• 2 days ago
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills S14E14 Hemlines and Headlines 720p


00:00Previously on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
00:06This is my all sustainable green line
00:09that I did for something.
00:10Oh yeah, that's right, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:11It would look awful on me.
00:13For almost all of my life,
00:14I've been wanting affirmation that my mother loves me
00:17and that she's proud of me.
00:19I'm doing a fashion show
00:20and I know that you don't like to travel,
00:22but it would be really great if you.
00:24I don't mind traveling at all.
00:27We're giving her the new her
00:29with a bit of the old glamor.
00:31Oh, I like that.
00:33I like that.
00:34You need to pick on somebody else whose wallet fits.
00:38You think you're bigger than her?
00:39I think my wallet is.
00:42Did you see the photos of him in Greece
00:45at the airport with a girl that has no clothes on?
00:48This is a planned photo.
00:50Honestly, I think I was in the airport
00:52like when Jennifer Aniston was there
00:54and there was no paparazzi.
00:57Do you know this was coming?
00:59Not at all.
01:03These hills have eyes and they're all staring at me.
01:08I honor my fine Southern manners
01:10by putting you in your place.
01:14I've been in the game too long
01:16to play by someone else's rules.
01:21In Beverly Hills, money buys a lot,
01:23but my independence, priceless.
01:27Introducing the greatest product I've ever marketed,
01:33I might look like a doll, but don't wind me up.
01:48Actual tea.
01:50Okay, now, warning, it's not sweet.
01:53What did you make?
01:54This is vanilla lemongrass.
01:58Oh, it's good though.
01:59Oh, thank you.
02:00I picked the lemongrass myself.
02:03Out of the canister.
02:10I have a little surprise for you.
02:13What's the surprise?
02:17You got your card, your comp card, that's huge.
02:20That makes it official.
02:21Oh my God, it's official, you're a model.
02:24So there you go, mama.
02:25Oh my goodness, this is so cool.
02:37Mom, how are you?
02:38I'm okay.
02:40Well, I'm excited to see you tomorrow.
02:42Of course, my hair is now frizzing up,
02:44but maybe when I get to California, it'll calm down.
02:46Well, we have people for that.
02:48Can you believe in this heat?
02:49I'm wearing all this black.
02:50I don't care.
02:51I was not in the mood to put on my-
02:52You're like, whatever.
02:56How are you doing?
02:59Well, I think I'm like a little bit shocked
03:06and still processing.
03:08Because honestly, I was in the car driving with Jen
03:11and she felt bad to tell me, but she had to tell me.
03:14I was like, oh my God, I don't know what to do.
03:16She had to tell me.
03:20And I just, honestly, it was like, I don't even know.
03:25She said she lost the feeling in her legs
03:27when she saw that and then-
03:29Well, when she saw what?
03:30The picture of Mo and that girl kissing.
03:33I saw that.
03:34Well, isn't that why you're saying how I'm doing?
03:36Kind of, yeah, but I wanted you to bring it up.
03:39I didn't know.
03:41I knew eventually we would see something like that.
03:46I saw it like everyone else saw it on TMZ.
03:52It's very strange to see.
03:55I was expecting just to maybe see him in person,
03:58out and about at a restaurant, but this, no.
04:01I don't want him to feel guilty
04:04because he's allowed to do what he wants,
04:06but it's also like, why are you being irresponsible?
04:09I don't know.
04:10Can't you wait till you get-
04:11I don't know.
04:12I don't know.
04:13I don't even know.
04:14I don't know.
04:15I have a lot of mixed feelings.
04:15I'm saying I'm just processing it all.
04:18Am I going to feel differently now?
04:21Is he not going to want to be as nice to me now?
04:25Is he not going to be allowed to
04:28if he has a new person in his life that doesn't like that?
04:31All these thoughts are going through my head.
04:34You know, yesterday I was like,
04:35I wanted to write and say, who is that?
04:37But I thought it's none of my business.
04:39No, I mean, really, right now,
04:42that is none of your business.
04:46Ice cream.
04:47Ice cream.
04:48getting ready to high five please.
04:56There you are.
04:58Well, hello.
05:00Look at all of this glamor this morning,
05:02Look at all of this glamor.
05:08Look at this all cleaned up and glorious.
05:11It is gorgeous.
05:12I have to tell you something.
05:13Last night, I sat on this couch and just took it all in.
05:19Feel the new energy.
05:21I feel like a new woman.
05:23This is such a great new beginning,
05:26and it just feels like me.
05:28And I don't look at the furniture
05:30and have past memories.
05:32I look at it, and it's 100% mine.
05:35And a little bit of the razzle-dazzle,
05:37a little bit of the glamor is coming back to Erica.
05:39You have a lifted energy.
05:41You feel lighter to me somehow.
05:43I am smiling.
05:44Oh, thank you.
05:50I love it.
05:51Now, you're a phoenix in your den of gorgeousness.
05:54Oh, my god.
05:55It's mom.
05:57Oh, you look so fabulous.
05:58Hi, mommy.
05:59How are you?
05:59I'm good.
06:00I'm good.
06:01This is magnificent.
06:02Mom, meet Martin.
06:03This is my mother, Renee.
06:05Nice to meet you.
06:06My pleasure.
06:07Lovely to see you.
06:08You, too.
06:09Mom, he designed this for me.
06:12Well, he's so handsome, too.
06:13I know.
06:14I know.
06:15Well, thank you.
06:16Mom, we have to give you the tour.
06:18First of all, take all of this in.
06:19Turn around this way.
06:21It's gorgeous.
06:23Do you want to see the living room?
06:24Yes, I do.
06:25Please step in here.
06:26Mom, it's like a whole new vibe.
06:28Thank goodness you needed a new vibe.
06:31This is more you.
06:33Yeah, totally.
06:34Would you like to see the bedroom?
06:37OK, let's go.
06:37That's our hot spot.
06:38Oh, I bet.
06:39So get into this.
06:42I think, Mom, this is gorgeous.
06:45It's like a light shade of copper.
06:49It's rose gold, Mom.
06:50Yeah, there you go.
06:51You're surrounded by Hollywood palm.
06:53I'm not familiar with palm, so I don't know that.
06:57This is really a room for you to star in.
07:01I mean, I'm a stickler for perfection.
07:04I don't want to see seams.
07:06Oh, my goodness, my mother has landed.
07:09I just am so thrilled, and I cannot thank you enough.
07:23Hi, welcome to the Enterprise Center.
07:25Are you guys checking in?
07:27May I get your name?
07:28Kyle Richards and Kathy Hilton.
07:30So we're just going to guide you guys to your room.
07:32OK, great.
07:34You guys can head on in here.
07:35This questionnaire is for you.
07:37I'm going to grab you guys a gown.
07:39Kyle, I didn't bring my glasses.
07:41Well, I can answer things for you.
07:43Do you have implants?
07:45Have any family members been diagnosed with breast cancer?
07:52My mom had not had a mammogram for five years.
07:56So by the time she discovered a lump in her breast,
08:03it was stage four at that point.
08:07How are you?
08:07Good to see you.
08:08It's been a hot minute.
08:09So let's come this way.
08:10We're going to go into our mammogram suite.
08:13So I always think to myself, if my mom had just
08:16had her mammograms, she would probably still be here today.
08:19Oh, I hate this.
08:21We do like to go with each other sometimes
08:23for a little hand-holding.
08:25Is that that bathroom beauty you have on?
08:28Because this is not a fun experience,
08:31and very anxiety-provoking.
08:34Who's got bigger boobs, Kyle or me?
08:36For a number of reasons, obviously.
08:39I'm done, darling.
08:40Oh, now we've got to wait for results.
08:42So it seems now, after the article with Maurice
08:49with that woman, not everybody's used to having to see that.
08:54I know.
08:55Imagine how he's feeling right now knowing that I saw
08:57and all the daughters saw.
08:59I know him very well.
09:00He's freaking out.
09:03And he's cancer, right?
09:05So he's very sensitive and scared.
09:08Like, you're definitely the stronger one.
09:11Oh, yeah.
09:14I sound like him.
09:19This year has been very challenging for us.
09:22That's my new line, 1 billion percent.
09:25I would think that he would text and say something, though.
09:27I don't know why.
09:31He is a single, grown man.
09:33No, I know, but like, something.
09:36I don't know.
09:37When people are quiet, that tells you a lot.
09:44You know what I do need to do?
09:45I'm going to do it right now.
09:48Don't do anything crazy.
09:50Well, I am not going to be sitting here having
09:57a wife on my Instagram bio with him running around people.
10:06Why would I?
10:07In the past, it's been hard for me
10:09to think about taking wife off my bio or my married last name.
10:15But the picture changed that for me.
10:19He took off husband and father off his bio
10:23and just put CEO of the agency.
10:25Why am I going to have that on there still
10:27after seeing that?
10:28I feel stupid to have that on there.
10:31You know what I mean?
10:33I think that this lady probably just doesn't know any better
10:36and, you know.
10:37Well, that photo was, he clearly did not
10:39know his photo was being taken, but it
10:41looked like somebody was taking that photo intentionally.
10:43Not to be rude, but it's not like this is Brad Pitt.
10:47We've heard all those rumors about him.
10:50It's embarrassing.
10:52It's humiliating.
10:53But really, we've never seen a picture.
10:57Nobody's ever come out.
10:59He's not in a position, financially,
11:02to pay anybody off.
11:05You know what?
11:06Let's find out what she does.
11:08Doesn't matter.
11:09And that'll tell.
11:10I don't even care.
11:11No, but I'm just saying if she's trying to.
11:13I don't want to. I don't want to dig.
11:14I don't care.
11:15I don't care who she is.
11:16I don't care. That doesn't matter.
11:17All I care about is right now.
11:20I need to move on.
11:21I need to get my relationship together.
11:23She reminds me of the lady with the dancing.
11:25I don't want to keep talking about her so much.
11:26Oh, OK.
11:28Who cares?
11:29But that's Estella.
11:30But I'm saying it doesn't even matter.
11:32OK, you're right. You're right.
11:33You're right.
11:34Right now, you know, I have to think about it doesn't matter.
11:38It could be somebody else next week.
11:40It could be.
11:41By the way, it could be a nice person.
11:42It's just weird for you to see.
11:45I have to.
11:47You have to digest it.
11:48Move forward.
11:49And he clearly did not orchestrate this.
11:54No, he did not.
11:56There are ways of finding out who did.
12:04Oh, yes.
12:04One ringy dingy.
12:06Oh, my god.
12:07Two ringy dingy.
12:09Once again, I don't care.
12:11Good afternoon.
12:12I am the radiologist.
12:14Everything looks fine.
12:16Oh, good.
12:18Do we get stickers or lollipops?
12:19I will look and see if we have lollipops for you.
12:23That's a big relief.
12:25Coming up.
12:26I think that Kyle needs to say enough.
12:29And Cinderella, you didn't lose one shoe.
12:32You done lost two shoes.
12:46We've got some situations here.
12:48This is an extra large.
12:49Doesn't need to be in this pile.
12:51This is going to make an OCD person insane.
12:57Thank you, Colleen.
13:01Hello, anybody home?
13:03How are you?
13:04I'm OK.
13:07I love your blouse.
13:09You look so pretty.
13:10Oh, thank you, honey.
13:12How are you?
13:13Come sit down.
13:14Let's get away from the t-shirts,
13:15because I'll go insane.
13:17Come sit with me.
13:17OK, beautiful.
13:18Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome.
13:21OK, what can I get you?
13:22Whatever you're going to have.
13:23OK, it is after 5.
13:27I am going insane with this frickin' fashion show.
13:30You have no idea.
13:31I think it would be fun to do, like, a fashion show
13:34for the green label, for Sutton Brands,
13:37to really tell people what we're doing.
13:38And also, it's a great marketing tool.
13:41I think it's a genius idea.
13:43My mother is coming into town tomorrow.
13:45I just got a text.
13:47Her flight at 8 in the morning?
13:51Oh, no.
13:51First of all, I'm not kidding.
13:53In Sutton style, there has been a huge tech outage.
13:57So my mom's first flight has been canceled.
14:00We are all crossing our fingers that her next flight
14:03is going to make it.
14:04I've never done a fashion show, but I've
14:06been to a lot of fashion shows.
14:07Yes, you have.
14:08And I know what I like.
14:10I want it to be fun and gorgeous.
14:13That's what I want.
14:14And it will be.
14:16I know.
14:20He looks like he was made to do this.
14:22I know.
14:22That's a big deal.
14:23That's a big deal.
14:24I'm excited.
14:25This is your night.
14:26Take it in.
14:27I am.
14:27Don't let any bullshit in.
14:28There's not going to be bullshit.
14:30I want all of our friends to feel welcome.
14:33So to invite Dorit or to not invite Dorit?
14:36That is the question.
14:37When it comes to Dorit and Sutton,
14:38they jab at each other all the time.
14:40You're talking the talk.
14:41You're not walking the walk.
14:43This is as real as it gets.
14:45Is it?
14:46Is it really real?
14:47OK, baby.
14:48I'm just telling you I meant what I said.
14:50I should believe that, judging by your actions
14:53and what you're saying.
14:54What have I done to you ever?
14:56You wanted to point out the vodka, the grapefruit juice.
14:59That was such a jab.
15:00I'm tired of it.
15:02I'm tired of it.
15:03Let me know when you're done, Sutton.
15:04I'm tired of it.
15:05It's never done.
15:07It bleeds into something else, and then it blows up.
15:09There's never going to be a resolution between those two.
15:11A group text.
15:12Should I do a group text?
15:13Yeah, do a group text.
15:14It's up to her if she wants to come or not.
15:16OK, can we get to the Kyle of it all now?
15:17Oh my gosh, OK.
15:19I mean, look at this.
15:20Look at this.
15:21Look at this.
15:22Look at this hug.
15:24What is she wearing?
15:26Mauricio, get your dentures out, because we all know.
15:29OK, we've gone too far.
15:31She's your daughter's age.
15:33I think that Kyle needs to say enough.
15:36It's still her ex-husband.
15:38And you can't.
15:39It's not her ex-husband.
15:40I mean, he's still her husband.
15:41Husband that she is holding on to.
15:43Right, but let me just say this.
15:44A pipe dream.
15:46And Cinderella, you didn't lose one shoe.
15:48You done lost two shoes.
15:50Girl, you might lose the house.
15:52I think Kyle has been holding out
15:54for this moment of Mauricio actually coming back,
15:58saying, you know what, this was a terrible mistake.
16:00I'm moving back in.
16:02And I hope that Kyle kind of sees through what he's doing.
16:07She needs to wake up, see the truth for what it's worth.
16:12What else does it take to make you realize
16:15Mauricio has moved on?
16:18We've both been through it.
16:20And there's ways to handle it, like adults.
16:23And that's called attorneys.
16:29Come in here.
16:30Oh, OK.
16:31Would you like to drink a bottle of champagne in the meantime?
16:35I would love to.
16:36I would love to.
16:37I would love to.
16:38I would love to.
16:39I would love to.
16:40I would love to.
16:41Would you like a bottle of champagne in the cabana?
16:43OK, good.
16:54This rug is gorgeous.
16:56It's nice, isn't it?
16:57So Martin painted.
16:59Blew up the pit.
17:00Yeah, it looks great.
17:02That's really pretty.
17:05Oh, wow, you're a pro.
17:07I am a pro.
17:08Yeah, I know this.
17:11There you are.
17:13Oh, how pretty.
17:14To you, thanks for coming out.
17:16To you for having me.
17:17I'm happy you got to see the house.
17:19Oh, yeah, me too.
17:20It's wonderful.
17:22How some people would look at the redecoration,
17:25you know, some people would be like, eh.
17:26To me, it's a real symbol of starting over.
17:29It really is.
17:31It's interesting how all of this has come to fruition.
17:34You know, the whole thing with Tom.
17:36I'm real proud of you because I know what you've been through.
17:40And there were days that I was scared to death.
17:43You should have been.
17:45I try not to think about how dark things were.
17:49And my mother had every right to be afraid for me.
17:51Being the possible target of a federal criminal investigation
17:56is, like, not cool.
17:58It's easy to get drawn down, to get
18:00drawn into a really dark hole, where it just
18:03feels like it's too much.
18:04There's no way out of here.
18:05I'm not a victim.
18:06OK, what do you want to call yourself?
18:07I'm not a fucking victim.
18:08What do you want to call yourself?
18:10Honey, I've been a wife that's been left in ruins.
18:13So I'm proud of myself for not succumbing,
18:16because that was a real option.
18:19But I will tell you this.
18:21I think of Tom less and less.
18:23I used to think of him every day.
18:25And then there'll be a day or two
18:27that I don't think about him.
18:28It's been nice.
18:29And I know that he's coming up for trial in a couple of weeks.
18:35And that's going to suck.
18:36And I'm not going to look.
18:38I don't want to know.
18:39I only want to know what I have to know.
18:41It's not healthy to be reminded of the past.
18:45I don't need to visit past trauma.
18:47I'm healing.
18:48And every time someone reminds me of either Tom's trial
18:52or something happening with him, it's
18:54like cutting open a healing wound.
18:56But Erica, you have a lot to be proud of.
18:59Sticking it out.
19:01Well, sticking it out and going through what you went through
19:04and all you've achieved since then.
19:07I want this next chapter that I'm starting.
19:09I want it to be my best chapter.
19:12Because I know I don't have that much longer to write this story.
19:17And I want to make sure that I soak up
19:19every drop of life right now.
19:22And that if there's something that I want to do, I do it.
19:26I have to take care of myself.
19:28Do I want to be married again, truthfully?
19:29No, I don't.
19:30I like my autonomy.
19:32I like going to work, whatever that may be.
19:35Whether I sing, whether I dance, I have projects.
19:38I have dates.
19:39I have shows in London.
19:41I can do anything I want.
19:42It's kind of open-ended.
19:43I have a whole new life to write.
19:46You've come through so much, and you're doing so great.
19:49When you called me and you told me, mom, I got a Porsche,
19:51I was like, hmm, now we're talking.
19:54She's getting ready to soar to the top of the world.
19:58I don't know.
19:59Will you let me drive it?
20:01Oh, god.
20:02Coming up.
20:03You have very rose-tinted glasses when it
20:06comes to Sutton's behavior.
20:08And I'm cruel and a raging bitch.
20:11You were.
20:23Hi, how are you today?
20:24Hello, how are you?
20:25My name is Luis.
20:26I'll be your server today.
20:27I'm going to do Belvedere with club soda,
20:29with three lemons squeezed in really well.
20:32Yes, thank you.
20:33Thank you, Luis.
20:37A Belvedere?
20:45I don't want to move you too much.
20:47I know you're not feeling well.
20:52How are you?
20:54I mean, listen, Garcelle, it feels
20:56like it's been at least two months since I've
21:00been able to say, I'm good.
21:03You know what I mean?
21:04We'll take it.
21:04Well, hell hath frozen over.
21:07I would have never imagined that Garcelle and I'd be sitting
21:10down for dinner, just the two of us.
21:12Do you like me?
21:15Do you want to have a friendship?
21:17I'm not sure.
21:18But here we are.
21:20How are you?
21:23Things are good?
21:24Things are good.
21:25Things are busy.
21:28Thank you so much.
21:29Thank you, Luis.
21:30Do you know what you're going to have?
21:31I'm going to do the burrata and heirloom tomato.
21:33I think that chopped beet salad.
21:36Thank you so much.
21:37When Doree came up to me at Bo's Wellness,
21:40and she apologized, and she took accountability.
21:43I know I've done things that have hurt you,
21:46and you felt like I've not been hearing you and your soul.
21:50And for that, I apologize.
21:52To me, that was a good start for us to try once again.
21:55Cheers, by the way, to doing a good job and being
21:58mamas and being busy mamas.
22:02How is life?
22:03There's so much going on that we ain't.
22:05There's so much going on.
22:06There's so much to talk about.
22:08I mean, listen, PK and I, right now, we're status quo.
22:12And I'm happy. I'm good.
22:14I'm happy.
22:15That's my happy these days, OK?
22:17If that tells you something.
22:18That tells me a lot.
22:20I can absolutely relate to Doreen
22:23and what she's going through.
22:24Nobody wants to get a divorce when you have little kids.
22:27I mean, my boys are 16, and I'm still dealing with that.
22:30So I think some of the ladies in this group
22:32sometimes forget that Doreen is separating with small children.
22:37So therefore, the compassion's not there.
22:40I feel like every day, it's something else.
22:43I mean, I don't know if you saw the pictures yesterday.
22:46With Mo.
22:48I know.
22:50I saw one of the blogs say that today, on my way here,
22:53that she took off the word wife on her Instagram bio.
22:58She took it off after the pictures surfaced.
23:01Right, right, right.
23:02I really, I feel for her.
23:06Separated or not separated, who the hell wants to see that?
23:10If Kyle was thinking about reconciling with Mo,
23:14is it possible now?
23:16You know, and then Kyle is at Morgan's concerts
23:20on the sidelines, and people are speculating,
23:22like, is this Kyle's way of getting back at Mo,
23:25being at the concert?
23:27If you don't want the rumors of this and that.
23:31Right, you don't do the video.
23:32You don't do, you don't do pickup at the airport.
23:36I mean.
23:38I don't know, it just feels like.
23:39Or just say, then let's move on.
23:42Well, yeah.
23:43I mean, it's hard to think that Mo is not going to move on
23:47with his life when Kyle was so public with Morgan,
23:52picking her up at the airport, hanging out with her.
23:55How did you guys met?
23:56She stalked me.
23:58I did.
24:00I think Mo's like, all right, well,
24:01the writing's on the wall.
24:02If she can do this, I can go have my fun.
24:06Does Sutton talk to her regularly?
24:08Because they're close.
24:09I think so.
24:10What's your beef with her?
24:13My beef with her?
24:15You are joking.
24:17It feels like you have very rose-tinted glasses when
24:22it comes to any kind of Sutton's behavior is.
24:28And I'm cruel and a raging bitch.
24:31You were.
24:34At Caviar Caspia, she wasn't cruel.
24:39You need to pick on somebody else whose wallet fits,
24:43because that's not OK with me.
24:45You think you're bigger than her?
24:46I think my wallet is.
24:50That was mean, and that was really cruel.
24:53I think saying something in the moment
24:55would be refreshing.
24:56I get it.
24:57You know?
24:59Truth be told, as long as Garcelle is either doing
25:02Sutton's bidding, never speaking up when Sutton goes below
25:05the belt, and constantly defending her,
25:08we can have nice lunches, but we're never actually
25:11going to be close friends.
25:13So then where do we go from here?
25:14Where do we go?
25:16I got the invitation.
25:18I'm going to go to her fashion show.
25:19Oh, you are going. OK, good.
25:21I'm not going to behave with her the way
25:24she behaved with me.
25:26I'm glad you're coming.
25:27I'm glad you're coming.
25:28This was nice.
25:31I feel like we're in a better place after this dinner.
25:35Will I always have one eye open?
25:37You better believe it.
25:41But for now, we're good.
25:43If she gave you a Kelly, would that change things?
25:47Be over and done with in a second.
25:49She'd be my best friend.
25:50I'd be calling her.
26:16Hi, son.
26:17How are you?
26:19Can we get a bell, huh?
26:20Oh, can we get a bellhop?
26:22Oh, Ken's the bellhop.
26:23There's Ken.
26:24He's the most glamorous bellhop I've ever seen.
26:26How can I help?
26:27What do I need?
26:28This night is really important
26:29that things go smoothly, perfectly.
26:33Don't go so fast, Avi.
26:34Everyone's trying to micromanage me right now.
26:37Okay, everybody just has to stay calm.
26:39Press is gonna be there.
26:41WWD is coming.
26:43Vogue is coming.
26:44Celebrities and non-celebrities, buyers.
26:48How are you?
26:50I just want it to look good
26:52so that the business looks good.
27:02I think that we need to practice with the models.
27:08Okay, drum roll!
27:12Lights, clapping, music, and go!
27:18We're ready!
27:23He's not ready.
27:25What's happening?
27:28And then you're gonna stop right here.
27:31One pose there.
27:32And then you're gonna keep coming here.
27:33Nice, nice!
27:37Oh, there's Jade.
27:38I like Jade's walk.
27:40Make mama proud.
27:42Walk, walk.
27:44Look at the crowd.
27:45Yes, it's me.
27:46Stop where you were supposed to, Jennifer.
27:48So Sutton calls me up and she asks if I'll walk in her show
27:51and I was like, sure, it'll be so much fun.
27:53Pose, turn.
27:58I don't think Sutton realizes I'm a celebrity.
28:00When I've walked in fashion shows,
28:02they slot you in at the last minute.
28:04They do all the rehearsals and the lighting and everything.
28:07Without you, you show up like 15 minutes before a curtain
28:10and you go, okay, where do I stand?
28:17What a great show.
28:18It's the best show you've ever seen.
28:20Sustainable fashion.
28:22Hashtag sustainable.
28:24Sustainable fashion is,
28:26I don't really know what sustainable fashion is.
28:29Just don't know.
28:32If y'all forgot to stop here,
28:34and y'all can really slow down.
28:35Thank you, Miss Sutton.
28:36I love it.
28:37It's gonna be good.
28:38Bye guys.
28:43I'm so excited about tonight,
28:45but I'm also nervous about tonight.
28:48Jade's walking in the show.
28:50Oh my God, he's gonna look so good.
28:51But I'm nervous, this is his first time.
28:53You won't cry.
28:54I won't.
28:55Get a little emotional.
28:57Don't make me.
29:02My mother taught me how to walk in pumps
29:04and I mean like really big stacks and stuff like that.
29:07Today, we put her in a pump,
29:08she's like wobbly wobbles.
29:10I don't wanna look better than the bride at the wedding,
29:13but sometimes you can't help yourself.
29:24Are you excited?
29:25I'm a little nervous that I left.
29:27We should have done this at the hotel.
29:29Let me FaceTime baby boy Nick,
29:31he starts texting me that I have to do all this stuff.
29:34I'm so nervous.
29:35I'm so nervous.
29:36I'm so nervous.
29:37I'm so nervous.
29:38I'm so nervous.
29:38I have to do all this stuff.
29:41Oh, hello.
29:42Oh, there you are.
29:43Hi baby.
29:45Y'all excited?
29:46I am excited, only I can't believe
29:49you were at the airport so long.
29:51I gave it my best shot.
29:52I know you did.
29:53And I'm very thankful.
29:55My mother spent one day
29:59trying to get her canceled flight.
30:01Then the next day,
30:04she spent 13 hours at the airport
30:08and never got to get on that flight.
30:10So the fact that she did all of that for me
30:12means the world, like she doesn't do that.
30:16Oh, I was very excited to come.
30:17I think you would have enjoyed it.
30:19I'm not sure if that would have enjoyed it,
30:21but I would have enjoyed enjoying your success.
30:26Let's hope it's a success.
30:28I think I wanted my mother to be able to join me tonight
30:33to celebrate with me what I've done in my business,
30:38but also I wanted her to tell me that she was proud of me.
30:41I don't think it's trite to tell your children
30:44that you're proud of them.
30:45Why would you think I wouldn't be proud of you?
30:47I guess because you don't say it.
30:49I don't need to.
30:51In a way, she did.
30:53Just us sitting at the airport for so long,
30:55like that means she is proud of me.
30:58So what are you wearing tonight?
31:00I'm wearing actually a very risque outfit.
31:02It's pretty backless.
31:03As long as it's not frontless.
31:05That's it.
31:08Coming up.
31:09Kyle, go get her.
31:10But I should do it.
31:12OK, go.
31:35I'm not talking to press.
31:54I just don't want to be asked a million questions.
31:57I want to come to this party and have fun
32:00and not have to talk about my separation
32:03and the pictures of Mo and how I feel.
32:07Hell no.
32:08No, I'm not doing that.
32:09I'm turning diamonds and gold, living like a queen.
32:14Every day is a party, every night's a dream.
32:23It's so busy.
32:24I was born as a kid.
32:27Oh my god, you look amazing.
32:29So cute.
32:31Sutton did a great job putting this party together.
32:34There's a huge crowd.
32:36There's so much fashion press, like major press.
32:40There's really quite a buzz in the air,
32:41and it's very exciting.
32:43And I'm happy I'm walking in the show
32:44because I like people looking at me.
32:58Nick's going to get us a drink because I don't think we can.
33:00Yeah, we need to get a drink.
33:02Yeah, I don't know.
33:02What are you going to have?
33:03A clear cup soda.
33:04Same, a clear cup soda, lemon.
33:07I'm curious if I'll get an apology with this invite
33:10to the fashion show, or if I'm just here to fill a seat.
33:15Hi, how are you?
33:16Nice to see you.
33:17Erica's here.
33:18Hi, how are you?
33:19Nice to see you.
33:20Good to see you too.
33:21Nice to see you.
33:22My mom's here.
33:23Your mom is here?
33:26How are you doing, darling?
33:28How are you?
33:29I'm fabulous.
33:30So nice to see you.
33:42Good to see you.
33:44My goodness, I didn't even look at vision and white.
33:48With the beer, I know.
33:49This is classy.
33:50They brought it to me.
33:51You look so elegant.
33:52You're holding around with a beer mug.
33:53I didn't even think about it.
33:55Look at, this is killing Dory.
33:56Is there non-alcoholic beer?
33:59So what's going on?
34:00My head has been in the sand or in my lap for three days.
34:06I don't know what's going on.
34:07Where am I?
34:08That's OK.
34:09This is a big night for you.
34:10It's OK.
34:11I've been working.
34:12Do we need to do a breathing exercise?
34:13Thank you so much.
34:15To an amazing night.
34:16To an amazing night.
34:19Well, let's maybe after this is over,
34:22you can congratulate me right now.
34:23Just pray for me.
34:25I'm going to find my seat.
34:27I think for Sutton, there's a void in validation
34:30from her family.
34:32Validation from her mother.
34:33Validation from Christian, who probably
34:35thought she was just going to wither away without him.
34:39This is all to say, look what I can do.
34:43I'm going to prove you wrong.
34:45And I think she'll always have that need.
34:47It's going to be a good night.
34:48I can feel it.
34:49I can feel it in my bones.
34:50Oh, God.
34:51So how are you doing?
34:53I'm doing OK.
34:57I'm doing OK.
34:58I'm better today.
34:59I know TMZ reported that I like went to a concert
35:02to like make Mo jealous.
35:03But like, really?
35:05I mean, that's how they think I would make him jealous,
35:07standing watching a concert.
35:08I'm going to make him jealous.
35:09It would be a lot more than the way I was in those photos.
35:12Trust me.
35:12I mean, I know.
35:13And let's be honest, the whole joke of it
35:14all is that he doesn't even get jealous anyways.
35:17I know.
35:18But it was a very weird thing to see those photos.
35:20It was very strange.
35:21I know.
35:22Mo did text an apology.
35:24But you can have a little discretion.
35:25But have more discretion.
35:27Be smarter than that.
35:28I do feel that the person he was with,
35:30it was a little weird that that brassy would
35:33happen to be there.
35:33And it looked a little strange.
35:35Like, the leg like this, and very like, I don't know.
35:38Do you think he was staged?
35:40I knew that he didn't know.
35:41I'm not so sure about the other person.
35:44Listen, I don't know what the situation is with those photos.
35:49But he seemed a little suspect.
35:53I mean, OK, Mo is not exactly Brad Pitt.
35:56Why are they chasing him in Mykonos?
35:59I mean, will any of them learn their lesson?
36:04How are you?
36:06Hi, sweetheart.
36:08Hi, honey.
36:08How you doing, darling?
36:10Hi, I think I may have broken my knee.
36:14Just now?
36:15What happened?
36:16They're like little steps that I had on the sandal.
36:19And I went flying, and I hit my hand.
36:22Oh, Kathy.
36:23Where are the horse dupers?
36:27Where are the strippers?
36:30The girls.
36:31Oh, the girls.
36:37I'm so sorry to interrupt, but can I take
36:39you guys to your seats, please?
36:40Oh, sure.
36:42Look how gorgeous.
36:43I know, it's fabulous.
36:44I haven't mentioned that Dorit could do the introduction
36:48because she's so into fashion and do the narrating.
36:51But I don't know if it's a good idea after all.
36:53Should I?
36:54If you want to say, let Dorit introduce everybody,
36:56she would kill you.
36:57It's her fashion show.
36:58I know.
36:59Can they all line up so I can just do a quick look?
37:02I really think that this is maybe not a good idea
37:04because I don't know how to have a fashion show.
37:08I'm going to fuck this up.
37:09No, you're not.
37:09Yeah, I am.
37:10I'm feeling petrified, scared, nervous,
37:13wildly sick to my stomach.
37:15The drink doesn't help, actually.
37:20Where is she going?
37:21Where is she going?
37:23Oh, God, Kathy.
37:24You better grab your sister.
37:26What is she doing?
37:26Grab your sister right now.
37:29Oh, no.
37:31Don't look at me.
37:32She's only my sister.
37:34You are responsible.
37:35You guys always say that's your friend.
37:39Did you need Dorit she would have to introduce
37:43and like she can do all the narrating?
37:46No, we're not narrating.
37:47We're not doing it.
37:47The show?
37:49It's like a real fashion show.
37:51Oh, I know.
37:52Well, you don't narrate a fashion show.
37:54I know you.
37:58Fashion shows don't get emceed.
38:00This is not 1955 when people were like, oh,
38:02and here's the red dress and corduroy.
38:03But no.
38:05And then the person that you want to do it is Dorit.
38:08Obviously, you're deranged.
38:10You tell me whenever you're ready.
38:12We're ready.
38:13We're ready?
38:17I'm leaving.
38:17I'm leaving.
38:19Kyle, go get her.
38:20What is she doing?
38:21And she's limping.
38:22OK, go.
38:24She said that was very sweet of you.
38:27Oh, Kathy!
38:28How are you?
38:33Get out of the way!
38:46OK, go.
38:48She said that was very sweet of you.
38:51Oh, Kathy!
38:52Where's Kathy?
38:56Get out of the way!
38:57Here's Kathy Hilton pulling focus.
38:59Are we shocked?
39:02Get out of the way!
39:03Oh my god, Kathy!
39:04This is Kathy crashing the catwalk.
39:06And I have never seen it.
39:08Not in all of my experience.
39:11Oh, fabulous.
39:13Oh my god.
39:15Kathy literally walked out with the girl.
39:17I know.
39:19I'm going to have to keep an eye on her.
39:30That's right.
39:31That's right.
39:32Just let go.
39:33This looks absolutely beautiful, which I
39:35expected no less from Sutton.
39:37I feel like this is looking very professional.
39:40Just walk slyly.
39:42Lights up, cameras, action, OK.
39:43Pack my bag, hop on the roof.
39:45Oh my god.
39:46The pool boy outfit.
39:47Oh my god.
39:47Listen, I don't think Sutton is destined
39:49to win a CFDA new designer.
39:51But I applaud her and her new line.
39:55I think he's wearing sneakers that are two times his size.
39:59Are you impressed with her collection?
40:06You're going to get a lot of screams.
40:07Step out, dripping in style and class.
40:09Walk so clean and airy.
40:18My first fashion show in New York City
40:21was for Calvin Klein.
40:23I remember walking out and being scared out of my mind.
40:28And so to see Jade walk out, be confident,
40:32and doing this thing that he's never done, and he's so shy,
40:35I'm so, so proud of him.
40:39Oh my god.
40:48Come on!
40:49Work it!
40:50Work it!
40:51Work it!
40:56Oh, OK.
40:56She put a little sauce on it.
41:03Everybody go.
41:04Everybody go.
41:05Oh, yeah.
41:06I know that this is really important to Sutton.
41:09When she got divorced, I think she felt lost,
41:12that she wanted a career of her own,
41:14and she wanted to make a name for herself.
41:16She opened her store, and that was a really big moment.
41:18And now, here she is, putting on a fashion show.
41:21She did a beautiful job.
41:23I want to thank you all for being here.
41:24This is really special for me.
41:26My 22-year-old daughter, Porter, is in the audience.
41:30And I hope she's proud of me.
41:34Who's not in the audience is my mother.
41:36And she was supposed to be here, but unfortunately,
41:39she's not.
41:40And I think she'd be proud of me.
41:46Thank y'all.
41:52I'm dying.
41:53I'm dying!
41:54I'm dying!
41:55I can't do this.
41:59Who taught you how to walk like that, sir?
42:07Oh, look at you.
42:08You look so pretty.
42:10You did such an amazing job.
42:12Did you love Jade?
42:14I loved you.
42:15And of course, I love Jade.
42:17Congratulations on your first fashion show.
42:19We did it.
42:20Yes, God.
42:21To have my friends, this group of friends, congratulate me.
42:27And they're actually, they seem, they seem authentic.
42:32You pulled it off.
42:33You pulled it off.
42:35You pulled it off.
42:37It feels really great.
42:39And some of these girls have been with me
42:41now since I opened my store.
42:44What you showed is that you can have sustainable
42:48and yet beautiful.
42:49And they have inspired me in so many ways
42:53that they will never know.
42:55I'm truly so grateful to call them my friends, even Doreen.
43:03Next time on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
43:06I think it's interesting that we can talk about Mo,
43:08and we can't talk about Morgan.
43:10I only partied like five nights.
43:12I find that very hard to believe.
43:14I just want to run away.
43:20Welcome to the beautiful island of St. Lucia.
43:22Oh, so exciting.
43:25She's definitely coming in like, uh-oh,
43:27I may have been a bad girl.
43:29I want him to like me so much.
43:31And I can't get him to.
