• 12 hours ago
Can men and women be friends? #skits #momlife #momcomedy


00:00I know you saw Jennifer say that Ty must be into Shauna but I think that you missed Shauna saying
00:05oh my god no no way I do not get that vibe from him at all what vibe do you get I don't know
00:11dorky dad Shauna I need to ask you something and I need you to be honest okay are you cheating on
00:16my brother no Jennifer Jennifer is Shauna's sister-in-law who up to this point really
00:22didn't like her it would track that she would be a little accusatory and it is so true that
00:27Teenie also said to Shauna Shauna why was a hot dad eye fucking you across the table at your
00:32kid's birthday party but I think you're missing the part where Shauna said please don't do that
00:36he's my one mom friend he is Shauna's best friend from college and when Teenie comes around things
00:42get a little debaucherous she encourages Shauna to be adventurous which we love her for in some
00:48regards do it I deserve a spot on the family calendar I deserve to be a self I'm not just a
00:53mom definitely to being a self yeah but to take her word for it that she clocked onto something
00:59going on between Shauna and Ty because Shauna's also into it if you would shut up you would be
01:04able to hear me what whatever this is I'm on your side there is no side okay but if a side ever
01:14develops I'm on yours it is so true that Shauna and Ty have a connection and they've had a
01:19connection since the moment that they met each other you actually catch the ball no but I throw
01:23it at him oh good seem safe one of these days those survival instincts will kick in and that
01:26glove is gonna come off he's gonna need a lot of therapy but I think that you are forgetting
01:31that Shauna immediately went to John and said no we chatted about the kids being the same age so
01:36I'm just saying if you are the one to take bubs to the park next time and you see a dad with a
01:40four-year-old and then John said this tears of joy shed by me because you met a dad friend yeah
01:46yeah I don't know a lot of dads oh and then once John and Ty met Shauna said to Ty I just need to
01:55meet your wife and we can all hang out for sure that would be fun yeah it's true the shaking of
02:00the head was a little suspect but that was our first indication that things with Julie were
02:05maybe gonna be a little dicey Julie does not dislike Shauna because she senses that there's
02:11something going on between Shauna and Ty she just doesn't care about Shauna yeah that's just uh
02:16that's Julie oh cool hey Julie I'm Shauna I it's nice to finally meet you
02:22well that's not even on her radar other than that Julie finds Shauna annoying because things with
02:26Ty are so wonderful Shauna is desperate for things with Julie to also be wonderful you just seem like
02:33you want nothing to do with me and I I just I don't know why okay if I've done something I am
02:38so sorry whatever it was was completely unintentional it's really not that deep we're just
02:43not friends Shauna and Ty really like each other as friends they really like each other but Ty and
02:49John really like each other too and so it would track then that Ty's wife would also really like
02:54Shauna and John you shouldn't she doesn't not like you she said I'm annoying but she doesn't and so
02:59Shauna and Ty both understand what that means and that's sad because they should be able to be
03:05friends but here we are I'm eating well I can hear you
03:12Shauna come on trouble in paradise they're nice people the only reason John accused Shauna at
03:19their anniversary dinner is because his emotions are up to here with what he's going through with
03:23his mom I guess it would just be the worst thing that could ever happen yeah especially with my
03:28mom and stuff he and Shauna were just flirting and like sex was on the brain right and so now
03:34she's smiling talking about this other guy and he's like whoa he is an absolutely delightful
03:38person when she's not around giving everyone the silent treatment what you really like him
03:43yeah he's my park buddy what but then when he's apologizing he says I am sorry you having this
03:50friendship has never made me think twice and then he says again you mean to say it no there's
03:54nothing going on between me and Ty I know and he means it because you really think there's
03:59something with Ty no I was being an idiot I actually really like Ty I thought so nothing
04:04is happening hope that helps
