• 2 days ago


00:00The last performance of the Zawatsuko music festival was in Sendai.
00:05At that time, Takinaka from Rakuten came to see it.
00:11He came to see it with his friends.
00:13They were a couple.
00:15Takinaka is coming, so I thought the audience would be happy.
00:19Everyone was excited about the chair.
00:22When I thought that Rakuten would be like,
00:30Do you have anyone you want to apologize to?
00:35I have.
00:37Do you have anyone you want to apologize to?
00:39I have a lot.
00:40Who do you want to ask?
00:42It's unusual for Chisako to apologize.
00:46It's not directly my responsibility,
00:50but I think it's my fault.
00:54The last performance of the Zawatsuko music festival was in Sendai.
00:59At that time, there was a one-man competition.
01:02My subordinates were in charge of the one-man competition.
01:05Are you a subordinate?
01:07Two cellists were playing the cello to pull out the chair.
01:12Even if the chair was pulled out,
01:14they could play the cello on the air chair.
01:16Can you do that?
01:21It's moving!
01:24Are you whispering?
01:25I'm whispering.
01:27The person who pulled out the chair was Enokido, a violinist.
01:32He wanted to surprise me on the stage.
01:36Takinaka from Rakuten came to see me.
01:41He came to see me as a friend.
01:45I thought the audience would be happy to see Takinaka.
01:49I even borrowed Takinaka's uniform.
01:52I gave it to my violinist friend.
01:55I put Takinaka's uniform on the chair.
01:58When Takinaka pulled out the chair, everyone was excited.
02:02I thought the audience would be excited to see Takinaka.
02:09But Takinaka's uniform was so small that I couldn't see him on the monitor.
02:16The audience was so big.
02:18Everyone could see Takinaka's uniform from a distance.
02:23But I couldn't see Takinaka.
02:26I couldn't see Takinaka at all.
02:28I was so surprised that I went into the freezer.
02:33Do you remember that?
02:34I remember it very well.
02:36I slipped a lot.
02:39Let's see the scene.
02:48He's laughing at this point.
02:50He's pushing Takinaka's butt.
02:53He's pushing Takinaka's butt.
02:59One person came out.
03:05He's turning around.
03:09What should I do?
03:11I have nothing to do.
03:16He's floating.
03:19Is he holding him?
03:20He's holding him.
03:22Isn't he hurt?
03:25He threw Takinaka.
03:27He threw Takinaka.
03:31He threw Takinaka.
03:38Who did you imitate?
03:41Did you imitate Takinaka?
03:43Yes, I did.
03:44The hall was so quiet that I couldn't imagine it would be any quieter.
03:49The audience was a fan of Rakuten.
03:51It was in Sendai.
03:53I thought it would be like, Yay! Rakuten! Yay!
03:58But Takahashi was wearing a uniform.
04:01He didn't know Takinaka was there.
04:04I didn't know he was there.
04:06I didn't know he was there.
04:08I should have said, Are you there?
04:14I said, Rakuten is wearing a uniform.
04:19But I didn't know who he was.
04:22Takinaka came out.
04:24I put him on a chair and pulled him.
04:27We got excited.
04:29We didn't get excited.
04:32You didn't get excited?
04:33We got excited.
04:34After that, I wanted another bite.
04:38Yes, yes.
04:39Because he was a pitcher.
04:41I said, Are you still doing that?
04:46I said, How long are you going to do that?
04:49I didn't get that much.
04:52Even if that happens, it's Takahashi for that time.
04:56That's right.
05:00You knew that would happen, right?
05:02No, I didn't know.
05:04Because it was a surprise.
05:06Even if it was a surprise...
05:07You didn't have a lot of energy.
05:08I didn't have a lot of energy.
05:10Wait a minute.
05:11If he was a talent, he would have done it.
05:13He did it perfectly.
05:16He's good at doing it little by little.
05:19At that time, he had a partner.
05:21Did you have a partner?
05:23But both of them were useless.
05:29Is Takinaka angry with me?
05:32I don't know.
05:33I thought it was a little difficult.
05:35I thought it was a little difficult, so I ran away.
05:37That's right.
05:39I thought it was difficult no matter how I did it.
05:41I thought it was difficult no matter how I did it.
05:44But Takinaka was a spotter.
05:47But maybe he wasn't there.
05:49I didn't know.
05:50I didn't know where he was sitting.
05:52I didn't have any information.
05:53He was there as a couple.
05:55He thought he couldn't receive it because of him.
05:59I'm sorry about that.
06:01And his wife was angry.
06:04Whose wife was angry?
06:06Takinaka's wife.
06:07His wife was angry with him.
06:09His wife said,
06:10It's your fault.
06:12And he slapped her.
06:16I'm really sorry about that.
06:18I wanted to apologize to Takinaka.
06:22But after that, I had a fight with Enokido five times on the line.
06:29I don't know about Enokido, but I wanted to cheer him up.
06:32I tried my best.
06:34But I couldn't receive it.
06:37It's not about trying your best.
06:38It's not about trying your best.
06:40I see.
06:41You didn't prepare well.
06:42Yes, I didn't prepare well.
06:51That was close.
06:54Today is White Day.
06:57We conducted a survey on what you were happy to receive on White Day.
07:02We created a top 20.
07:04You will be given a quiz to guess the items in the ranking.
07:09If you answer one question correctly, you will get a prize.
07:13It looks delicious.
07:14This is from Hotel New Otani in Tokyo.
07:18It's called Taikan-en.
07:21It has three Amao sesame dumplings.
07:23It's one of Amao.
07:25It looks delicious.
07:26It looks delicious.
07:27Everyone, please try your best.
07:33Today, March 14th, is White Day.
07:39We conducted a survey on 489 women in their 20s and 50s who work in Tokyo.
07:48We ranked the top 20 items you were happy to receive on White Day.
07:54If it's an expensive item, you can use it at a tourist attraction.
08:02If you don't know what to buy, you won't know what to buy.
08:07If that's the case, you should get it and use it.
08:10Please imagine what kind of gift you were happy to receive.
08:18You will be given a quiz to guess the items in the ranking.
08:25Please answer quickly.
08:27For example, you will be given a hint.
08:33You will be given a hint.
08:34Please answer quickly.
08:36First, let's look at the rankings from 20th to 11th.
08:41Top 20 items you were happy to receive on White Day.
08:45Top 20 items you were happy to receive on White Day.
08:48You were happy to receive a scarf because it was still cold in the spring.
08:58Top 19 items you were happy to receive on White Day.
09:01You were happy to receive a stuffed animal because you know what you like.
09:15You were happy to receive a stuffed animal because you know what you like.
09:19There are people who like their favorite characters.
09:24There are people who like their favorite characters.
09:26For example, I like Snoopy.
09:29Are you happy to receive Snoopy?
09:31Yes, I am happy to receive Snoopy.
09:33Top 18 items you were happy to receive on White Day.
09:36You were happy to receive a watch because you wanted it for a long time.
09:43You want it, right?
09:44I'm happy to receive it.
09:46It's a favorite watch.
09:49By the way, there are many women who are happy to receive a watch because they want to share the same time.
10:00What is the next item in the 17th place?
10:04It's not a quiz.
10:06Please answer quickly with a hint of the voice of the city.
10:09What are you guessing?
10:1017th place.
10:11You are in a hurry.
10:13What are you doing?
10:15What's wrong?
10:17You should answer.
10:21Why did a woman come out?
10:24It's a hint of the voice of the city.
10:27You should answer.
10:29I want to give you a hint.
10:32I'm in a hurry.
10:34I'm in a hurry.
10:36You should answer.
10:38You should answer.
10:40You should answer.
10:42It's a watch with a muffler.
10:47It's a candy.
10:49You should answer.
10:52You should answer.
10:54You should answer.
10:56It's difficult to choose from all the items in this world.
11:02You should answer.
11:04Did you tell me that?
11:05I told you.
11:07Did you tell me?
11:09I told you.
11:11I was surprised.
11:13Let's see the next item.
11:14It's a hint.
11:16You should answer.
11:17It's 21st place.
11:19I'm glad that he gave me a present by looking at my favorite color and design.
11:27I can use it on a daily basis, so I can remember it.
11:32I'm very happy.
11:34I can use it for small and big things.
11:38I think it's good to use it.
11:41I think it depends on my taste.
11:45It depends on women.
11:47I like black, white, and pink.
11:51I can change it depending on my mood.
11:53I'm glad that I can change it depending on my mood.
11:57Have you actually used it?
12:00Chisako answered.
12:03It's a wallet.
12:04It's a wallet.
12:06That's not it.
12:08I think the answer is a scarf.
12:09It's a scarf.
12:13It's a bag.
12:15It's higher than a bag.
12:19It's higher than a bag.
12:21It's higher than a bag.
12:24It looks like a bag.
12:27It's not a bag.
12:29It's not a bag, so it's close?
12:31I get it.
13:32Don't know
13:36I know you might that a small hole not good to eat it. I don't know
13:41So to say come on I didn't mean to do this. Okay. Okay
13:56Say I'm a poachでした
14:29It's not it's just a little bit again. I know it's a joke like this
14:34No, I don't any more up there. Let's cut them on a ranking top 20
14:38to the day about a juror quiva
14:41Kobe to come on right now. It's the moment. It's getting it. I don't know do you do they?
14:49My mother I get in there. Yes, it's a little bit
14:53Yes, I know. I don't know
14:55Do you think they don't need to do that? I don't think you should you don't need
15:01He wants to know how they see to you. Do you do they?
15:05Can be
15:14Can be
15:19Yeah, yeah, but I saw candy that there was a white to the mushroom. I don't know
15:24Candy, that's candy
15:26Candy, I don't like to do that. Oh, no
15:28Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you
15:32I'm a John candy. Oh, you've got some kind of
15:37Yeah, yeah, yeah
16:09Say, I know
16:13Soshitai Jusanga
16:18So I forgot about it. Oh
16:21My nitty-gritty, you know, they were a seat. No, no, no, you'll come with your saying got that suit
16:28To do it. Hey, I don't you need me. I don't know. I'm on the show got much. No, boy. We'll hint on you. How y'all see there?
16:34Oh, but I could I say
16:39This homemade
16:44Honey this man
16:46Oh, man, I don't wish good day. I'm waiting on what's going on. So this is how you talk
16:51Yeah, I eat. What are you doing?
16:53Okay, that was not just a co-sign
16:56Oh, she musta you mean
16:58You mean what?
17:00Yes, sir. So stay candy. Kazushige, Sanga
18:34I got you. You must know Kazuki, Sam
18:42We see you
18:47Yeah, I don't know
18:57Can't do it
18:59Ha ha ha
19:01Da Galapo poach again I thought poach
19:05So what a car you don't got so much. I got it. You know, it doesn't it can't do it. You got a
19:14Yes, it's a it don't end. Oh, yeah, it's a new brooch the brooch
19:18Master, I said, oh, yeah, I don't like it. I don't know. It's okay. I don't know
19:24You may just around I don't know
19:27It's good. It's a comic. I'm there. I got a joke on you. No, I don't think I'll give us your
19:33Kazushige, Sanga. Hey, I got this. I don't know
19:36Come to go be shit. I
19:41Much of it. I don't
19:46Do I have to show you this?
19:48I don't know
19:51She got it
19:54So it's a good time. We'll see what he wants. It's a good time. What are you doing? Yeah, I mean good. Yeah, I mean good
19:59What you got you must go ahead. Yeah, I get it. That's okay. That's what I'm gonna get
20:04Yeah, yeah, yeah
20:06Listen to me. Yeah
20:08You'd be one watch guys. You don't know
20:12There's no good. I don't know. What do you do?
20:14You're going to say that to you
20:35It's a kind of fun day
20:41You know
20:44I got that. Hey, what do you think of that? I got that. I got that
20:58I'm gonna have to put that there. Yeah, that's a good thing. I think it's a good thing
21:03What does he look at? He's a nice guy. What's that? He's a nice guy. Oh, yeah, it's a good emotion. I'm not about
21:19That's it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no
21:27Just say that I'm saying yeah, I don't know. I'm gonna get you again. I'm not gonna get that. What's that?
21:35You know, I don't know. I'm money. What do you mean?
21:39I don't know
21:41What's the key?
21:46No, I can't eat it. Oh, he called it. I don't know
21:52Okay, so I'm not going to go yet. But I don't know what I'm going to do
21:59You think that's how you look at that? I don't know. I think I can't go pink this time
22:06Yeah, it's a surprise. Yeah, that's the one this kid. Oh, man. Oh my they cut it down there
22:12So much to watch out for this
22:14I'm going to do that. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
22:19Saudi Arabia
22:23Second one, Hanatabaでした
22:26Hana Hana Ulysses
22:29Don't Hanataba mama
22:31Boots do you come mama?
22:34Hanataba, what do you want more at this? Oh, you're a sheen on it. It's all right. I don't think I don't tell me
22:39It's not a must I get on top of it. It's good. She's got a little Hanukkah. No, it's good
22:43I don't know. I get it. Oh, yeah, it's okay. I don't give more conjure
22:47Okay, I'll cut it more. So I'm gonna do Nina. Yeah, but you're saying don't get the Hanukkah butter
22:52What does she want? I'm not a mother. I'm not a mother. I'm not a mother. I'm not a mother
22:56Oh, yeah, it's a joke. Let's do the day. Did you eat you up?
23:04He's funny. Do you know that? That's got to do you go in a walker?
23:08Hana, I'm a mother. That's it. I'll show you
23:23To the day, did you eat you up?
23:26He's funny. Do you want to know that? That's got to do you go in a walker?
23:33Coffee shop not you get to
23:37Get in on it. Well, I'm all out
23:39I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna call it. You know, yeah, it's a little bit more not my to school. It is so I know
23:44Yeah, I'm
23:46I don't think I did so good. Oh, yeah. Yeah, mama. They won't ever do this. You can do this
23:53What did I do with this?
24:22Don't know
24:25What do you mean
24:28So my whole that is my whole life
24:30I don't have to smoke all the time
24:32Don't show me that you know, I don't know. That's it. He because I just didn't know
24:35Come on, so just a little bit of a watch. Oh, I think it's a little kiss you don't get cut
24:39How does that make you think about that? I don't know. I'll cut it. I didn't do that. I think that's I don't know what I got present today
24:45What does that mean?
24:47Yeah, good to get my senior
24:49Soon, you know, I didn't do that. I think I like it. I like it more. What did you talk about it?
24:53But he not to talk about it. That's what she did. You should be a kid. What did I do?
24:58I know I thought I know for sure I did that. I don't know
25:03Yes, oh my god
25:05You're cheating. I gotta walk around I didn't want to go to school. No, no, no, no, no. No, it's not over
25:11I don't know
25:43I don't know why so many people do that in front of me.
25:45Why do people ask for things like that?
25:47Katsuhiro-san, you're probably going to get the best thing after this, right?
25:49Yes, what is it?
25:51I'm sure you'll be happy to receive it, but I don't think you'll get a rent.
25:53That's true. I'm sure you'll say that.
25:55Rent, huh?
25:57I don't even have underwear.
25:59You don't have underwear.
26:01I don't even have a key.
26:03Then I'll just be giving you useless things.
26:05I'm sure you'll get a rent.
26:07I'll be happy to receive a white day.
26:09It wasn't a white day, but you'll get a rent.
26:11I get a rent every month.
26:13I get a rent for a white day, but I won't get a rent.
26:17Every month?
26:19Next up, I'd like to talk about the top 10 rankings.
26:21I'd like to talk about the top 10 rankings.
26:23We'll be doing a quiz to guess which product is in the rankings.
26:25We'll be doing a quiz to guess which product is in the rankings.
26:27So far, Yoshizumi-san and Chisako-san are selected as the winners.
26:29So far, Yoshizumi-san and Chisako-san are selected as the winners.
26:31Good luck.
26:33Maybe I'll get the things I said before.
26:35You will.
26:37Maybe I'll get the things I said before.
31:17Chocolate is so expensive that women can't afford to give it to men.
31:22It's 10 times more expensive than that.
31:27Oh, it's a return for the chocolate.
31:29It's 10 times more expensive.
31:32It's like Baka Hanzawa Naoki.
31:34Baka Hanzawa Naoki?
31:36Where is Baka?
31:38It's different.
31:40It's fashionable and cute.
31:42It's fashionable and cute.
31:45It's a little expensive, so I don't buy it myself.
31:49Mr. Yoshizumi.
31:54It's different.
31:56It's cute.
31:58It's fashionable.
32:00You can't afford to buy it yourself, can you?
32:04It's not like that.
32:06I think it's a little expensive for me to buy it myself.
32:13It's not like that.
32:15It's not like a car.
32:19I know that.
32:21I think it's a little expensive for me to buy it myself.
32:29I'm sorry.
32:30I'm sorry.
32:32Please continue.
32:34It's cute, so I'm excited.
32:41I think it's a little funny.
32:46It's a dessert that shines when you get it.
32:53It's fascinating.
32:55Chisako answered.
33:00Correct answer.
33:05Kazushige was answering.
33:07I'm gonna say
33:16It's a little expensive
33:18It's not old
33:20It's old
33:24Why is it?
33:26It's amazing
33:28I don't know
33:30It's not Macaron
33:32It's amazing
33:34I thought it was this
33:36I'm Donuts
33:38I'm Donuts
33:40I bought it in a line
33:42I'm so happy
33:44It might come out
33:46Will it come out?
33:48There is a possibility
33:50Go ahead
33:52Please watch the continuation
33:54There are many famous brand products
33:56Macaron is expensive
33:58I can't buy it myself
34:00I'm happy to get it back
34:02I'm happy
34:04I see
34:06Do you eat macarons?
34:08I like sweet macarons
34:10I don't eat chocolate
34:12I like sweet macarons
34:14What is the 7th place?
34:18There are many
34:20I don't know which one to buy
34:22I don't know which one to buy
34:24I think it's better to get it
34:26I think it's better to get it
34:28I got something I didn't like
34:30It smelled like coffee
34:32It smelled like coffee
34:34I got something I didn't choose
34:36I got something I didn't choose
34:38Sometimes I don't like it
34:40Sometimes I don't like it
34:42Maybe this new discovery
34:44Might make me happy
34:46When I ranked in
34:48When I ranked in
34:56Even without having to see
34:58In Japan, it's a popular way to send a gift to your lover.
35:04Oh, so from here, it's the lover's turn.
35:06You don't need this, right?
35:07No, you don't.
35:08Next, in 6th place is...
35:12Cake, right?
35:13I thought that was a possibility.
35:14Cake is a possibility.
35:16And, what is in 5th place?
35:20Please answer the city's voice with a hint.
35:23I don't even know what time it is.
35:26This is bad.
35:27There's a lot of food.
35:28I usually use it.
35:29Oh, you use it.
35:30When I was little, I didn't really care about it.
35:34But now that I'm an adult, I think it's a must.
35:40She pressed it.
35:41Katsushige, let's go.
35:43I got it.
35:44Ballpoint pen.
35:46Ballpoint pen.
35:50That's wrong.
35:51Wait a minute.
35:52Ballpoint pen?
35:54Ballpoint pen?
35:55I got it.
35:56Why did you do that?
35:57Have you?
35:58I've seen a ballpoint pen saying yes.
36:00No, it's an expensive ballpoint pen.
36:02It's expensive.
36:03It doesn't matter if it's a Cross or Mont Blanc.
36:05Ballpoint pen?
36:06Isn't it nice?
36:07That's a celebration for entering the university.
36:0910 years, 30 years ago.
36:10When I was in middle school,
36:12I gave a present to a senior when he graduated.
36:17I gave him a ballpoint pen at that time.
36:20He wasn't happy after all.
36:22He doesn't have any achievements.
36:24He doesn't have any achievements.
36:26He wasn't happy.
36:27What did he do?
36:28Chisako pressed it.
36:30Chisako, please answer.
36:33That's right.
36:38What was the hint?
36:39The hint was that he would use it when he grew up.
36:44Do you need a handkerchief?
36:46I don't need it.
36:48You don't need it.
36:49You don't need it.
36:50Many people have it.
36:52I want to ask a woman when they use a handkerchief.
36:56When they wash their hands.
36:57Not when they wash their hands.
36:58When they wash their hands, they use it.
37:00When they wash their hands.
37:01When they go to the toilet, they use it.
37:04They use it.
37:06There is also a paper.
37:08Many people use it.
37:10I wonder where they use a handkerchief.
37:13Many people have a handkerchief towel.
37:15It's a small towel.
37:17It's like this.
37:19Do you have a handkerchief?
37:20I have a handkerchief.
37:22You are the prince of handkerchiefs.
37:23I am the prince of handkerchiefs.
37:24I am the prince of handkerchiefs.
37:25I have a handkerchief to wipe my sweat.
37:30Is that so?
37:32Be careful.
37:33Be careful.
37:37I have a favorite brand.
37:43I would be very happy if I could get a handkerchief from that brand.
37:47If it's a little expensive, I can use it for sightseeing.
37:56But the Hermes handkerchief is cute.
37:59I would be happy if I could get it.
38:03Since they use it on a daily basis, it doesn't matter how many pieces there are.
38:06It seems that there are many women who say that.
38:09Chisako, have you ever received a handkerchief?
38:13I have never received a handkerchief on White Day.
38:18I received a handkerchief made by my husband.
38:20I gave Chisako a glass of Baccarat.
38:23I received it.
38:25I'm sorry.
38:27Takahashi, do you have a favorite brand?
38:29Do you have a favorite brand on White Day?
38:36I don't have a favorite brand.
38:39I don't have a favorite brand.
38:41I eat all the chocolate I get at work.
38:46That's right.
38:48Don't you get chocolate from your wife?
38:50I don't have a favorite brand.
38:53I don't eat chocolate.
38:55Do you get chocolate from your wife?
38:57I don't get chocolate from my wife.
38:59I don't get chocolate from my wife.
39:03Please watch the continuation.
39:06What is the fourth place?
39:08I was happy that my wife knew what I wanted.
39:13The reason is...
39:23In the survey, the voice said that the necklace was sold because I was separated.
39:30What is the third place?
39:35She's got it.
39:37Let's go, Chisako-san.
39:39A ring.
39:40It's not a ring.
39:42It's not?
39:43It's 3rd place.
39:45I'll give you a hint.
39:47What's in 3rd place?
39:51Please answer the city's voice with a hint.
39:59It's visible to people and it's easy to see.
40:03I want to keep it clean.
40:05I use it every day.
40:07Every day?
40:09Once a day?
40:10How many times?
40:12I can't count.
40:14It has a lot of scents.
40:17You can tell the person's taste by the scent.
40:25I'll give it a try.
40:27I forgot the name.
40:29What was it?
40:31It's that.
40:33It's from Kyoto.
40:36The oil paper.
40:38The oil paper.
40:41It's not.
40:44Hand cream.
40:53Who would be happy to get oil paper?
40:57Who would be happy to get hand cream?
41:01What are you talking about?
41:03I've never heard of it.
41:04All old ladies use hand cream.
41:07Hand cream is popular in the society.
41:10If it's not popular, you can't print it.
41:14Hand cream.
41:18I'll never use it.
41:20Me neither.
41:21I've never used it.
41:23Men prefer oil paper.
41:25Men prefer oil paper.
41:27It's from Yojiya.
41:29It's popular.
41:30You use it a lot.
41:32It's good, but it's like you're getting oil for White Day.
41:38It's dry season.
41:40It's winter.
41:41You're oily.
41:42That's right.
41:45Give us a hint.
41:47Do you know what it is?
41:49I'm happy to see what I usually use.
41:54I don't like the smell.
41:56It's my hand.
41:59I get excited when it's moist.
42:02I don't like dryness.
42:05It's the season.
42:07I don't take good care of it.
42:11It's like I'm taking care of my body.
42:17I've never heard of it.
42:20Hermes hand cream is the best.
42:23Do you have Hermes hand cream?
42:24Yes, I do.
42:25Let me take notes later.
42:28I'll teach you.
42:32It's cheap and easy to use.
42:36It's ranked 3rd.
42:40I don't know.
42:42It's a quiz again.
42:43It's a good hint.
42:48What's in 2nd place?
42:51Please answer quickly.
42:58I don't like sweets.
43:02It's easy to eat.
43:07It's a little bit sweet.
43:10It's not rotten.
43:11I got it.
43:12It's a little bit sweet.
43:14It's a little bit sweet.
43:16It's a little bit sweet.
43:18It's a little bit sweet.
43:21It's a little bit sweet.
43:24I think you'll know if you look at the hint.
43:27It's not a ballpoint pen.
43:29It's a mayonnaise.
43:31It's a mayonnaise.
43:33Please look at the hint.
43:35It's a little bit sweet.
43:38I don't like sweets.
43:41It's easy to eat.
43:46It's easy to eat.
43:50I got it.
43:52It's a little bit sweet.
43:55It's a little bit sweet.
43:56It's a little bit sweet.
44:05It's a little bit sweet.
44:08I'll receive it with a little bit sweet.
44:12This is enough.
44:13That's wrong.
44:15It's not
44:18You might be a fool
44:21It'll come on the neck or a
44:25a co-op game
44:27You can't show to kill
44:29Co-op a not to tell you to cut him off. It's not nice. It's not nice. He won't you have to be more baby
44:34That's it. It's pretty much a cute car. It's a great demo. Not that I want to thank God
44:38That's got to be much you got me a little bit. You're you're a sugar not there. So Q
44:44But that's that's what I got that cuz she gets on it. You're so cool. It's even there. It's good. Hi, Monica
44:55What not he wants to do John I'm come on come on
44:58God, even that's good. Yeah, but what does that mean you thought I'm this now?
45:02Do you want to sort it? Yeah, they're gonna have to do that. Yeah, thank you. No one else. No, no cookie. Oh cookie
45:07Come your sister
45:14You think I got a shot to get a cookie. Yeah, I'll shut it down. I'm not gonna use it
45:20Okay, cuz it's a little good. I know kanji. I've done this. Yeah, that's that's that's a
45:27Little you know, I'm gonna cut it
45:30Honey, what's that? Oh, sorry. Oh my god. You've been there. I'm going to do that. I love it. I'm gonna cut it. It's good. I'm gonna cut
45:40Say I'm a
45:41I see a mita me no variation got hope to you. Koya. Oh cut that cookie. They shot
45:47her I know you'll come with you kiddo, man
45:50I'll sue you
45:52Yeah, I mean, I'm Tony. You know, I got there. I know
45:55Nobody, huh? It's you know, I'm not gonna call you
45:59I don't know
46:01Cuz you guess I'm gonna get what I did. I don't do it. I give my son. I don't know
46:05Who I don't any more at the wish cut Tomo no, yo-yo die easy
46:11Sorry, yo-yo
46:17Mo Kokoa, Kazushige son no me guy. My go homie gourmet
46:21Okay, don't stop me. That's awesome. I said, I got all that. I said, I got all that. I must you be what?
46:31Don't you got no she got you know, I'm there you're
46:36Gonna get a little bit of a cut off. I thought I bought a little bit of a cut off
46:41I'm honest. I'm honest
46:47Hi, Koi. All right. That's there. I could
46:54This guy does she not you know, she was mean
46:57She's gonna be supposed to be a key to
47:00Security. Oh, hi, Kidda
47:04You know, I'm gold
47:10Joe that mean that's cute. I saw Jose tech in me. That means that's cute. I show
47:15Hillary, I have a monochrome keen keen sorry. I'm not a dia. Oh, yeah
47:20I'm a keen keen diamond. I knew it didn't
47:28Hey dia, but I'm a tits. I'm a
47:34Little she didn't know it's called she didn't do it. You know, I keep a show car. It's a joke. Oh, no, that's it
47:39I think I'm it's called she didn't eat it. Hey
47:42Come on, I got this kid. I can't
47:45Hi, I guess you know
47:48I'm a cuss. Can you grab it? I don't know. I'm not gonna get out of it. She got stay
47:52There's no more
47:58It's a good time. Do you know she got me? I don't know
48:04What I did
48:08Got you to see what I got. What did you know before we took a day?
48:11He can you tell me that you need to do this?
48:14So the tunnel she mean she never got some of it. Yeah, I don't see me. What's the
48:19juice you
48:22Thank you
48:24Such a good night is your host. I'll get you guys got each other. It's good. I'll talk to you
48:29Thank you
48:32You must go
48:35Do but I'm not good
48:44Don't you need to know they could I do coach on the dish up there
48:48What's up? Let's go. I'm more you know, he did so much. Get your time. I'm
48:53Having a little
48:54Joshi, I mean that's key. Takaya to the ski. You can do a car. I know you wanna go with a she she would talk about the
49:00Go home video, Tanisha move
49:02It goes up
49:04Cora Moja, I give my show more guy. He must smoke one. I wish can I
49:12Want to you tell us how to see you so I got I go need what I must I got
49:27Joshi, I mean that's key. Takaya to the ski. Do you think they'll come on I'm gonna go with a she she would talk about the
49:32Go home video, Tanisha move
49:35He goes up
49:37Cora Moja, he must show more guy. He must smoke one. I wish can I
49:41sugar-coated chocolate
49:45Don't you think I'll get a guy chocolate? I'll just give it up. I got me
50:32Oh, the last one.
50:33The king of sweet, a whole compote,
50:35and a silver spoon of strawberry syrup in the dough.
50:40Sesame fruit dumpling.
50:41Each one is full of filling.
50:43Isn't it hot?
50:44It's good.
50:46This is good.
50:47This is my first time eating this strawberry.
50:50This is strawberry compote.
50:53It's warm.
50:54It's hot.
50:55I feel like I'm going on a white day today.
50:57I hope you find this refreshing.
50:59I understand.
51:00If you haven't given back yet,
51:02you can have chocolate.
51:04You mean I can have chocolate?
51:06I mean, it's better to get the first place.
51:09That's right.
51:10I'm starting to realize that
51:12what I'm selecting is a little dangerous.
51:15I think it would be better to do it as it is.
51:17It smells pretty dangerous, doesn't it?
51:19It does.
51:20I think it's making people uncomfortable.
51:23I'll teach you next time.
51:25Please do.
51:27Shiga Prefecture, Nagahama City.
51:30There's a shop that's making the locals
51:33feel a little scared.
51:38It was founded in 1950.
51:41It's a family shop, Hangai.
51:45Inside the shop,
51:46there's a dress shop for 108 yen per piece.
51:51I don't know.
51:53It's sold at a price of 328 yen.
51:56It's called Imabari Towel.
51:59Is Imabari Towel that cheap?
52:0290% of the cosmetics are over 10,000 yen.
52:09It's a very cheap product.
52:11It's very popular with the locals and their families.
52:21It was scary.
52:22I thought it was some kind of curse.
52:25It felt creepy.
52:27It was scary.
52:29Honestly, it was scary.
52:33For some reason,
52:35the locals say they're scared.
52:40What's going on?
52:42When the staff goes to check...
52:48What's that?
52:51It's scary.
52:54What's that?
52:57It's scary.
52:58It's scary. Why?
53:03There's something scary.
53:05What's that?
53:07There's a sign.
53:13If you look at the photos...
53:16It's cute.
53:17It used to be a picture of a cute baby.
53:22Did it change?
53:36It's so funny.
53:38To put it simply, it's deterioration.
53:41It's the deterioration of the past few years.
53:43It's the deterioration of the past few years.
53:45It's starting to melt.
53:47It's starting to look scary.
53:49Yes, this sign.
53:51It used to be a picture of a cute baby.
53:55In 2023, the paint started to melt.
53:59It's pretty scary.
54:01In 2024, it will look like this.
54:06It's been two or three years.
54:08It's getting scarier.
54:11Then, this sign became a hot topic.
54:14The number of visitors increased.
54:17Every time I come to see it, I'm like,
54:19wow, that's scary.
54:21I watch it while having fun.
54:24When it's dark, I watch it at home.
54:26It's scary.
54:28I thought it was like a horror movie or Chuck E. Cheese.
54:32The characters are solid.
54:35She doesn't want to disappoint people who come to see the sign.
54:39She can't do it anymore.
54:42To be honest, I don't know if that sign will be able to go beyond this summer.
54:46If it does, it might be the end of the year.
54:49If it's the end of the year, it's the end.
54:51It's the last year.
54:54Before we change the sign,
54:56why don't you go and see it?
55:00The sign was scary, but it was cheap.
55:04That's right.
55:05It's crazy.
55:06You don't close the store, do you?
55:08No, I don't.
55:09A 40,000-yen vegan machine costs about 5,000 yen.
55:14That's a horror movie, isn't it?
55:18That's a story to be happy about.
55:20Did you get it?
55:21I just got it.
55:24Speaking of being too different,
55:26last year, I had a coming-out.
55:29I had it.
55:31It's already healed.
55:32It's healed.
55:33Look, my teeth are coming out.
55:36It's healed perfectly.
55:38Even though it's healed perfectly,
55:40if I post a picture of myself on Instagram,
55:43people will say,
55:44it's still Karasteng.
55:46They'll write it.
55:48I think that's really annoying.
55:51Recently, when I'm about 56 years old,
55:56there are people who do thread lifting.
55:58Are there people around you?
55:59Do you know what thread lifting is?
56:00I don't know.
56:01What's that?
56:02You put a thread in here.
56:04I don't know how to put it in,
56:06but it goes up like this.
56:08But the moment I did it,
56:10it went up too much.
56:11I didn't know who it was.
56:12It was like the Addams Family.
56:15Oh, I see.
56:16Yes, yes.
56:17One time, a friend did it.
56:20I thought, I did it.
56:22But I couldn't say it.
56:24I told my friend,
56:25I did it.
56:26But after about a month,
56:28it felt just right.
56:30When I did it,
56:32I was told it didn't go up at all.
56:34I felt like I was the bad guy.
56:38So you're doing it now,
56:40but you didn't do it then.
56:42Yes, yes, yes.
56:43You told me last year,
56:46that you failed at Botox
56:48and ended up like Karasteng.
56:50Looking at the picture,
56:52when you say that,
56:55you look a bit like Karasteng,
56:58but you used to be very pretty.
57:00You used to be Karasteng.
57:02No, no, no, no.
57:03I didn't say that.
57:05after all,
57:06after the surgery,
57:07Mr. Katsunori said,
57:09even though you're better now,
57:10you forgot how to laugh.
57:12I still have it.
57:13I still have it.
57:14Yes, you still have it.
57:16So I thought I was laughing,
57:18but I was like...
57:22But you worry too much.
57:24Yes, I worry too much.
