(Adnkronos) - E' "molto facile" venire a Strasburgo a protestare con "i cartelli", portandosi una cinquantina di parlamentari da Roma, per "lucrare un po' di consenso elettorale", gridando contro il riarmo dell'Ue. Lo dice la vicepresidente del Parlamento Europeo Pina Picierno, del Pd, rispondendo al leader del M5S Giuseppe Conte.
00:00It is clear that it is very easy to arrive with the barracks and bring 50 parliamentarians from Rome.
00:06There were only them, there were no other European parliamentarians.
00:09Well, maybe it's good to underline it.
00:11It is very easy to try to win a bit of electoral consensus
00:17by saying that Europe wants to rearm.
00:22It is much more difficult, I believe, to show an adult attitude,
00:28to study the texts, to modify them when they do not go well,
00:32because it is clear that we have all said that the bottom line is a first step,
00:36many others will have to follow,
00:38but I remember that when there were the founding moments of the European Union,
00:44and this, in my opinion, is a founding moment in the political history of our political union,
00:49we have always had a debate of controversies, of first steps, of adjustments.
00:55It happened with Schengen, it happened with the euro,
00:57it happened more recently with Covid.
00:59You will remember the discussions at the beginning,
01:02the Nordics who opposed each other, who did not want the euro bond,
01:05they did not want the common debt.
01:06Then we got to Next Generation E.