• 4 hours ago


00:00What are we doing?
00:03What the f*** is that?
00:05Why is this dog over my shoulder?
00:08Okay ladies, we're going to watch a bonus scene.
00:16Did you fry tea?
00:17I'm ready.
00:18Me too.
00:19It's like he's not a Peter Pan.
00:26The guy is getting old.
00:28How old is he?
00:30I thought he was 57 because I thought he was like my dad's age.
00:33I mean, he has a good body for his age, but the face isn't giving.
00:38It's time to see the new true justice by the name of Sexman.
00:50I always wanted to do the sex therapies because that was one of our issues, you know?
00:53I was intrigued.
00:54I was like, maybe we can learn something today about Julia.
00:57And I was trying to find something to crack that nut.
01:00Hers and mine.
01:02I am Sexman.
01:09I want to go forward with it.
01:11This open marriage idea.
01:12Is it a yes?
01:15Don't be so excited.
01:17There is no consideration for, okay, what will it take for me to be intimate with my
01:24It shows that there is some huge, huge intimacy disconnect here that we're not getting to
01:29the bottom of.
01:32Josh, where are you with things?
01:35I do love you and I do care for you.
01:37Oh, he said he loves me.
01:39Natalie needs somebody a hundred percent all the time.
01:44I'm scared to give that to her.
01:47I'm like, I hope now this is going to be okay.
01:49How is she going to act?
01:50What's going to happen?
01:51Is she going to yell at me?
01:52You know, I didn't know.
01:53I was in my head thinking the whole time.
01:54Is this the right decision?
01:58I mean, I know Jasmine has needs and I felt like I needed to take action now.
02:04The only reason I agreed to the whole open marriage idea because Jasmine told me Matt
02:10was gay.
02:11Why would a gay man want to have sex with Jasmine?
02:14She just played you.
02:15I mean, yeah.
02:27What's up, man?
02:28You got to say, Gino boy!
02:29Gino boy!
02:30Gino boy!
02:31To your health.
02:34To you.
02:35Oh, to you.
02:36Okay, we're now going to watch Gino, your shopping trip with Jasmine.
02:39Come on, I want to watch Josh and Natalie.
02:41That's more fun.
02:43I did put some more thought into it and, you know, I do, you know, I want to go forward
02:53with it.
02:54This open marriage idea.
02:56Oh no.
02:59She got him.
03:00Is it a yes?
03:03Don't be so excited.
03:05So it's like she can just f*** anyone and then he has to just be loyal to her?
03:09But he doesn't want to be f***ed by Jasmine.
03:12That's f***ed up.
03:13Yeah, that's f***ed up.
03:14I mean, you are just put big point to your marriage.
03:17Like, like, you're gonna broken up soon.
03:21You know, I love you very much and I don't want to lose you and I feel like I'm on the
03:26verge of losing you because you're always getting angry about, you know, not having
03:33You're always mad at me about it.
03:35I feel like I need to take action.
03:39Like now.
03:41I think that Gino is agreeing to go along with something that he is not ready for.
03:48Gino has convinced himself that he doesn't want to be with Jasmine physically, but he
03:54doesn't want to be alone either.
03:57And so when faced with, okay, can she be with someone else or should I, can I be with her?
04:04He chooses for her to be with someone else.
04:07There is no consideration for, oh, okay, what will it take for me to be intimate with
04:13my wife, right?
04:16And I think that his response saying, oh, well, I have to do this open marriage or I
04:21have to end things with her shows that there is some huge, huge intimacy disconnect here
04:29that we're not getting to the bottom of.
04:31And I think it has a lot less to do with, oh, I need an emotional connection and more
04:36of like, I need you to do what I'm telling you to do.
04:41I need you to follow what I say.
04:46And that is not okay.
04:50So you said there's a guy named Matt that you already said this is going to be the person
04:55you want to have this relationship with.
05:03He has been a very unconditional friend.
05:05You know, we have a lot of things in common.
05:07When I was in the room with Jasmine and she FaceTimed Matt, I instantly saw the connection
05:12between them.
05:13And it was kind of undeniable.
05:14Gino's going to have a rude awakening because I feel like it's going to turn into something
05:20more than what he expects.
05:24Is he single?
05:26He's single.
05:27His wife?
05:29I would say that he is single and not looking for anything serious just to have fun.
05:33The only reason I agree to the whole open marriage idea, because Jasmine told me Matt
05:39was gay during the resort.
05:44So basically Jasmine lied.
05:45Why would a gay man want to have sex with Jasmine?
05:49Like, I don't know any gay men that enjoy having sex with women.
05:56That's why they're gay.
05:59Well, this gay person could have sex with Jasmine.
06:02Oh, man.
06:04No, hold on.
06:05I mean, like, just to potentially satisfy her needs, right?
06:08As a friend.
06:09You guys were just going to borrow it and that was going to be it?
06:12Kind of.
06:15Gino, you're trying to make sense of it right now to me and it doesn't make sense.
06:18What are you talking about?
06:19Oh, don't worry.
06:20He's gay.
06:21I'm just going to jump on it.
06:24Because that's what he likes and he's doing it to do a favor to you guys.
06:29Or something.
06:33I mean, like...
06:34They don't like to do that either.
06:35She understands by telling you he's gay, you're not going to be, like, too much involved into
06:41the actual relationship.
06:42She just played you and you're just like, okay, well, he's gay.
06:45They're just going to use...
06:47It doesn't work that way.
06:49You got taken for a ride.
06:51I mean...
06:53Okay, ladies.
06:54We're going to watch a bonus scene.
06:55This is never-before-seen footage.
06:57Did you get ready?
06:58I'm ready.
06:59Me too.
07:00I'm born ready.
07:01Sophie, this is when you have a chat with Natalie on the patio.
07:03I forgot how this conversation went.
07:04Hi, Sophie.
07:06Good morning.
07:07Good morning.
07:08Do you want some coffee?
07:09Yeah, sure.
07:10How was your day?
07:11It was good.
07:12How's yours going?
07:13Would you like to take me?
07:14Yeah, sure.
07:17Yeah, we're very up and down.
07:34One day we'll laugh together and we're having a good time.
07:37And the next day it's like I hate him because he's mean to me.
07:40And it's like we have the repermitment ceremony coming up and I have to really make a decision
07:44Because he's moving to LA.
07:46Like, he's moving from a different state.
07:47So it's like, I'm going to decide
07:49whether I'm going with him, or we're just going to separate.
07:51Oh, LA is cool.
07:53What's holding you back?
07:55In Austin, I've been there for nearly two years now.
07:57And it's like, I have finally made some friends.
07:59And I have, like, a support system.
08:01And I know if I move to LA, I'm just
08:02going to be alone again and have to start my life again.
08:05Well, I'll tell you one thing.
08:07If you move to LA, you will not be alone.
08:11If you would let me and give me a chance
08:13to show my different side of, like, as a friend,
08:16I'm the best.
08:19I want to believe that Natalie was being
08:21genuine about offering a friendship to Sophie.
08:28But maybe she's just full of shit.
08:32And she's just saying it because she knows
08:35that she's going to look very bad.
08:37And now she's trying to redeem herself,
08:40not because she actually cares about what she did to Sophie,
08:45but because of what other people are thinking of her.
08:49So if you could build a friendship,
08:51I think you would see a different side of me.
08:54So I actually did go to LA.
08:56And it's weird because she actually
08:59tried to hang out with me.
09:00What's she saying?
09:01Like, I was meeting up with this girl in LA who knows Natalie.
09:04And Natalie was like, oh, is Sophie going?
09:05Can I come?
09:06Like, she wants to come to dinner with me.
09:08And I told the girl, I'm like, I mean,
09:10no, like, we're not friends.
09:13I can't be fake.
09:14Like, I don't like her.
09:15I'm sorry.
09:15Like, even if she comes to me, I don't believe any
09:17of the apologies she's given.
09:18I don't believe she sees me as a competition.
09:21Why would I want to be friends with a woman that sees me
09:23as a competition and makes dicks at me and talks
09:25shit about me?
09:26Like, I'm not a pushover.
09:27I'm not going to be like, oh, yeah, it's OK.
09:29Come to dinner with me.
09:31Absolutely not.
09:32And I think she kind of thinks I'm a little bit of a pushover.
09:34I don't know what it is.
09:35To think that I would be OK with having dinner
09:37with her after everything?
09:40I was already caught up into a situation where I was weak
09:43and I attacked you for no reason.
09:46And I felt like an idiot.
09:48It's because guys do that.
09:49Like, they send us crazy.
09:51Well, yeah.
09:52It's what she did to me.
09:53It's like our reactions.
09:54Thank you for saying it.
09:55Yeah, and they, like, blame our reaction
09:57to their, like, disrespect to us.
09:59It's our fault.
10:01Guys send us great.
10:02It's always our fault.
10:04Why is she acting that way?
10:05They look like the calm ones, and they
10:06haven't done anything wrong.
10:07But that's not true.
10:09Very typical.
10:10It's always our fault. Our disrespect, our fault.
10:13Their disrespect, our fault.
10:15Well, her telling before, I want to make Natalie jealous.
10:18She did, right?
10:19But apparently, that's, you know, that's Josh's fault.
10:26But it's somebody, it's a guy's fault, though.
10:28There's a guy here whose fault it is.
10:30He knows I feel for him.
10:32You know, I wouldn't be here.
10:33Like, come on.
10:35She's really opening up to Sophie.
10:37She has to feel comfortable and connected
10:39to be able to do that.
10:40It feels like he's in charge of telling me back, closer,
10:45back, closer.
10:46So I'm the one, like, waiting.
10:48Watching Natalie and Sophie, it was borderline shocking,
10:53right, to see them have such a moment.
10:56Dare I even say a little connection there?
10:59But more importantly, you can see
11:01that Natalie not only wanted to open up and connect with Sophie,
11:05but she wanted to be there in some way.
11:07It took a lot for Sophie as well,
11:08because we know Sophie has some feelings towards Natalie.
11:12We know Sophie has been hurt more than once by Natalie.
11:16So I really, I've seen the growth that Sophie's made.
11:19So this was another example to me
11:21of her having done some type of work
11:23to sit there in that space with her.
11:25I think you deserve better than him, to be honest.
11:27He's just a player.
11:28Like, I don't think you should take him seriously.
11:30Who's getting old?
11:33I'm just getting better.
11:34I'm like a fine wine.
11:36It's like, he's not a Peter Pan from, you know,
11:39I mean, the guy is getting old.
11:43They called me an old player.
11:48They called me an old player.
11:49You know what?
11:50I mean, call me Peter Pan.
11:52Call me whatever you want.
11:53Call me Hugh Hefner.
11:54Yeah, you're not going to hurt my feelings, OK?
11:57How old is he?
12:0043 is still kind of young.
12:01Yes, he's super young.
12:0243 is still kind of young.
12:03What's up with him?
12:04I thought he was in his 50s, for sure.
12:06I thought he was like my dad's age.
12:07No, I thought he was 57, because like, I mean,
12:11he has a good body for his age.
12:14But like, the face isn't giving.
12:17Like, body's good.
12:19Fashion's good.
12:20But the body's giving like 30.
12:23How did you know?
12:24No, that's generous.
12:25That's Rob's.
12:25Rob's older than that.
12:28I'm trying to be nice.
12:29I feel mean, because I thought he was 57.
12:30So that's kind of bad.
12:32I'm trying to be nice.
12:34I'm trying to give him something.
12:40Gino's willing to do things in front
12:41of this group of essentially strangers
12:44that he's not willing to do in the bedroom.
12:48And I can't present solutions to people who don't
12:52believe they have problems.
12:57Oh, you know why this itch?
13:00For money.
13:02Left arm.
13:03I already teach Brennan.
13:04He already know.
13:05So left arm itch for money.
13:11You're going to get money?
13:12Yeah, somebody's going to give me money.
13:15What if you're right?
13:16Somebody's going to say hi to me.
13:17New person.
13:19Does that come true every time?
13:20All the time.
13:21Ha ha!
13:23OK, we are now going to watch some never-before-seen footage.
13:27This is group sex therapy.
13:29Oh, boy.
13:31At least it's group sex therapy, not group sex.
13:45Well, hello.
13:47Come on in.
13:49Make yourselves comfortable.
13:51Find a pillow.
13:52Welcome to your next sexuality session.
13:56What I like to do is open folks' eyes and perception
14:03to the landscape of yes.
14:06This exercise that I did, I created what I like
14:09to call a BDSM playground.
14:11It had a bunch of kind of wild, crazy toys and accessories
14:17that you can use in the bedroom.
14:19I think for a lot of these couples,
14:21things have gotten a little stale.
14:22I want to get them out of their heads
14:24and out of that space of like, am I doing this right?
14:27Will they like it?
14:28Am I normal?
14:30And kind of into a space of curiosity and play.
14:33Let's come up and look at the table.
14:35Let's just look at all of the things.
14:36Ask me any questions that you have.
14:38And then anything that you feel like,
14:41oh, I want to know what this is.
14:42I want to try this.
14:44Pick it up, and then let's have a conversation.
14:46Oh, my gosh!
14:49You have enough of those at home.
14:50It's a dog, it's a dog.
14:53Uh, what is, uh, no, don't be dog.
14:57Be dog.
15:01Oh, my God.
15:02Oh, my God.
15:05What is this?
15:07This city has been plagued by crime too long.
15:13It's time this city knew true justice by the name of Sex Man!
15:18Sex Man!
15:19Sex Man!
15:20I was like, God, Reba.
15:22Reba brought more of her fun toys.
15:24Yeah, Reba's got a lot of fun toys.
15:27I knew these weren't here for this show.
15:29I knew we were going to be playing
15:30with some of these things.
15:32I was intrigued.
15:33Same, I was intrigued.
15:34I was like, maybe we can learn something today about Julia.
15:37I always wanted to do the sex therapies,
15:38because that was one of our issues, you know?
15:40And I was trying to find something to crack that nut.
15:44Hers and mine.
15:48I think this is exactly the type of stuff
15:50Brandon needs to be choosing.
15:51He needs to be choosing the sex dog mask and go be a dog
15:56with your wife.
15:57God, I don't have to look at you anymore.
15:58This is awesome.
15:59This is like some freaky shit, man.
16:00Girls like the, like, even if they know it's you,
16:02they like just like that feel of like, oh, I can imagine.
16:04I don't know.
16:06That is.
16:07She likes that shit.
16:10Nah, that's it right there.
16:12I was really shocked at Brandon and his sex man.
16:16And I think Julia really needed to see that.
16:18He wants to have a baby.
16:19And so every time they get into this space,
16:20it's like, ah, baby, baby, baby in her mind.
16:23And so now she sees sex man, and it's funny,
16:26and really brings her back into, like, fun and connection.
16:30And that's exactly what I was hoping for.
16:32Can I ship this to Michigan so I can sit
16:34in town outside in the patio?
16:36Do you want to try it out?
16:40Come on, guys.
16:41Come on, let's see it.
16:42Yeah, let's do it.
16:43Come on.
16:44Well, I want to look at the table, too.
16:46I don't know.
16:48How is this?
16:49Oh, yeah.
16:51It's comfortable.
16:52This is comfortable.
16:53I like it.
16:54I'm relaxed.
16:55I'm ready, baby.
16:57Let's go, my friend.
16:58Let's go.
16:59You got this.
17:00Easy access.
17:01And now what?
17:02Oh, my god.
17:06That's what I tell them for both of them, you know?
17:09Like, even when I was there, hey, both of you,
17:11you need more activity, like something.
17:13Why don't you do dance class, like in the salsa dance,
17:16like something?
17:17You don't have to.
17:18Yeah, that's what he says.
17:19Like, Gino, I don't want to go like a zero hundred.
17:21He's right.
17:22Like, you know?
17:23That's what I saw.
17:23Like, you know, just when you do that,
17:25that is activity, like in the therapy.
17:27And then everything is changed, you know?
17:32Oh, man.
17:34Oh, oh.
17:35Woo, baby!
17:40Ah, Gino!
17:42It was fun to watch in person.
17:44Like, I was, like, into it.
17:45I was like, yeah, Gino, get it.
17:46Give it to her.
17:47Give it to her.
17:48You know?
17:49He was having a great time, and Jasmine
17:51was having a great time.
17:52It was like one of the few good moments
17:54Jasmine and I had at the resort.
17:56So I felt like, oh, my god, I have,
17:58it's giving me a little hope after the sex therapy session
18:01that, hell, I don't know.
18:03Maybe Jasmine and I can turn things around
18:05and surprise everybody.
18:09Take it home.
18:09Take it home.
18:12Oh, my lord.
18:13Gino's willing to do things in front
18:15of this group of essentially strangers
18:19that he's not willing to do in the bedroom.
18:22And my biggest question is, why?
18:26How are you so comfortable in front of these strangers
18:30but very anti and distant when it's in the bedroom
18:35with your partner?
18:36Unfortunately, I can't present solutions to people who don't.
18:44All right, Rob, you ready?
18:48What are we doing?
18:49What the hell is that?
18:51Why is this dog over my shoulder?
18:54You kept the mask?
18:56You haven't used it, though.
18:58Come on, bro.
19:00All right, I'm going to show you the last group therapy
19:02session, and it includes a never-before-seen moment
19:05between Julia and Natalie.
19:07Oh, cool.
19:10Today, we're really hoping that all of you
19:12come to this session with complete honesty in the things
19:16that we're going to talk about.
19:17So, Julia, let me just hear from you what's going
19:19through your mind with this.
19:36After bandage therapy, Rob told me Natalie throw away papers.
19:41And, like, I make airplanes and laughing.
19:43And when we're speaking about that situation,
19:46like, I'm agreed to doing the second opinion
19:49about my fertility test.
19:51Yeah, me and Rob were both pissed,
19:52because we were like, why is she talking
19:53to me while you were, like, having
19:55a really vulnerable moment?
19:57And that's what makes me so angry,
19:58because later Stacy can work this.
20:00And Florian, like, I'm so angry, too, because what the hell?
20:05I'm first person who come here and give your hand and say,
20:09Natalie, let's be in this together.
20:11Let's work out.
20:12Not that I'd be enemy.
20:13And first, what you tell Julia, you're fat.
20:17I'm very glad that Julia called Natalie out.
20:20Natalie know what she was doing.
20:23All she care in life is to be the center of attention.
20:27Attention, OK?
20:30And by attention, it could be good or bad.
20:34She doesn't care.
20:35As far as you're giving her attention, she's happy.
20:38You could be yelling, insulting her, you know?
20:41And you will feel like, oh, she felt bad,
20:43and now everybody's looking at her.
20:45She would be happy.
20:47She won't care about the insults.
20:49She will be like, OK, now I'm in the spotlight.
20:52Look at me.
20:54Yeah, that's Natalie.
21:06I say I don't want.
21:07I talk with her because I don't want to share in the group
21:36That was great, guys.
22:06Yeah, I would do differently now.
22:08Jasmine and Gino, where are we at right now?
22:21Look how excited Gino looks about it.
22:23Look at you, Rob.
22:24Right, because I'm just like.
22:25Look at how excited you look about it.
22:27I mean, I know Jasmine has needs, right?
22:30And I felt like I needed to take action now.
22:34I'm not an expert on open relationships,
22:37but I don't think it starts from the two people not having sex
22:40and one person going off to go have sex.
22:42That year, I feel like you're 100% right.
22:44I think most open relationships, the couple is having sex.
22:47If you're having sex with someone else,
22:48I feel like there's got to be something that brings you home.
22:51Maybe he doesn't suck toes the right way.
22:53He just doesn't get the pinky toe like I need it.
22:56And Gino, you're the only one that
22:57could ever get that pinky toe like I need it.
23:00Maybe he licks it the right way, and she realizes
23:03he was what she wanted all along,
23:05and they come back together.
23:07Do I think it's going to happen?
23:10I got to say, I don't think either of you
23:12guys are being realistic.
23:15Bro, you really think that you're going to be OK with it?
23:17Because she's got a guy lined up,
23:19so as soon as y'all go home, boom, she's out that night.
23:22I can't help but notice how triggered Rob is whenever
23:25we bring up polyamory, especially how
23:29triggered he is at Jasmine.
23:31He seems to perceive Jasmine as the manipulating
23:37cheater in this situation, and he is outraged.
23:42People who practice monogamy in unethical ways
23:47often look down on polyamorous people
23:51because I think there is a bit of resentment, right?
23:58The idea that people could talk about being with other people
24:03and actually do it kind of raises their anxiety around,
24:08oh, well, maybe I could be talking to my partner.
24:11I think it triggers those folks who have
24:13faced infidelity a lot more.
24:17Josh, where are you with things?
24:19Natalie needs somebody 100% all the time,
24:23and I'm scared to give that to her.
24:28I felt anxious that whole day, what I remember,
24:31because I knew that this was over,
24:36and I'm just waiting there, and I'm the last one to talk.
24:39And so I'm holding all this emotion, and I'm like,
24:42I hope Natalie's going to be OK.
24:44How is she going to act?
24:44What's going to happen?
24:45Is she going to yell at me?
24:47I didn't know.
24:47I was in my head thinking the whole time,
24:49is this the right decision?
24:50And every time I thought about it, it was like, yeah, man,
24:54you need to get out of here.
24:56I do love you, and I do care for you.
25:13But I do have to let you go.
25:26You know, you have a map of New York, but you're working in LA.
25:30It never work.
25:31So there were no chance for me and Josh to reach the destination,
25:35because I was working in LA with map on New York.
25:38You understand, like, just wrong map.
25:41It's just how he is.
25:42He's emotionally unavailable guy.
25:46Natalie, you're smiling.
25:47What's going through your brain?
25:56We know each other.
26:04What is he hiding?
26:06I don't know.
26:07You know, some people are very private.
26:09But he's acting so freaking suspicious.
26:11That dude, baby, is a fishy.
26:14I say we rent a luxury car in honor of Josh,
26:17and we go drive to his house.
26:20We do some surveillance first, perhaps,
26:22and then we knock on the door.
26:23What do you think?
26:24I agree.
26:24Just for curiosity, and get to the bottom of all Josh's lies.
26:31So thank you.
26:35I value honesty, and I respect honesty.
26:38And today, maybe first time, I could say I do respect you.
26:44I was like, that doesn't seem like something
26:46a normal person would do when they get broken up with, right?
26:49So it surprised me at the same time
26:51I had to take a step back and say, oh, well, it's Natalie.
26:53When did she do what you expect?
26:55On brand for Natalie would have been
26:56to stand up, spit in his face, say something,
26:59and then storm off.
27:01Josh, you wasted three years of my life.
27:06I'm leaving.
27:07Honestly, I'm not going to sit here anymore,
27:09because you've wasted three years of my life.
27:12Oh, the splash.
27:13And then the monologue.
27:16It's so chippy, isn't it?
27:18The strides are farther out.
27:20He's going to have hip problems.
27:21No, it's like, it's like, what?
27:25Like these big-ass strides.
27:27I don't know.
27:28She has these long-ass steps.
27:36Game time.
27:37Game time.
27:38Let's play some games.
27:40You ready?
27:41We are playing Emoji Translation.
27:43In front of you, there are magnet emojis.
27:46So you will each depict a scene using those magnetic emojis.
27:51Something that happened at the last resort, basically.
27:53And you'll see if your partner can guess what it is.
27:55Oh, that's so cool.
27:56I'm so impressed.
27:59I like the eggplant emoji, because it means two things.
28:08No, no, no, no.
28:09OK, I got it.
28:10Got it, got it, got it, got it.
28:16Yeah, I think I'm good.
28:19OK, what is that?
28:22I mean, it's dynamic here.
28:25Like James always say, you see how dynamic here?
28:28Ha, ha, ha, ha.
28:31I can see someone is happy, someone is mad.
28:34This is happy.
28:35He's smiling.
28:36But he's evil.
28:38Well, it's really not much to go off of here.
28:41But I wouldn't, I'm going to say that Florian is giving
28:47Gino drinks, and Gino's real happy about it.
28:50Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
28:57This is Florian.
28:58This is Stacy.
29:00She was riding him like a stallion.
29:03I don't understand the cherries.
29:05She popped my cherry, because we hadn't had sex in months.
29:08Oh, my god.
29:10Because of like the surgery and everything,
29:12and just like the trust issues.
29:14So like, it was months.
29:15Super, super spicy.
29:16There was a lot of eggplant.
29:19Oh, yeah.
29:19A little action.
29:21Yeah, oh, there you go.
29:23Giddy up, horsey.
29:26That was fun.
29:26That was a fun night.
29:27I love role playing.
29:28I remember the competition, like Natalie, and she's mad.
29:33Like, she's going crazy.
29:35Like, she's not happy with her situation.
29:37So I think maybe she's not Natalie.
29:39That's what I'm thinking.
29:41Brandon was shy, and then he became
29:46sex man, because he loves everyone
29:51and doesn't need to drink anymore.
29:53Jesus Christ.
29:54Is that right?
29:55It's right.
29:59This little conniving, evil, laughing emoji, that's Josh.
30:04And then this little ray of sunshine, that's Natalie.
30:08Yeah, because she was happy that day,
30:09because they were cheating to win.
30:12And this is their kayak.
30:13And then this down here, see the little, the sad, this face
30:16right here, that's me.
30:18The bunny rabbit is Sophie.
30:19That's Sophie.
30:20She's the bunny.
30:21She's just a bunny.
30:22And then, well, there was only one kayak,
30:25so we were riding the eggplant.
30:27Yeah, eggplant.
30:29OK, I got it.
30:31What do you think?
30:32I'm thinking somebody, it's obvious,
30:35it's somebody not licking shit and angry in this float.
30:38Oh, got it.
30:40You got it?
30:42Sophie, or Rob, talking, Sophie talking about Rob,
30:46Rob getting angry and run away to the desert to coyotes.
30:53Good job.
30:57All right, guys, I'm going to show you some never
30:59before seen footage right now.
31:02This is Gino and Jasmine's sex therapy with Reba.
31:08I can't believe I'm having this conversation.
31:12It seems like you've both come to this impasse
31:17where being intimate is not an option
31:19and divorce is not an option.
31:21So open marriage is the way forward, right?
31:25And so the question then becomes,
31:27how do we set boundaries for around this
31:31that make both of you feel safe and secure moving forward?
31:37Not at all did I think that Gino and Jasmine were
31:39ready to open up right now.
31:42So to hear that they've, in 24 hours,
31:45decided, yes, they want to move forward
31:47with an open relationship, I was hesitant.
31:53I was apprehensive at best.
31:56But at the end of the day, what I wanted to do in that session
32:00is convey to them how gravely important
32:04it is for them to be on the same page about how
32:07this is all going to work.
32:08And it takes a lot of trust and commitment and communication.
32:13The biggest one is if she feels like she's getting
32:18too close to this person, we have to cut off
32:22the relationship, I think.
32:27Which I agree.
32:29Because I want to protect my marriage.
32:35Like when you think about the number of times, for example,
32:38right, how many days a week?
32:40I was thinking about proposing like twice a week.
32:46And we can agree on the days and the timing.
32:51If he tells me like, I don't want you to be out
32:54of the house longer than three, two, four hours,
32:58I have to stick to that.
33:00I don't prefer cheating.
33:03Me too.
33:04How does that feel, Gino?
33:06That sounds reasonable.
33:10So she should have a planner for her sex date, sex date?
33:13Yeah, but what's the point of that?
33:15Like, OK, she's going to have sex with another man anyway.
33:19Why does it matter if she has sex on Monday or Tuesday?
33:21She's still going to have sex with another man.
33:23You don't know when you want to have sex.
33:26It's like, OK, I'm late for my sex appointment.
33:29Like what about if she's 20 on a Thursday?
33:32She just can't.
33:33She's just, nope, no, nope, no, allowed.
33:36Thursday's the f***ing schedule.
33:38That's so weird.
33:39Move your hornist a bit.
33:42I also wanted to ask to this open marriage,
33:46I want Gino to have at least once a week a romantic date with me
33:54in which he shows me that we are progressing
33:59on being affectionate.
34:01So I hear you saying that you want
34:03Gino to commit to weekly connection of some kind
34:08so that you can start to build that emotional connection.
34:13I mean, it's their life.
34:15It's what they chose.
34:16They both are agreeing to it, but I don't know
34:21how they're going to handle it.
34:22That feels good to you, Gino?
34:23Yeah, to build our emotional connection back, yes.
34:28I just know that an open marriage is not for everybody.
34:33Oh, god.
34:33It's just like too many rules and just, ugh.
34:37Why don't they just get a, like, divorce?
34:40I don't get it.
34:41I have only one question.
34:42Why do they keep doing it?
34:44I don't know.
34:45It's like they're torturing.
34:48It's just, it's a disaster waiting to happen.
34:52This is all very new for both of you.
34:55I know that it can be really uncomfortable.
34:57These conversations are not easy.
35:00But what's important is that you remain
35:01transparent with each other.
35:04If you don't, this could completely fall off the rails.
35:12You guys are not open marriage material.
35:14You don't think so?
35:16I know it sounds crazy.
35:18It's crazy, the whole idea of open marriage,
35:20especially for me and Jasmine.
35:23But if I say yes to open marriage, she's happy for once.
35:31I'm going to be happy because she's not
35:33yelling and screaming at me.
35:34Do you think that you'll really be happy, though?
35:36So maybe we could come together over time
35:39and get rid of this open marriage,
35:43get rid of this third person, and that we could be
35:47happy together at some point.
35:49You sound like a hopeless romantic right now
35:52is what you sound like.
35:53You think so?
35:56Sounds like a fairytale.
36:03So would you rather date Natalie or Sophie?
36:07Oh, for me, more Natalie, she's more honest, more straight.
36:11And Sophie's kind of sneaky.
36:14And British people is going to f*** you over, man.
36:17Seamus want to f*** over United States.
36:20Yeah, British people.
36:22It's a problem.
36:26Now, Natalie, we are going to show you
36:29the talk you had with Josh on the patio
36:31after the last therapy.
36:36Oh, yeah.
36:39I mean, at the beginning of this,
36:40like, I felt open to try.
36:43But therapy, you know, it was just really eye opening.
36:48And I just think it's unfair to keep it going
36:52if I know that heart's not in it.
36:58And going through, like, this resort
37:00and really thinking about, like, you know,
37:03having her come in and opening up my life more.
37:07And Natalie, you know, still wanting a baby.
37:11Like, I do know one thing, I don't want a baby.
37:14And so I think that I have just been looking
37:18down the wrong path.
37:20You will always be someone very special to me.
37:25And I just hope that you, you know, can understand that.
37:28And I hope that you don't hate me.
37:31Josh breaking up with Natalie
37:32is the nicest thing he could do for her
37:34because he's not stringing her along.
37:37However, I am concerned that maybe
37:42she'll still go back to him anyways,
37:45even though he's made it clear
37:45that he doesn't want a relationship with her.
37:47You just read my mind.
37:49I don't think they're done.
37:51Because, listen, for three years,
37:53that's exactly what Josh and Natalie been doing.
37:57What we saw that day was just the end of that toxic cycle
38:02that is gonna lead to a new toxic cycle.
38:07They start, like, let's have sex
38:08just because we both have needs, you know?
38:10And somehow it initiates the toxic process
38:14of being, again, like, we're together,
38:15but we're not together.
38:17Are we boyfriend and girlfriend?
38:18Are we just friends with benefits?
38:20The same bulls**t.
38:22It's gonna start all over again.
38:25I live by feelings,
38:26and I have some beautiful moments with you.
38:32But my heart doesn't belong to you.
38:37I feel like it was a very right decision for both of us
38:41because I don't want a man in my life,
38:45especially a father of my child,
38:47who will look for ways to make me look crazy.
38:49I was so in love, I couldn't see.
38:51Now my eyes are open.
38:53I open my eyes.
38:54I see Josh for who he is,
38:57and I do deserve to have a family.
39:00And he is not the right guy for family.
39:02That's why we are different people.
39:04I'm a family woman.
39:05He's not a family man.
39:06What else can we say?
39:08Different breed.
39:12Well, I'm gonna give you some time and space here.
39:17They both needed to hear this.
39:18They both needed this moment.
39:19This was a huge breakthrough.
39:26You could see how they both sat there,
39:29not just being vulnerable,
39:30but almost in this softer place,
39:32considering the arguments,
39:34considered the heated moments that the two of them have.
39:37To be able to end on that note,
39:39to me, that was success.
39:41At the end of the day,
39:43it didn't matter whether they reconnected or not.
39:45That's not what we're weighing success on.
39:47This is about how we're gonna continue moving forward
39:50in our next relationships.
39:52And I did see growth for both of them individually.
39:54To me, that's all that matters.
39:55Actually, even more successful that they didn't recommit
39:59because we ended an unhealthy pattern.
40:02To me, huge, a success.
40:06He definitely meant a lot,
40:08but I don't regret anything.
40:11I can't make him feel what he feels.
40:15It's his choice, and he's free.
40:19After, he breaks up with me.
40:22I found out that he lives with a girl,
40:24and people say we spotted them on a plane,
40:26flying the same direction.
40:27We spotted them in a bar.
40:29We spotted them there.
40:30And they keep saying to me,
40:31the dude is dating another girl.
40:33This is nasty and disgusting,
40:35and I don't want to be a part of it.
40:37He's not ever gonna be a father of my child.
40:39He's not ever gonna be my husband or anyone.
40:41No, this is not a man I want.
40:44I was a beautiful flower.
40:45He came, he saw, oh, nice flower.
40:48He just take it.
40:49He smell a few seconds.
40:51Oh, it's a good flower.
40:52Oh, it's another flower.
40:54Another flower, another flower, another.
40:56And that is nothing, but it was life.
40:59It was someone's life there.
41:05I'm a free person.
41:06I'm a free woman.
41:07You're free.
41:08You're free, mama.
41:10I meant to say that.
41:11You meant.
41:13Next time on Between the Sheets.
41:15Jasmine, I'll see you when you get back to Michigan.
41:18Okay, to work out.
41:20No, to not work out.
41:22To have sex.
41:24I was like, wow, this is a point of no return.
41:28Like, this is actually happening.
41:29I will have to have sex with another man
41:32that is not my husband.
41:34I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do this.
41:37I didn't kick her out, man.
41:38You got the story wrong, bitch.
41:40Who are you telling, bitch?
41:41Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys.
41:43Shut the fuck up.
41:44That night, she come to my room.
41:46Did you talk to her?
41:47I think Gino regret everything
41:50what's in that lady's glasses.
41:52I think Gino regrets that whole relationship.
41:54We are approaching our 10 year mark.
41:57At times, a part of me feels it's time to let you go.
42:02I was floored.
42:04Like, this was nothing in my mind that would've happened.
42:08Even though who you marry is not your dream man.
42:13Oh my God, that's so sad.
42:14I can't watch this.
42:17You was happy with him.
42:19I'm like, wow, like I need to treat myself better.
42:22I need to have more love for myself.
42:24I deserve happiness.
42:26It just seems like such a simple thing,
42:27but it was so big to me.