• last week
IHSG sesi I turun signifikan sebesar 104,71 poin atau 1,58 persen 0,91 persen ke 6.542 pada perdagangan Jumat (14/3/2025).

Siang ini, total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 7,70 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp4,12 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 641.194 kali.


00:00And next, we will update the position of Indekar Gasem Kabungan at the closing of the first session this afternoon, where the pressure is still continuing, the pressure is within the 1% limit, where the current position of Indekar Gasem Kabungan is 1.58% at level 6,542.706.
00:24The lowest intraday today at 6,539.087, moved in the green zone a few minutes after opening in the first session this morning at 6,653.321 and opened flat this morning at 6,647.417.
00:42Let's go straight to the first graph, we will try to see the position of the shares that are in the top gainer range, the shares that are still strong in the middle of the pressure in Indekar Gasem Kabungan.
00:53There is a mine that is strong at level 540, strong at 2.86%. Unilever today continues to strengthen again, it is already above 1,300 and further away from the all-time low level that has been touched before.
01:07At 13.25, Antam which is quite profitable in the middle of the negative sentiment, the mass price today passed the highest level in the long run.
01:16New Altai High for Antam at 1,610, SML also strengthened at 420.
01:22The shares that are in the bottom gainer range are BBCA, the next graph is closed at 8,825. PTO conglomeration weakened at 2,640, WIFI today reversed, weakened at 1,745.
01:36Other big cap banks, BBNI also weakened at 1.77% at 4,450.
01:42The sectoral movement rotation, it seems that all the weakening sectors, technology, after the last few trades today, are back to weakening at 12.67%.
01:54There is DCEI, which today auto-rejected the bottom after experiencing auto-reject the top in the last few days.
02:00Properties are also stressed at 1.44%, health weakened at 1.03%, industry also weakened at 0.10%.
02:07Updates on trading closures in the first session today and hopefully can be a reference for you.