• last week
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup melemah 0,11 persen atau 7,46 poin ke level 6.657,59 pada Sesi I Kamis (13/3/2025). Padahal indeks sempat dibuka menguat menembus level 6.700 pada pagi tadi.

Berdasarkan data IDX Mobile, siang ini tercatat total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 8,3 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp4,6 triliun. Sebanyak 318 saham harganya naik, 300 saham harganya turun, dan 339 saham lain harganya stagnan.


00:00We invite you to watch the closing of the first trading session today, where the share price index fell by 0.11% to 6,657, and the decline in the share price index occurred after the closing in the trading session yesterday, which was almost 2%.
00:25The exchange rate for the US dollar soared by 16,403.
00:30The share price index, which was the top gainer and top loser until the closing of the first trading session, was the WIFI share.
00:40Today, the share price index rose by 12.62%, then Unilever rose by 7.83%, MDKA rose by 1.88%, and MSIN rose by 6.82%.
00:54From the gainers to the losers based on value, there are Bandiri, which fell by 2.25%, BRI, which fell by 1.29%, GOTO, which fell by 1.2%, and MINA, which fell by 23.04%.
01:08From the movement of sectoral technology, again, the share price fell by more than 5%, precisely at 5.82%. Energy flows 0.42%, while other sectors weakened, such as finance, which led to a weakness of 1.35%, and industry 0.73%.
01:26That's a brief review of the closing of the first trading session, where the share price index is a thin correction.