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Hey guys! Today we are doing a deep dive on one of my favorite topics: thrift shopping. I share five secrets that you need to know, take you with me to shop some of my favorite stores, and give you the information you need to save BIG when thrifting! Plus room decorating ideas from a thrift perspective, including the makeover of my master bathroom. Let's go!

🛒 Reclectic - https://itsreclectic.com/
🛒 Goodwill - https://www.goodwill.org/locator/
🛒 Goodwill outlet Stores (specialty and bin stores)- https://goodwilloutlets.com/
🛒ThredUp - https://tdup.co/DIME/FEB25

💕 Matthews Help Center - https://matthewshelpcenter.org/
💕 Backporch Treasures - https://matthewshelpcenter.org/backporch-treasures/

💙 My curtains - https://amzlink.to/az0D2uhcTP2sq
💙 Bird curtain holdbacks - https://amzlink.to/az01JA0tCWIEe

#doitonadime #diy #thrift

🛒 My shop: https://www.doitonadimeshop.com/

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➡️ GET DOLLAR TREE PRODUCTS: http://bit.ly/2CQEeH9

➡️ Cricut essentials:
Cricut Joy https://cricut.pxf.io/kjED4n
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Mixed materials https://cricut.pxf.io/Xxj014

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Write me at:
Kathryn "Doitonadime"
P.O. Box 1436
Matthews, NC USA

Music licensed by Epidemic Sound.

FTC Disclaimer: This video is sponsored by Craftsy. This post also contains affiliate links and I earn a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. It doesn't cost you any extra. Thank you for your continued support to keep Do It On A Dime going!


00:00Today's video is sponsored by Craftsy. If you're always coming up short at the thrift store,
00:04this video is for you. You've been thrifting wrong, my friend, but don't worry, I've got you,
00:08and I take this really seriously. Well, maybe not seriously, but I'm going to show you how to
00:12seriously save. Recently, I shared with you this vanity I thrifted for 80 bucks. Estimated retail
00:17is $2,000. I made over and stocked an entire pantry for less than $100. I thrifted the shelf
00:22from Habitat Restore. The clothes I wear, most of the items in my house have all been thrifted.
00:26You remember when I found this incredible armoire. This has an estimated retail of $21,000. I got it
00:31from Habitat for Humanity Restore for just $195. And so many of you have been commenting, you wish
00:37that your thrift stores look like mine. You wish your dollar trees look like mine. You feel like
00:40you can't find any of the good stuff. Maybe you've just been in the wrong stores, so I'm going to
00:44help you find the right ones today. I bet you there's at least one option in this video you
00:48didn't realize. Plus, I'll share with you the secret high-end overstock thrift store you've
00:52got to hear about. They're easy and I'm actually giving away my secrets. Secret one is I think
00:57you've been missing out on some of the local gems. I was looking to makeover our builder grade garden
01:02tub. I hadn't done anything with it in years, so I went to Google and I typed in best local thrift
01:08stores. I want you to do this for your area and surprise yourself. There are so many amazing ones
01:12out there. In my area, Back Porch Treasures came up. This place was darling. And on the day I went,
01:18all clothes were a dollar and everything in the store was 50% off. The inventory was great with
01:23lots of antiques, but what's more, this charity really serves the community. Every dollar you
01:28spend provides assistance to families in crisis. I'd love for you to drop in the comments below
01:32your favorite local charity or thrift store. Places like this almost always have better
01:36inventory and true antiques. This vintage storage container was amazing and it was only one dollar.
01:42And for 50 cents, I scored this vintage wall shelf, but I'm going to use it in a creative way.
01:47In my experience, Google reviews are really accurate, especially with thrifting, so try it
01:51this week. Lots of smaller locally run organizations do the most for the community and they tend to
01:56have quality stuff because people trust donating here. And as I organize and continue to declutter
02:01my home, this is a great place to bring those unwanted items so somebody else can find new
02:05purpose. So back to the bathroom and tip number two. My friend, have you been utilizing Instagram,
02:11Facebook, and online? Because most thrift stores now have an Instagram or Facebook presence. Lots
02:15of them post new deals of the day so you can decide if you want to make the drive and if you
02:19know the type of item you're looking for. Look at this California Restore Instagram. Like, I am
02:23obsessed. Am I a weirdo? Like a total weirdo? Like, let me know in the comments if any of these things
02:27are speaking to you too. I basically was able to get this at a big discount because a bunch of
02:32these fell off, so I'm just DIYing a little fix here. In my experience, Habitat for Humanity
02:37Restore is great for furniture and light fixtures and Salvation Army is awesome with furniture. So
02:42here are a few of those little items that I got from my local thrift store. I put bath salts at
02:46the beautiful canister and I got this amazing vintage pitcher for $4. And this is vintage
02:52Polish glass. That was from Back Porch Treasures and then I used this little shelf as a bookend
02:56for my journal. And stay tuned for the full room reveal. But first, if you love deals and thrifting,
03:01you're absolutely going to love today's sponsor, Craftsy and this awesome deal. Craftsy has
03:07thousands of classes, all taught by experts, so you can learn and work at a new creative skill.
03:12And I've been using it for years. I recently took an amazing class by Mario Robinson on painting
03:18realistic watercolors. This class went so in-depth and gave me new skills that I could apply to
03:23landscapes or just watercoloring in general when I want to do it for fun. I absolutely love
03:28thrifting art. The piece behind me I got for $9.99 and it's an actual oil on canvas.
03:34And these are types of skills that, especially right now, I love sitting down and getting to
03:38learn myself. Whether it's watercolor or oil on canvas, these are simple things that I can try
03:44making my own art at home, which I know you guys have seen in lots of videos. And if you love
03:49thrifting, especially clothes, there's another awesome class by Mary Beth Temple, which is
03:54thrift flipping to upcycle your fashion finds. She offers lots of super simple ideas, but there's tons
04:01of classes, baking, photography, knitting, crochet. The sky is the limit, and all of them are taught
04:06by friendly experts. The tips come in the order that you need them, so I end up learning so much.
04:11Plus, you can connect with other DIYers, ask your questions, share ideas, and stay inspired.
04:17And this is such a good deal, because if you're one of the first thousand people to click my link
04:21in the description below, you're going to get a full year of premium membership to Craftsy for
04:27just $1.49. You can't beat that. Craftsy is one of my favorite partners to work with, and I hope
04:34you enjoy it as much as I do. It's so awesome when $1.49 gets you so far, and here's another
04:39thrift store where $1.49 will get you a long way. Did you know that Goodwill has an outlet store?
04:45This is sometimes called second editions or bin stores, and you pay by the pound of items that
04:50you purchased. That's how I got this lamp that retails for $250 for $0.79. Have you tried a
04:58thrift store outlet? Now this is where the gems are. These have locations all around the country,
05:02and think of this as a Goodwill outlet. This is where clothes are going to come in, in giant blue
05:08bins. They are rolled out about every hour or so a new bin comes out. You can find high-end
05:14name brands at these stores. They have lots of organization here, and what I love about Goodwill
05:19is they really try to give a second chance to everybody's items. So these are the items that
05:23were shipped from other stores that have now come here. This one is really cool. All of this is $1.99.
05:29They have tons of shoes too. Lots of these are brand new. These are rubber banded together,
05:33so again you're going to pay by the pound. These are Tommy Hilfiger boots. So you want to check
05:38the garments, but you can find really expensive, like $200 sweaters. Literally, this is probably
05:4325 cents. This is Sherpa Brands. I've heard from lots of people that the Goodwills in your area
05:48are overpriced. So that's why the bin stores are a great and sustainable option. Items at outlet
05:53stores come from the retail stores that haven't sold them within five weeks. The prices are so
05:57cheap, so they don't allow returns, but I think it is so worth it. I have found incredible clothing
06:02items and incredible things like this Shinwa lamp. Oh my gosh, this is actually porcelain.
06:08I always do a quick Google Lens search so I can see exactly what I have and how much something
06:13is worth. To do this, click the camera icon on Google, take a picture of the item, and it will
06:18find online similar versions. I saw that this lamp is worth a lot, the exact one. Checking out is
06:24easy. You just take it out to the front and you're asked to put it inside of a bag, and then they
06:27weigh your items. Paying by the pound, you can get a giant bag of stuff and leave with it for under
06:32$10. And I want to take you to Reclectic, but first give you some secret stores you may not realize
06:38exist. The GW and The Grid. These are like a boutique shops. The Grid is for all of your
06:44electronics. So instead of those items going straight into a landfill, you can buy them
06:49secondhand at a great price. They also have The GW, which is a more boutique experience store.
06:55This is a more curated version of Goodwill. So it's color coordinated, they have housewares,
07:01and in my area, it's really affordable. So right now I'm in The GW, which is a Goodwill
07:06boutique store. Think of all the items from the Goodwill, except they're curated by different
07:11colors, by sizes, and you feel like you're shopping in a boutique experience. And the
07:16prices are awesome. Lots of items are $9.99, $14.99. They have shoes, and one of my favorite
07:22items to find are the sunglasses. They have Lauren Conrad sunglasses here, and they even
07:27had some Juicy Couture, and these are all $9.99. I'll be sure to link down below for you where all
07:33The GWs are near you. And at some GWs, they will have furniture, and they also have really
07:39cool home decor stuff. A lot of it is new or new with tags. This is a nice runner, and this is only
07:45$9.99. Two things that stood out to me were this fireplace insert. This is really cool if you have
07:50a wood-burning fireplace, but you want the gas experience. And they have all sorts of suits for
07:55men too, which is really cool. And I love their wicker baskets here, and they have beautiful
07:59pillows. That was a surprise. And everything is color-coordinated, so it's easy to find something
08:03you're looking for. So if there's a gap in your wardrobe, it's easy to come and check here.
08:07The dress I'm wearing in this video, I got for $9 at The GW. I love it, as well as this
08:11cross-stitch pillow for $6.99. It's perfect for the bathroom makeover, which is coming up. You
08:16can shop whatever style suits you. I Google Lens this, and man, I saved a lot. And I'm about to
08:21tell you about Reclectic, but first, I want to talk about being honest, about what thrifting
08:26gets you. If I were to take affordability, community impact, and variety of product in the
08:31store, and I were to rank all the thrift stores featured in this video, for me, Katherine, here's
08:35how they'd shake out. Local thrift is obviously the best way to go. Salvation Army and Habitat
08:39for Humanity are close runners up. And as you can see, Habitat for Humanity wins in the variety
08:44category. Goodwill Outlet is an amazing way to save, and wins in the affordability category.
08:49I also enjoy shopping at the boutique and Goodwill less frequently, because they do impact the
08:54community in a positive way, but maybe not as much as some other organizations. Regardless though,
08:58it was really fun to visit Goodwill headquarters and see the impact that they do have on the
09:01community, like creating jobs, sustainability, and seeing all the meetings going on there.
09:06There's lots of good things happening. Based on your goals, you can decide the spots you'd
09:09like to thrift, and be on the lookout for new models of stores, new types of stores coming
09:13out that have thrifty elements. If you like anthropology, free people, and urban outfitters,
09:18but you don't like the prices, listen up. Reclectic is also a brand new store that
09:23opened near me, and they're rolling these out all around the country. But you've got to know
09:28about this. Y'all, it was packed when I went, but this store concept is so cool.
09:32Welcome to Reclectic. There are four locations across the United States. This is an urban
09:37outfitters, free people, and anthropology store. And all of this inventory is really similar to
09:44what you're going to find at a thrift store. These are items lots brand new with tags,
09:48some returns that they couldn't sell in stores, so you're getting them at crazy steep discounts.
09:53I'm so excited to show you this store. They have locations in Philadelphia, Tempe, Chicago,
09:58Charlotte, and Dallas. It's mostly clothes, but some stores have housewares and accessories too.
10:04And these are deals up to 50% off. I have found so many beautiful garments there,
10:08including the dress that I wore for Valentine's Day. There are no fitting rooms, and there are
10:13no returns. So you do have to be careful and kind of know what you're buying and that you're
10:17going to keep it. But I have found quality pieces here. So if you're looking for those
10:20high quality staples, and you don't want to have to do a ton of sifting, this is an option.
10:26So here's the thing that you have to know about this store though. There are no fitting rooms.
10:29So you want to come here dressed in something that you could put this item over, and we're
10:33going to make it work. This is a really great deal because all of these items are almost all
10:38free people, anthropology, and they're all $15. I feel like the fun of thrifting is running into
10:43the true gems. You know what I'm saying? You're like, what in the Nickelodeon? There's an old
10:48part of me that would have loved this. Or, you know what I mean, Britney Spears. You drive me
10:52crazy. Actually, these are kind of fun. I don't know. Hold on. Wait, do I like this? I don't
10:58think I do. I mean, where would I wear this? But they're kind of fun. You also know how much I love
11:06shopping at ThredUP. ThredUP is an online thrift store, and this is very similar to ThredUP in a
11:12lot of ways. ThredUP is just online. So if you don't have a Reclectic near you, consider shopping
11:16at ThredUP. Today's video is not sponsored by ThredUP, but I'll be sure to leave a coupon code
11:20in the description in case you want to check it out because it's a very similar concept.
11:24I just love thrifting so much. Remember, if it's from the Dollar Tree or it's free,
11:28it's for me. Over time, I started collecting a bunch of items to redo my bathroom space.
11:33The one thing I did purchase new were the curtains. I got them on Amazon. I'll link them
11:37down below. But the other items I gathered, thrifted, I saw them and I thought, this is
11:42such a beautiful little whimsical touch for the space. I absolutely love how this space turned
11:48out. If you've ever felt overwhelmed in a second-hand store, maybe you want to flip that
11:53script and see if you can think through the lens of possibility. What could you do to a space to
11:58make it personal for you? There are so many quality items at Hidden Treasures. Be sure to
12:03click the link down below and sign up for Craftsy for just $1.49 for a year of their premium
12:10membership. I hope today's video was helpful. My beautiful friend, if nobody has told you today,
12:15guess what? You are enough. I'll catch you soon. Happy donating and happy shopping.
