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Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) balik arah atau turun 0,37 persen atau 24,19 poin ke level 6.562 pada perdagangan sesi pertama Rabu (26/2/2025).

Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 8,92 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp4,95 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 614.852 kali.


00:00Pemirsa, before we end the first session closing, this time we will update the information on the closure of the first trading session on Rabu, Pemirsa, where the price index of Sam Kebungan fell 0.37% or dropped 24 points to 6,562.
00:20The IHSG weakness continues the weakness that occurred in the trading session yesterday which fell 2.41% and in the trading session on Monday which also fell 0.78%.
00:30So if this afternoon the IHSG is closed down, it means that it has been three consecutive days experiencing a weakness.
00:35With the exchange rate of rupiah against the US dollar at 16,371, it again weakened 0.07% against the US dollar.
00:44And here is Pemirsa from Tansaham who is in the top gainers category based on value.
00:49Among them, the top gainers are brands with a strength of 3.67%, Unilever almost 5% in 1205, Elite up 11% in 246 and MLPL up 5.47% in 135.
01:11Losers are Wifi Pemirsa which weakened 2.26%, AMRT 6.39%, Bermes down 4% and also goto down 2.56%.
01:23From the sectoral movement, technology still leads with a weakness of 7.12%, primary consumption down 2.08%, industry down 1.3% and health down 0.01% from the sectoral movement.
01:42And that's all for this session.
01:44I hope it can be a reference for you.
01:46For more information, just go to IDX channel, your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
01:51Don't forget to watch the second session closing program which will air at 3.30 p.m. WEST INDIAN TIME.
01:56And because the matter of the future must be ahead, I am Investor Saham.
02:00I am Prisa Sampradhatu. See you.