to find the imposter. I guess I should say yes
06:26Now, let's kill
06:28Everyone who is annoying. Yes. Now, let's kill everyone who is annoying. You are a grumpy pants
06:37starts with egg
06:39Egghead egghead. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
06:44Sonic said I gotta kill you. Yeah, I'm sorry
06:52You wonder why Sonic is I haven't seen him since I saw him just hanging out with shadow
06:57Maybe I should ask him what that's all about. But first, let me check the cameras any cute hedgehogs. Nope. Nope
07:10There's Amy right there, let's see. Are we gonna win as the lovers we have to right? There's no way we don't
07:15All right. So now I go over and accept the diverted power. But hold on. I have a task right here
07:22Hold on. Who do we kill next? No comes. Yeah
07:25Holy sauce. Um, I don't know. I don't know who we should kill next
07:29I mean, I wonder if they're ever gonna find eggheads dead dead body get away from me tails you
07:35Sicko, I don't know that filthy foxes
07:41Eggman no
07:43Tails tails, I have I have a perfectly good explanation
07:47You better start talking tails cuz you're looking mighty sus right now tails. Was it you know?
07:54I saw a man's dead body. I looked at it and I decided not to report it
07:59What's why I just don't like Eggman. Okay, so tails is the jester. Don't vote him out
08:04Yeah, I don't think tails is the imposter. He would have killed me when the lights were out if he was I
08:09Thought fart man would be the imposter, but I guess fart man isn't that's so crazy that he's dead
08:15I hate whoever killed him. I'll get revenge
08:19You'll see but if tails is probably the jester and knuckles was the one who reported the body. Maybe we should skip
08:27Maybe we should skip you're right shnookums
08:34Wait, I get it guys
08:36Sonic has the lover role and he's in love with me. What what what are you talking about?
08:43Knuckles just skip the vote
08:45Knuckles skip the vote. You're gross. Why would I skip the vote?
08:48You have the lover role and you're clearly in love with me knuckles. That's not how the lover role works
08:54Yes, wait, what are you trying to hint at now if if I'm clearly in love with you, dude, are you gonna vote me?
09:00No, I'm just gonna I'm just gonna skip and I'm gonna let you down easy later. Oh
09:06You're getting rejected by knuckles. How do you feel Sonic Sonic? I'm so sorry for your loss. You can pull up a chair
09:16All right, mute up oh man, I love messing with shadow
09:20He's so he's so fun to mess with but anyways, I'm just gonna go ahead and I'm gonna continue doing my tasks
09:26actually, I
09:30Really want that stupid Fox dead. Oh, you want the stupid Fox said you want tails head? You know what?
09:38Sure, pookie wookie
09:42Shnook shnookums. Oh, yeah. Oh tails is right here. Hey tails. Oh, we need someone to get to Oh to
09:50Actually, no, we don't if the imposter wins it I went to because I'm in love with the imposter
09:55six five three five nine
09:59Gosh, we were so slow. Thank goodness guys
10:03I thought you were seriously gonna die like that that that would have been so embarrassing follow me
10:09Lovers stick together my grizzly bear dude. What is that nickname? Oh my gosh, you're you're okay
10:17That's worse than pookie. Yeah, follow me. Come on. Let's let's go shadow watch down here Amy Amy needs to die
10:24I'm asking Sonic if I should
10:26Do it
10:28Do it
10:37Come on go go go let's bounce hearts. I'm just this is so cool. The lover says actually kind of crazy
10:42I think I accidentally tracked down Sonic. Well, that's fine
10:46I like tracking down my friend. Wait, there's a body in medbay. I'm gonna go check it out. We died
10:52Hold on. I'm I'm awaited the trolls shadow. Yo lover. How do we win? Oh, there we go reactor
11:00That's how we win easy. All right, you can kill someone in reactor. Oh, brah. Oh, no
11:06Amy's dead and tails found Amy. Are you really trying to get voted out as Jester that bad tails?
11:13No, I'm not even okay
11:15I'm not even the Jester which is
11:17Ironic that I'm saying that because it makes me sound more like the Jester and I originally wasn't going to report Amy at all
11:23I just thought that I just didn't want to go to reactor. So yeah, I reported her. She died probably so long ago
11:30It's been literally like four minutes. I don't think I bet you were just sitting on the body like last time
11:35I don't think she died that long ago. I can't explain. I don't think she died that long ago because before that I
11:42Just was looking around and I didn't see any signs of her dead body
11:47Yeah knuckles if you're muted tap in right now. I'm not muted
11:51I'm just pondering over all of this while I scratch my buddy. All right, then who do you think is the imposter guys?
11:57I think shadow is the imposter what no, it can't be shadow. I would never be the imposter
12:03What are you talking about? Don't vote my pookie grumpy pants like that
12:07Sonic Sonic, why would you call me pookie in front of them? Oh, no, they know that we're the lovers role. No, I mean, um
12:16It's alright Sonic. They don't know that I'm the imposter yet. Dude. Are you wait Sonic?
12:22You aren't in love with me. No, dude. I have the lovers role with shadow
12:26Guys guys, it's um, um, it's Sonic. It's Sonic. Okay. It's not me. What are you blaming me?
12:34Don't do that, you know what I don't make me vote you shadow our love was never that strong Sonic. Yo, that's it
12:42You're getting voted out just for that. I'm killing you. I'm killing you next. Nah, you're dying next
12:48You're dead Sonic. Do you hear me? We have nothing it meant nothing to me you
12:56Are special
13:01Bro how could I lose is it cuz I voted out my lover?
13:05Obviously, I can't believe you would turn on your lover. I would never do that. How could you kill me?
13:10I could have been a side piece
13:13Why did you report my body when shadow killed me in the front of your very eyes? I was the snitch
13:19Oh, um, he was he was telling me like should I do it and I was like, yeah, sure. Why not?
13:23No one's around Sonic told me everybody to kill tails. You were next. Yeah, you were next sales. All right
13:29Well, anyways, let's get on to the next round and let's see who's gonna be lovers
13:35Wait, it looks like I'm lovers with Amy and I'm the imposter
13:39Wait a second Amy just said that she loves me pookie and you can be mine
13:45Snookums let's go do your tasks lead lead the way Amy
13:54Sonic's my lover Sonic's my lover look at him. He has a little hide above his head just like the one above mine
14:00Oh my gosh, this is so romantic. It's like we're almost actually dating
14:04I wonder when it'll tell me that someone has died as my boyfriend
14:09You're supposed to compliment me as my lover. You're supposed to compliment me as my boy
14:17Friend you're supposed to what?
14:19Of course we're dating now do more tasks. What are you talking? Yo, we're not dating what?
14:27Oh my gosh, dude. What is Amy talking about? She's being a little bit weird. Wait, I can kill Amy
14:32Actually, I could I can't do it cuz she's my lover, but I could I don't think anyone has died yet
14:38Because as the seer it said I could see what people die
14:41I don't know if I ever will see people die. Like I don't know. I don't know how to do this, dude
14:46Why is she still? Oh my gosh. She's dragging this. All right, that's it. Well shadow. I'm sorry, but you're in here guys. I'm scared
14:57What was that what was that flash blue did someone just die they're lovers together and one of them is the medic
15:04How could this happen?
15:06It'll be just me and him alone together. It's been like six seconds since the kill
15:14Ten twelve, you know, I'm gonna cut in my head, but now I have to listen to everything that they're saying in text chat
15:21This is so dumb. I'm waiting for you. Where are you?
15:28Okay. Yeah, what's up? Eggman? It's probably not you cuz you and me just found the body together
15:34You're talking awfully quick Sonic. What do you mean? This kill was done 30 seconds ago
15:41How do you know that yeah, how do you know that are you the imposter wait a second? Yeah, dude, why that's weird
15:48Because I can see when people die. Are you like a medic or something? I have a role
15:54Okay, dude, what what role it's a crewmate role. No, it's definitely an imposter role
16:00I feel like it's egghead, but there might not be enough evidence
16:03It's not true, but I did see you walk away from the body and then double back to report it
16:08Yeah, because I didn't see it. I didn't see it. And then I saw Sonic Sonic. I I have a question
16:14What is it Knuckles by any chance? Were you in medbay?
16:17Um, I was at some point. Yes. Uh-huh. Has anyone else been to medbay?
16:27Sonic and tails both went to medbay and the vent opened in medbay
16:32I saw it with my camera as tails the engineer tails has never been an engineer
16:42I think you're in love with me again. No, I'm not. All right, I'm skipping I'm skipping this
16:50Even though I have insider
16:52Information. Also, I have my medbay scan if anybody would like to watch me
16:57I don't want to watch you ever egghead. You can go away for all I care. Shut up, baby
17:01Shut up. You're my ex-wife
17:10We were in love
17:11All right egghead is actually really weird, but it's fine because now Amy and I are lovers and wait, why am I highlighted blue?
17:17What's going on? Okay. Anyways, Amy and I are lovers Eggman is the worst
17:22I only have eyes for you Sonic. Should I kill her butt stink?
17:27You got it Amy, all right, there's her butt stink. Hello. Hello. Hello robot stink get rid of that stinky old fart
17:36Well, I can't in medbay cuz there's cameras. Where are the imposters at? There's knuckles
17:41Let me stand right here right in view of the camera. Look at me
17:45I'm on camera if I get killed, uh, that would be awkward cuz I'm on camera
17:50That's what the game put us as lovies I love you so much Sonic
17:55You're the best and most handsome
17:59Hedgehog in the world. Remember this this is just among us
18:07Remember, this is just among us. Yeah, where's Amy at actually? Yeah, there's a lot of love among us both for each other
18:14You're so silly dear dude. What is she talking about? Oh, there's robot stink. Hey robot stink
18:20Come on, come on robot stink. Let's go together. Let's go this way
18:25If I can get Amy to vouch for me, then that's awesome guys. I think Sonic is an imposter
18:30okay, because he is friendly with everybody and he's always with somebody and
18:37The imposter is always among us because I wanna hear your voice again
18:44Trying to kill Eggman. He's going towards security. I saw him. I saw him
18:50Sonic, you're so precious to me. I haven't seen any bodies drop with my ability yet
18:57I wonder when it's gonna happen. Amy's here doing tasks at this point. We're gonna get a crewmate victory
19:04That's it. I can't believe you. Why wouldn't you wanna kiss me? I'm calling a meeting right now
19:10Why'd you call a meeting?
19:11Well, I was calling a meeting because I figured we could all share all of our information
19:17Sonic what you go face cuz I wanna hear your voice. It's been too long. That's why you call the meeting
19:22What no, it's totally for the spread of information and not just to make Sonic talk and tell him that I love him and things
19:28Like that. I was in I was in I don't even know where I was at
19:33Oh, I was a little bit of everywhere. That's where you were. Yeah, I was walking around everywhere
19:38Do I've gone up and down and all around that's right. I was watching you like a hawk
19:44You know what Knuckles I think you should do your tasks, why would I do my task?
19:48I'm a security guard not a crewmate a security guard is a crewmate idiot. Oh, I haven't I have to do those
19:55I thought there were suggestions. No. Oh my gosh. We could get a crewmate win if you do your tasks
20:02Wait, unless Knuckles is lying. He could be the imposter. No, he put down like six cameras
20:07It's pretty hard to say he's lying
20:09So what if you're the imposter cuz you're trying to accuse hold on Sonny just blew my mind it is tails
20:18How about we vote tails, what do you mean vote tails I thought tails had a special role
20:26I'm almost done with my last test. So I'll be waiting for that reward
20:31We hold on. Holy suss. I'm not rewarding you
20:34I'm talking about something very important that Sonic has not yet. You know done yet. So he has to well there goes tails
20:45Meet me at lower engine. I'm gonna do my last task. I'm gonna do my last task
20:50I'm gonna do my last task and get a kiss from Sonic. Okay, Amy's talking about some kiss. I'm not
20:58Kissing you. Yeah, I'm not kissing Amy. I'm not gonna lie. She's crazy, bro
21:03What if I go to security and I kill like egg fart or something scrolling up the messages I can't see your response
21:08I'm not
21:10Kissing you
21:12I'm not kidding. Oh, she's lying about the game bugging bro. What I'm not meeting you there. No, I won't
21:22Okay, you better you better turn the lights back on low but low bro boom. Oh, yeah
21:33Well, I'm not giving you a smooch bro, what are you talking about?
21:37And that should be my reward. Um, you know what? I I think I'm good on that
21:46Wait what no, all right
21:48Well, you know it says the lovers win if you guys enjoyed this video
21:51Make sure you click another video on screen to like subscribe for more. We'll see in the next one. Bye