00:00Hey. Hi. Hi. Hey. Nice new apartment. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Where's your furniture?
00:09What do you mean? This is fully furnished.
00:14Her new aesthetic is to have no furniture. It's kind of creepy.
00:19I'm a minimalist. She wouldn't know anything about that because she's not mini, like me.
00:25You don't even have anything to sit on.
00:27Yes, I do. Are you sitting on a paper towel?
00:30It's an Hermes rug.
00:33I could have sworn that was a paper towel.
00:36It's not a paper towel. It's Hermes limited edition.
00:40She always spends her money on useless things.
00:43So you have a billion dollars and the first thing you buy is a paper towel rug?
00:49I don't know why she's getting so mad when this is my place.
00:53Did you just offend my furniture right now?
00:56Who gives a shit about your furniture? You bought another apartment complex and you can't even afford a wifi box out here?
01:02It's not about affording. It's about the radiation.
01:06Radiation? Your breath is radiation.
01:10And then she starts making fun of my breath. It's not professional and it's not ethical.
01:16That doesn't even make sense. You don't make sense.
01:19Oh, I make billions. You make sense.
01:22I literally can't deal with you right now.
01:24Every time I come over, you're always talking about how you're a billionaire.
01:28News flash. Nobody gives a shit.
01:31Have fun sitting on your paper towel rug. I'm done. I'm leaving.