• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - La Dj e producer Giorgia Moschini, in arte Georgia Mos, ha raccontato all’Adnkronos come è riuscita a imporsi a livello internazionale in un panorama musicale di stampo, quasi esclusivamente, maschile.


00:00DJ and producer of international fame, Giorgia Moschini, in the art of Giorgia Moschini,
00:13took a leap into the ADN Kronos studio in Milan to tell us about her world made of music and consoles.
00:20But being able to impose yourself in an almost exclusively male world is not easy at all.
00:27We're giving it our all. I have to say that compared to many years ago, the situation has changed,
00:33it has improved, in the sense that we are many more and there is less minority.
00:39Clearly it is still a very masculine factor, I can never understand why,
00:43because I mean, music has no gender, right?
00:46Like among singers, we are practically equal, man and woman, it must be so also among DJs, but we'll get there.
00:54However, for a woman, especially in this sector, being very masculine,
00:57sometimes you have to prove twice as much to gain credibility,
01:03because then, of course, when they see a pretty girl in a console,
01:06it's easy to say, ah, she's there because she's beautiful.
01:10And maybe for a handsome man it's not the same thing, there's no such prejudice,
01:15but I have to say that this thing is a bit everywhere, not just in the DJ sector.
01:21A job, that of a DJ, that leads her to travel around the world, without being able to put roots.
01:28Basically, I'm always hyperactive and it's a job that leads you to be so,
01:34so always traveling, always in different cities and now it's part of me,
01:40in short, it's part of my life, so I like it and I miss it when it's not there.
01:45Her hometown is Sanremo, a city that hosts the most important Carnival Carnival in Italy.
01:51Giorgia tells us how the passion for DJing was born.
01:55Certainly the city of Sanremo has influenced me a lot,
01:58because it is clearly the city of music par excellence in Italy
02:02and I started as a child with singing and classical guitar,
02:05so my first love was singing.
02:08One of her most requested songs in the evenings is the remix version of La Primavera,
02:12a song by Giovanotti, a collaboration that the Italian singer wanted strongly.
02:19It was a great satisfaction, also because he sent me a vocal in direct,
02:24great, yes, come on, very cool, so it was nice to be able to make a remix for him,
02:30which was a remix of La Primavera, and so yes, it was a great satisfaction,
02:36in short, working for a league like this.
02:39If a singer starts from the words to write a song, what is the inspiration for a DJ?
02:45It depends, if it's a song with vocals, you can start from a top line and then build the beat,
02:53in short, the sound, otherwise sometimes you can do exactly the opposite,
02:57so you start from the instrumental and above you go to insert the vocals and then consequently the text.
03:06But Giorgia, are you afraid of boring the people who go to hear it?
03:10Oh my God, you do your best not to be able to bore her,
03:16then clearly in front of you you always have from a thousand, two thousand, ten thousand people,
03:22in short, it depends where you are, so there may be the one who will come out of the evening happy,
03:27happy, enthusiastic and maybe the one who will say,
03:31in short, but you always try to do your best, to give your best and to have fun and get excited.
03:37Not only remixes and collaborations, Giorgia Moss loves to experiment, as she did with her song Confetti.
03:44So there was a previous song, Naked, where I had inserted my vocals and Confetti was the second song,
03:51there will be others later, it was still a nice project, I had a lot of fun,
03:56it was also born in Sanremo where I tried to organize a camp with Seven Songs Camp,
04:02which is a team of women, mainly top-liners, so a very female team, power, girl power,
04:15and then producers also joined together, we created many songs, many tracks that will then come out
04:22and Confetti was the first of these projects, we also made a videoclip, so yes, I'm very happy.
