• last month
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) parkir di zona hijau pada penutupan perdagangan sesi II Senin (17/2/2025). Indeks tercatat melejit 2,90 persen atau 192,42 poin ke level 6.830.

Sore ini, total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 19,37 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp11,58 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 1,39 juta kali.


00:30and the lowest level is at 6,658.220,
00:36the level that was reached during the opening.
00:38This means that during today's trading,
00:41the Sam Kapungan price index has experienced a significant increase
00:45in the middle of the internal correction that occurred in the last few days.
00:49Let's go straight to the first graph.
00:51We will try to see the closing update of several other indexes.
00:56You can see the graph on the screen.
00:58Your television, MNC36, experienced a 3.23% increase.
01:03The Jakarta Islamic Index also increased by 2.43%.
01:06The LQ45 also increased by 3.11%.
01:12Next, we will try to see the sectoral movement rotation.
01:15The new goods sector seems to still lead the increase.
01:18The percentage is getting bigger at 3.67%.
01:22Then, energy.
01:27You can ignore the graph on your television screen.
01:30I mean, energy is at 3.30%.
01:33Primary consumption decreased by 0.10%.
01:36Non-primary consumption decreased by 0.10%.
01:40Next, Samsung, which experienced a significant increase today.
01:44The primary consumption decreased by 0.10%.
01:46Non-primary consumption decreased by 0.10%.
01:48Non-primary consumption decreased by 0.10%.
01:50Non-primary consumption decreased by 0.10%.
01:52Non-primary consumption decreased by 0.10%.
01:54Non-primary consumption decreased by 0.10%.
01:56Lastly, Samsung, which experienced a significant increase today.
01:59The PANI decreased by 0.12%.
02:02The WIFI decreased by 0.17%.
02:05The MRT decreased by 0.27%.
02:07The CBDK decreased by 0.8%.
02:11That's all for today.
02:13I hope it can be a reference for you.
02:16Especially when it comes to trading on the next day.