• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Infrastrutture Venete presenterà domani il proprio sistema di automazione delle conche, un'infrastruttura necessaria per la navigazione: attraverso un sistema di progettazione informatica e sistema IoT siamo infatti in grado di movimentare le conche da remoto. Parleremo poi anche del processo attraverso il quale, con una piattaforma, riusciamo a governare e monitorare i trasporti lungo le idrovie di nostra competenza”. Così Alessandra Grosso, direttore generale di Infrastrutture Venete, a LetExpo, la fiera promossa da Alis, in collaborazione con Veronafiere, punto di riferimento nazionale per il settore della logistica e del trasporto sostenibile.


00:00The Venetian Infrastructure has signed the protocol together with the other two regional companies last year,
00:10where the interports had already signed the protocol in 2022.
00:14We have entered as subjects able to guarantee the accessibility of the transport nodes that are represented by the interports.
00:23Therefore, the Venetian Infrastructure is working to ensure that accessibility through its infrastructures is absolutely guaranteed
00:30and ready to meet the demand for water mobility.
00:34The Venetian Infrastructure will present its own concave automation system, which is a necessary infrastructure for navigation.
00:42And through a computer design system and an IoT system, we are able to move the concaves remotely.
00:50And then we will also talk about the process through which, with a platform,
00:56we are able to govern and monitor the transports along the waterways of our competence.
01:01And we are a reference point for the other regions of the Padano-Veneto waterway system,
01:06as well as a reference point for UNI to intercept and transfer data to the Ministry.
