00:00I want to thank the extraordinary and qualified team that will serve my government and defend the values that we hold dear.
00:13Our government will change the way we work,
00:17focus on the essentials and adopt an action-based approach to address the challenges we face.
00:31Canada's new government is changing how we work, so we can deliver better results faster to all Canadians.
00:38We have new ministers with new ideas, ready to respond to new threats and to seize new opportunities.
00:44Canada's new government is focused on the things that matter most to Canadians –
00:50growing more higher-paying jobs, improving affordability and making Canada more secure.
00:58Canada's new government will be action-oriented, driven by a smaller but highly experienced team made to meet the moment we are in.
01:08Our leaner cabinet will focus on two priorities in particular.
01:13First, protecting Canadian workers and their families in the face of unjustified foreign trade actions.
01:20And second, growing this great country by putting more money in Canadians' pockets,
01:27by ensuring that government spends less so Canada can invest more,
01:32by building millions of homes,
01:36by making Canada a superpower in both conventional and clean energies,
01:42by creating new trade corridors with reliable partners,
01:47and by forging one Canadian economy out of 13.
01:53We will relentlessly pursue this positive agenda because Canadians know that negativity isn't strength.
02:02They know that negativity won't pay the rent or the mortgage.
02:06That negativity won't bring down the price of groceries.
02:09Negativity won't win a trade war.
02:13We know that by building together, we can give ourselves far more than anyone else can take away.
02:19Nous sommes mets chez nous.
02:21Notre pays est Canada fort.
02:24Et notre gouvernement est uni et fort.
02:28Nous commencerons immédiatement avec notre première réunion du cabinet.
02:33Our country is Canada strong.
02:37Our government is united and strong.
02:40And we will immediately get to work with our first cabinet meeting
02:44as soon as I respond to a few of your questions.
02:48Thank you very much.
02:52Merci, Monsieur le Premier ministre.
02:54Nous allons maintenant passer à une période de questions de 15 minutes.
02:56On va prendre une question, une question suivie.
02:58We'll now do a 50-minute question period.
03:00One question, one follow-up. Merci.
03:04Bonjour, Monsieur le Premier ministre.
03:06Juste ici. Enchanté.
03:08Vous allez vous rendre en Europe au cours des prochains jours.
03:11Est-ce que vous comptez également aller aux États-Unis rencontrer Monsieur Trump
03:16avant de déclencher les élections?
03:19J'ai reçu une invitation du Monsieur le Président de la France
03:24afin d'avoir une conversation sur plusieurs enjeux.
03:28Des enjeux commerciaux, des enjeux qui concernent la sécurité d'Europe,
03:34l'Ukraine, la sécurité du Canada.
03:37J'ai bien reçu une invitation,
03:39une autre invitation du Monsieur le Premier ministre du Royaume-Uni.
03:43Alors, c'est une bonne idée d'y aller parce qu'il faut que nous diversifions
03:49nos partenaires commerciaux et renforcer notre sécurité.
03:56J'aurai, j'espère, une conversation avec Monsieur le Président des États-Unis,
04:02mais je n'ai pas un plan pour le moment d'y aller. Merci.
04:07I received the questions on a trip to Paris and London in a few days.
04:15I received an invitation from the President of France to discuss a variety of issues,
04:20both economic, commercial, to reinforce those relationships.
04:24Also, issues related to security in Europe, in Canada.
04:28Similar discussions will be had with the Prime Minister in the United Kingdom.
04:33This is sensible.
04:35Security is a priority for this government, reinforcing our security,
04:38as is diversifying our trading and commercial relationships.
04:42Of course, with both Europe and the United Kingdom, there are many opportunities.
04:46And as I said a moment ago in my remarks, there are historic ties.
04:50With respect to the President, I don't have plans to go to the United States.
04:56I look forward to speaking to him at the appropriate moment. Thank you.
05:00Mr. Carney, there is Mr. Rubio, Marco Rubio, this morning in Charlevoix.
05:05He essentially repeated the words of Donald Trump,
05:08according to whom Canada, economically, would be better as a 51st state.
05:14As Prime Minister, what is your response to these words
05:18of the Secretary of State held on Canadian soil?
05:22It's crazy. It's crazy. It's simple. It's crazy.
05:27Final point.
05:33In English?
05:34It's crazy. His point is crazy. That's it.
05:40Hi, Prime Minister. Tom Perry with CBC.
05:42Can I ask you what your plans are for the next few weeks?
05:44Are you going to be bringing back the House?
05:46Are you going to be calling an early election?
05:48And if so, when should Canadians expect to go to the polls?
05:50Well, they certainly should expect to go to the polls before November.
05:54And the news today is behind me.
06:02An exceptional group of individuals who are serving Canada,
06:06united, focused Cabinet, focused on action, focused on the issues for Canadians.
06:11We are, as I said a moment ago, we will be going to take some decisions
06:15which directly meet some of the objectives I set out in my remarks
06:20and we've been discussing.
06:22That's the news for today.
06:24There will be other news in the coming days with respect to ensuring
06:29that we have as strong a mandate that is needed for the time.
06:34And when you're in Europe, are you going to be seeking assurances
06:37from Canada's allies that this country will never become America's 51st state?
06:42And when would it be an appropriate time for you to take that message
06:45to the U.S. President?
06:47Well, I've been clear, personally I've been clear, the ministers behind me,
06:53I think to an individual when asked have been clear that we will never,
06:57ever in any way, shape, or form be part of the United States.
07:02America is not Canada.
07:04Look at the ceremony we just had.
07:06You could not have had that ceremony.
07:08You would not have that ceremony in America.
07:10Look at the cabinet behind me.
07:12You would not have that cabinet in America.
07:14You do not have that cabinet in America.
07:16We are a very fundamentally different country.
07:21So irrespective, irrespective of any issues economically, fundamentally to our core,
07:27to our identity, c'est une des raisons, is one reason why we have a minister,
07:34and I will thank M. Guilbault to be our minister of Canadian identity and culture
07:40and bringing in all those aspects and reinforcing them.
07:44So before we get to the economics of it, we won't be part of it.
07:49And when we get to the economics, and the President is a successful business person
07:55and dealmaker, we're his largest client in so many industries.
08:02As the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Industry,
08:07M. Leblanc and M. Champagne have made this point.
08:11And clients expect respect and working together in a proper commercial way.
08:20So the nature of Canada means we won't.
08:25The economics means we shouldn't.
08:28What you will see from this government is focusing on building here at home,
08:33building with different partners abroad, and that will reinforce the point.
08:38We're doing it for our own reasons, to be clear, for our own people,
08:41for the high-paying jobs.
08:43But eventually the truth will out, and the Americans will understand as well.
08:49I don't think we need to hear it.
08:52We're masters in our own home.
08:54We're in charge.
08:57It's always nice when people say nice things about you, but we don't need it.
09:02We're not seeking it.
09:04The discussions I will have on behalf of the government in Paris and in London
09:10will relate to opportunities that both our countries share, as well as our shared history.
09:16Mr. Prime Minister, Valérie Gamache, Radio-Canada.
09:19Pleased to meet you.
09:21You don't have ministers who come from Alberta, who have a circumscription in Alberta.
09:26Is it because you're thinking of introducing yourself in an Albertan circumscription?
09:33You're right that I grew up in Alberta, and I launched my campaign in Edmonton, that's for sure.
09:44It's not the right time to announce my circumscription.
09:50Do you have a question?
09:52It's a question.
09:53I'm complimenting the journalist from Radio-Canada,
09:58and I would like to compliment the very existence of Radio-Canada,
10:02and I'd like to reinforce that my government could be reinforced.
10:07It goes back to Canadian identity culture.
10:11So I'll finish the answer.
10:14I compliment the question.
10:16She's recognizing that I grew up in Alberta.
10:19I launched my campaign in Alberta.
10:21I'm just reinforcing today.
10:23Today, the story is behind me, and there will be more news
10:27because those behind me will be taking some important decisions this afternoon.