• 3 days ago
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►Всем привет! Сегодня к нам в деревню пришёл житель, которого никто не знает в майнкрафт. Кто этот житель и что он хочет сделать с деревней в minecraft?

#компот #майнкрафт #minecraft #compot #майн #игры #незнают #никто #житель #фейковыйкомпот #игрок #жительигрок


00:00Hello everyone, guys! My name is Kompot, welcome to my new video!
00:03And you probably already guessed that today we have a basketball game with you!
00:08Oh, sorry, the ball hit the camera.
00:09I made an agreement with the residents, and most likely they are already waiting for me.
00:13Guys, I was a little late, pumped the ball and said hello to you.
00:17Residents, hello!
00:18Hello, Kompot, why are you late?
00:20I'm talking about the same thing to my subscribers.
00:22Sorry, residents, because I pumped the ball.
00:24Oh, Kompot, it's good that you didn't forget it.
00:26By the way, we took special basketball nets.
00:29Well, these baskets.
00:31Well, let me see.
00:32Yeah, that's what you need.
00:34So, does anyone know the rules?
00:37I see, no one knows the rules.
00:38Well, in short, look, you need to...
00:40Come on, Kompot, forget it, what do you think?
00:41We won't figure it out, we don't know how to throw the ball into the basket.
00:44Well, that's right too.
00:45In short, we will play in our own way.
00:47We'll just have fun and play basketball.
00:50Oh, yes, friends, I know this game, basketball.
00:52Now we'll play normally.
00:54What, Kompot, resident in brown, resident in purple, resident in white.
00:57Now we'll play, right, guys?
01:02Do we know each other?
01:02Ha-ha-ha, Kompot, cool joke, buddy.
01:05Of course we know each other.
01:06What, don't you remember me?
01:07Resident, who is this? Is this your friend?
01:09What, Kompot, we thought it was your friend.
01:11Who is this? Did you find someone else to play basketball?
01:14No, resident, I wasn't looking for anyone.
01:16Excuse me, where are you from?
01:17What do you mean? Is this a joke or something?
01:19What, you don't know me?
01:21It's me, your friend, resident.
01:22I've been living here for a long time.
01:24What's wrong with you? We had fun with you yesterday.
01:26What, it scares me a little.
01:28We didn't have fun with you yesterday.
01:30Are you serious, Kompot?
01:31Don't you remember how we were at the market with you yesterday?
01:34Did you forget to buy food?
01:35What? Wait a second.
01:37Yes, I was at the market yesterday, but I was alone.
01:41Kompot, apparently you have some memory problems.
01:44But I hope you, resident in brown, at least remember
01:46that we were in the mine with you just a couple of days ago.
01:48Yes, I was in the mine, but I was a resident in white.
01:51Yes, I was there, and there was no one else there.
01:54Especially you.
01:55Guys, what kind of memory do you have? I don't understand. How come?
01:58Wait, wait, it's kind of suspicious.
02:00Resident, how does he know all this?
02:02I don't know, Kompot.
02:03To be honest, I'm a little scared, because he's just
02:05claiming that he was with us.
02:07But I don't know him, I've never seen him before.
02:10What are you talking about, guys? What do you mean, I've never seen him before?
02:12I've been living in this village for five years.
02:14What? What five years?
02:15Resident, do you even understand what he's talking about?
02:18Kompot, he's kind of weird.
02:20We probably need to call the police.
02:22Guys, come on, do you think I'm lying to you?
02:24Ask me any question that only a village resident knows.
02:27Well, I don't know.
02:29And when was the last meeting with the mayor of the whole village?
02:32The last meeting was two weeks ago.
02:34About 4 p.m.
02:36How does he know that, resident?
02:38He wasn't there, did you see him there?
02:40No, I would have seen such a resident right away.
02:42He is the only resident who wears such clothes in our village.
02:45Yes, you are very, to be honest, like a player.
02:48Well, what kind of player am I? I'm a resident, you hear me?
02:50I talk in my nose, and the fact that I wear such clothes,
02:53well, think about it, it happens, it's not my taste.
02:56Uh, I'm sorry, now we'll get back to the resident.
02:58Can I talk to you for a second?
03:00Resident, your guess is what it is, or rather, who it is.
03:03I don't know what he's talking about, but I'm sure it's not a resident of our village.
03:09Yes, I've never seen him before.
03:11So, I'm also telling you everything as if I'm very active in the life of our village.
03:15I don't know, maybe it's new.
03:18Well, well, well, I don't understand, why are we standing here, warming our ears, eavesdropping?
03:22Uh, guys, I just wanted to apologize to you.
03:25I probably scared you, and I don't know what's wrong with your memory.
03:28Everyone in this village knows me, I've been living here for a long time.
03:31No, well, okay, okay, I could have forgotten, I don't know about you,
03:34although, again, I've never had this, but everyone here says they don't know you.
03:39I don't know, for some reason you forgot me, I don't understand,
03:41well, as strange as possible, but everyone knows me.
03:44And why are you telling fairy tales here?
03:45Who knows you? Even the mayor of the village?
03:48Of course, I took his salary five days ago, of course he knows me.
03:51Well, let's check it out, so, come on, follow me.
03:54Mayor, I'm sorry, this is Kompot with the residents.
03:57Hello, Kompot, yes.
03:58Mayor, tell me please, do you know this villager?
04:01This villager, to be honest, no, it's the first time I've seen him.
04:05And who is he?
04:06Are you kidding me, guys?
04:08It's me, well, your resident, how could you forget me?
04:12I've been living here for a long time, some kind of madhouse.
04:14Here you go, even the mayor of the village doesn't know you.
04:16Although, stop, you said you got his salary five days ago, is that right?
04:20Yes, of course it is.
04:21Dear mayor of the village, please remember, I came to you with a salary.
04:25No, I don't remember him, where did you get him from?
04:28He came up as if nothing had happened and says that he has been living here for a long time and knows us all.
04:32You all have a collective memory problem, residents.
04:35Here, look, emeralds that I took from the mayor as a salary, look.
04:4034 emeralds, mayor, did you give him 34 emeralds?
04:44I don't know anymore, Kompot, I'm already confused, to be honest.
04:47Wait, then who do you work for in our village number 13, if you have such a salary?
04:52What do you mean, who do I work for in this village?
04:54I cleaned the well, don't you know?
04:56It was dirty in the village.
04:57Kompot, he's telling the truth here, the well was really dirty.
05:01Yes, I remember it clearly, I couldn't even get water out of it.
05:03Okay, let's go and see.
05:05The well should be clean by logic now.
05:08Let's see.
05:10Huh, it's really clean, it's shining.
05:12Well, you see, you didn't believe me.
05:14Of course, I work here, but who am I looking for?
05:16I'm your villager.
05:18Guys, who are you?
05:19Well, I don't know, wait, stop, where do you live?
05:21Show me your house.
05:23Kompot, Kompot, don't you remember who was visiting me?
05:25Well, let's go, I'll show you, if you don't remember.
05:27Everyone, follow me, I'll show you everything.
05:30This is my house, where I live.
05:32Welcome, I'm hospitable.
05:34To be honest, I haven't been to this house for, probably, more than a year.
05:38Seriously, I'm telling you.
05:39Kompot, stop making me laugh, you haven't been here for more than a year.
05:43You were here.
05:44I was here more than a year ago.
05:46There was no bed here, nothing.
05:48You say you've been living here for several years, right?
05:50Oh my God, guys, you can't remember anything.
05:53What's wrong with your memory?
05:54Kompot, to be honest, I'm a little scared.
05:57To be honest, me too.
05:58Okay, we'll probably go, here are your emeralds.
06:01Come on, have a rest.
06:02Kompot, I don't know, to be honest, I don't believe him.
06:05What if it's true?
06:06What if we really have a memory problem?
06:08How? No one knows him here.
06:10Neither you, nor the mayor, nor me.
06:12I don't know, somehow it's all as suspicious as possible.
06:14I even wanted to play basketball.
06:16Yes, me too, I'd better go sit at home and try to remember it all.
06:20So, so, so, what did I do 4 days ago?
06:22Wait, and 6 days ago, where was I?
06:24Who was with me?
06:25Wait a second, I don't understand anything.
06:27I remember perfectly everything I did recently.
06:30I remember by the clock, I remember who was with me.
06:32And there was no resident with me.
06:34Guys, I don't know him.
06:36This is some kind of extremely strange resident.
06:39No idea.
06:40So, well, everyone seems to be gone.
06:42Now you can make a video call.
06:45So, so, so, yeah.
06:47Hello, hello, it's me, the resident.
06:50Which player?
06:51Great, resident-player.
06:52Well, you have already rubbed yourself into the trust of village number 13.
06:55What tactic did you choose in the end?
06:57Fake Kompot, I chose the following tactic.
06:59I pretend that I have been living here for a long time.
07:02Why did you choose such a tactic?
07:04They will burn you very quickly, no one knows you there.
07:07Don't worry, I've already seen doubts on their faces.
07:11Doubts, you say?
07:12Well, okay, let's do it.
07:14Because while I'm in the bathhouse,
07:16I can't destroy this village and rub myself into their trust.
07:19Only you can do it.
07:21And come on, otherwise I won't let you back into the player.
07:25Wait, wait, Fake Kompot.
07:26Let's talk again now.
07:28You will fulfill the terms of our agreement with you.
07:30You will return me back to the face of the player.
07:33Because since the moment you turned me into a resident,
07:35it's not convenient for me to play like this.
07:37Of course, of course, I remind you of your plan.
07:39You must rub yourself into the trust of Kompot, the mayor, all the residents,
07:43destroy this village, steal the Kompot channel,
07:45and then I promise that I will turn you back into a player.
07:49Well, that's it, then let's get in touch, Fake Kompot.
07:51I hope soon I will become a player again.
07:53Oh my God, what did I just hear?
07:56I need to tell everyone about Kompot first.
07:59And what? Did it seem to me or did I hear someone?
08:02Need to check.
08:03Huh, there seems to be no one.
08:05Okay, it seemed to me.
08:07Oh, so sad. I really don't want to destroy this village.
08:10But what can I do?
08:11Why did I even contact this Fake Kompot?
08:14I was an ordinary player.
08:16He turned me into a resident and said,
08:18destroy the village, rub yourself into their trust.
08:21Okay, I have a dynamite to destroy the village.
08:24I'll have to do it to become a player again.
08:27Wait a minute, are you serious now?
08:29Did you hear all this?
08:30Yes, Kompot, everything was exactly as I said.
08:33I'm not lying.
08:34I knew it.
08:35I knew that something was wrong with this resident.
08:37Well, Fake Kompot, even after his own ban,
08:39wants to destroy our village.
08:41Can you imagine?
08:42Kompot, I say, we need to do something with him now,
08:44otherwise he will destroy the village.
08:46Well, nothing, one of his plans has already failed 100%.
08:49He will not rub into our trust.
08:50Now we know everything.
08:51So, we urgently ran to his house.
08:53We have to talk to him now.
08:55Well, how to talk?
08:56Arrange for him, so to speak, a small presentation.
08:58Where is he here?
08:59Wait, why don't you remember me?
09:00Whose resident?
09:02Well, how?
09:03Well, why?
09:04We went to the forest with you here.
09:06Kompot, I see, he is trying to rub into the trust of the residents.
09:09We will not allow this.
09:10Hey, you, come on, turn here.
09:12We know everything about you.
09:14Oh, Kompot, hello.
09:15What do you know about me?
09:16I don't understand.
09:17Did he remember me?
09:18No, no one here knows you.
09:20Resident, don't listen to him.
09:21This is an ordinary deceiver.
09:23He cooperates with Fake Kompot.
09:28Who is this at all?
09:29I don't know this.
09:30What do you mean?
09:31You know everything.
09:32The resident in white eavesdropped everything.
09:33He knows everything.
09:34We all know.
09:35No, no.
09:36I knew that you were not here.
09:37Okay, okay.
09:38I already understood.
09:39Everything, I was burned.
09:40Then I proceed to the destruction of your village.
09:41That's all.
09:42Excuse me, I want to be a player.
09:43Resident, does anyone have any gun urgently?
09:44No, Kompot.
09:45And what about guns?
09:46I don't know.
09:47Maybe some kind of sword?
09:48Yes, you don't have a gun against me.
09:49That's all.
09:50On the count of three.
09:51And I will now destroy your village.
09:54No, no.
09:55I don't have a gun.
09:56I don't have a gun.
09:57I don't have a gun.
10:00Yes, I have a gun.
10:01I have a gun.
10:02I have a gun.
10:03I have a gun.
10:04I have a gun.
10:05No, I can't do this.
10:06I don't want all this.
10:07I'm just a peaceful player.
10:08I don't want to destroy your village.
10:10Help me.
10:13Slowly, you need to remove this one first.
10:14These are very dangerous things.
10:15This must be eliminated urgently.
10:16Oh, that's it.
10:17I seem to have broken everything.
10:18So, so.
10:19So, so.
10:20Calm down.
10:21Do you still have dynamite.
10:22No, no more.
10:23But this was the most powerful.
10:24Please help me.
10:25Fake Kompot turned me into a resident.
10:26I want to be a player.
10:30Wait, so you were originally a player?
10:33Yes, but he said that if I don't destroy the village with the help of Matryoshka, I won't take you to the channel, then I will forever remain a resident, and I want to go back to being a player!
10:43Wait, for this, is it not necessary to destroy our village, take my channel there, or rub in our trust?
10:49The resident needs your help as a scientist.
10:52Well, congratulations, my experiment is over, good compote, I turned him back into a player!
10:58Thank you very much, guys, this is my real voice, hurray, now I'm an ordinary Steve, an ordinary player, I can play as a player, thank you very much, and forgive me for going on such an adventure, you understand.
11:09Well, yes, we understand perfectly well that this is a fake compote, he likes to do this.
11:13Yes, but with the help of some hacker, while working in a bathhouse, he turned me into a resident and said that if I don't do all this, then I won't become a player again.
11:21Well, that's it, now you don't need to destroy our village for a player!
11:24Guys, I just wanted to say thank you again, now I'm a player, and now I can play, thank you guys, and good luck to you, ha-ha!
11:33Come on, player, good luck to you! Resident, you did a great job, you did it!
11:37Yes, it's good that everything worked out!
11:39Yes, I think this fake compote won't call him anymore, now I'll break this computer!
11:45Ha-ha, it worked out, great, that's it, now we are safe, our village too!
11:51Today, a resident appeared in our village, about whom no one knows, he said that, well, you should know me, I'm here with you, I'm a friend, but guys, he just tried to get into the trust.
12:02In a very strange way, what can I tell you, but everything fell into place.
12:06Well, guys, I'm saying goodbye to you, don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel, good luck to everyone, thanks to everyone, bye, guys!
