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►Всем привет! Сегодня мы поспорили с жителем в майнкрафт. Ох зря этот житель поспорил со мной в minecraft!
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►Всем привет! Сегодня мы поспорили с жителем в майнкрафт. Ох зря этот житель поспорил со мной в minecraft!
#компот #майнкрафт #minecraft #compot #майн #игры #зря #житель #спор #поспорил #курица #прикол #смех #шутка #проспорил
00:00Hello everyone, guys! My name is Kompot, welcome to my new video!
00:03And right now, check out my giant dragon sword!
00:07Yes, yes, don't be surprised, I bought it at today's sword fair, which took place in our village number 13.
00:14There were mostly some weak, clumsy swords, but guys, I caught an unrealistically cool sword!
00:20Oh, I didn't show you how much damage it has!
00:22One second, just pay attention.
00:2546 damage, guys, have you ever seen something like this?
00:28This sword will defeat any, any griefer, any cheater, any mob, even a dragon.
00:34Now, guys, I feel safe, the creeper will come, damn it, there is no creeper anymore.
00:39If a wizard comes here, I'll hit him, and that's it, there is no wizard either.
00:43In short, guys, the purchase is very cool, this sword was not at all expensive, only 6 emeralds.
00:48Such a successful, such a good purchase, guys, I'm so glad, let's go brag, why not?
00:53I want to show this sword to the whole village.
00:55Guys, today I bought the coolest sword, and I have no equal.
00:59Are you sure? It's just a chicken.
01:03You're a chicken yourself, it's not a chicken, it's a real sword.
01:06Excuse me for distracting you, but what's going on here?
01:09Oh, Gumbot, you were at the sword fair today, look what I bought for myself.
01:13I was at the sword fair, and what is it? A chicken? I guess they didn't sell chickens there.
01:18Are you kidding me? What kind of chicken are you, Gumbot, it's a sword!
01:22What? Is this a sword?
01:25Yes, and the strongest one that was there, well, the seller told me so.
01:28Resident, I don't want to upset you, but I bought the coolest sword,
01:32and the seller must have deceived you.
01:34Wow, wow, Gumbot, what kind of sword is so beautiful?
01:37What's so beautiful about it? Is this some kind of weak sword?
01:41Yes, resident, how much damage does your sword have? Mine, for example, 46.
01:44How much damage does this sword have?
01:47I don't have it written how much damage it has.
01:50It's not written? Wait, resident, give me your sword, I'll look at it,
01:53and you hold it for now, look at mine.
01:55Well, well, well, it's really a chicken sword.
01:58And it doesn't say how much damage it has.
02:00You have it written, you have 46, strange.
02:03Why didn't I write it like that? Give me my sword, take yours back.
02:07Resident, it's not written because you were deceived.
02:12Why are you all laughing? I didn't write how much damage the sword has,
02:15because the sword is super strong, it's indecent to write such numbers at all.
02:19Resident, admit that you were deceived. By the way, how much did it cost?
02:22It's not expensive, a stack of emeralds somewhere.
02:24Oh, the resident was really deceived.
02:27I wasn't deceived by anything, how much can I say?
02:30In short, my sword can kill anyone, and it can kill you too, Gumbot,
02:34with your super cool sword.
02:35Oh, resident, I wouldn't be so unfaithful.
02:39Let's bet that my sword will defeat yours.
02:43Do you suggest we have a battle?
02:44Yes, we will have a battle on swords.
02:46You with your chicken sword, and I with my super giant dragon sword.
02:52Resident, refuse, otherwise you will lose.
02:54That's it, I won't refuse, I agree, Gumbot, I accept your challenge.
02:59But if you lose, you will fulfill two of my wishes.
03:02Okay, resident, then if you lose, you will fulfill two of my wishes.
03:06Agreed, we'll meet here in 30 minutes, let's go with me, chicken sword.
03:10Resident, come, see how I do it.
03:13I don't understand why he bet, it's clear that he has a chicken sword.
03:17He's unlikely to win.
03:18Don't worry, resident, he has already bet.
03:20I, in principle, have an idea for two wishes.
03:24Interesting to listen to.
03:26Residents, you will find out later.
03:27Let's meet here, come to watch the show.
03:31Oh, this resident shouldn't have decided to bet with me.
03:33Well, where is he with his chicken sword, when I have a giant dragon sword?
03:38Okay, he already agreed to the bet, so let's see how today's battle will go.
03:43Can you imagine, I'll really lose.
03:45No, if I really lose to the resident, guys, then I'll eat this sword.
03:48So, no, no, no, I have to win.
03:50Okay, I'll be back soon.
04:00So, today we have a battle.
04:03A battle between a compote with his dragon sword and a resident with his chicken sword.
04:08I will win today, the compote will fulfill two of my wishes.
04:12Well, we'll see about the resident.
04:14Well, contestants, I will ask you to go to the arena.
04:17Compote, you go to the red corner, and you, resident, go to the blue corner.
04:22Okay, no problem, well, in principle, I'm ready.
04:26Well, athletes, I hope you are ready.
04:28One, two, three, and go!
04:35Uh, uh, what was that?
04:38I don't understand, wait, I'll hit you again.
04:40How much damage is there?
04:42Compote, how much damage did you take?
04:44How much damage did I take? Not much, and you?
04:52Residents, residents, don't laugh so loudly,
04:54it will be a shame for the resident that he lost the bet.
04:57But it was expected, what did he think when he agreed to this bet?
05:01Oh, hooray, great, I was reborn again.
05:04Well, well, well, well, it can't be, did I really lose?
05:07So, how long will we wait for the resident, and when will he spawn there, I don't understand.
05:11Oh, look, look, residents, he's coming, he's coming, well, hello.
05:14First, give me my sword, and second, give it to me on the left, you defeated me a long time ago.
05:19Indeed, it was completely unexpected, a chicken sword against a dragon sword.
05:23Oh, it looks like I was really deceived.
05:25And what, now I have to fulfill two of your wishes?
05:28I wonder which ones?
05:29Yes, it's also very interesting for everyone.
05:31So, attention, my first wish, resident, which you must fulfill.
05:36So, look, you drowned for your chicken sword,
05:39why don't you become a chicken yourself, or a rooster?
05:42What? A rooster? How is that?
05:44Don't worry, I'll show you everything now, I'll bring your new suit.
05:49Resident, come out, come on.
05:51No, I won't.
05:52Come on, come on, please, don't be shy, come out, you must fulfill my first wish.
05:57Okay, okay, I'll be out, but promise not to laugh at me.
06:06Quiet, quiet, resident, he's already ashamed.
06:08So, resident, how do you like the suit?
06:10I shouldn't have bet with you, and what should I do?
06:13So, your task is now to come to the mayor's house and ask him for a raise in your salary,
06:18because now you're a rooster.
06:20Are you crazy, alcoholic? I won't understand when he sees me, he will kick me out of the village, what are you doing?
06:24Come on, come on, residents, this is my wish, or what, you refuse to do it?
06:28Eh, okay, okay, okay, no problem.
06:32So, guys, let's just make a deal right away, don't laugh loudly, please, okay?
06:36Come on, resident, good luck, come in, come in.
06:38Residents, now we will laugh, but really not loudly, so as not to burn.
06:41Quiet, he came in.
06:42Eh, mayor, eh, co-co-co, hello, listen, I have a question for you, I'm a rooster now, can I get a higher salary?
06:52Eh, resident, are you out of your mind? Why do you look like that?
06:56I'm telling you, co-co-co, I'm a chicken, a rooster now, I can get a higher salary, co-co-co.
07:03Resident, I'll fire you from your job right now, what are you doing to me here?
07:09Quiet, resident, don't laugh, we'll get caught.
07:12Well, I'm ready to sow seeds, I don't know, pick up hay, raise the salary, co-co-co.
07:19Okay, I'm counting to three, if you don't leave, I'll kick you out of the village, one.
07:24Eh, that's it, that's it, I got it, okay, mayor, bye!
07:29Yes, residents, it was very funny, I think the mayor is in shock, wait.
07:33And who ran away? Resident, resident, where are you?
07:35I'm here, I'm here, that's it, I can take off this stupid suit, I'm terribly ashamed.
07:39And you don't need a suit anymore, resident, now you will have a natural plumage.
07:43What? I don't understand, what are you talking about?
07:46I have a second wish, resident, I need you for this, can you do something for me?
07:51Be careful, please.
07:53Yes, yes, the main thing is not to spill this potion on yourself by accident.
07:56So, resident, take it, you have to drink it.
07:59What? What kind of potion is this? What will happen to me?
08:03Resident, drink it, this is my second wish.
08:06Well, I hope everything will be fine.
08:10And what is it?
08:13I don't understand, what's going on?
08:17I don't understand, what's wrong with me?
08:22We're in trouble!
08:26Resident, how do you like your new look?
08:28I don't understand, what? Have I really become a chicken?
08:32Wait, I'll...
08:35Oh, what have I done?
08:37Resident, you're so funny, you're waving your wings.
08:39It's not funny at all, how long will I walk like a rooster?
08:43Resident, did you do the effect on time, as I asked?
08:45Yes, capote, for 5 days.
08:47But 5 days is wonderful, resident, you're the best alchemist.
08:50What alchemist? I've been walking for 5 days, now I'll get you...
08:58Resident, please, don't, I beg you.
09:01Oh, I want some wheat, who has wheat here?
09:04Resident, I'm afraid no one has food here.
09:08Run, run, there's a cat!
09:09No, no, help me!
09:11She'll catch up with you now, resident, run!
09:14Guys, I hope this cat didn't eat the resident.
09:17Well, more precisely, the chicken.
09:18Well, in short, you got me.
09:19Listen, I think that now this resident will never argue with me again.
09:25But we had fun, he completed two of my tasks.
09:29By the way, not only I had fun, not only you had fun, but also the residents.
09:33Capote, argue with him more often.
09:36This is 100%, then I will have more funny videos on my channel.
09:39Capote, Capote, what do you think, did you kick the cat or not?
09:42I'm worried about something.
09:44What are you, resident, didn't you see how this resident, more precisely, the chicken, ran and waved its wings?
09:49No, of course, I don't think so, now I'll check.
09:51Hey, resident, are you okay?
09:53More precisely, hey, chicken, I can't remember.
09:56Where are you?
09:57I hope you're okay.
10:00Oh, I didn't see that.
10:01I hope he lost it when he ran away.
10:04Well, guys, I'm saying goodbye to you, don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel.
10:08A very funny video came out today.
10:10Good luck to everyone, thank you all, bye everyone, guys.