Below Deck Down Under's Adair Werley Admits There Was an 'Imbalance' When It Came to Her Duties
00:00Yeah, you see such small bits of the entire, like, you know, the entire situation, like
00:10everything that's going on, there's so much that goes on.
00:13We all have to pitch in and we all do everything and as you see, like we're understaffed, you
00:18know, we are lacking people, Harry's hurt, we're missing our sous chef, you know, we
00:23are all filling in in places that we're not comfortable.
00:29But you're expected and obligated to do everything the second that you step on that boat, whether
00:33you like it or not.
00:35And you know, as much as we sit and tease and laugh, it's like, oh, I can't do this
00:40or I don't do that.
00:42You do it all.
00:43You do it all whether you like it or not.
00:44You do it with a smile on your face and you do it for not only your crew, you do it for
00:47the guests and you do it for the money because that's why you're there.
00:49So yeah, there's, there's a lot worse that I do than cleaning heads and butts.
00:56There's a lot worse.
00:57That's the easy part.
00:58You know, I don't think there was ever a point where I ever once, ever said that there was
01:04something that I'm not going to do.
01:06If anything, I was the one that was saying I'm going to do anything and everything.
01:11And that's the purpose of my role as deck sous is to do whatever I'm needed to do.
01:16I think it was a imbalance of what my priorities were at the time, you know, because it's like,
01:23do I go help out on deck?
01:25Do I go rinse off all of our beach set up stuff and help put things away and help lift
01:29the jet skis, help, you know, clean the deck for tomorrow?
01:33Or do I help serve plates or do I help with turn downs?
01:36Like, do I go to laundry?
01:38What, what am I, do I go restock, clean the crew mess?
01:42What am I supposed to do right now?
01:44I'm just running around trying to do a little bit of everything.
01:48So it, it's hard for myself, especially when you have heads of department that are not
01:55necessarily mushing to know what to do or to do what everyone wants me to do.
02:02Cause everybody wants me to do something differently because they want me to help them on their
02:08So I'm just trying to bounce around and help everybody.
02:11It does sting when you're grinding, you know, you're busting your butt to try and help everyone
02:16and the, your, your heads of department or whoever, people that you're working with
02:22are not, you know, fulfilled enough with what you're trying to do, but everyone, everyone
02:29was very thankful.
02:30I mean, we all were working really hard together.