FoodGod Reveals If He's Still Friends With Kim Kardashian
00:00We've got welcome to the reopening of Planet Hollywood.
00:02Yeah, this is pretty iconic.
00:04Not only is the weather amazing, I mean, this is like such a major thing
00:08to happen in New York for a New York comeback.
00:10And I'm moving back to New York after like five years.
00:13Are you really? Yeah, literally.
00:14So I just got an apartment today.
00:16Congrats. I'm so excited to be here.
00:18And like, I mean, this is like awesome.
00:20It really is.
00:21What what are you hoping to see on the menu on the menu?
00:25Well, hopefully there's, you know, the usual.
00:27Hopefully they made a smash burger now because it's 2025.
00:31I don't want the old burgers.
00:32I want like some new stuff.
00:33And if they didn't, I'm going to find Robert Earl and I'm going to tell him.
00:36What food trends are you loving right now?
00:38And what are you hoping that kind of goes away?
00:40Well, there's been a lot of Dubai chocolate.
00:42I mean, there's Dubai chocolate everywhere.
00:45But it's a gift that keeps on giving because people keep asking me to post
00:49and, you know, finding me from around the world, flying me to Dubai
00:52and different places.
00:53But it's a crazy trend that I thought would end by now.
00:56And I was about to kill it.
00:57But it doesn't end.
00:58It just keeps going up.
00:59Now I heard there's like Asia bowls that are going to be happening
01:02with Dubai chocolate.
01:03I mean, it literally doesn't end.
01:04It doesn't end.
01:05What do we see?
01:06You have your own reality show about food and things like that.
01:09I mean, I've had a few already, but I feel like my Instagram
01:13and my TikTok is bigger than pretty much every show.
01:15You get a million, two million views.
01:17And that is a TV show.
01:19And you kind of control it because when you do a TV show,
01:21it takes a very long time and people don't know.
01:23And by the time you film it, by the time it comes out,
01:26and by the time it airs, you spent a year and a half doing it.
01:28And then it ends really fast.
01:30So you better know what you're doing.
01:31Tuning in each week for the Kardashian.
01:33Not each week.
01:34But I was on this week, apparently.
01:36So I haven't seen it.
01:37I know.
01:37But, you know, people post me in things and people say that, you know,
01:40that Kim and I aren't friends anymore.
01:42It's so funny to watch this stuff because like we are friends
01:44and we talk all the time.
01:45And it's just so I see all these like things that like pop up.
01:49And that's how I know if I'm on the show or not.
01:51So I'm always traveling.
01:52I was in Milan and L.A.
01:53And I'm like, but we're still friends.
01:55Yeah, absolutely.
01:56We're going to be friends forever.
01:57That's yeah.
01:58I mean, we're like it's and it's fun.
02:00I mean, she's got so many kids and so many things to do.
02:02And I'm all the way on this coast.
02:03So it's like, yeah, we don't see each other as much,
02:05but we talk all the time and anything happens that I feel like we should discuss.
02:10We just send it right away.
02:11So, yeah, we're definitely still.
02:13What did you make of the Khloe and Lamar reunion?
02:15That was like so emotional to watch.
02:17Lamar and I have had some awkward run ins, too.
02:20And even when they were together, I never really kind of connected with him.
02:23So, I mean, yeah, I think he's kind of just awkward, you know, not in a bad way.
02:28I just don't think he's he's like, you know, I ran into him once at Dancing with the Stars.
02:32And it's so weird because, you know, I was so connected with them
02:35and we didn't say hello to each other.
02:37This was years ago.
02:38But I you know, listen, they have a they have a history.
02:41So it's it's nostalgic.
02:43It's like Planet Hollywood.
02:45Khloe and Lamar like Planet Hollywood.
02:47So, yeah.