• 6 hours ago
MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump’s press secretary Karoline Leavitt holding a press conference that went off the rails real quickly.

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00:00Donald Trump's chief propagandist, Caroline Levitt, just gave a disastrous press conference
00:04at the White House. She was unprepared, she was sloppy, and she was promoting Donald Trump's
00:10fascist agenda while being both sloppy and unprepared. Here she was asked a question
00:15about Donald Trump claiming to void all of former President Biden's pardons,
00:20including pardoning people who were part of the January 6th committee, because according to Donald
00:24Trump, former President Biden used an auto pen and did not give consent to any of the pardons
00:31himself. Listen to how Caroline Levitt responds. Let's play it.
00:34... if the president was even consulted about his legally binding signature
00:39being signed onto documents. And so I think it's a question that everybody in this room should be
00:44looking into because certainly that would propose perhaps criminal or illegal behavior if staff
00:50members were signing the president of the United States autograph without his consent.
00:54... is on the record talking about issuing preemptive pardons to these people.
00:59But was he aware of his signature being used on every single pardon? That's a question you
01:03should ask the Biden White House. Is there any evidence on that
01:06that he wasn't aware of it? You're a reporter, you should find out.
01:09Sean. I have a question on the-
01:11Arrogant and totally unprepared there, and what a unhinged conspiracy,
01:15but a conspiracy that is typical of Donald Trump. Next up, Caroline Levitt, Donald Trump's chief
01:21propagandist, is asked about the United States withdrawing from the International Center for the
01:27Prosecution of Crime Against Ukraine, which investigates Russia's crimes against humanity,
01:33including raping and murdering and kidnapping Ukrainians. The United States was the biggest
01:39supporter of this international center. It's now being widely reported that the Trump regime,
01:44to help Putin, is pulling the United States out of that international center support.
01:49Here's what Caroline Levitt said. Let's play it.
01:51Sure. Thanks. There have been
01:54some media reports just in the last few hours that the administration has decided to withdraw
01:59from the International Center for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine,
02:05which is designed to hold Putin accountable for war crimes. Are you able to confirm that,
02:12and if that has occurred, why has that occurred? I'm not able to confirm it because I have not
02:16heard that. I will caution. I know there have been many inaccurate and misleading reports from
02:21Reuters lately, so I would caution anybody taking that seriously, but I can check in and get back
02:26to you. Again, unprepared, sloppy, and very, very dangerous. Here, Caroline Levitt is asked,
02:32what criteria is the Trump regime using when it invokes the Alien Enemies Act to take so-called
02:39gang members who are Venezuelan and send them to concentration camps in El Salvador, and then make
02:46these brutal ISIS-style videos where they are treating these human beings like trash? What's
02:53the standard? How do you know that they're actually gang members if you're not giving people
02:59due process rights? Here's what she says. Let's play the clip.
03:03What criteria, other than, say, tattoos or maybe being in the wrong place at the wrong time,
03:11are they using to determine that someone is actually a member of one of these organizations?
03:16Intelligence and the men and women on the ground in the interior of our country
03:21who are finally being allowed to do their jobs. Their hands were tied under the previous
03:25administration, and as I said, they take their jobs very seriously. They should be trusted
03:30and respected by the American public with this operation. And of course, as I said to Kelly,
03:36the administration will provide all details to the questions that the court poses. Jennifer.
03:41That's her response. Oh, just intelligence. Just trust us. Just trust Donald Trump when he says
03:48someone's a gang member that they're a gang member. It's not like Donald Trump doesn't lie
03:53about everything. And by the way, those videos that they're making of treating human beings
03:59like absolute trash. I mean, to me, as I said, they're like ISIS style videos. And I want to be
04:05very clear about my position. Gang members need to have the book thrown at them. I am a law and
04:11order person. Gangs, people who commit crimes, need to be brought to justice. Absolutely. We
04:18have processes in the United States called due process, though, where we don't just pick people
04:23off the street, say they're gang members, and throw them into concentration camps in countries
04:28that are run by authoritarians. I don't know. That's something that I believe in, and the
04:32Supreme Court has previously believed it. Then Caroline Levitt attacks France. Here, play this
04:38clip. Something different. There is now a member of the European Parliament from France who does
04:43not think the US represents the values of the Statue of Liberty anymore. They want the Statue
04:48of Liberty back. So is President Trump going to send the Statue of Liberty back to France?
04:55Absolutely not. And my advice to that unnamed, low-level French politician would be to remind
05:03them that it's only because of the United States of America that the French are not speaking German
05:08right now. So they should be very grateful to our great country. Kelly. You know what she said?
05:13She goes, the French would still be speaking German if it wasn't for the United States. I mean,
05:19I guess after the United States declares trade wars on countries like France and Canada,
05:25and then these other countries stand up for themselves, then the Trump regime says,
05:30you should be more grateful for us engaging in trade wars against you. So utterly despicable.
05:36Then here, Caroline Levitt talks about how we want the DOJ that focuses on fighting law and order.
05:44They want to fight the law and order. A nice Freudian slip right here. Let's play it.
05:48We want to restore the Department of Justice to an institution that focuses on
05:52fighting law and order and crime and putting real criminals behind bars,
05:57not targeting Americans because of their religion or their political speech. We saw
06:01that under the previous administration and it's unacceptable to this president.
06:05Caroline Levitt then brags about how Donald Trump is now the chairman of the Kennedy Center. Trump
06:11fired everybody from the Kennedy Center, made himself the chairman and replaced it with a
06:16MAGA board. And here she is saying, look how great it is. We're going to bring the real
06:21culture back to the Kennedy Center. Here, play the clip.
06:24President will be traveling to the Kennedy Center later this afternoon.
06:27I look forward to going with him. As you know, he is now the chairman of the board of the Kennedy
06:31Center where he hopes to restore arts and culture that embrace American tradition. Don't disparage
06:38it as we have unfortunately seen over the past several years. The president will be doing a tour
06:43of the center and his business developer mind. I'm sure he will make some recommendations on how
06:48the center itself can be improved, but also we'll be discussing perhaps some future plays and
06:55musicals and theatrical programs that the center will be hosting under his new leadership and the
07:01board's new leadership. Democratic Congress member Robert Garcia says donations are plummeting,
07:07shows are canceling, staff are fleeing. But yes, I'm sure Trump will fix it by booking
07:13the MAGA musical of Ted Nugent and Chris Rock. Next, Caroline Leavitt on Putin's invasion
07:20of Ukraine. She blames it on former President Biden and says it's actually Biden's fault. No,
07:26it's Putin's fault and Trump enables Putin. Play this clip.
07:30Caroline, thank you so much. You mentioned earlier in the briefing that you guys are
07:33at the 10 yard line of peace. Given the amount of progress that you've made in such a short
07:38amount of time, is that an indictment of the previous administration's foreign policy stance?
07:43And is it just more proof that you need to talk to people to sort of get things done?
07:46I think so. I think the previous administration is the reason this war began. As President Trump
07:51often says, this war would have never started if he were still in office. It only started because
07:56of the incompetence and the weakness of the previous administration. And President Trump
08:00is very proud of the progress that he and his team have made in such a short amount of time.
08:05And hopefully tomorrow that progress will move forward.
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09:33period right now. Thanks Shopify. Then Caroline Leavitt gives her theory. She's never been to law
09:39school before, but she gives her theory that a court's verbal orders, what need not be complied
09:47with, they don't carry the same weight and effect of the written order that is subsequently given.
09:53Thus, you think you can just violate the court's order and just start taking people off the streets
09:58and throwing them into concentration camps without due process where a court order said you can't
10:03do that. Here, play this clip of Caroline Leavitt. Let's play it.
10:10About 726 PM, but he issued a verbal order before that at about 645 and 648 PM based on the court
10:17hearing from the bench. Does the White House feel the need to comply with a verbal order from this
10:24judge? Again, as I said, all of the planes subject to the written order of this judge
10:30departed U.S. soil, U.S. territory before the judge's written order.
10:34But what about the verbal order, which of course carries the same legal weight as a written order
10:39and said for the planes to turn around if they were?
10:41Well, there's actually questions about whether a verbal order carries the same weight as a legal
10:45order, as a written order. And our lawyers are determined to ask and answer those questions in
10:51court. Sean.
10:52Hey, so on Friday, then Caroline Leavitt says, oh, don't you love those fun videos that we're
10:58making of the migrants? Ha ha ha. Don't you like our fun videos? She goes, so we're encouraging
11:04people who are here illegally to self-deport themselves, or she goes, or maybe you'll find
11:11yourself in one of those fun videos. Here, play this clip.
11:15Biden administration abused to facilitate the mass illegal entry of
11:19illegal immigrants into our country. It was like a fast pass at Disneyland.
11:23That's not happening under this administration. We are encouraging
11:26illegal immigrants to actively self-deport to maybe save themselves from being in one of these
11:32fun videos. Caroline.
11:34Sure. John, good to see you.
11:34Thank you. They're absolutely despicable that she's referring to these videos as fun videos.
11:41As I've said, they look like ISIS videos and the fact that they're being produced
11:45by the American regime. It's not a government by the people for the people.
11:50It's by the bullies for the billionaires and for the fascists. This is the video from the
11:56official White House rapid response account. And then Trump posted this video. This is official
12:02White House videography right here, where they show the migrants that they sent to El Salvador
12:10to put in concentration camps in El Salvador. And the videos show the El Salvador
12:17police force or military being fairly brutal with these people. Play this clip.
12:47And again, let me make my position clear again. The train day, Iraq, the gangs,
12:55they absolutely should be fully prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We don't want
13:02gangs in the United States. We don't want criminals in the United States. Throw the
13:06book at them, deport them. There is a process for that. There are laws on the books.
13:12Donald Trump declared a phony war against Venezuela to invoke the war powers of a
13:18dictator. These war powers have only been invoked before in the war of 1812, World War I and World
13:26War II. So Trump's saying this Venezuela war requires that he be a war leader and then pick
13:34whoever he wants based on what tattoos and trust me, bro, and then send people to concentration
13:40camps in El Salvador. I'm sorry, that doesn't sit right with me. And I'd like to see these gang
13:46members locked up, thrown in jail, but you have to go through a process to make sure they're
13:51actually the gang members and they've actually committed crimes. Call me old fashioned, but I
13:56believe in the United States constitution is a thing and that you don't just get to say, oh,
14:03you're a gang member, you're a gang member, and then just send them to concentration camps.
14:08Then a reporter to Levitt says, I think this reporter frames it correctly. So you're saying
14:15criticizing judges is illegal, but all Donald Trump and Elon Musk are doing are attacking
14:20judges like every day and saying that judges should be impeached and the judges who rule
14:25against Trump aren't real judges. Here, play this clip. Hey, so on Friday, the president suggested
14:30at length that it should be illegal to criticize judges, but he has repeatedly criticized judges
14:35who rule against him. And Elon Musk is calling for impeachment of judges who have opposed the
14:40administration. So how are those two things not in conflict? I have not heard the president talk
14:45about impeaching judges. I know you mentioned Mr. Musk's tweet, but I have not heard the president
14:50of the United States ask that. Mary. Then Fox loses its audio and has to cut away,
14:55play the clip. And many communities have been totally destroyed. The president has been
15:01actively monitoring the situation and the Trump administration is engaged with governors and
15:07leading in. All right, so we're having some clearly technical problems here. We're doubling
15:13up on the audio circuit. We will get. Then Donald Trump has his other chief
15:18propagandist, Alina Haba, go on Fox, and she brags about she's dealing with her own personal
15:24portfolio that deals with human extortion and human sex trafficking. Play this clip.
15:30Yeah. Yeah. And actually one of my focuses of my portfolio is human extortion, human trafficking
15:35and labor and cyber and finance extortion that has happened because of these individuals
15:42bringing minors, bringing women, bringing individuals over the border and then seeing
15:47them get tortured. And the facts that she mentioned, those are just public ones. I assure
15:51you what I've been briefed on is so severely disturbing that if America knew just 10% of it,
15:56they would be happy to have these individuals out. They are a danger to our society and they
16:01have no business being in this country. So really, Alina Haba, because this is a video
16:06of you and Andrew Tate from a few months ago, from January of 2025, where you seem to praise
16:14Andrew Tate, who was arrested for engaging in sex trafficking and trafficking minors
16:20abroad. And he's made statements where he basically brags about trafficking people.
16:26We hear him on audio saying how he takes girls and women and doesn't pay them and then sells
16:31the... I don't want to go into it, but anyway, here's Alina Haba fawning over Andrew Tate.
16:36Play this clip. Hi.
16:37Hello, Alina. Hi.
16:39Hello. Nice to meet you. I'm a big fan.
16:42Well, nice to meet you. I'm a fan. You're the one saving Trump. You're doing more important
16:46work than me. America, America, not just Trump. And I agree with everything you just said.
16:51And I think that your anger is the same that President Trump has for our country.
16:58And the time is now for us to stop being wimps. I think that's exactly the right sentiment. And I
17:04also have to say that I sympathize with you because I think you go through a lot of the same
17:09show me the person, I'll find the crime that President Trump has gone through.
17:14Well, that's the Trump regime for you. Despicable stuff going on at the White
17:19House. Hit subscribe. Let's get to 5 million subscribers. And thanks for watching.
