• last week
(Adnkronos) - L’industria aerospaziale rappresenta una delle principali leve di sviluppo per la Campania, offrendo nuove opportunità di crescita economica e occupazionale. Lo ha sottolineato Linda Langella, Head of Talent and Development di AVIO, a margine dell’evento Muoversi nelle professioni e sul territorio, promosso dalla Luiss a Napoli e dedicato alle Lauree Magistrali dell’Ateneo.


00:00We are always looking for young engineers who have a passion for design and clearly a love beyond the limits of space.
00:15There are many opportunities, we have many agreements and opportunities together with the University to go and attract the best talents within our company.
00:28We also offer guidance for the University students so that they acquire those transversal and technical skills to come and work in an environment like ours.
00:44We have a consolidated relationship with LUIS, with LUIS Università, we contact the students on the part of the staff,
00:53so all the degrees in law for our legal staff, or the degrees in economics for the HR part,
01:04so all those that can be transversal skills that impact our staff management.
01:12Helping to make the students aware, so that it is not always just the technical skills that they do as a boss,
01:20but it is very important to guide them towards the transversal skills, the so-called soft skills,
01:26that help the students to enter the world of work and to know how to best relate to their own work,
01:35but also with the other business directions with which they must relate every day when entering a work environment.
