• yesterday
In this DanTDM Minecraft video, I'm playing my brand new Minecraft world and this one was a big change that needed to happen..

Edited by: http://www.twitter.com/NoGoodDavis & Me, DanTDM

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DanTDM
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00:00I think it's time to make a big change in my minecraft world last time. I was accidentally saved from death twice
00:12But today the large purple and lava colored elephant in the room
00:17needs to be addressed
00:19This some would say it's now iconic, but I think we can replace it with something much better and oh boy
00:25Does it look good? Let me know what you think of the video after you finish watching
00:29I think it's a good one. And if you're not already what you're doing
00:32You gotta subscribe
00:35i'm starting to think
00:37This might have been a mistake
00:39Not even this. I don't even mind the long portal. I think oh my god. I forgot how bad it looks
00:46I think this is a mistake. I'm happy to admit it now, but i'm not sure of the solution
00:51That's the only issue so basically from here this blocks my well half of my house pretty much
00:57I feel like it ruins the way everything flows now like front door outside of here. So I was thinking of trialing today
01:04Taking this out and seeing if we can make it look better
01:07I do want the obnoxiously high portal because it's a good waypoint for when I get lost
01:11But I feel like it needs moving
01:13We need to move it somewhere else and then we can relandscape this middle bit now if this all fails
01:18We can just put it back. That could just be a thing that we do
01:21I'm gonna harvest some of this lava. I'm gonna get started on it right now
01:24Oh, there's other things I need to go over as well. Basically. Oh my imagery. Oh, I know you're judging me. Stop it
01:32Yeah, i'm gonna grab
01:34Some of this lava. I don't really need loads. I can get to the nether so easily
01:38I think this is a revolutionary moment
01:40This is me kind of making peace with the villagers and saying you know what you were right this place
01:45This this was a bad idea
01:46I do still need to move all my storage across some people said they wanted to see me do it
01:50Some people didn't uh funga. How you doing, buddy? He's loving the new house, by the way
01:55He sleeps next to me every day and I kind of don't want to change it
01:58Some of you are saying build in my house. I kind of don't want to now
02:01He's spending every night next to me. I love it
02:04But I do need to move all this stuff in here now
02:06I do need to move this configuration here
02:08Someone said or a few people said if I move these sideways and then stick item frames on the end
02:13To see what's inside I can fit two
02:17three double chests here instead
02:20and stack them up, so it'll be
02:23Six double chests rather than this configuration, which is definitely better. However
02:29Everything's looking clogged as usual. Let's put all our imagery stuff in here
02:35Because as soon as I break open this chest, it's gonna burst out everywhere
02:40So let's break this
02:42Break this and then this is going to be sideways. Excuse me, sir. Thank you
02:48I swear they listen to me. I know it. This is not gonna go this way
02:52And that can open sweet. So that is gonna be pale oak like spooky stuff
02:57This one's gonna be a beast. Yeah, there we go. These are all empty
03:00Anyway, this is gonna be sideways sideways and then we can stack it up as well. It's decent
03:05Maybe I'll just put all wood in there. Is that enough? I don't know what to do now
03:08Do I put all wood like here I can guess I can have all my wood there that makes more sense this
03:13I feel like i'm okay with I could probably put some doubles there
03:18There's some storage up here too. This whole bit's gonna be storage cool. That's fine
03:22Let's start moving some stuff across. Shall we let me break this and put this here
03:27So that's gonna be another load of storage. This is just
03:31Nonsense in here. Wow, we've got a dirt chest. We have to have a dirt chest
03:35Everyone has to have a dirt chest in their world somewhere
03:40Just in case
03:42Let me grab this basalt, I don't need a basalt chest do I
03:47Okay, I got severely distracted by the way. Wow. Okay. What was I doing? I was getting rid of this middle bit
03:53Okay, let me do that. Now. That's that's why I came in here and I got completely distracted. Oh my word
03:58Uh, we need this just to get rid of all the lava. I'm gonna get rid of all the lava first
04:02And then hopefully no one dies. I don't know how far I've dug it down though. That's the problem
04:07But overall I think this is gonna be better
04:10As the unelected mayor of this town. Oh, okay. I wonder what's happening then as the unelected mayor of this town
04:16I feel like this is gonna be better for the people. So you hear that villagers i'm doing this for you
04:20Not for me because it takes a lot of work. This is a mess. How did you guys not just unsubscribe when you saw this?
04:26It's awful, but i'll fix it today. I'll earn your subscription back
04:30And if you're not subscribed yet what you're doing hit that sub button
04:33I'm gonna fix it because one of my thoughts is I want it to be like a little town square here so that we can
04:37Have all the villagers with their jobs out
04:40But I want to make sure well
04:42I want to check and see if the portal can become a feature or we just change it completely
04:47I'm, not 100 sure yet. Let's get rid of this. I don't even know what this was. Let's cover that up as well
04:52Embarrassing so I want to have a little hub outside my house now
04:55We're close these villagers and me and then they can be close to their like emergency bunker as well where they all sleep
05:00I think this is good. This is good progress for the town
05:04Oh, no
05:05The town for us for everyone else we can cover up mistakes we learn we grow as people
05:10I get it. All right
05:12I'm, not sure anyone liked this in the first place. Give me this this could be completely like uniconic now, though
05:19That is one of my worries
05:21You know what? I've at least got to try it. Thank you. That's all that secured
05:26How did I ever think this was gonna work?
05:29There we go. All right, get out of here. No more lava, please
05:32Right that is done
05:34This is now filled up
05:36Take this out. Give me a mushroom real light and now you're safe. Look out I can I can hear it in their voices
05:41They're happy about it
05:42So now we need to get rid of this
05:46And maybe if the portal isn't as big of an eyesore without its eyesore friends
05:50I might be able to make it a feature rather than
05:54Relocate it completely, but i'm not completely against it. Let me take down all of this
06:00See what it looks like
06:08My word it looks so weird
06:11Look how weird that is. Okay. I need to go up to the top and see if this is
06:16Still an eyesore
06:18Okay, it's better than it used to be. I feel like the portal needs to move though if we move it
06:25We can have like a little town square going on because they all sleep in the bunker
06:30But then if I have their jobs out here, I kind of want them like on
06:33Non-market stalls but like on
06:36Little I don't know blankets on the floor kind of vibe. I think that'll be cool a proper community feel about it
06:43We need to get rid of this glass though, and I don't have silk touch so we're gonna have to smash it all
06:47Let's get rid of this
06:53That is done I now need to fill this in so maybe we should just do it properly because
06:58The bad thing about this village is the floor underground is just water
07:04That's a really bad thing about this
07:05There's no places to like dig into but now I know where to get my dirt from because i've organized one chest
07:12And let's fill this as well. I don't know where the sand came from to be honest
07:16Yeah, not sure what I thought would be cool though is to make like a little fountain in the middle
07:21Which is kind of cliche, but you could have the fountain with lava
07:24Oh, no, I can't because they're gonna run into it. Maybe I can have it look like lava
07:30Just as like an ode to the old
07:33lava lake
07:35Hmm, this used to be an entire lake, didn't it?
07:38That's where the idea came from in the first place. You see what I mean? Look, it's just all
07:43It's just all water under here. It is
07:45Not ideal, but we can work with it. Okay
07:49If we were gonna move the portal, where would we move it to i'm thinking?
07:54Because the ranch is gonna be over here. I was thinking up here
07:58I kind of want to see it, but I don't want it to be right in my vision of the house
08:01Let me have a quick scope out up here. It could go there
08:04But if we get rid of that house, I can see the enchanting space there. Maybe we just put it there
08:09I think we just put it there
08:11Ironically, that might be one of the first places I decided to put it
08:14But another thing I need to do is figure out how tall it is. I don't actually know
08:18because we're at max for the
08:21For the portal, right? Let's try it. Let's do it. We don't do it
08:24Now we're never gonna do it and hopefully it connects to where the old portal is
08:28So it's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
08:3413 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 high
08:41That's crazy. Here we go. The great smashing is about to happen
08:47Why was that so loud? Oh my god. All my tools are getting weary as well
08:50I don't know how many diamonds we've got but i'm worried
08:53We need to find a really good
08:56Cave system because underneath we're just plain water. Wasn't there a big one kind of like under here? My other idea
09:03Was to maybe make an a massive hole in the ocean bear with me here and then make a hole straight down
09:10Into that section because it was a really massive opening of cave, which I think would be good
09:14But for now, let's get rid of this
09:16Move it to the other location
09:18I've already forgotten how many um, how much taller this is
09:21So hopefully I'll remember in a second and rebuild it in different location. This is huge
09:26This is a huge evolution
09:28Of this village and I think the villagers are gonna like it and how many was that 23?
09:32Okay, we need to remember 23
09:34There we go done. Oh
09:37Okay, I need to go do this as well
09:39How can I reach i'm a bit stuck going to get rid of some so I can get up?
09:46There we go
09:48Right. This will be much quicker than the obsidian. Look at the speed of this
09:53Crazy I don't think it's even max efficiency. Is it?
09:56It's so quick that I can't even stop it in time, right?
09:59Where are we putting this over here? So I think if this runs in line with the path
10:04That's not going to I could make it bigger
10:07But I don't know if you have any more obsidian might make it one wider maybe let's get rid of this
10:12Let's get rid of this tree as well. Not very free range of us, but it's gonna have to happen
10:16Oh, it looks so weird. I feel like i've started again. Oh, is this is this double mistake?
10:21This might be a double mistake. We'll find out if not i'm gonna revert it
10:26Delete world revert back. It feels like that's what i've done. Look at it
10:30so empty, but the town square will be worth it full of trades thriving and
10:35Hopefully no crime right then. Let's make this i'm gonna put it
10:40like this
10:42And then 23 up right we need to put all these up
10:45It's gonna be much quicker to rebuild it than it is to what's to take it down and we need to go across
10:52Jump down got easy escape route as well, which is nice
10:56Then go up this side and then it should just be symmetrical with the path which I like
11:00I kind of want to give a little nod to the old lava lake though
11:05Okay, we made it sweet right now I need flint and steel which I already have on me to relight
11:11This bad boy. Look at that. Yes. Is that definitely tall enough? I think it's because it's wider. It looks like thinner. I mean
11:20Because it's wider. It looks shorter. That's what i'm looking for. Let me grab the old
11:26Materials i've been here somewhere. I need this this this this just make a little path up to oh, they're already arriving
11:34Fantastic. Oh, do I have the lanterns as well? They must be there somewhere
11:41They're already a memory got it got it got it got it got it
11:43Of course, they are how many more coming through now that i've moved it. I also need to make sure
11:49well, I don't know if i've
11:52Hopefully it hasn't messed up the spawn that's what I wanted to check actually
11:57That I can't wait on the plinths, but I don't think that's gonna go on there is it needs to be double
12:02I would look really cool if I could just do the single. Um
12:09If I could put it on there, that'd be sick
12:12You can hang it like that, but I don't know how I feel about that
12:16That looks kind of cool. I like that. I don't like it next to that like that though. Let's just put these like this
12:24Kind of like the floating pedestals. Yeah, that's kind of cool if I change the floor now
12:30Make it blend in a little bit more then we'll go through and see one earth
12:34We've done to the other side of the nether because I had some things built there. So there's the potential to actually completely mess it up
12:41That's the risk i'm taking by changing this all it's looking eerie. I like it. Right? Let's go through and see
12:46If we have broken it all
12:52Oh my god, i'm a genius yes, okay sweet
12:56So the little port was this side
12:58no named villages in here rots are still not returned, which is
13:02super suspicious
13:03But that's fine. Okay, cool
13:05Don't appear back in the middle
13:10Oh no, uh
13:18What uh, how has this happened I did say I needed to find a new cave system
13:23But I don't want to do that. Now. Is this even a system?
13:27It kind of is. Okay. I'm gonna grab this coal because I want it. That's not coal. That's iron
13:32Um, oh now I was so pleased myself. I was like, okay. I'm a genius. It's fixed
13:36And then I broke it again. Oh redstone. Didn't we need redstone? Okay, uh
13:43I'm guessing i'm underneath here, which isn't good at all. Uh, what do I do man?
13:51How do I get it unlinked, let me see what happens if I just dig up
13:58Is it gonna be up here
14:02Maybe I have to break
14:05I can't break the new one. How do I unlink these?
14:09I actually don't know. I can't hear nether portal. So I have no idea where we are
14:13Hopefully my pickaxe doesn't break in here. I don't know if you can even see right now
14:17I am stuck underground
14:20How far are we under?
14:22Oh, we're not that far under so let's see where it's put us. I can't hear my other portal though. Oh, no
14:27Wait, we're on minus. Wait, wait, wait
14:31Are we even gonna be close to the surface
14:34Oh, here's stone. Oh, I hear something
14:36This can be the water, isn't it?
14:38It should hit us with water at some point. I can't believe i'm stuck. This is but a minor inconvenience
14:44This is but a minor inconvenience how far down can we possibly be i'm still not seeing the surface what's going on, huh?
14:52Oh, I do need that coal though. I'll take the coal
14:57Yes, give me give me give me give me I need fuel fuel, please use my last torch. There we go
15:03That was a decent amount actually. Let's block this up and
15:08Go higher
15:09Watch me be like in a mountain or something. My pickaxe is also
15:14Close to breaking and I don't want that for it. Oh, wait, here we go
15:18We're here
15:19Where did we end up?
15:23Over here, what do you mean how did
15:26The portals directly below us. Okay. What how did I end up over there? I'm confused
15:32Very confused. How did I end up so far away?
15:37There's no way there was a portal already there because i've only ever made
15:41One portal right and that one's just linked to a random one. It hasn't
15:45Linked to this one. How do I relink them? I'm not doing that every time I have to go through into the nether
15:50That's gonna be awful. Oh man. I've messed up. This is looking much better though
15:55And i've also had an idea for what I want to put in the middle
15:58I would love to put like a little fungo statue or something
16:04But it'd have to be small enough. I took out something that's big
16:06I don't want to put something big back in if that makes sense
16:11Oh, no, i've got loads of stuff on me again
16:14Why do I always have stuff on me? Let's take that out and now that bundle is fresh
16:20raw iron
16:22i'm gonna put in
16:23Where is it there potato? Thank you. Uh, these can go in there as well
16:29and then I will
16:31See i'm doing some organization but not a whole load i'm trying my best fungo you up here buddy
16:36Yes, you are. I don't know who this is
16:38He just seems to have just invited himself into this house, which is just crazy
16:42I want to see if I can make a little fungo statue because
16:45I feel like i've come in here and just like overtaken everything. I mean, there's no feel like about it. I have done that
16:51And I feel kind of bad. He's still got no house. Well, he lives in here at the minute
16:55Which so I guess he can't really complain. Um, oh god. I've only got
16:59I've got 15 diamonds left as well. I need to heal this. I see her baby. I swear I heard a baby
17:04Oh, I need a oh god. I need an anvil. Oh, no
17:08Do I have an anvil? Uh, do I have iron even?
17:12I'm sure I had iron right? Yeah, 53
17:16Is that gonna make enough I need
17:19One two three. Oh god. It's so expensive
17:22So expensive, I think the last one I stole anyway, so this is fine. Let's put that there
17:28We're gonna put this here this here it's gonna cost five it gets it right back up to full
17:34Okay, decent. That is just something that had to be done
17:36I don't like doing it but just had to be done
17:39I need another one of these as well because your boy keeps dying. So ideally i'd make this out of
17:44Stone like smooth stone. Do I have any?
17:50Here what stone bricks we got wool as well
17:54I could probably use gray. Oh, no, I kind of need a slab
17:58I'm gonna grab this and grab this i'm gonna make
18:04Right, I have a little idea in my head, but I don't know if it's gonna pull off very well I want fun go
18:10Front and center. Do I want to fill this in? I feel like it's too flat now
18:16I think i'm gonna do it. I'm gonna fill it in
18:22There we go, see I told you dirt chest will be handy beautiful
18:27The only thing I need to kind of get rid of is a loom, which I feel a bit bad about. Sorry, buddy
18:30Just lost you your job. There you go. Have it back
18:33Have it back take it back. That is definitely better though. It feels more in line with the land
18:38Even though the land feels I don't know. It feels really flat now. What do I do? Anyway, let's just get going on
18:44my idea so
18:46The idea is
18:48I'd love to make it like miniscule, but I don't think i'm gonna be able to do that. The idea would be
18:54You obviously want a nose. We could just do like a head statue
18:57So that looks like his eyes
19:00His eyes could be there
19:04It's raining bad omens are happening doesn't really like fungo does it I think the statue will be too big
19:10If we make a little statue to fungo, but I feel like it needs a centerpiece
19:14I guess it's not gonna be as big as the portal
19:16So maybe I should just go with it put a little hat on top
19:19This might be okay. Actually if I move this design upwards
19:23That looks all right. So let me just quickly
19:26I need like a little body. It could be just a villager head
19:31with a fountain
19:33Underneath it could be that that might work quite well. How did I just do it? I completely forgot so like that
19:40and then
19:42I was like that wasn't it and then there you could make it
19:46like with
19:49Shall we? Oh, I need a smooth stone, don't I? So yeah like that would be cool. But what do I put underneath it?
19:54Oh, wait, would um
19:55Would steps work try and make the arms? I don't actually have a lot of cobblestone
19:59So i'm hoping this will work in some capacity. So i'm thinking in two parts. This is the head
20:05This is the body we could even change that to this
20:09and then that
20:11Excuse me, sir
20:14and then
20:16Cobblestone slabs
20:18That doesn't quite look right these kind of like little arms though
20:23I kind of like it when it was off to the side more. Wait a second. Is it too much if we do?
20:27Oh, that's it, but it looks so thick now
20:32Let me try and make it one shorter they're all humming they're all
20:36Feeling quite intrigued by this too intrigued actually you're all getting in the way
20:40I feel like the wider one works better
20:41So one extra block sideways then two little legs and his eyes like that and then we need to put his yellow hat on
20:48Fungo, this is gonna look great, man. It's gonna look so good
20:51You're not fungo. I knew that though. Maybe like that
20:56and there's gonna have to be two
20:58But i'm confused. Let's just try and build it up and see what happens
21:01So it's at least gonna have to be like that
21:02Maybe just like that like old school totem of undying kind of look would be good
21:08And then we've got the head on top. Oh, the head needs to be three though. Oh
21:12Oh, we got a new golem. That's cool. Okay, so
21:19Do you know what that doesn't look too bad? Actually, that doesn't look too bad. I feel like there's maybe a better material we can use
21:26But for now
21:27I'm kind of liking it and the nose comes out like this
21:31Yes coming together. Okay, let's add these side bits. Oh, yeah, I don't know what the back's gonna look like though
21:37I think this is gonna look silly with the
21:40smooth stone eyes, but I also
21:43Kind of think it'll be awesome at the same time. I didn't even smell that's hilarious. We've got more smooth stone in there
21:49maybe I do like
21:51What color eyes you got green?
21:53I mean I could do white buttons. Let's see what this looks like
21:57This might make it look freaky, but i'm kind of down for it
22:02You know what
22:04It does look weird. Yo, let me have a look at your face quick
22:08Yeah, because their eyes are like above their nose. Oh, no
22:11I know it's not completely accurate
22:13But I kind of like it and I don't think i'm gonna be able to get it any better than that
22:17I feel like that just works and then we need upside down
22:21Cobble for that
22:23We need some more cobble, I don't think i've got more cobble that's the problem
22:2835 never mind. I was looking it in my chest
22:31So I want to put the yellow hat on top
22:32Otherwise, it's not fungo and it looks weird from the back. Maybe I could do like a double-sided one
22:37Is that weird? It might be weird, but also might be awesome at the same time
22:41This might actually work as a double-sided
22:44Thing, you know, can I put these upside down stairs instead? These guys are gossiping. I can feel it
22:50They're gossiping about the statue wondering why fungo gets the special treatment. My man's been here since the beginning
22:56He's received a ton of abuse
22:59Not voluntarily, yeah, I think this is gonna work if we put
23:04Upside down upside down. Yeah, and then we put nose nose
23:15What do you think man, what do you think this is all for you all for you
23:22I've added the top of the head I need
23:25Two more eyes, then I think we just need to do the hat
23:29But I don't know if i'm gonna have any yellow
23:33Can I do out of sand? I could maybe do out of sand. Let's make these buttons real quick
23:39I think that looks hilarious. I don't know about you. There's definitely we could maybe add some other little
23:45Pieces of stone like different types of stone, but it's kind of cool that we can now see it from both sides
23:51I'll like it and I kind of want to put lava underneath it. I know I know I know what you're saying what you're doing
23:59Chill, it'll be under glass, but I still want to do it
24:02We just need to figure out how we can do the hat. Let me have a look at his hat real quick
24:05Yo fungo. What's up, buddy? How you doing? That's fungo jr. What you it's got in the composter fungo
24:11Let me see your app
24:12So it's got brown around the outside
24:15He's actually modeling it quite well right now
24:17Hey bales, what am I talking about? Just use hay bales. I don't think I have any though. Okay, there's some wheat here
24:22Got 37 wheat total. I definitely need some more fungo can probably help me out with that
24:27That's when you make four hay bales. That's not ideal. Is it buddy? What if I replace this top bit?
24:34with the hay bales
24:36Is that going to give the desired effect before I go and find some hay bales? I think it might do
24:41I think it might do I think it might do i'm pretty sure there's a village this way
24:45I'm gonna go and see if I can get any wheat from there if I haven't stolen it already
24:49I think I probably have stolen already, but it's worth a try to go and see if it's there
24:54It's the village that we started with
24:56Or started next to when we spawned originally in this world. This statue idea is sick though
25:01I love it and then around the outside. I want to have some job blocks
25:04Little market kind of place vibe because they all kind of hang around there anyway
25:08But let's take it one step at a time, okay, here is a village where is the wheat boys you got any all there's some
25:15Not a lot, but there's some
25:18There's not many villages around so i'm guessing
25:21They're all stuck somewhere. It would actually be really handy if you just had the the hay bales, but
25:27I'm guessing not this ain't gonna give me much. I need to sleep
25:32Yeah, i've already ransacked this village. Oh, he's he's still there
25:37Oh, he's he's sleeping look at this place, this is cool, right?
25:40I need to sleep real quick and see if there's anything else out here
25:43How many we're gonna need we need quite a lot. What's 16 from that which isn't bad any other farms around?
25:49I think this village in particular is known for not having as much wheat in it
25:55There's some over here, right? Come on guys get out get out
25:59Act professional, please. I've got a grindstone as well
26:02This doesn't count as stealing because I am replanting it it's under my own rules how much we got 25
26:09Is that all there is that's all you got look at that pig. Oh that poor guy
26:13It's up on the mountain all by himself. You got more golems than us. Why is that? We got way more villages
26:20Nothing else in here. Okay, that's as much as we're gonna get from here. How many more hay bales is that?
26:25Two. Oh dear. I've just had a thought isn't one of the snapshots
26:30Didn't they add in new maps so you can find new villages i'm sure they did let me get a new cartographer
26:37And see if it updates i'm sure I read that on twitter somewhere, right?
26:40They changed the sheep thing which they reverted but to help with finding sheep. They added new maps the
26:48cartographers can have
26:50I'm sure that's the case. Yo, buddy. You haven't got it. Have you?
26:55No, he's not got it. We need a new one
26:57How do I make a new cartography table, this is a nice place you got by the way
27:01I need a new cartography table. Let's go make one of those quick, but you're a cartographer too, aren't you?
27:06Oh, hold up
27:07We can just use this guy. Let me see. So he needs paper
27:11Oh, man, i've got to go through all this again, right? Let's go and empty our stuff
27:15And we're back on the paper grind. Do you remember this? Wow
27:18Then hopefully we can speed up this process so we can just find a village that has hay bales
27:23That would be great and at the same time we can find another village if that makes sense, right?
27:27Let's grab as much of this as we can
27:30I'm glad I plotted it through last time
27:33It's gonna help massively I knew it'd help in the long run
27:35This has given me throwbacks to the old hardcore series to where I did exactly the same thing
27:42Well, it goes all the way around here as well, what was I doing again not complaining because I have everything I need
27:48Hopefully enough paper though. I don't know how much this is gonna make i'm also glad I put you in there
27:52That's right. I'm not regretting that one bit. Okay, we need
28:00Let's see if I can trade him. I think he's in this church over here, which is slightly random
28:05I don't think he should be there, but it's all right if we can find him then it's okay
28:10Oh my god, it's 24 per time that's kind of crazy
28:15I don't know why that
28:16Noise is so satisfying, right? Have you got anything new for me, buddy?
28:18It might not work because he spawned in before
28:21Oh wait, it does
28:23Oh a tiger village map. You're you're gonna point me over there, aren't you? You're gonna point me to that one
28:29That's what you're gonna do
28:33Fine i'll get a compass I will get a compass
28:35He's definitely gonna point me to that one though
28:38Of all the maps that we get it's gonna be that one. That's so annoying
28:42Let's see what happens, but I knew it. It was in my brain somewhere. I was like, hold on
28:47My memory has worked. Uh
28:50Where's my iron i've got iron on me I had some redstone somewhere
28:54Here it is. All right compass
28:58And how many emeralds
29:00Was it six emeralds? I'll get another one
29:04I'm, pretty sure I have emeralds. I feel like you should be giving me a lot more emeralds for my paper, by the way
29:09Just putting that out there. This is a cool feature though. I do like this. I like this new um map feature. Hello, sir
29:16Give me this that gives a tiny amount that's mad right tiger village map
29:24I mean, I don't actually know where I need to go for this. I'm guessing it's this way though. Yeah, it's definitely this way
29:29That's the most useless village map ever
29:33Oh, man
29:38Of all the maps that he can give us he gives us the exact one that is opposite
29:43I'm like, why am I even running here? I've been here before that's crazy. I think we've got a lot of glass
29:48So we might be able to level him up pretty quickly and see if he'll give us another one
29:53If not, we might need another cartographer, which would be a shame. Actually. I don't think we have that much glass left
30:00I wonder where it went
30:02Where did it go?
30:04Okay, I found a little bit more I need to make this into pain so we can trade him
30:08Let me bring this with me
30:10And just see how far the trade progresses
30:13Let's see if he gives us a different map if I level him up no map then
30:17Where is he?
30:19There's no way you climbed up. How do you come up here?
30:23Villagers don't climb like that. Do they?
30:27Yes, i'll give you emeralds
30:30Oh wait
30:32Well, this is a different guy. This is this is a different cartographer. How many cartographers have we got?
30:37That's the third one
30:38Yeah, where'd he go? Where is he?
30:41He's not in here, where is he oh they're over here they've got their own like crew
30:46Oh, wait, this isn't even the right guys. This is another one
30:50Here he is, okay, right
30:5211 glass it's actually a fairly efficient trade. So it's not too bad and glass is really easy to get now
30:58Don't run away. Don't run away. It's not time to run away yet. Yo, buddy. Come here
31:03I need your attention
31:05There we go
31:07There we go, okay, oh it's down to 10 that's perfect actually look we've leveled him up
31:1417 emeralds. Okay. What'd you get next? Go and show me your glows. Show me your glows. He's got him
31:19trial explorer and ocean explorer
31:22I mean at least we've got those now
31:24but that
31:26That's not correct. I think we're gonna need
31:28Another one then if we get another tiger
31:31One does he send us to the same village? Maybe okay. How do you make a cartography table?
31:37Two paper forward. Do you know what I can do that?
31:41It means i'm probably gonna have to trade some more paper though
31:44So it looks like the village trades are their second trade. This can be the first thing we put out
31:49Um in the market square like here
31:53Well, actually no, no, no, not here. There's definitely people without jobs that can make use of this
31:58Let's go here who's gonna roll up and take the job. Is it you is it all they're both coming over
32:04It's a race for the job this guy's got the scent of it look at him he's ready to become one
32:09What's good, buddy?
32:1124 paper
32:13I don't have that much paper anymore, but i'll do my best
32:17Sir no, come back. Come back. Come back. I've got some
32:21Not a lot though. There you go one trade. You're locked in. Whoa. Whoa, put your maps away. Come on now
32:26I can also trade for an empty map, but that is
32:28Genuinely one of the worst trades ever. I need all this to grow again
32:32Okay, I don't think that idea is going to work annoyingly your fungo you're the farm around here
32:38Why why is this not growing as efficiently as it should be? I'm helping you out mate. I'm helping you out
32:45How much more is that I guess nine that's one more block baby one more
32:50There we go. Another hay bale. Can we just die yet? I have some flowers
32:54Could try it. Let's see
32:58Okay, you can so what would look better I think the hay
33:01Bales will look better break this put that there
33:09Oh, I don't know we could do brown wool and yellow wool and that will get us there now
33:14And it might just look better. There's only one way to find out yellow flowers yellow flowers
33:18Let's try it. Oh, the only thing is to get brown dye
33:22We need cocoa beans submit. Yeah, this isn't gonna work. Oh what?
33:27This is frustrating. Do I have any bones?
33:30Just to speed up this process I do okay, let's just
33:37Get a load or let's just help fungo out shall we
33:41Speed along his production just so we can get some more of these hay bale blocks
33:45I think this is gonna be the quickest way to do it
33:51Bongo look at this buddy. You are thriving
33:55And it is through no work of your own look at this it's the most full your farm has ever looked ever
34:02I need to finish your sign as well. People keep reminding me to do that and then I get
34:05Distracted by something else. How many we got now?
34:12So we need to go like this
34:15Seven i'm gonna put one here one here one here we need
34:19Definitely need more
34:25I think i'm gonna do it that high. Does that work? That's definitely gonna work. So we need three
34:30four five six, seven eight nine
34:32Ten eleven I think I don't know if i'm gonna have enough bone meal
34:40Stuff takes ages to grow
34:42I'm all out already
34:44Now he gave me eight as well. What?
34:47Bongo, can I trade?
34:49Can't trade any of you for wheat i'm pretty sure there's another wheat farmer up here
34:53Gosh, this has become quite the mission. I've been up here for ages
34:56Have you been up here for this long and there's only two plants that we can use?
35:01How is that possible?
35:04You're you're bringing shame to the the family fungo name
35:09So if the side is actually gonna look quite funny, so we only need one two, three four
35:14Five we need six. That's not too bad
35:17But we just have to wait for the ones to grow so we can get enough of them or
35:22Whatever comes first finding a new village through a cartographer map
35:26so if
35:27The sugar cane grows then maybe but while we're doing that I can work on what's underneath because I do want to pay homage
35:34to like the old
35:36Lake so I want to try and do
35:39Do we just do it under here instead just do it under there but with I mean with just lava
35:46No one's gonna be able to walk in there I don't think
35:48We can always test it and see what happens, but do I want to line it with something probably?
35:55I don't know what and I want to change out some of these to make it a little bit more natural
35:59But we need some other stone blocks for that and i'm not sure what stone to use
36:03We could use some gray wool. Actually. We've also got some diorite in here
36:08What are the stones we got calcite maybe tough just to make it a little bit more interesting
36:13There is one mossy cobble in here, too. So if we put I don't know mossy cobble
36:18There it's gonna look more like an actual statue. Yeah, this is better. The wool does not look good though
36:23Whoa, what's happening over there?
36:25Hold on
36:29A new fungo a new fungo
36:31I interrupted
36:33I can't believe I interrupted. Oh, they're angry. There's not enough fungo
36:36Oh, they're angry. There's not enough beds man. This village could get massive. I want to create the largest
36:43Minecraft village
36:44I want to do it
36:46I think just mossy would be fine
36:48I'm, pretty sure we can't craft it though. Let's have a look. Yeah, you can't craft it. Where'd you get it from?
36:53I didn't try the tough did I?
36:55Let me try tough instead of this block. It might be too dark
37:01Well, it's not bad
37:03It's not bad at all
37:04I still think the mossy is gonna look better
37:05So I think i'm gonna stick with just normal cobblestone and mossy and then for the outside of this
37:10I think I just want to do slabs and the lava underneath means that they will not be able to die in it
37:15Don't prove me wrong fellas. I don't want that to happen. I need some more smooth stone as well
37:21You do this
37:23I'm gonna need a little bit more. Yeah, this is gonna look good. It's like a fountain but the opposite
37:30Do I want to take
37:33Half of this
37:35So I think the lava is going to come up underneath that right? So we're gonna need to put this
37:41As cobble as well
37:44Just in case it kind of comes through right let's grab some lava and see if we can do it
37:47This is gonna be way easier than what we did before
37:51I don't remember where the lava is. Oh here is never mind
37:54And I can't go from to the nether and back to collect it. That's the only problem
37:59because of the
38:00because of what happened with the
38:02I don't even know it's bugged. Yeah, that's perfect
38:07Perfect. Let's smell this up again
38:11Oh my god, this is great
38:13We finally get to give fungo a statue he deserves I want to add some gold to it at some point
38:18Uh one day we can turn it into a gold statue and we can afford it
38:22But that's way in the future and then have like a beacon coming out of it as well
38:26Fungo is the beacon of this community and me, but I don't need a statue right now. I'm going to get more lava
38:32Seriously, it might be a problem
38:35I I genuinely don't know how i'm gonna unlink those portals
38:39I'm gonna have to get one of you guys to tell me and fix it next time because I don't know how to do it
38:43Okay, smooth stone activated. Oh, I didn't even need double
38:48So I need
38:50Probably well, I need a few more blocks
38:53I need a few more buckets of redstone
38:58Okay, i'm seriously losing my mind right now redstone. I mean lava
39:02I kind of like that too. Now. That is the centerpiece for our world and it's not too big and
39:07Fungo couldn't look at it
39:09from inside the house
39:12Okay. Yeah, I think that is a great improvement and we've still got the lava in there, but it's safe
39:18no one can walk into it apart from like a cat or a dog, but
39:21The cat or dog walks into that it's kind of on them. I just need to finish the hat off
39:25I don't want to leave all my houses unfinished my house unfinished. Oh, wait. He's got some got some ready to go
39:32Come on fungo you are you are literally growing your hat right now. It's huge news. Oh that was
39:39That was too early
39:41Oh, no, that was um, that's my bad. Sorry, buddy. I've just thought of a problem as well
39:45I just saw him come out the portal if I go in on a way if I go in there
39:50Yeah, then they go through the other portal. They're gonna end up in the cave
39:54Oh god, what have I done? All right, the portal's out of bounds. We need to lock the portal up I need
40:01Orange tape. I need some yellow tape. Let's just get some gray tape as well
40:05This is important. We need to block up the portal the portal for now
40:09is out of bounds
40:12out of bounds to all ears
40:18Out of bounds out of bounds portals locked off it's broken portal currently
40:31Do not enter
40:34Exclamation marks, you know that I mean business. Okay, that's
40:39Not ideal, but we'll fix it
40:41I just don't know how I thought maybe I could somehow break the portal in the nether
40:45Rebuild it and then see if it leads us back here because this is a new portal that linked to an old portal
40:53Or maybe yeah, how do I get back though? I want to break the old one
40:58Okay, I think I might need to
41:01Go through this one break the one that's in there move it to a different location light it again
41:06And then go back through i'm so confused. I don't know. I don't know is the answer
41:10But at least the fungo statue is making me pleased
41:12The other thing I wanted to do is destroy that house, wasn't it?
41:15So let's quickly sleep go and destroy that house. We will repurpose the um
41:20The house materials for something else. Don't worry
41:22But I want to see if it improves my view so I can see my enchanting island
41:27Which still needs a bridge by the way
41:29Let me go and chop it down quick
41:33Run run run run run another villager house that is meeting my axe. I don't think anyone uses this. Anyway, it's fine
41:39This actually feels very unprogressive because
41:43I'm taking down a house to improve my view from my balcony
41:50That's not what i'm about is it I don't know I think I am right now
41:54I have moved into this
41:56Moved into this village stolen a house
42:00The house I stole I burnt down in front of them
42:03I have made my own farm to challenge their economy. Things aren't looking great for me right now
42:08That's why i'm trying to repair morale in the village by giving their the most important farmer the original farmer his own
42:18I think that's a good thing
42:20Oh, no, is this your house?
42:22I'm, sorry, buddy. It had to go. I'll be used for greater and better things
42:26I promise you quite a lot of wood in there. Actually, let's see if that has improved the view at all
42:31It just means I can see more of what i've built in my own. No in their village
42:37And the slip of the tongue keeps coming out don't believe it
42:40Uh, yes, okay
42:40That is better, but it also makes the I need something next to the portal to make it look less weird now
42:46Maybe like a boat dock or something. We'll fill it in man. This has been
42:50a lot of
42:52Relandscaping, but I think this looks sick. I just need to finish it. I'll finish it. I'm not leaving it unfinished
42:58That's not what we do around here. Okay. It has been a few days. Uh in that day. I have been to stockholm and back
43:07You'd have to guess what I was up to there. Oh
43:09Hello you what are you doing here?
43:11You heard that we're making a marketplace are and then you decide to come over with your wares. Let me see
43:16That's not what I wanted to click. Let me see if um, he's got any good trades because I think they oh
43:23Yeah, I think they improved them a little bit one wheat seed for an emerald. You should be ashamed of yourself
43:29Oh, hold up cherry sapling
43:32Oh hold up
43:34Cherry sapling. Yo, i'm taking one of those pleasure doing business with you for once i've never done business with you before
43:41I'm, actually gonna plant this over here. I will make a plant dock here at some point, but for now
43:46Cherry sapling that's sick. Okay, the wandering trader has redeemed himself. What else did he have?
43:52some ice
43:54He trades water buckets for emeralds, that's op
43:57Is that not op
43:58Is that not like a great trade? I can trade water for emeralds look how much water we have
44:04I mean, I guess he's gonna take the bucket as well. Actually, isn't he? Let me see. It's such a random trade
44:09Yeah, he nabs the water bucket. Also. I had a quick look over the previous footage. We've had a disaster. That's probably
44:16being too over the top but
44:19You know, I said that i've crafted this compass then I traded the cartographer for the compass
44:24They've taken the home compass by accident, so I need to make a new home compass
44:30Um, yeah, I thought that if you named it, it doesn't count as the same item
44:34But apparently it does so what have we got left to do? Oh my god. My inventory is so full up
44:41Do you think at some point?
44:43They'll help us out with that. Oh, we got another bit of mossy cobble as well. Do you think we need more? Um,
44:48Inventory space somehow, I don't know how they'd do it
44:50But I feel like we need some because the bundles were kind of what that was supposed to be
44:56But I feel like we need we need big bundles
44:59Big bundles, right? Let's go sleep. And then we're gonna go and trade for this cartographer
45:04To see if he gives us the maps. Who's this? Oh junior. You've moved in as well. Look at this
45:08I'm, so happy we need to finish it though
45:09We need to not leave this unfinished because there's so much stuff that is unfinished i've mentioned the lodestone compass
45:15Which is easy to remake i'm glad it wasn't the
45:19Trial chamber one because that would have been annoying. That's this one
45:22Which we can now rename might as well do that as well trial chamber
45:29So that's that
45:30Done one job done. Let me go and get all of the wheat then we can trade it for paper or the map
45:35Hopefully a new map. Let's smack this up
45:40All right, I have the goods, um
45:42Okay, I didn't see that other stack that was like that's low there we go, where is my man
45:49You take my paper sir
45:53Come on level up, you know you want to there we go, right? I need a village map. That is not the tiger map, please
46:02The boy listened. So if we grab one of these i'm putting this in manually
46:05Look, what if I click this it takes the trial chamber one not ideal, right savannah map
46:11So now do I want to go and follow that? Let's see where it is
46:16Small dot very small dot and we also do not have we don't have a horse
46:21It could really do with a horse. Okay plan of action savannah could be cool
46:26It just depends how far away it is. I say we go but we're gonna have to take a bed with us. Let's do it
46:33Give me this. Maybe we can get a horse on the way. We get a new horse
46:36I'm gonna need a saddle. We have plenty of saddles, right? Surely we've got horse armor
46:41We're gonna manifest that we get yeah saddle. We're gonna get a horse. We're gonna do it, right? Let's go north
46:48It's that way. I'm pretty sure it's that way
46:50Let's go and hopefully it's one we have not found before because we have been quite far this way
46:55Savannah is like which biome is that? Is that like the the lion king one?
46:59So only way I could describe it is like the lion king one. We might even find some of the new
47:05Chickens and stuff that might be cool. Oh, there's horses here. Okay, I don't need a horse. Well, you know what?
47:10Let's go super speed. Here we go. I don't know how fast it's gonna be. We're going on a big adventure
47:15I'll see if I find anything interesting
47:17How fast this is? Oh my gosh
47:20This is great a dot is
47:23Moving so we kind of need to move this way a little bit. That's a good sign
47:27Oh, that's got bigger
47:29We're on big dog. Okay, this is actually good. It's gonna be close just need it to have hay bales
47:35That's it. What else does the savannah have? Oh, we don't want to go across that though. Um
47:39Let's go around it. I don't want no mining fatigue, please. Well, there's zap in that squid
47:46What the
47:47I didn't know they just attacked random mobs. He was hyper beaming that squid. That's crazy anything under here
47:53Well, this might have suspicious gravel and oh, it's got mossy cobble
47:57Wait, that's sick. Actually
47:59A little one we got wheat too. Yeah, I kind of want the mossy cobble. Give me this. This is perfect
48:07Okay, i'm gonna need to bundle some stuff up
48:11Back up guys back up. Give me my brick back. I think you are
48:15Thank you. Give me that back
48:17Okay, that was decent good find. Let's get rid of that. Don't need kelp. Let us continue
48:22We are still a little bit away. Let's pop that in there eat some tater and keep going. What is that?
48:30Hmm i'm gonna have to have a look at it. Are we close?
48:33Still not close. Okay. What is this?
48:36More coal I can go in there i'm breaking. Okay, that's decent too
48:41I'm going there as well. I've never seen one that looks like this
48:44Super weird, that's definitely suspicious gravel. So we need to bring a brush at some point
48:48That's another thing that I haven't really explored in minecraft before but there's a time and a place
48:52We don't need to get distracted. Now. We've got our mossy cobble though for fungo statue, which is perfect
48:56Do you know what as well? I just thought we don't have our home compass. I didn't activate the other camp the other compass so
49:04Yeah, we don't have to get home. So just have to guess it's pretty far for some wheat
49:08It might be a terrible decision. But here we are. I'm just gonna go and see if I can grab this
49:13For anything good. It'll help me
49:16Uh, oh my god, what two lodestones since when silk touch golden shovel?
49:24That's got a lot of cool stuff in it
49:26Since when do they have lodestones in that's sick. Oh, we're close just in time for night
49:33Oh, yeah, we might have been to this one. Yeah, I think we've been to this one
49:37There's hey though. Okay worth the trip. Have we been to this one?
49:41I feel like we have uh, why are you waiting for me for huh?
49:44What you doing you run away from that cat?
49:46Unbelievable behavior. Come here
49:51Gotcha, um, okay, let's quickly
49:55Sleep then we can grab the hay bales. Oh, there's loads man. Whoa. What are you doing here? Stop it
50:01You not see all the cats around
50:05My bad, that's the stuff came all this way for this and the village paid off
50:10So turns out the villager maps and stuff pretty good update. I don't know where all the villagers are though
50:16Yeah, i've definitely been in here
50:18Maybe not there's bread in here. I'm sure I recognize this the doors are still open
50:23Yeah, i'm pretty sure i've been here
50:27Okay, this is definitely more than we need we've got 31 now
50:31That should be fine. Hello, sir. Yeah. Yeah, that wasn't me
50:34I don't know what happened to kind of crazy like creeper came over blew it up of his own accord
50:40Was me was not me. Let's get back home. Oh our skyline's looking
50:44Different I like it. Okay. I'm back with fungo's hat
50:50That's all we did this for buddy is for you. So we want side side
50:55And then if I build up like this, yes fungo. I know is that fungo?
51:01There's a few of you look similar they all want to be fungo that badly they're just kind of cosplaying as him fungo
51:05Is this you buddy? Yes, sir. He knows it right. We need another one on this side. The statue is now wait we have
51:13mossy cobble the whole time
51:15Look at that an absolute. Uh, what we're gonna say
51:22Architectural masterpiece is one thing that comes to mind
51:27Let's put that there. Let's put
51:29Little one in there
51:32Little one down here
51:35Little one up
51:37Here looking mossy looking mossy fungo
51:41Don't worry, buddy. We still love you. Even if you're mossy that's looking good, man
51:44It looks like it's been there for a while. Let's go and shove some of this stuff down here somewhere
51:49Oh my word. We actually came back from that with a decent amount of stuff two lodestones is kind of
51:55Kind of crazy. What are you doing in here, bro? What are you doing in here, bro? Huh? What's going on?
52:00I know I got your your cherry sapling and I hyped you up for that but
52:03Stay out my house. All right replace the bed cannot sleep
52:08Now that's fine is something leaking I got a hole in my roof
52:12Although why are there raindrops in here? I have a hole, right? That's complete cherry blossom still hasn't grown
52:17But hopefully that will grow next. I want to do some
52:21I want to do some mats
52:23What is the we got cartographer family?
52:27So what would match him i'm thinking some light blue maybe some white up in there
52:34Kind of thinking like the globe
52:37and then dark blue
52:40Get out my house, buddy. I know it's raining, you know, actually yeah staying here. You got good trades
52:44But once you've got good trades, so the kind of way that I want it is
52:50It's hard to explain
52:53But like they're like they're trading off of mats on the floor
52:59Like this here
53:03Kind of like that. Do you know what I mean?
53:05But I don't know if there's a better way to make it look better because this kind of looks like just a bed on
53:08The floor I want it to be hustling. I want it to be busting, but I don't want to do this the traditional
53:14I don't want to do like market stores. We kind of did that before
53:17I don't want to do that, but I want it to also feel like this is busy
53:20This is the place to be i'm thinking agrabah from aladdin. That's what i'm thinking sleepy peepee
53:25I wonder what fungo thinks of the statue. I know he loves it. He was there
53:27He was excited for the hat to be remade wasn't he?
53:30To be finished the only thing we need to finish completely is the lava underneath but look at that clear skies
53:38I'm liking it man. It's kind of derpy, but I love it
53:40Okay, I think i'm gonna leave this up to you
53:42So I need some instruction on how to fix this portal because I can't be having that tape over it the whole time
53:48and also
53:49What I should do with these I kind of want them to trade off of
53:53Carpets, but I also want them
53:56To look better than that I guess but not be market stores. I need some ideas
54:00Anyway, this has been quite a good episode. Lots has happened. Lots of progress on the old world. I think finally fungo
54:07Is getting the hilarious look he's hanging around it for ages. Look. He loves it. It's not fungo
54:12It's not fungo. Never mind, but I think he's finally getting the recognition
54:16He deserves let me know what you think in the comments things down below. That'd be awesome
54:19If you enjoyed it, leave a like that'd be great subscribe if you're brand new as well
54:22So you don't miss out on the new episodes of this and the modded series and i'll see you in the next one
54:26All right. Take care. Bye