• yesterday
👉 La ciudad de Bahía Blanca enfrenta una crisis tras ser arrasada por inundaciones que afectaron al 70% de su territorio. La Ministra de Seguridad, Patricia Bullrich, coordina esfuerzos junto al gobierno nacional y local para restaurar la normalidad. Se han desplegado mil efectivos y se trabaja en la limpieza y reconstrucción de infraestructuras críticas. Además, se planea una ayuda económica para las familias afectadas. A pesar del caos, la comunidad mantiene un comportamiento ejemplar con mínimos incidentes de saqueo. La prioridad es reabrir escuelas y asegurar el suministro básico a los damnificados.

🗣️ Antonio Laje
👉 Seguí en #OtraMañana


00:00I would like to greet Patricia Bullrich, Minister of National Security.
00:03Bullrich, Antonio Lajes greets you. Good morning.
00:05Good morning, Antonio. How are you? How are you doing?
00:08Good. Can you tell me your view of what you are seeing there?
00:15Well, the panorama is a city totally and absolutely swept away by the water,
00:23with the loss of everything, of most of the families that live here in Bahia Blanca,
00:33with only a high percentage of the city that managed not to be flooded,
00:40but around 70% of total loss.
00:44One can see today that in many places, in practically all places,
00:51there are some enclaves where there is no water, but all the city is flooded.
00:56It has been several days that there is sun, that the weather is good,
01:01and then there is the whole cleaning stage,
01:05returning to normality, trying to get the schools running
01:10so that the children can go back to school.
01:15And then all the broken furniture appears there, the broken televisions, everything.
01:21Absolutely everything that people had in the house, because everything floated.
01:25It floated. In most of the city, things floated.
01:29As a result, now comes a family-by-family repair
01:36to be able to return to their lives, to normality,
01:41and there are a couple of places left, generally further out of Bahia Blanca.
01:46Yes, there is where our journalist is, with an easy meter of water, walking.
01:52Derby. Well, Derby is about 20 kilometers from Bahia Blanca.
01:57It is under water.
02:02I was yesterday in Ingerior White, which was the area that still has a part that is with water,
02:09with the canals that were necessary,
02:15we were yesterday seeing all the work that was done,
02:18that is, a clear decision, to break a route in the middle to free the neighborhood.
02:24That was done, then the route had to be rebuilt,
02:28and well, today we are seeing the fundamental objectives,
02:34which yesterday we talked about in the CUT, in the Unified Center of Disaster,
02:40which is to clean the city, remove the mud,
02:44clean the places where they are preventing electricity in some areas,
02:49because they are under water, all that is a dump,
02:53all that is cameras that are out there in basements,
02:58so all that is being worked on.
03:01200 firefighters have arrived,
03:05now a new Hercules is arriving with material,
03:11and one of the things that I would like to tell you,
03:15that yesterday the decision was made in the Unified Command,
03:19is that everything that is gathering in Buenos Aires with so much generosity,
03:24and throughout the country, not only in Buenos Aires,
03:27everything has to come absolutely ordered and classified,
03:32bags cannot come so that someone here takes charge,
03:36because here all hands are occupied for the cleaning of the city,
03:42to remove the mud from the houses, the mud from the streets,
03:46so it is very important that everything that comes,
03:49comes totally and absolutely classified,
03:52whether it is clothing by age, by type of clothing,
03:55everything is marked, because if not,
03:59the disorder that exists here, as a result of what happened,
04:04we need to help it in order, right?
04:09So that is a topic that yesterday we discussed with the mayor,
04:13there are going to be deposits outside the city,
04:16because the roads are also collapsed,
04:18you have to be very careful,
04:20trucks and heavy trucks can't stand it,
04:24today a bridge is going to be put up,
04:28the armed forces are going to put up a bridge,
04:31for the bridges that are broken,
04:33a new mobile hospital has arrived from the Federal Police,
04:38to take it to the places where there is still water,
04:41as you were saying.
04:43So well, these are the things.
04:46Beyond what you are saying,
04:48what is the project of the national government on Bahía Blanca now,
04:52from this?
04:54Because I imagine that this is the urgency,
04:57and then, is there any project that is being elaborated,
05:00that is being thought about?
05:02What is the role of the national government in Bahía Blanca?
05:06Look, yesterday we spoke with the president,
05:11with the Minister of Economy,
05:13and we are working on an idea to help the private sector,
05:17and families.
05:20That is what we are doing.
05:22We want to think of a direct help,
05:25so that people can rebuild their lives.
05:29That is the task.
05:31Yesterday we were talking with Caputo,
05:38and we told him what was happening,
05:43and he was working,
05:45and he told me that he was going to meet with his team,
05:49and surely we will be able to meet him in a few days.
05:57The truth is that all the people have lost everything.
06:02Yes, we want to go that way,
06:04we want to go to the people's side.
06:07Well, let's see,
06:09White Line, furniture, everything.
06:12Absolutely everything.
06:16And also,
06:18labor capital,
06:20for those who have run out of business.
06:23And that is the line that...
06:25That is the line that the Ministry of Economy will have to define,
06:28how that help will be given.
06:30We were talking about that yesterday with Dr. Caputo.
06:34We also have to look at the amounts,
06:38because these are all credits that have a subsidy,
06:44so we were talking about that.
06:47And now, that is...
06:50Also what people are asking for today,
06:53with whom we had the opportunity to talk,
06:56which was a lot,
06:58because when you see that everything is destroyed,
07:02even if you put the mattress to dry,
07:06you are making a mess.
07:08You have to start from scratch.
07:10There is no alternative.
07:12So we are going that way,
07:14to the people.
07:16Minister, how is the security issue,
07:18specifically there?
07:20Because whenever these tragedies occur,
07:24the issue of looting and robberies often appears in general.
07:27It has been quiet.
07:29The truth is that we have to patrol important areas of the city.
07:33We are divided.
07:35The police of Buenos Aires, the prefecture,
07:37the federal police, the nursing home.
07:40And it has been quiet.
07:43We have also very well organized the gathering centers,
07:47where people go and line up,
07:49and do not snatch food.
07:52We are organizing it a lot,
07:54so that each family can take what is necessary,
08:00and give everyone the same, of course,
08:03depending on the number of people in each family.
08:06But we are working,
08:10and I would say that 99.9% of the city
08:14has exemplary conduct,
08:17and there have been some snatches, some robberies,
08:22and some arrested for that.
08:25But I would say that very little in relation to the state of the city.
08:29How many people are there today
08:32in Bahía Blanca of the federal forces,
08:35plus the Ministry of Defense,
08:37I mean, of what is the executive?
08:39There are about 1,000 people,
08:42about 1,000 officers.
08:45We also have to consider that our forces,
08:50today we are going to work on that too.
08:53We have more than 150 gendarmes,
08:56gendarmerie, everything is under water.
08:59All the cars, everything.
09:01So we have more than 150 families
09:04of prefecture and gendarmerie
09:07who live here in Bahía Blanca,
09:10who are working and their houses are destroyed.
09:15Let's say, they no longer have a house.
09:18Or they have the house, but they have nothing.
09:22They have to see how their families are organized,
09:27how they return to normality.
09:30Because, well, yesterday we were in a place
09:33where we are with some army trucks
09:36to give food so that these schools begin to open.
09:4232% of the schools have complex damage,
09:46the rest, well, the idea,
09:49today at two in the afternoon
09:52in a meeting of the CUT,
09:55the idea is to start opening the schools
09:58to start giving normality to the life of the city.
10:01And the last thing I ask you,
10:04is it being worked on?
10:07Yesterday we spoke with Carlos Bianco,
10:10who actually confirmed to us that he was working
10:13in conjunction with the province,
10:16I mean, outside of all the electoral struggle here.
10:19Yes, we are working totally.
10:22We go to the meeting,
10:25in the meeting it is decided,
10:28well, today this force was doing security,
10:31for example, we are doing security
10:34in the place of food collection,
10:37well, today we need to go to such a place.
10:40Yesterday we added, for example,
10:43to the USAR brigade that had finished its task,
10:46which is a very professional brigade
10:49of the Federal Police, of firefighters,
10:52who had finished their task in Ingeniero Wild,
10:55we added them to the area where
10:58the two little sisters are being searched,
11:01and also to the Naval Prefecture,
11:04that is to say that there in the CUT
11:07analyzes the operational changes
11:10that may occur,
11:13what are the objectives,
11:16and well, we all join those objectives
11:19and we divide the force according
11:22to these objectives.
11:25Is there a lot of people still missing,
11:28apart from the two little Hecker?
11:31No, there are three people left.
11:34Well, there were 128 people missing,
11:37it was actually people who were being searched,
11:40that is, who were registered
11:43because they did not find any relatives,
11:46but at this time officially
11:49three people have disappeared.
11:52Minister, thank you very much for your time,
11:55very attentive.
11:58Thank you very much.
12:01Thank you very much.
