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00:22Good morning, guys!
00:23Hello. Okay, so I woke up. I'm gonna do a little skincare while we chit-chat.
00:27I do need to leave the house in like 10 minutes or so.
00:29Good morning! So yesterday, we went to the studio. We recorded.
00:32I feel like my brain was half on for most of the day, but we got it done.
00:36The episodes were really fun.
00:38And then I came back home. I got home around like 7 p.m. or so.
00:42Cal and I ate some dinner, and then we honestly worked through the entire night.
00:45He had to finish a Patreon video, and I really needed to catch up on editing vlogs.
00:51Normally, whenever I take a flight, I spend that time working, working, working.
00:54I get so much work stuff done.
00:56But both on the way to New York and the way home for the wedding, I just rested.
01:00I watched movies. I hung out. I took a little nap.
01:02And I didn't get any work done.
01:04I can't remember the last time I took a flight and got no work done.
01:07So while it was relaxing, at the same time, I also got very behind on just work stuff in general.
01:13So I stayed up last night till midnight editing vlogs, getting stuff done for you guys.
01:18And I'm feeling much better now.
01:19I still have some work stuff to get done today.
01:21Obviously, as I always do, it never ends.
01:23But I do feel a lot better.
01:24I put a huge dent in all of my vlogs.
01:27So I've got those ready to go for the next week or so.
01:31If you guys missed the last few vlogs, go check them out.
01:33They were really fun.
01:34Apologies for being a little bit delayed.
01:36But again, things just got kind of crazy.
01:37But yes, it is the next day. We are up.
01:40I ended up not getting into the waitlisted Pilates class last night.
01:43But I got into a class today.
01:45So I am putting a little skincare on, a little sunscreen, a little moisturizer.
01:49And we are going to put a cute little workout outfit on and go get to it.
01:53I was in such a good groove of working out last year.
01:56And then I feel like, honestly, Vlogmas always puts a dent in that.
01:59And then at the top of the year, with just the fires and everything that happened,
02:02and then my birthday, and just like all these things, work things always coming up.
02:05Unfortunately, working out has taken the back burner for me.
02:09And when I tell you guys, I feel like I can tell a difference in my mental health depletion when I don't work out.
02:15And I'm gonna be so honest, it has been quite a while since I've been on my routine.
02:19But you gotta start somewhere.
02:21You know, I'm not gonna be as good as when I was really in the groove of it.
02:24But I gotta just bite the bullet. I gotta get to it.
02:26Truly, I can feel like my anxiousness just kind of increase when I'm not taking care of myself.
02:31And I don't wanna feel this way anymore.
02:32So today, we get back into it.
02:34And also, that's just life. It's not always linear.
02:37It's not always gonna be like on it all the time.
02:40So inevitably, I will fall off again.
02:41And I will get back into it again.
02:43That's just how it goes. We be gentle with ourselves.
02:45With that, let me put my little workout set on.
02:47Okay, guys. Here is the look.
02:49It's so cute. This is all from Beyond Yoga.
02:52It's like a little pink flare legging, a little pink crop top, and then a little pink wrap top on top of that.
02:57I got my Pilates socks, which, of course, we need.
03:00And we are going to go have an amazing—
03:02Whoa! Amazing clothes!
03:04As much as I am not looking forward to this, I just know after I'm gonna feel amazing.
03:09If you're watching this and you're feeling the same way about doing anything or working out,
03:13I encourage you to do it.
03:15Let's take care of ourselves.
03:16We got this!
03:18My legs are quaking, but we did it.
03:20I also almost threw up, but we did it.
03:23When I tell you I am shaking!
03:27Okay, vibrato!
03:28Oh my god, you guys. I am actually—
03:31Like, my legs are already quaking, but in the best way.
03:34I have to say, I started the class.
03:36It was really hard.
03:37I love my instructor so, so, so, so, so much.
03:40She's like one of my favorite people ever.
03:42She's so funny and just makes class so much fun.
03:45And it was definitely hard for the first time ever.
03:47I usually do three-pound weights.
03:48I would say, like, two to three pounds are usually the standard for this class.
03:50But I had fives at my reformer.
03:52So, the person before me was a beast and left them there.
03:55And my instructor was like,
03:56Do you want to switch them?
03:56I was like, honestly, I'm gonna try it.
03:58So, I went in.
03:58I did it, but I was quaking.
04:01But I'm really proud of myself.
04:02And, like, a third of the way through the class, I was like,
04:04Oh my god, I feel so good.
04:06I feel like I wasn't in my head.
04:08I feel like I felt so strong.
04:10And it just reminded me that even more than coming for, like, the physical aspect of it,
04:15how much, specifically Pilates for me,
04:17but just, like, working out in general or finding a workout where I feel comfortable and strong and just good
04:24really takes me out of my head.
04:25Because at home, when I'm home all the time and I'm just on my computer and on my phone and scrolling and working,
04:30because working is on the computer,
04:31it's just, like, I get so distracted and I feel like I just get in my head so much.
04:35So, that was so, so good.
04:36I do need to hurry home, though, because today, officially, we are doing my birthday excursion with Cal.
04:42If you guys remember, we've been trying to do this for weeks.
04:45But, unfortunately, it was raining.
04:47So, I kept pushing our plans.
04:48Cal, officially, today, is taking me to an exotic animal rescue.
04:53Which I do need to get home because we do need to leave in 30 minutes.
04:56And it's gonna take me a little while to get home.
04:58So, I gotta rush.
04:59Okay, I'll see you guys soon.
05:04I told Cal, I said, can you vlog us?
05:07And then, we get that shot.
05:08I love it.
05:09Okay, guys.
05:10I went home and I changed as fast as I could.
05:13It's 88 degrees outside.
05:15Cal, where are we going?
05:17We're going to a wildlife...
05:19What is it?
05:19Like, a preservation?
05:21It's a wild, exotic animal rescue.
05:25And we're gonna be meeting some exotic, endangered animals?
05:29Yes, some endangered.
05:32So, basically, I did research.
05:34I went on the website.
05:35I read up about you guys.
05:36I'll link it down below.
05:37It's called Animal Tracks.
05:38Cal surprised me with this for my birthday, which I'm so excited about.
05:42And he booked a VIP tour, which I don't know what that entails.
05:45But if you go on the website, which, again, I'll link it down below, you can read up on every single animal.
05:50Their names.
05:51Like, a whole cute...
05:52Like, the way that they write them are so cute.
05:54Like, little synopsis about them and where they got them from.
05:58And a lot of them are animals that were bought as pets illegally or legally.
06:04That, you know, when the owners moved states and the animals were no longer legal to have as pets anymore or if the owners were not taking care of them properly.
06:12They're basically animals that they are rehabilitating and taking care of, but they cannot be released back in the wild.
06:17So, I'm super excited.
06:20They have kangaroos and emus and so many different animals that we're gonna get to see.
06:26I'm really excited for the Little Barbasets.
06:28We're finally going to.
06:29We've had to reschedule twice now because of, like, weather and...
06:33Yeah, it's...
06:34We're really excited.
06:36We're finally gonna go.
06:37It's gonna be awesome.
06:39Happy birthday.
06:40I've been the designated driver since the foot's been broken and normally...
06:44Passenger princess.
06:45Normally, I'm the passenger princess and I get to, like, do my makeup and, like, do work while we're driving.
06:50So, I've been a little less productive lately since I have not been able to be passenger princess, but it's okay.
06:55I love it.
06:56Yeah, you get to...
06:57Isn't it nice?
06:58Yeah, it's great.
06:59Soak it up and I'm pretty hungry, though.
07:01So, after we do this, maybe we'll grab some food.
07:04Head back home.
07:05We have some errands we need to run and then we have a little massage book tonight.
07:09A couple's massage, which I'm really excited about.
07:11Yeah, that's gonna be fun.
07:17Did you guys ever see Spirit, the Disney animated movie?
07:19I did, yeah.
07:20He even has the dorsal stripe just like that horse.
07:25So pretty.
07:26He's so cute.
07:29Sorry, baby.
07:30Sorry, baby.
07:31Here, I'll tell you what.
07:32You hold the camera and I'll...
07:33This one's the girl and this one's the boy, right?
07:35Sophia and Vincent.
07:36Sophia and Vincent.
07:38Oh, they're so sweet.
07:39He's got some striping on his elbows.
07:41They have some striping on their legs.
07:43Oh, yeah.
07:44So, they are not part zebra.
07:45That is the dungeon that goes all the way back to Africa.
07:47That's incredible.
07:49He's so calm.
07:51Hello, cutie.
07:55Oh, my goodness.
07:58Hi, Ray.
07:59And Ray is our main wolf here.
08:02Oh, my goodness.
08:03And this one you can pet.
08:04This is the ice dragon.
08:05Hi, pretty.
08:08Here he comes, Ray Ray.
08:09Oh, my goodness.
08:10Oh, my goodness.
08:13You can pet him as well.
08:14I can pet him?
08:15Oh, my gosh.
08:17Red color.
08:17Bye, cutie.
08:18Oh, are they?
08:21He's showing off for the camera.
08:24This is so cool.
08:26Oh, my God, the armadillo.
08:27He's so cute.
08:28This is our armadillo.
08:29Oh, my gosh.
08:30Oh, my gosh.
08:31This is Frank.
08:33No way.
08:34Frank the tank cat.
08:35Oh, he's adorable.
08:36He is adorable.
08:37He's so cute.
08:38He's a six-banded armadillo, and they come from South America.
08:43He eats really, really well.
08:45He leans on his head, scratches the dirt out with his front, and then kicks it out with his back.
08:51Look at him go.
08:52Yeah, so he plants seeds in the wild.
08:54They all plant seeds, and a lot of times, they'll abandon the holes they dig, so other animals will come and dig them.
09:00Oh, wow.
09:02Frank, come on.
09:03Let's see him.
09:04He's so cute.
09:05Go, Frank.
09:06How old is Frank?
09:07Frank is 10.
09:08In the wild, they grow to be about 20, so he's about halfway through his life.
09:12No way.
09:13We found a baby possum in our backyard.
09:15Oh, wow.
09:16We did.
09:17We found one.
09:18We found a pinky.
09:20Oh, my God.
09:21He has.
09:22He has.
09:23Oh, my God.
09:24Okay, so Biggie was a failure to thrive, knowing what you now know.
09:27Oh, my goodness.
09:28Hi, Daisy.
09:29Born here in Aguadulce.
09:32Mama died in childbirth.
09:34Piggy, piggy, piggy, piggy.
09:36Pinch a pencil in half.
09:38So literally, he is going to come at you with those pinchers, not his venom, though he does
09:41have a venom sack at the tip of his tail.
09:44Look, you are perfect.
09:46You're perfect.
09:47All right, you guys.
09:48You met the largest canine in the world in the wild.
09:50You met the wolves.
09:51This is the smallest canine in the world in the wild.
09:53This is a fennec fox.
09:55This is Dobby.
09:57He's going to be eight years old this year.
10:00Oh, he's perfect.
10:01Actually, in April.
10:02What's the first thing you notice about him?
10:04The ears.
10:05Isn't that how cute he is?
10:06Well, that first.
10:07You're right.
10:08He's got a little smug face.
10:09He knows he's so cute.
10:10It's his ears.
10:11He's so cute.
10:12Yeah, his ears.
10:13They're so big because, like Stacey said, he would live in sub-Sahara Africa where it's
10:16so hot everything lives underground.
10:18He just came out of nowhere.
10:21This is AJ and his wife, Quilly Eilish.
10:23Quilly Eilish.
10:24Oh, that was amazing.
10:25I did not expect them to be that big.
10:27Oh, my God.
10:28Excuse me.
10:29These are giant African porcupines.
10:30They live where there's lions, so they have to be big and powerful.
10:33Do you think they can shoot their quills?
10:36They cannot.
10:37This animal has 5,000 quills.
10:38Hi, cutie.
10:39They do not shoot them.
10:40They shed them once a year.
10:41Oh, wow.
10:42The biggest problem is nobody does the research.
10:44This is an animal that runs a mile and a half at night on those little, teeny, tiny, quarter-inch
10:52Can you imagine if your legs were a quarter-inch long, how long you'd have to run to get a
10:56quarter-inch log?
10:58He just woke up.
10:59He just started emerging again this past weekend.
11:00Hi, Waffles.
11:01Hi, Waffles.
11:03Oh, he's so cute.
11:04Oh, my God.
11:05He's adorable.
11:06Oh, my God.
11:07I've never seen.
11:08Oh, my God.
11:09I've never seen one.
11:10Hi, cutie.
11:11And pets by farmers, but they actually are anything but.
11:12They have a symbiotic relationship with cattle, which means they help each other out.
11:13So, what happens is when cattle are going along, it's now started to come out again
11:14for us.
11:15But, anyway, so I was saying, he builds those tunnels, and as he's moving all of that dirt,
11:16he's aerating it, so when the vegetation comes back, there's more of it, and it's more
11:18Oh, my God.
11:19Oh, my God.
11:20Oh, my God.
11:21Oh, my God.
11:22Oh, my God.
11:23Oh, my God.
11:24Oh, my God.
11:25Oh, my God.
11:26Oh, my God.
11:27Oh, my God.
11:28Oh, my God.
11:29Oh, my God.
12:02Oh, my God.
12:03Okay, we're going to let him get one, and then we're going to do it again.
12:04One more time, because he can jump 10 feet up in there and knock a load out of the sky.
12:05No way.
12:06Someone got this as a family pet.
12:08The jump is crazy.
12:10Oh, my God.
12:12That is crazy.
12:13Eww, don't do that.
12:32We also have this deer bunny, so he has a strange hybrid of that.
12:33You guys can give them treats if you would like.
12:35Oh, thank you.
12:37Or gets small, you've said all the wrong things, because no strange monkey comes in and brings
12:45They come in, so you kill the babies, put the females in estrous, and ruin the serenity,
12:49so basically she thought you guys came in to mess up animal tracks.
12:52And she responded accordingly.
12:53it accordingly. So if you go to another part of the world... I want to say yes. You'd be right.
12:59Really? If you treat a baboon correctly, you will not meet a kinder animal. Hey, Bloony!
13:06I'm doing well. She's the one that stores all the knowledge for the troop.
13:10And so Chrissy here is what we call a baited. She's not one to be the alpha. She wants to back
13:15up whatever the troop needs. You will not meet a better team player in your whole life than this
13:21So he put himself on monkey match.com and she spiked on his profile.
13:26She likes long walks in the jungle and he likes playing video games all night. So it sounds very
13:30normal. You guys, I got emotional a couple of times. That was one of the coolest things that
13:36I've ever done. Seriously. Thank you so much. The VIP tour, you guys. It was just us as you saw.
13:43That was so cool. You can tell genuinely how much everybody cares for each of the animals. And
13:49we learned so much. I felt like I was watching one of my animal documentaries in real life. Like
13:54we learned so much. You can tell what's really cool, too, is all of those people were volunteers.
13:58Yeah, they're all volunteers. They just genuinely care about the animals. And it was really cool,
14:02too, because what Stacey, the main lady was telling us is that it is what did she say at the
14:07beginning? There's something I was like, I want to remember that to tell the blog. So she was
14:10saying that, like, they don't hire people that are experts in animals. They hire people that
14:14can like psychologically. That's what it was. It was like they psychologically helped to heal the
14:21animals more than like more than anything. Yeah. A lot of the animals have gone through like so
14:25much trauma. Like there was very little like touching for us involved, which I actually
14:29really liked. Like at the end with the monkeys, we saw those really cute monkeys. She's like,
14:32you're not touching them because they're not props. You know, you're here to learn,
14:36which I thought was so cool. And obviously we got to touch some stuff, which was really cool. But
14:41at the end of the day, we really just learned. And it was so amazing. I'm going to leave them
14:45linked down below. You guys, if you're interested in checking out animal tracks, if you come to
14:49California and you want to visit, people are coming from all over the world. But if you want to come
14:53visit, check them out. If you want to donate, I'm going to leave links down below. It was like it
14:57was such a cool thing. It was awesome. Like even just watching the monkeys, like when they would
15:01get mad at you, like they're a little angry faces. I was kind of scared of that one. Oh,
15:06yeah. The white faced one was like slamming the bowl. Her name was, she was scary. I was like,
15:12it was so funny, but she was really cute. But we just were like, we were in their space,
15:16obviously. So I was like, yeah, the problem was, so they said like, you can't smile at them because
15:20they get really angry or laugh. Yeah. Like I learned so much just in general, like in the
15:25wild, like how to, how to act too. If we were to go into the wild and see wild monkeys, like what
15:29to do, what not to do. Don't smile and laugh. Yeah. Be straight face, which I can't not smile.
15:35I was going to say like, I could not stop laughing at the white face because it was looking,
15:38it was looking at you so mad and like slamming the bowl. The baboon, Chrissy the baboon was like,
15:43oh my God, she was so beautiful. It was real. I've never seen a baboon. That was so cool.
15:47So cool. It was amazing. And so now there's like a little mercantile, like little town over here
15:52and we want to get some food and some coffee. And so we stopped over here. Let's get some food
15:57and fuel up before we go home. Here we go. Look how cute this is. Are you kidding? A little
16:03Western town. I love it here. Look at this birthday cake fudge. Oh my God. Cal handmade
16:08caramel. They've got sourdough. This is super cool. Look at this little honey. I don't actually
16:15don't know what this is, but it's really cute. Oh, I think you hang it outside. Is it a bird?
16:18It's a bird feeder. Guys, look what they have here. Hey, ours, hot Southern honey. Wow. This
16:22is from my hat. Oh my God. So crazy. Wow. What are the chances? Look how good everything looks here.
16:30Oh, citrus olive oil cake. Wait, I might have to get a pastry.
16:36Red velvet cold foam. Yes. I'm about to go off. They have a chicken salad sandwich.
16:41Okay. We just made our order. I got a red velvet Mocha iced. Wait, what? Iced red velvet Mocha with
16:47red velvet cold foam. I got a chicken salad sandwich and then a chocolate banana muffin.
16:51I'm very excited. Hell yeah. We got an Italian sub. Oh my God. I'm so excited.
16:57An Italian sub. I love an Italian. Here's my chicken salad, Sammy.
17:03You guys, I feel like I'm at a picnic. It's phenomenal. I'm gonna go home and make chicken
17:07salad. I love chicken salad. I love any mayo based salad. No need for dessert because I'm
17:11drinking it. We got the red velvet Mocha with the red velvet cold foam. It's stunning and
17:17delicious. And my sandwich is phenomenal. Hello guys. Okay. It is much, much, much later. I think
17:23I last talked to you around like 4 PM or so. It is now 10 PM. We had the best day ever. You guys,
17:29Cal and I were just driving home and we were saying like best day, honestly, maybe all year
17:34so far. Like it was just such an amazing, peaceful, relaxing day. So much bonding time for Cal and I,
17:40and it was just so much fun. So we got back home, hung out for a little bit. And then we actually
17:44just went and got our massages, our little couples massage. It was so relaxing. I feel
17:48like I needed it even more than I thought that I did. My muscles were so sore. I will say though,
17:53everybody, five big sips of water, everybody, 10 big sips of water, especially after a massage,
17:57you want to be really hydrated. So lots of water. It is 10 Oh 4 PM. And I'm going to be honest. I am
18:04having dinner. This is very late. I don't normally eat this late, but I am super hungry and I am
18:10going to eat because I'm hungry. I made myself this dinner, which is a cook unity meal, which
18:15I've been talking to you guys about a lot lately. It's a meal delivery service that we've been doing
18:18that is so delicious. This one is a soup. If you can see, please look at this, you guys,
18:22this is like my dream. Are you kidding me? If you know me, you know that I'm a soup fan. It has
18:27Udon noodles. It's got like a dashi base, but the chef that made this recipe is Korean. So the
18:33vegetables in it remind me of like a Korean soup or like a jump on or like a Korean Chinese fusion
18:38soup. There's the onions. We have like the Julian zucchini and the carrots. There's like tofu skin
18:44in here if you can see. And then I also added a couple eggs for some extra protein. Oh, and also
18:47I forgot there's shrimp too. I forgot my shrimps. It came with shrimps as well. I didn't want to
18:53overcook them. This is perfect. Now they'll just get like a little warm through. I'm gonna let it
18:57cool a little longer so I don't burn my mouth. But on that note, I'm going to end this vlog here. I
19:01hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank you so, so much for watching. I love you all and I will see you
19:06guys in the next one. Bye!
