• 5 days ago
El gobernador Axel Kicillof ha anunciado un paquete de medidas económicas para apoyar a las familias y empresas afectadas por las recientes inundaciones en Bahía Blanca. Entre las iniciativas destacan créditos con tasas subsidiadas, exenciones fiscales y compras en cuotas sin interés para electrodomésticos esenciales. Además, el transporte público será gratuito durante 30 días. Estas acciones buscan paliar la situación crítica que enfrentan los habitantes de la región mientras se evalúan los daños y se planifica la reconstrucción. La colaboración entre diferentes niveles de gobierno es crucial para enfrentar esta emergencia.


00:00Connecting with reality, to personalize, to connect with reality.
00:05This is the key to real awareness of the needs.
00:09And I hope you have that talk with the governor.
00:12How can it be that a governor does not have a...
00:15I'm not saying a meeting, because maybe they don't have the time,
00:17but a virtual meeting, a call, a communication between a governor of the province in these situations.
00:23You know what they do there, Pamela.
00:24In any province, but in this one.
00:25They channel it.
00:26How are they not going to have a meeting with the patient?
00:28They are with the second line, with the ministers.
00:30Franco with Bianco, right?
00:32But why?
00:33Because they are fighting politically.
00:35But they are wrong.
00:36They are not more important than the victims.
00:39Because it is not Axel who does not want to have the meeting.
00:42It is not more important than the victims.
00:44Look, with your appreciation, even Mauricio Macri agrees.
00:47That yesterday at Expo Agro, he told Milley,
00:50get together, even if you don't like it, even if it's scary, horrible, whatever,
00:54you have to get together.
00:55I don't think that phrase is appropriate either, Mauricio.
00:58If you are going to talk, do it well.
01:00He appears to take care of the misfortune of others.
01:03At least be more careful.
01:05I know it's unpleasant.
01:06What's wrong with you, sir?
01:08You have to take down all the names of dead people.
01:10It's a tragedy.
01:11What's wrong with you?
01:12I'm worried, sorry.
01:13I'm worried that, and I don't like the Attorney General, because he gives the face, he talks.
01:18But I tell you the truth, I'm worried that we give names and surnames with the photos
01:21and they are not aware.
01:23Well, he doesn't have it present, Carlos.
01:25Let's also be empathetic with the person who is working.
01:28If there are 200 disconnected people, they won't remember the names of the 200 people.
01:32What makes noise to me, I don't want them to put the word disappeared,
01:36but when they talk about disconnected people, and we present a photo with a face,
01:41with a name and surname, with a DNA, and they tell us, we don't know who they are,
01:46it's always stolen.
01:48I know that the Intendant is not going to be looking at Twitter,
01:50but he must have someone from the press who does see it.
01:52That's fine, Carlos, but here there can be another variable,
01:55which is what I was asking the Attorney General,
01:59which is, I want to be delicate with this,
02:02it can happen that in a house, the water was swept away,
02:05and in the house there were 2 or 3 people,
02:07and it can't be, for obvious reasons,
02:10there is no other external relative who has made the complaint.
02:13That's why what the Attorney General says, and where Julieta is,
02:16is key, is to continue the operation with the dogs,
02:19because once the water is gone and the mud is left,
02:21to determine if there are, of course, people who are still missing.
02:28In the last few hours, Kicillof made announcements,
02:31together with the Intendant of Bahia Blanca,
02:33he made announcements, above all, Pamela, on economic issues, to help.
02:38You were ahead of me yesterday, Mariana,
02:40but I want to go through Julieta, who is in the place,
02:43as you mentioned, with the dogs, to track.
02:46Julie, we are with you.
02:48Of course.
02:49Well, Pamela, pay attention to what the Attorney General said,
02:52because you know that there are many questions that people ask themselves here,
02:55that we all ask ourselves.
02:57So the information was very interesting.
02:59The dogs are ready to start.
03:02They will be the first to start tracking this territory.
03:07There is an order, a concrete order, of how it is worked.
03:11The division of dogs begins.
03:12There are three divisions of dogs.
03:14There are people alive, people with and people without life.
03:18They will start from Route 3, as I told you,
03:21which is where the vehicles go,
03:23which are dragged by this tsunami to the sea.
03:26It is a territory, it is, let's say, extensive.
03:30Yes, of course.
03:31What Mariana said is very specific information,
03:33because although the water has already gone down,
03:36there, in that area, the earth is very clayey,
03:39so it has not filtered a lot of water,
03:42but there are lagoons that have been made,
03:44that end up being pots,
03:45where people can also be found there.
03:48That is why, behind the dogs,
03:50there is the division of the Ecological Police,
03:52with the cadets with sticks,
03:54who are checking the territory,
03:56little by little, in groups,
03:58delimiting different areas.
04:00This is going to be done today, tomorrow, and the day after, they also tell us.
04:06Behind the cadets of the Ecological Police,
04:09this is how the kayaks are set up,
04:11which are going to go through a canal,
04:13which also runs through this territory.
04:15This goes to the sea.
04:17There is a crab, as we said,
04:19which is a specific area,
04:21where an intense search is expected to be made.
04:25Yesterday, the division of the cadets also marked an area as an area of interest.
04:30This does not mean anything specific,
04:32more than it is an area to explore.
04:35The helicopter that also works
04:38is an area that has been delimited,
04:40which is very difficult to access,
04:42especially because of what we say,
04:44there is a lot of mud,
04:46and you still cannot enter.
04:48Juli, the characteristics of the area you say
04:50is that it is covered with mud.
04:54Absolutely, absolutely.
04:56Look, we, if you want,
04:58in a few minutes we can move.
05:00We are here behind me.
05:02Here is the whole operation.
05:04It is like the entrance to Villa General Daniel Serri.
05:06The whole operation is here.
05:08All the heads of the operation are here,
05:10except for the superintendent,
05:12who is the one who coordinates this,
05:14because we understand that he is with President Javier Milei.
05:16All the trucks are leaving from here
05:18and they are starting to stand
05:20in the different areas of this rafting.
05:22Behind me,
05:24and approximately a thousand meters away,
05:26is where the specific area of rafting is.
05:30If you want,
05:32we can move now live,
05:34and you will see in a little while,
05:36we are already starting to leave from there.
05:38As everyone is moving there,
05:40if you want,
05:42we can go to that area,
05:44because that is where the search is going to start,
05:46which is where the search has been going on.
05:48So we are going there,
05:50so you can see,
05:52and we can get into the media
05:54that we can in the territory
05:56where they are going to start in a few minutes.
05:58Pame, they confirm me
06:00that Milei is now in the crisis committee.
06:02They are planning a meeting with the governor.
06:04I really don't know how,
06:06but it would be the best thing to do.
06:08But at this moment, Milei is in the crisis committee
06:10and, well, obviously they are giving her a panorama
06:12and then she is going to make a tour.
06:14There is no agenda, Mariana told you earlier,
06:16but Milei is in the crisis committee
06:18working with Petri, with Frankos,
06:20who is from the Cabinet,
06:22and Patricia Ulrich, obviously.
06:24Very well.
06:26You were ahead yesterday, Mariana,
06:28what ended up being announced in the afternoon
06:30by Axel Kicillof.
06:32Well, and what it has to do with,
06:34we are going to make a very important review
06:36of the announcements he made.
06:38They are all in economic matters.
06:40Yes, of course.
06:42I would say that the concept that Pameli
06:44and I have had since the first day
06:46is that there is still no talk of reconstruction
06:48of Bahia Blanca.
06:50Reconstruction is still far away.
06:52It is to start fighting.
06:54This is the urgent thing.
06:58The Bank of Provincia gives you a credit.
07:00You just started paying the first amount
07:02in a year.
07:04They are 10 million pesos for families
07:06and up to 40 million for companies,
07:08SMEs, businesses.
07:10Let's move on to the next one.
07:12This is the money that families
07:14go to the Bank of Provincia
07:16and can ask for.
07:20The urban tree, the real estate,
07:22is not going to be charged for a year.
07:24For a year, unfortunately.
07:26No, no, no.
07:28Forget this.
07:30You don't pay for it this year.
07:32Soft credit lines.
07:34What is this?
07:36They are going to give you different benefits
07:38in a very small amount
07:40so that you can get money.
07:42And this is important
07:44because there are all the discounts
07:46for commerce, PAME,
07:48which are not being sold now.
07:50They are still taking out
07:52what the cloaca left them,
07:54and this has to do with
07:56buying in 36 interest-free
07:58quotas for appliances
08:00and machinery.
08:04Because there are a lot of people,
08:06appliances, you know which one?
08:08The refrigerator.
08:10I'm thinking, first,
08:12appliances are essential at home.
08:14The refrigerator.
08:16Well, you buy in 36 interest-free
08:18quotas, that is, what is worth
08:20in the price of the refrigerator
08:22with the discounts that Kicillof made.
08:24But, look, real estate, well,
08:26it was not charged for a year,
08:28the patents, the first annual
08:30quota is not paid.
08:32Be careful with this because there is
08:34another fact.
08:36You don't pay the first quota,
08:38but if your car was destroyed,
08:40notice that in the images
08:42there are cars that are completely
08:44covered. If you show the total
08:46destruction by flooding of the car,
08:48you don't pay the patent quota
08:50The public transport will be free
08:52for the next 30 days and this is
08:54what has been announced so far,
08:56in 30 days we have to see how many
08:58things are maintained.
09:00There would come a second stage
09:02and subsidy, this is important.
09:0433,000 houses are very
09:06poor in Bahía Blanca,
09:08that's what they have, but very poor.
09:10We are talking about 800,000 pesos
09:12per family,
09:14for people who are in a very precarious
09:18that's what they have.
09:20These are the major announcements.
09:22Here again,
09:24the politics,
09:26the tension between
09:28Milley and Kicillof is always there.
09:30I want to think
09:32that today is a day where
09:34misfortune unites them,
09:36but that there is a meeting.
09:38Let's see if this is possible to get together,
09:40I am also consulting in the province,
09:42if there is going to be a meeting.
09:44I don't tell you photos,
09:46confirm that Kicillof and Milley
09:48sat face to face to talk.
09:50But Kicillof,
09:52yesterday afternoon, took advantage
09:54of the issue of the Monetary Fund
09:56to tell Milley,
09:58we are going to share it,
10:00that part of the money that would come
10:02from the Monetary Fund,
10:04goes to the reconstruction of Bahía Blanca.
10:08I request again,
10:10instead of a meeting
10:12with the president of the nation,
10:14since we are talking about a credit
10:16of the International Monetary Fund,
10:18I hope that a portion of the credit
10:20of the International Monetary Fund,
10:22which are apparently goods
10:24with a fresh fund,
10:26which is not used for speculation,
10:28for the stamp, for the exchange issue,
10:30but at least a certain portion
10:32is used for fundamental issues
10:34like this,
10:36since we are going to receive international credit
10:38of multilateral organizations,
10:40which is also used
10:42for the reconstruction
10:44of the city of Bahía.
10:48Well, let's see.
10:50Clearly, Kicillof knows
10:52that this is impossible.
10:54I'm going to tell you why.
10:56And besides, he was the Minister of Economy
10:58and he knows it.
11:00Because the Monetary Fund,
11:02the money that Milley is going to borrow,
11:04is to pay debt to the Monetary Fund.
11:06You cannot allocate anything else.
11:08Debt to what government?
11:10At the time, Mauricio Macri.
11:12With the same Minister of Economy.
11:14Exactly, with Caputo.
11:16No, because yesterday, really,
11:18Clarín's cover said debt to Kirchnerism
11:20and I said, but there is something I got lost.
11:22I don't want to be an exegete
11:24of Clarín's cover.
11:26No, no, what he is talking about
11:28is previous debts that the government
11:30of Cristina Kirchner and Alberto Fernández
11:32took with other multilateral
11:34credit organizations.
11:36In other words, Argentina does not owe
11:38to the Paris Club, it owes to several
11:40organizations, many years ago.
11:42But what Axel is asking,
11:44you say, Mariana, that he is asking
11:46knowing that he cannot give it to you.
11:48No, what else is it worth?
11:50Because the Monetary Fund,
11:52that's why I tell you,
11:54that's why I tell you,
11:56that here I want to be very equanimous.
11:58Not even in delicate moments like this
12:00do you stop speculating with politics?
12:02There is not one that is more human?
12:04The same thing that I close with this,
12:06that they suspend the reconstruction of Bahía Blanca.
12:08That is not possible either.
12:10I mean, they mess with one thing or another
12:12and the important thing today is the expectation
12:14that Millet and Kicillof come together.
