The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills S14 E15
00:00Previously on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
00:06Okay, drum roll!
00:10Lights, clapping, music, and go!
00:15She said that was very sweet of you.
00:18Oh my God, Cathy! Cathy!
00:21Here's Cathy Hilton pulling focus.
00:24Are we shocked? No.
00:26You need to pick on somebody else
00:28whose wallet fits.
00:30You think you're bigger than her?
00:31I think my wallet is.
00:33What's your beef with her?
00:34My beef with her?
00:36You have very rose-tinted glasses.
00:38Did you see the photos of him in Greece
00:42with a girl that has no clothes on?
00:45He clearly did not know his photo was being taken,
00:47but it looked like somebody was taking that photo intentionally.
00:50It's not like this is Brad Pitt.
00:53These hills have eyes,
00:55and they're all staring at me.
00:58I honor my fine Southern manners
01:00by putting you in your place.
01:04I've been in the game too long
01:06to play by someone else's rules.
01:11In Beverly Hills, money buys a lot,
01:14but my independence? Priceless.
01:17Introducing the greatest product I've ever marketed.
01:20I might look like a doll, but don't wind me up.
01:50Yeah, perfect!
01:51Hello, baby!
01:52Look at you, you look great!
01:54How are you?
01:55Hi, Mama.
01:56How are you?
01:59Well, thank you.
02:00Would you like some water?
02:01I'm just gonna take it in.
02:03Oh, God, it looks so good.
02:05I'll pour you some water.
02:07Okay, thank you.
02:08I don't know when the last time I saw Erica this happy.
02:11It's like she's radiating happiness.
02:14The house is incredible.
02:16Total transformation.
02:18And it literally is perfect for her.
02:21It just looks...
02:24I got us some coffee cake.
02:26Oh, you're so sweet.
02:27And some cookies.
02:34Get on in here, you've never been here.
02:36Come on in, I'm competing for the wallpaper.
02:38Come on in.
02:39Hi, boo!
02:40Nice to see you, get on in.
02:43Okay, this isn't necessarily a housewarming gift,
02:46this is a St. Lucia gift.
02:50I have been inspired by Sunny's call to all of us to bond,
02:55so I thought we will go to St. Lucia.
03:03That is beautiful.
03:04By the way, that colorway is really f***ing great.
03:07That's f***ing great.
03:09And literally for every single person.
03:12Obviously, these women do not know how to plan a girls' trip
03:15without any kind of drama.
03:17And I believe they deserve a trip that is about fun and sun
03:22and just having a good time.
03:24I was like, yes.
03:26Girl, you're going to look so bomb.
03:28Anything that goes wrong with this trip is their fault,
03:31not my fault.
03:32I can guarantee you that.
03:33There's going to be a whole fashion show out there.
03:35A real fashion show.
03:38I didn't even mean to say that, but it just came out.
03:40Oh, s***!
03:47These are great cucumbers.
03:51What am I going to have to eat?
03:55Pavlov has nothing on me.
04:00Thank you, thank you, thank you.
04:06I can't believe that is my guest.
04:10You look like a movie star.
04:12You look so cute.
04:13Come on.
04:15Online, they're saying Cathy is a fashion roadkill.
04:21Oh, Lord.
04:22I mean...
04:23Oh, Cathy!
04:27Oh, my God.
04:28I can't believe it.
04:36I only have the best intentions.
04:39Did you see Dorit?
04:40Did you talk to her last night?
04:42I said hello.
04:45We said hello.
04:46Okay, that's it.
04:50Let's put Dorit and Sutton on ice.
04:52Oh, I forgot to tell you!
04:55So when I had dinner with her and I said to her,
04:58hey, what is your beef with Sutton?
05:00She's like, you think I have beef with Sutton?
05:02I go, well, yeah, I don't think it's one-sided.
05:07I had dinner with Garcelle.
05:09I don't know if I told you that.
05:10Oh, you did.
05:11She said, Dorit, you mentioned the drinking thing.
05:13You know she's sensitive about it.
05:15I said, first of all, Garcelle, I welcomed her.
05:18I was happy that day.
05:20I have to say something.
05:21I have to stop you right now.
05:22You saying something about the drinking
05:24and her having this reaction about, you know, her business.
05:28I'm sorry.
05:29What about what was done to me?
05:35Okay, look, Sutton and Garcelle cut me no brakes
05:37when I was going through the lowest point in my life.
05:39They had no problem talking about lawsuits
05:41and medication and drinking
05:43and all of these alleged things, right?
05:45You need to figure out your medicine and drink ratio.
05:51The $20 million elephant in the room.
05:54Why is the paper saying that $20 million went into your LLC?
05:58Now, all of a sudden, Sutton wants sympathy
06:01because someone said something about her.
06:06Garcelle consistently defends that behavior.
06:10Well, I had that conversation with her,
06:12and Garcelle defended herself.
06:13I said, you look at her behavior with rose-tinted glasses.
06:16I said, you can't keep joking about the same thing
06:19that you know she gets upset about.
06:21And then she goes, but she can joke about it.
06:23I go, yes, she can joke about it, but you can't.
06:26I don't joke about it.
06:27So then I said to her, I said, Dorita, I have a question for you.
06:30If Sutton gave you a Kelly bag, would everything be okay?
06:35I really want to...
06:37You might get sad on me.
06:39You know what she said?
06:41Oh, yeah, that would change everything.
06:42We'd be the best of friends.
06:45Of course it would.
06:47It is hypocritical when they say, like,
06:51oh, well, you are defending Dorita all the time,
06:55or you're her mouthpiece,
06:57while you're over here kicking with yours.
06:59All the time for years now.
07:01Those things don't work.
07:02For years.
07:03So, although, wait, wait, wait.
07:05When we go to St. Lucia,
07:06you know I'm working on the room assignments.
07:09And so you already know.
07:11The three of us are together.
07:13We got our villa.
07:22Dorita and I spoke about Kyle.
07:24Oh, you did?
07:25About the whole mull of it all.
07:26Because they were acting like besties.
07:28Besties last night.
07:29Besties, like, rolling around on the sofa like they used to.
07:34Looks like they're made up.
07:35They have more than made up.
07:39Kyle and Dorita having beef
07:42helps Sutton and Kyle have a better relationship, right?
07:46Because it's like Sutton now can get in with Kyle even more.
07:49And I think it's all what Sutton wants.
07:53She wants to be really good friends with Kyle.
07:56So Dorita, you know, obviously feels for her like we all do
07:59because it sucks to see your photos of your ex
08:02making out with some child.
08:05No, I'm sorry.
08:06She's not a child.
08:07With a, you know, a young adult.
08:11So we also talked about seeing Kyle at Morgan's concert.
08:16You know, and then Kyle is at Morgan's concerts
08:20on the sidelines and people are speculating,
08:22like, is this Kyle's way of getting back at Mo?
08:25Well, yeah.
08:26It's just a little while that we can talk about Mo
08:29and this incident.
08:32And yet we can see Kyle hanging out with Morgan at a concert
08:38and we can't say anything about that.
08:42That seems a little odd.
08:44I kind of want to respect her privacy.
08:48Sutton is definitely scared of Kyle.
08:51Although she says she doesn't bow down, she bows down.
08:55I think it's interesting that we can talk about Mo
08:58and we can't talk about Morgan.
09:01We can't say, hey, how was the concert?
09:06I didn't know you were going.
09:08You know, you're not in the audience like everybody else.
09:11I think the introduction to the topic is, you know, look,
09:15hey, we saw you had a great weekend
09:20in the press at Morgan's concert.
09:23How was that?
09:24Don't even say that.
09:26Just introduce it like that and see if she...
09:29Gives volunteers more information.
09:34Kid gloves.
09:38I'm trying to map this out for us
09:41because I don't want to make her angry.
09:45Coming up...
09:46The e-mail suggested that you had retained a lawyer.
09:50Did you want a divorce?
10:36Hi, baby.
10:40Look, you're cute.
10:42I brought you a little something.
10:44This is for the trip?
10:46You're all dressed up, and I'm always like this,
10:48unless I have a party.
10:49You're great, you look beautiful.
10:51Oh, thank you.
10:52Where do you want us to be?
10:53Well, come on in here, I'm going to...
10:55It's such a pretty room.
10:56Marta, Jessie...
10:58I didn't know you spoke Spanish.
10:59Well, I grew up speaking Spanish,
11:01because when you live in LA, you know,
11:03I had, you know, people working for us
11:04that spoke Spanish always.
11:06And then I married, my husband's Mexican.
11:07You know what, I didn't know that.
11:09You didn't?
11:11Also, side note, I appreciate your text
11:13when that photo came out,
11:14and then you sent that text, thank you.
11:15Look, I'm the kind of friend, I'm ready for war.
11:18It took everything for me not to get in my car
11:20and drive over here.
11:21When we were at Dorit's house,
11:23Kyle made a point that I hadn't tried
11:25to get to know her either.
11:26I feel I was being maybe singled out
11:29because you got to know her first.
11:31You said that you don't have preconceived ideas.
11:34Your actions say otherwise.
11:36So I think this is just the perfect opportunity
11:39for us to open up to each other.
11:41When I first met you...
11:45I mean, he had just moved out.
11:48Oh, I see.
11:50I feel like I'm gonna get really emotional right now.
11:56I don't know why I could feel it was coming,
11:58and I'm like, I don't want to do that right now,
12:00I just want to be able to explain
12:01in, like, the most open, honest ways,
12:03because I want you to get to know me
12:07and kind of explain everything.
12:09But, um...
12:12I just, you know, the way we did it was,
12:15I know, not like a traditional way,
12:17but I wasn't ready to leave.
12:20I didn't even know if that's what I wanted to do.
12:22I was just, like, you know, and then...
12:25he had finally moved out.
12:31When he finally said,
12:33I am going to move out,
12:35it was strange.
12:36It was like, wow, this is really happening.
12:39And I think that part of me would have been happy,
12:41just, oh, well, you just live in your room,
12:43and I'll live in my room,
12:44and we just do our own thing,
12:46which is just not realistic.
12:53I have sort of a funny...
12:55not really funny, but maybe morbid,
12:58but an aside.
13:00So, you know, Peter died when Lael was 4,
13:04and we'd been separated before he got sick.
13:06I was afraid to ask him for a divorce.
13:10I didn't want him to be mad at me.
13:11I didn't want to be the bad guy.
13:13I just said, let's be separated,
13:14and we'll figure it out, you know?
13:15And then, one day,
13:17I go over to pick up Lael,
13:19and there was this woman there.
13:22And then, when we found out
13:24that his cancer was terminal,
13:26I came in the hospital one day,
13:29and she was, like, you know, rubbing his head
13:32and, like, giving him these, like, very tender kisses.
13:36And, girl, I lost my mind.
13:38I was like, get this bitch out of here.
13:43I understand where Kyle is,
13:45because the pain of seeing someone
13:47that you have built a life with move on
13:49is unlike anything else.
13:51It's hard to fathom
13:53that it's possible for them to do that.
13:56You know, obviously, I didn't love seeing that,
13:59and it's like, he feels bad enough as it is.
14:02I know he feels horrible.
14:03I know him well enough to know that.
14:05But why?
14:06What is it?
14:07Because he feels like you're embarrassed?
14:08Like, what is it?
14:09He wouldn't want to hurt me in any way,
14:13or our girls.
14:16But when are y'all supposed to move on?
14:19We're separated.
14:21We're not divorced or filed for divorce.
14:23Right, right.
14:24How long do you think you can do that,
14:26or be in that?
14:30I feel like that changed things,
14:31the photo, to be honest.
14:32The photo! Whoo!
14:35It changed things.
14:38I mean, I'm gonna have a conversation with him,
14:40but I think...
14:44I think that just gives me permission
14:46to move forward with what I need to do.
14:49Yeah, yeah.
14:51So this is the first time you'll see each other?
14:53This is the first time you'll see each other since...
14:55He's been in Europe.
15:01Would you like to join us?
15:03I would! laughs
15:05electronic music plays
15:24Great, thank you.
15:27Hello, welcome.
15:31How are you?
15:38How are you?
15:40It's a little weird, but...
15:42Yeah, well, I've lost weight.
15:44It's good. laughs
15:46Thankfully, you leaned in and gave me a kiss.
15:49Why wouldn't I?
15:50I don't know.
15:51Do you want a high-five?
15:53Pete and I have now been separated for three months.
15:56Can I have a drink?
15:58Oh, I don't drink.
15:59There's a problem.
16:00What I thought was going to be an amicable separation
16:03turned into three months of the worst kind of rollercoaster
16:07I could have imagined.
16:09We're talking, like, five times a day.
16:11I know, but we're not going to.
16:14We had a four-hour therapy session.
16:17Four hours?
16:19He throws out.
16:20This is why I want a divorce.
16:23I think he's a very good father.
16:25Am I correct?
16:30I have no idea what to expect tonight.
16:34Hi, thank you, guys.
16:35Hi, how are you?
16:36How are you doing tonight?
16:37I'm good, I'm good.
16:38What mocktails have you got?
16:40We don't have a menu for mocktails.
16:41Should we do a phony negroni?
16:43I can do that for you, yeah.
16:45I'll have a phony negroni.
16:47I'll have a phony negroni.
16:49Phony negroni.
16:50Belvedere with club soda.
16:52Lemon squeezed in really well.
16:53I'll be right back with that.
16:55I'm really pleased to hear that you're doing this work.
16:57You've been doing work on yourself as well, haven't you?
16:59Yes, and I feel like my eyes are wide open
17:02for the first time in a very long time.
17:06Thank you, honey.
17:08I don't want to misinterpret what you mean
17:10by your eyes wide open.
17:12I mean, like, the last few months,
17:14something shifted in you.
17:16The first time things started to go wrong
17:19was when we spoke about the apartment.
17:22And I said, I'm taking this apartment.
17:24One of the significant issues in our marriage
17:26were your control issues,
17:28and there was me, separated,
17:30and less than a few weeks in,
17:32you're dictating where I'm going to live,
17:36and that's in the backdrop of me knowing
17:39that you're in our house,
17:43and I'm taking this really small apartment,
17:45which was, in my life, as humble as it's ever been,
17:50and it felt like an approval process
17:52that I didn't want to go through.
17:54We never actually had the conversation
17:56about the apartment.
17:57No, but I didn't want to have the conversation
17:58about the apartment.
17:59That's my point.
18:00Well, that's my point.
18:03Hi, you guys.
18:04Sorry to interrupt.
18:05Did you want to go ahead and put some food in?
18:06Sushi, and I'll get a Caesar.
18:08Maybe I'll do the spicy Caesar.
18:11We clearly have different views,
18:12but what I would like to know is
18:15what prompted that long email
18:19that knocked me off my feet?
18:22What's in it? What did it say?
18:24Just finances, and I'm going to stop paying this,
18:27and you're going to be liable for this.
18:28Where are we going with this?
18:29I don't know.
18:30That's a divorce.
18:31Do you really want to start discussing
18:33only part of that email?
18:35No, I'm not finished.
18:36Because it was a summary of how you've made me feel,
18:39and what life will potentially look like
18:42if we don't resolve this.
18:44The reason I asked you to retain a lawyer
18:47was in an attempt to try and have
18:49a commercial, sensible conversation,
18:51because we were not able to communicate.
18:53So bring in some experts to read.
18:55I kept telling you that we need to communicate.
18:59I wanted to communicate like civil people.
19:02Could have one of these between us.
19:04All right, let's move forward.
19:05So the email suggested that you had retained a lawyer,
19:09and you were 100 steps ahead of me.
19:13Did you, at any point, want a divorce?
19:21So you had retained a lawyer,
19:23and were 100 steps ahead of me.
19:27Did you, at any point, want a divorce?
19:37I believe that, unfortunately, this is what ends up happening.
19:40I'm not going to be able to get a divorce.
19:42I'm not going to be able to get a divorce.
19:44I'm not going to be able to get a divorce.
19:46I'm not going to be able to get a divorce.
19:48I believe that, unfortunately, this is what ends the marriage.
19:50I believe that rather than bringing out the best in me,
19:52you can bring out the worst in me.
19:55The reality is, we have to co-parent,
19:57and we have to keep it loving and kind,
20:00and we have to work on our relationship
20:02and make ourselves get back.
20:04You know, you're my best f***ing mate, right, period.
20:09We need to find that friendship again.
20:12We lost it, right?
20:17Do you have in your mind,
20:20Dorit and I are going to try to work through things,
20:24but divorce is there?
20:26I don't know.
20:29You don't know what?
20:31I don't know whether we, divorce is in our future.
20:34I don't know.
20:36At the moment, you sit here and you think,
20:38you've got no f***ing chance, right?
20:40But who knows?
20:41I just want some clarity, that's all.
20:43I'm trying to answer you.
20:46Okay, so what's next for us
20:49is our journey to become friends again, right?
20:52For me, that's what's next.
20:55If we sit here in six months' time and we say,
20:57do you know what, we've managed to do this, Dorit,
20:59we've got the kids sorted, we're best of friends,
21:01we're better not being married,
21:03then we'll not be married, right?
21:07I don't feel in my heart that I want a divorce,
21:09but I'm not the one in control.
21:11Truthfully, PK's calling the shots.
21:13Wow, you are hard f***ing work, dude.
21:17All right, can we go home now?
21:30All right, that's pretty, okay.
21:32Hurry before Keely gets here.
21:35Okay, let me get some wine glasses.
21:38Now that is the sound of crystal.
21:46Oh, Lord, I almost got attacked by the plane.
21:52Hey, hey.
21:54Okay, well, I got the dessert.
21:56Very good, and?
21:57Something for Lael.
21:58Oh, that's very sweet.
21:59Yeah, something for Lael.
22:00I'm feeling a little nervous about it.
22:02Lael and Keely have really only been around each other
22:04and the company of other people.
22:06We've never had one-on-one time.
22:08Hey, hey, you look nice.
22:10Thank you, so do you.
22:11Yep, yep, yep, I got the memo.
22:13Oh, I know the two of you are matching.
22:15But things are moving really quickly with Keely and I,
22:18like at the speed of light,
22:20and Lael's back here in the caboose.
22:22Aw, are these for me?
22:24So I need her to come along the journey
22:27and get to know Keely a little bit better.
22:29The first time I met you was in Ghana, right?
22:32Okay, when I showed up in Ghana,
22:33what did you think?
22:34Was it like, ah, he seems cool,
22:36or you were just happy for me?
22:38Oh, no.
22:39No, I thought he seems cool.
22:41I'm a little anxious.
22:44I'm really excited.
22:46Yeah, but more anxious than anything
22:48to see how this goes.
22:50Oh, thank you, please.
22:52There you go.
22:54Oh, it looks delicious.
22:55Do you want some?
22:56Yes, I don't mind serving.
22:59Here, you take that.
23:05Can I ask you a question?
23:08Do you guys think that you would, like,
23:10move in together, like, before you guys got married?
23:17Well, that's a tough question,
23:19because have I lived with somebody before marriage?
23:23But I think in this case,
23:26I would probably wait
23:29until, like, maybe there was an engagement,
23:33and I'd want you and her
23:35to have a conversation first.
23:37Do you think you guys would, like, move here
23:40or, like, move to San Diego
23:42or, like, meet somewhere in the middle
23:44or, like, somewhere new?
23:45It would be easier for me to pick up, right,
23:48and come up here,
23:49but I'd keep my house in San Diego.
23:52What would you prefer?
23:54I'd prefer to stay here.
23:55I mean, because, like, even if you guys got married,
23:58like, tomorrow and we had to, like, move somewhere,
24:01then I'd have to, like, you know,
24:04adapt to new high school and stuff
24:06and, like, get new friends.
24:08Yeah, I wouldn't want to uproot you.
24:10I know the importance of friendships,
24:12relationships, of course.
24:13Would you guys want, like, multiple kids
24:15or just, like, one more?
24:18Okay, I'm gonna take a sip of water right there.
24:21I am so proud of Layelle.
24:23My God, she's asking all of the questions
24:26that I have been a little hesitant
24:30to get the answer to.
24:32I would like to have multiple kids,
24:34but, of course, it's all based on your mom's health.
24:37We'd take it one at a time.
24:39This might be a hard question, but, like,
24:41how soon do you think, like, you guys would want to,
24:45like, get married and, like, have a kid?
24:48Your mom, she embodies the essence of somebody
24:52who I think would instill great values.
24:56Well, thank you. I appreciate that very much.
24:59So I forgot what the question was.
25:03But it's okay. We like the answer, though.
25:05We like the answer. The answer's great.
25:07The answer's great.
25:08Let me tell you something.
25:09My late husband was a great dad.
25:11He adored Layelle, and he has been a giant
25:16in her life and in her mind this entire time.
25:20So I haven't brought anybody around to meet her
25:24because I simply didn't think they could measure up.
25:28And Keeley does.
25:35Coming up...
25:36I only partied, like, five nights
25:39out of the 25 nights I've gone.
25:41That's very hard to believe.
25:42I promise.
25:59I feel so tired right now.
26:01The dogs woke me up so early.
26:04What time?
26:05Like, 5 o'clock.
26:075? That's so brutal.
26:08I know.
26:09I'm getting tired at, like, 9,
26:10waking up at 8 because of Europe.
26:12I'm, like, still on that time.
26:13Hi, Dad.
26:15Oh, my God, the dog got so big.
26:17I know.
26:18You're hot.
26:19I haven't seen you since...
26:20Why are you so hot, Dad?
26:22Your trip.
26:23How are you?
26:24Good, how are you?
26:25Seeing that photo of Mo was like,
26:28okay, things have changed,
26:31and I don't know how he's going to be towards me now.
26:34I'm going back into my room.
26:35I love you.
26:36I love you, too.
26:38I don't know what this relationship is.
26:40I don't know if this is just a passing thing
26:43or a serious thing,
26:45and I know how women are.
26:48So how was your trip?
26:51It was nice.
26:53It was nice.
26:54A lot of spas, a lot of sound healing,
26:57spiritual healing.
26:59I only partied, like, 5 nights
27:02out of the 25 nights I've gone.
27:04That's very hard to believe.
27:05By the way, you do know that Mo is trying to get PK,
27:09my husband, to go to...
27:13I know.
27:14So now he wants to drag my husband
27:15into his single life soil?
27:19I promise.
27:22This is very awkward.
27:23We both know what we are both thinking.
27:27Um, and then that's it.
27:29And, like, what am I doing?
27:31I feel like he's distracting himself
27:34so he doesn't have to deal with me.
27:38It was an awkward trip
27:39because, you know, it was the first time
27:41I ever go without, you know, the family.
27:45Um, you know, I wanted to do that,
27:47and I, you know, wanted to be alone
27:49and take advantage of, you know,
27:50seeing what that looks like
27:52and just be, you know, run around
27:54and make decisions, you know, last minute.
28:12I don't know.
28:24You know, obviously the Mykonos, you know,
28:26I got photographed, you know, in the airport.
28:28You know that I would never want to do
28:31or anything on purpose that would hurt you or the kids.
28:35I really am sorry for, you know, hurting you.
28:40I would never want to hurt you on purpose.
28:43I know that you would never do that on purpose.
28:46I know that you did not know your picture was being taken.
28:49I don't know that the other person didn't know that.
28:53But obviously that's hard to see.
28:58But, um, we are separated,
29:02and we're allowed to do what we want in this time.
29:08It's just strange, you know?
29:10Of course.
29:13I get it.
29:17The photos really did say to me...
29:22he's moving on.
29:25You can live in this, you know, la-la land for as long as you want,
29:30but that was, you know, a hammer on the head saying,
29:33hello, Kyle, he's moved on, it's OK.
29:37You're both entitled to live your lives.
29:41It's just like...
29:44I don't know what I'm supposed to...
29:46I was like, I don't know what I'm supposed to do now, but...
29:52I think about...
29:54how did we get here?
29:56If we care about each other so much,
29:58how did we allow this to happen?
30:05Everything we built...
30:07everything we built...
30:09this is like the rug really being ripped out from under your feet.
30:12Like, I did not expect my life to go in this direction.
30:28But in seeing these photos,
30:32I think it makes it pretty clear that this is permanent.
30:40I don't think it's going to be easy to come back from that.
31:02Here we come!
31:08I need to show you a couple of options.
31:10I'm thinking about this for a birthday dinner.
31:13This is not mature enough.
31:15It's a paka ruban.
31:18Well, I'll put it to the side then.
31:22OK, I'm going to bring you my options.
31:24This is naked, nothing underneath it.
31:26Thirst trap photo.
31:28Is this a dress or a swimsuit cover-up or a nightgown?
31:33All of the above.
31:37Oh, I have this hat.
31:39I just think it's, like, so fabulous, right?
31:42Yes. What do you wear it with?
31:44A black lace bra and high heels.
31:46Very Eric Catron.
31:53Look at these ho shorts.
31:57Yeah, we want to be comfortable when you go to do active wear.
32:00There's even more ho.
32:02Also known as regular for me.
32:09This is the only country in the world where it's named after a woman.
32:13Oh, I love that.
32:15What's her name? Lucia?
32:17Yeah, that's her name.
32:18Yes, Saint Lucia.
32:20It's a woman.
32:32We're not going to New York.
32:34I know.
32:40Welcome, Mrs. Erica.
32:41A red eye.
32:42Two check, and then we're, like, to carry on.
32:46How are you?
32:49I tried Chanel.
32:50I mean...
32:51Come on.
32:52Oh, my God.
32:53That's sexy.
32:54I dropped my phone.
32:55You look great.
32:56So do I.
32:58I am happy to go on a girl's trip, escape L.A., escape the paparazzi that are photographing Mo,
33:06and just enjoy myself.
33:08Look at you with the cute luggage.
33:10I know.
33:11I had this woman.
33:12She's a princess.
33:13She sold me a Birkin bag.
33:14This is amazing.
33:15That's clearly vintage.
33:16It's stunningly beautiful.
33:18It's Hermes.
33:19Look at this Hermes crocodile vintage jewelry case.
33:26It's divine.
33:27I need one of these boxes in my life.
33:29This is, like, old movie star sh**.
33:35How are you?
33:37Hi, guys.
33:39You guys all put together.
33:40So excited.
33:41Okay, so Kathy and Dorit got on the 12 o'clock flight.
33:44They did.
33:45They're there.
33:47Boze is there.
33:49That's three.
33:50You would not believe how difficult it is to get all of these ladies to our final destination.
33:55It really is like herding cats.
33:57I mean, they're just out here.
33:58Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow.
33:59So we are taking separate flights and meeting up in Miami,
34:02and then head off to St. Lucia together from there.
34:06Let's go, girls.
34:08We're too rich to be carrying that ugly luggage.
34:11I can't.
34:20Kathy, we missed you on our flight that did not recline.
34:27You came from L.A. like that?
34:29Nice plane.
34:31St. Lucia, here we come.
34:32We are on our way.
34:33And we have a good time.
34:34It's been a long time since I've had a good time.
34:40Well, we're in for it.
34:42Our itinerary is packed, and I love it.
34:45We have some fabulous dinners planned.
34:48We have some local activities.
34:49We have a boat ride.
34:50We've got to celebrate Erika and DeReet's birthday.
34:53We've got a night market.
34:55I love being in charge.
35:04Almost there!
35:06Cheers! Yay!
35:08Cheers! Yay!
35:12It's so beautiful!
35:34Oh my god, look at this! This is so cute! Oh my god!
35:48Hello! How are you?
35:51Oh, we're so excited! It's so beautiful!
35:55Ladies, welcome to Windjammer Landing Resort and Residence.
35:58We're honoured to have you here today. Thank you so much.
36:01Welcome to the beautiful island of St. Lucia. Welcome, everybody.
36:05Let me take you to your apartment and residence.
36:07Right this way, ladies. Right this way.
36:14Oh, so beautiful! Hello!
36:18Oh, this is so pretty! Nice!
36:22Oh, it says happy birthday! Yes!
36:25Oh my god, there's a whole drum thing here.
36:28Oh, this is fantastic!
36:32I love this welcome. This is exactly the way I wanted our trip to start.
36:36We've got beautiful views, delicious cocktails, a steel pan band, and a gorgeous time ahead.
36:45Who would complain?
36:49Okay, so we have our rooms. They're all around, so...
36:54Oh, okay.
36:56Let's see, yes. Erica and Dorit will be here.
36:59Kyle and Kathy, y'all are in a villa together.
37:03And then...
37:04And then I have to sleep in the same bed as Sutton.
37:10I have traveled with Sutton a lot. Before, I don't think we've ever shared a bed together.
37:14I have actually slept next to her on planes, and she does have a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night going,
37:21Off to the rooms!
37:25Coming up...
37:26I was feeling some weird vibes.
37:28I'm dreaming.
37:29We haven't said two words to one another.
37:30Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
37:31But she's definitely coming in like,
37:33Uh-oh, I may have been a bad girl.
37:46This is your room, Erica.
37:48Oh my gosh, the personalized pillowcase!
37:51This is stunning.
37:53This resort is beautiful, nestled in this beautiful mountainside, gorgeous beaches.
38:00Welcome home.
38:02Boze may be giving Kathy Hilton a run for her money on these trips.
38:06Oh, we have to climb stairs to get to our villa?
38:09Oh, no, no, no, no.
38:12It's good for us.
38:13Oh, oh, oh.
38:15Beautiful, look at those...
38:16So pretty.
38:18Let's look outside.
38:20And look at that.
38:21Oh, our own little private pool.
38:23This is very pretty.
38:25It's beautiful.
38:26Look how beautiful this view is!
38:28Oh, this is gorgeous!
38:29This is gorgeous!
38:30Ooh, this is so pretty!
38:45Oh, wow.
38:51This is incredible.
38:55Oh, pool!
38:57Oh my God!
38:58We could lay out topless.
38:59I see naked pool picture right here.
39:05Oh, my knees.
39:10Oh, no, my candy felt came apart.
39:14Oh, no, Mr. Bill!
39:17I'm panicking.
39:18The idea of being without my candy
39:20for the next 3 or 4 days is very triggering to me.
39:24I know I'm going to need to eat this candy
39:27at 3 in the morning after I've had
39:29another one of our terrifying dinners.
39:32I still want to eat it, is that wrong?
39:37This is so pretty.
39:38Thank you, thank you, thank you.
39:40You're welcome.
39:41I feel relaxed already.
39:43I just feel like, ah, we're on vacation.
39:47We're in the country I can't pronounce.
39:51Santa Lucia.
39:53I am home.
39:55Do you feel good?
39:57I am so happy.
39:59Have I said hello to Dorit?
40:01I was going to ask you that.
40:02I didn't see you guys say hello,
40:04but I wasn't with you the whole time.
40:06I was feeling some weird vibes,
40:08so I don't know.
40:09From whom?
40:10From Dorit.
40:11From who?
40:12From Dorit.
40:13She probably feels weird because
40:14the last time that you guys were together
40:16at the Caviar Caspia thing,
40:18you were at each other's throats.
40:20Did I call you a bitch?
40:22No, I should have called you a f***ing bitch.
40:26I think that she digs at me pretty hard.
40:29Okay, we're back.
40:30I see the ice.
40:31Sutton's eyes, they're like this.
40:35I'm getting weird vibes from Dorit.
40:41I want to enjoy the trip, you guys.
40:43I don't want to sit around with things festering.
40:45We haven't said two words to one another,
40:47but I know when she comes in with wrath,
40:50I know when she's looking.
40:51And you think she's coming in with what she did.
40:53She's definitely coming in like,
40:54uh-oh, I may have been a bad girl.
40:58Oh my God.
41:00Here's the thing.
41:02I'm watching Dorit with Kyle,
41:03and Dorit's had some like...
41:05They're best friends again.
41:06Yeah, but the forgiveness factor is so...
41:11Between them.
41:12Well, they've always had that.
41:13But with me, it's like...
41:14They've always had that,
41:15and I'm sure they can say we have that.
41:17You know, I like all the girls,
41:19but I have to say it's a cliquey group,
41:21and it's tough to crack.
41:22I mean, myself, as a newcomer.
41:25It's a difficult group to crack,
41:26that's all I'm saying.
41:28I did have some sort of weird expectation
41:30that we were all going to be like walking along,
41:32skipping and holding hands and singing.
41:34I like everyone to like me,
41:36and I really thought,
41:37oh, these girls all hang out together,
41:39and, you know, we'll be a girl gang,
41:41and we'll all get to know each other
41:43and have sleepovers and things like that.
41:46But I think they all have so much history together,
41:50it comes off a little bit as cliquey.
41:52I am intimidated because it is a little bit like
41:55the popular girls at school.
41:57I grew up in the 60s,
41:58and I would always try to get into the popular group,
42:01but they all knew I was not one of them.
42:03Like, I was wearing secondhand clothes,
42:05I was the weird hippie girl
42:07that didn't take a bath very often.
42:10Ooh, I shouldn't say that.
42:11Do you feel like it's kind of almost like
42:14no matter what you do, you can't fix it?
42:20What's wrong, Kassadin?
42:23It's just been a long row, these girls.
42:27And the only person that truly supports me is Garcelle.
42:33Even Kyle won't say, come on, this is enough.
42:37It's always like, you too.
42:39It's never, Dorit, come on, that's too much.
42:44That's the million-dollar question,
42:46is why does Sutton continue to stand up for Kyle
42:49when Kyle doesn't always stand up for her?
42:52I don't know.
42:54I don't know.
42:55It's like I want him to like me so much,
42:58and I can't get him to.
43:04But you can't be the one who can give it
43:07and not be able to take it.
43:08You pose as a friend, and then oftentimes work as an enemy.
43:12This is not gonna be Sutton on trial at sea.
43:15Okay, now you're being ridiculous.
43:17What do you f****** want from me?
43:21Seriously, what do you f****** want from me?
43:25What do you f****** want from me?