• 3 days ago
As part of the Mrs Yorkshire podcast we speak to Laura Whittle of Whitby Seafoods - the home of scampi who sponsor the podcast.
00:00Why is Scampi good for you?
00:01So it's got 47% of your RDA of iron, it has about a third of your RDA of calcium,
00:08it's got selenium in it which is really really good for preventing like cancers and that sort
00:15of thing and it also has long-chain omega-3. We eat loads of short-chain omega-3 and vegetable
00:20oils that's in those things, we have loads of that but we don't have much long-chain omega-3
00:24which is really good for children's brain development, it's really good for our brain
00:29development and we don't yet know, we don't yet know like how important it is to eat,
00:34we think that it's, scientists think that it could be important for other things as well so
00:38it's got like, it's a superfood, basically that's what I say at work everyone takes a
00:41Mickey and like Scampi is a superfood but it has got loads of nutritional value and it's a
00:46source of protein. So we'll be hearing all about Whitby Scampi and how it became so popular and
00:53thrives today, four years on with Norbert in our Mrs Yorkshire podcast.
