• 2 days ago
Asmongold Reacts to: Death Stranding 2 Presentation
by @PlayStation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1WtK_6q2P4
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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00:00Everybody is so excited to find out more about Death Stranding 2, but I heard you have brought us a brand new trailer for the crowd here at South by Southwest.
00:07Oh shit! We're just in time.
00:09Yes, I brought a new trailer with me.
00:13You can see the world, the game, story, music, characters, and also the connection between DS1, and also how it evolved as DS.
00:25Damn, okay.
00:27And I edited myself, so I hope you really enjoy.
00:30He edited himself.
00:39That guy? Yeah, apparently.
00:46Uh oh, I've heard this before.
00:57I'm not doing this shit anymore.
00:59It makes you think you have a choice!
01:03What kind of cargo?
01:08Cargo like...
01:10...brain dead...
01:12...pregnant women.
01:15No one would possibly allow that.
01:18That's why I have to smuggle them in.
01:21They make me bring them over from Mexico.
01:27Oh my god, I knew it.
01:36In Mexico, stranded? Yeah.
01:41It was a mistake.
01:44No. No, it was not a mistake.
01:47It was not a mistake.
01:50It was not a mistake.
01:54What the fuck?
02:21All them dead whales.
02:27Deliveries have been on? Oh yeah!
02:30Oh, that looks fucking badass.
02:35Blake Dakin. This is awesome.
02:38What the fuck?
03:12Throw down my boat.
03:33The game looks really nice.
03:45Is this what it's like being an Amazon driver?
03:56Death Stranding 2? Yeah, this is Death Stranding 2.
04:26Oh shit.
04:56All I looked for was to jump you out.
04:59Just you.
05:14What the fuck?
05:27Would you let the wind tell you where to go?
05:33If you can break the fate and prove it wrong.
05:38So walk away, I'll find you.
05:45Far away, I'll lead you.
05:49To the wonder.
05:52To the wonder.
05:55To the wonder.
06:01To the wonder.
06:03To the wonder.
06:06To the wonder.
06:25To the wonder.
06:35To all the mountains, all the rivers.
06:40To all the strains, the trailblazers.
06:48This is all in one game?
06:51To what it takes to be who we are.
06:57This is some weird shit, bro.
07:01We're gonna play this for sure.
07:05Oh yeah.
07:08To the wonder.
07:11To the wonder.
07:14To the wonder.
07:17Oh yeah.
07:23I've been alone this whole time.
07:27You're wrong.
07:29Death can't tear us apart.
07:31We'll always be connected.
07:33We will always be with you, no matter what.
07:37You will never, ever be alone.
07:40Kojima's like the only one that can do the celebrities in the game and it not be cringe.
07:47And Cyberpunk.
07:53That was really good.
08:12There's more?
08:27Bro, this is some Dark Souls shit.
08:41Oh shit.
08:59Oh my god.
09:06Oh my god.
09:46Oh my fucking god.
09:51No way.
10:00It just keeps going.
10:12Everyone, hold on tight.
10:21What the fuck is this game about?
10:27This is awesome.
10:32Oh my god.
10:36Damn, I did not expect it to be like that.
10:39That's nuts.
10:47So it's coming out really soon.
10:48It's coming out in three months.
10:54There it is.
11:11Bro, that was really good.
11:17June 26.
11:18There it is.
11:20That is nice.
11:23Play it slow.
11:31What is this?
11:32What is this?
11:38That's the guy.
11:41Buy it?
11:42Should I buy this?
11:44Oh yeah, yeah, sorry.
11:49So Yoji Shinkawa.
11:51The trailer was 10 minutes long.
11:53Wait, was it?
12:00Holy fuck.
12:03Yeah, I thought it was like three or four minutes.
12:17Ten minute trailer.
12:33I should get one of these.
12:40Yeah, I should try to get one of these.
12:54I'm going to need a keychain.
12:59Play the beta?
13:03All right, well, that was an amazing trailer.
13:05You can check out the details for the full collector's edition
13:08at playstation.com.
13:09Again, mark your calendars, June 26, 2025,
13:12and pre-orders begin March 17.
13:15So we definitely saw a lot of familiar faces in that trailer.
13:18When it came out, I wasn't really playing any other games
13:20other than WoW and a couple other MMOs.
13:25You know Sam.
13:27That's nuts.
13:29I want to call Norman on stage.
13:31Everyone wants to see Norman?
13:35All right, well, please welcome Norman Reedus.
13:57Norman, pleasure to meet you.
13:58Feel free to grab your mic, sit down, get comfortable.
14:01Thank you so much for taking the time to join us.
14:03I know you are a busy man.
14:05Yeah, I'm shooting a season of Ride right now,
14:09so I've been on a motorcycle for like nine days straight,
14:11so I'm a little that guy right now.
14:14But yeah, it's a pleasure to be here.
14:17I love South by Southwest.
14:18We love having you here, so let's dive into it.
14:20Kojima-san, we met Sam Bridges back in 2019,
14:23but you have been working with Norman as an actor
14:26and seeing Sam as a character for a long time now.
14:29What is your impression of Norman as an actor?
14:33I need to know.
14:35Well, Norman is a great actor,
14:38but I was really into Steve McQueen when I was a child.
14:44So Norman, how he looks is similar.
14:48It's an icon just by him standing.
14:51So I thought, like, if I were to bring Steve McQueen to,
14:53you know, and a good CG-looking guy,
14:56Norman was my only choice.
14:58What happened?
14:59You were the hit. You were the option. Love it.
15:01I like it. I'll take it.
15:04Well, I know, you know, the game,
15:05the world of Death Stranding is so much about connectivity,
15:08it's about isolation,
15:09and the world ended up kind of experiencing that for ourselves
15:12a little bit after the first thing happened.
15:13Norman, were you just on stage?
15:14Yeah, I saw it.
15:15Was there something that you guys took into mind
15:16while creating Death Stranding 2?
15:17Kojima-san, would you like to start?
15:21No, not at all.
15:27It seems like the world was going to be separated,
15:29and I didn't want that to happen when I was creating.
15:32And after I released Death Stranding,
15:34three months later, the pandemic happened,
15:36and I feel really bad.
15:40Yeah, why'd you do that, man?
15:41Norman, how about you?
15:42Was it an interesting time this time around?
15:45Yeah, I mean, you know,
15:48I first met Hideo through Guillermo del Toro,
15:53and he called me and he said,
15:56there's this guy who's going to call you, just say yes.
15:58And I said, what do you mean?
16:00He goes, Norman, don't be an asshole, just say yes.
16:03And I'm glad I did,
16:05but they're very similar in the way that they work,
16:10because they're super creative,
16:13with the ways that children are creative.
16:16Everything's interesting, everything's more,
16:18everything's more,
16:19and it's very inspiring to watch.
16:22They have very similar work ethics, I guess.
16:26Well, I know it was inspiring watching you
16:28in this trailer, in the full cast.
16:30I know we got to see some exciting new moments with Sam.
16:33Kojima-san, do we have a favorite moment
16:35from Norman's performance?
16:36Maybe we can pull up a photo of one of those memories.
16:41This time, because of the pandemic,
16:45we've been shooting since like three years.
16:48At the beginning, it was really tough because of the pandemic.
16:52So, Norman,
16:55Sam has more emotional scenes this time.
16:58It was very difficult.
17:00And there were so many scenes that he had to cry,
17:03and I asked him to cry.
17:04Oh, no.
17:07Well, I know there was a second scene that caught my eye as well.
17:10Can we put up another photo?
17:16This is when Sam has this phobia,
17:18but finally kisses Fragile.
17:23But this is their first kiss,
17:25so it was very difficult to find it direct in that way.
17:29Very cool.
17:30Well, Norman, how did that experience go for you?
17:33It was nice.
17:39The first time I had to go face-to-face with anybody,
17:42I think, was Mads.
17:45I mean, not that same face-to-face,
17:47but a different version of that face.
17:51But you see the helmets that we're wearing,
17:53they usually have cameras on them.
17:55So, Mads and I were like,
17:56doink, doink.
17:58So, we took the cameras off for this.
18:03I'm a very subtle actor, I guess,
18:07in other things.
18:09So, it's been a good learning experience for me
18:13doing these, how to do them better.
18:16So, I'm getting better at it, right?
18:19I learned a lot from Troy.
18:20Troy's been doing it for a long time.
18:22He's a pro.
18:23And then I saw this videotape of Benedict Cumberbatch
18:27playing the lion in one of the Lion King films.
18:29Is that how you say it?
18:30And he's crawling around on the floor,
18:31and he's like...
18:33And I was like, wow, he's really good at this.
18:36So, I'm learning.
18:37I'm trying to get better.
18:40Well, Norman, as you've been playing Sam over the years
18:42and coming into Death Stranding 2,
18:44has your creative vision for Sam evolved?
18:47Or how are you playing him this time around?
18:49Yeah, I mean, it's such a rich storyline already.
18:52I mean, the second game has all that rich story
18:55that the first one has, plus more action.
18:58That's what I'm excited for.
18:59I'm good with weapons already.
19:02That's some experience.
19:03I'm really good with weapons.
19:05Lots of weapons.
19:07But it's a different world.
19:09There's expression that gets captured
19:15in this way of making cinema, basically.
19:19So, yeah, I'm learning.
19:21I'm getting better and better.
19:23Was that your question?
19:25You got there.
19:26Was I there?
19:27All right, cool.
19:28Motorcycle, nine straight days.
19:30You know what I mean?
19:31We're glad you're here.
19:32No worries.
19:34I saw we had a slogan in the trailer.
19:37We should not have connected.
19:40Could we learn a little bit more about that?
19:41He's high as fuck.
19:42Yeah, maybe a bit.
19:45The last Death Stranding is about, you know,
19:49let's get connected in DS1.
19:51Otherwise, humans won't survive.
19:54And you saw the strand was a keyword in the previous one.
19:58So I was thinking of the sequel, Death Stranding 2,
20:01and then I actually experienced the pandemic
20:06and I felt something.
20:09And I thought, wait, should we really be connected?
20:12I can't really say because that would be a spoiler.
20:15Yeah, sure.
20:16But I've said something 180 degrees different, right?
20:21So I want you to play and check out what I mean.
20:26So I know everyone felt something during the pandemic.
20:31And I think some people felt the same way I did.
20:34And you'll find out playing the game.
20:36All right, that's fine.
20:37Well, I know this time...
20:39Means the internet was a mistake.
20:40You spent a lot of that first game trudging out on your own in the wilderness.
20:44But this time you have a new organization around you called Drawbridge.
20:48So who all is in this group?
20:49Is that the America?
20:50Oh, geez.
20:51Hideo, can you take this one?
20:55It's a lot of names.
20:57I'm really good with the names.
20:58Okay, okay.
21:00Okay, all those people.
21:04To Amazon Simulator?
21:08It's a game.
21:12You have to go on your own where Chiral Network is not connected with Dolmen.
21:18And if you connect, you can summon the Magellan ship.
21:22When you go back to the Magellan,
21:24you have your members on the ship.
21:27So many things happen on the ship, too.
21:30So it's not like you're totally alone.
21:32You have backup coming from behind.
21:34That's the feeling I want to give to people.
21:37I love that.
21:38And that's America, right?
21:39And that's some exciting faces that we got to see in this trailer.
21:41Norman, you mentioned earlier you worked with Madbot in the first game.
21:44But now you have this whole crew.
21:46So what was that like having a lot more folks on set with you?
21:49It's cool because they all have their special characteristics.
21:53They're all very...
21:54I mean, you can look at the pictures and tell that.
21:56But each one has a separate personality
21:58that helps that team get through what they need to get through.
22:06I'm a fan of all of them as well.
22:08So there's all of that.
22:10Yeah, I mean, Fadi, I know.
22:11I knew some of these people beforehand
22:13and some of them I met there.
22:15But they're all super interesting characters.
22:21This time.
22:24In the Magellan, you have the members.
22:27And it's quite a member.
22:30PS5 exclusive, probably.
22:31I have a PS5.
22:32When I had to shoot with everyone, it was really fun.
22:34Last time I had a PS5, it doesn't matter.
22:36Maximum of like two, three people at once.
22:38But this time, six, seven.
22:39It was a group shooting.
22:40It was really good.
22:42Whole crew with you.
22:43Well, Norman, we're really excited to see how Sam continues to evolve
22:46in the world of Death Stranding 2.
22:48Please stay with us.
22:49But we talked a little bit about your team.
22:51Let's talk about some of the villains of the game
22:53and bring out someone who's been here since the beginning.
22:56Right, Kojima-san?
23:00Well, Death Stranding.
23:02Sam's villain is Higgs, right?
23:04You all love Higgs.
23:06Yeah, he's the guy with the guitar.
23:09Without further ado, let's bring out Troy Baker.
23:12Oh, shit.
23:13They got a lot of people in here.
23:33All right, thanks for having us, Troy.
23:34Welcome to South by Southwest.
23:36Thanks for having me.
23:37I heard there was a TV panel yesterday.
23:39But today, you're here for Death Stranding 2.
23:42And of course, Higgs is an iconic villain in the world of Death Stranding.
23:46He faced a lot against Sam last time around.
23:49Kojima-san, can we expect more of the same iconic performance this time?
23:55I thought Higgs was so popular last time,
23:58I thought, I can't kill him.
24:00So he's coming back, apparently.
24:03But Higgs is not a normal villain.
24:06He's very loved.
24:08He's a loved character.
24:11So I thought I would raise two, three steps higher for this character.
24:17And one of it is, during the pandemic,
24:22everyone, you know, remember that you were all alone in your house?
24:26Me too.
24:27And I was watching the internet,
24:29and Troy was actually singing with his guitar,
24:32and he was kind of broadcasting that to the world.
24:35He was giving, you know, everyone some energy.
24:39And I thought, yeah, Troy could sing.
24:41So I thought that, OK, Higgs,
24:44I'm going to give him a guitar, and I'm going to make him sing.
24:47And this was not ideal.
24:48Yeah, that was really cool in that first trailer.
24:50But then I asked Troy to sing a lot,
24:52so he sang a lot for the recording.
24:56Well, Troy, you're a renowned voice actor.
24:58You have some amazing, iconic, memorable roles.
25:01But this time, we get to see your acting beyond your voice.
25:04He's not answering the questions.
25:05He just speaks about the correct topic at the correct time.
25:08What is that like for you as an actor?
25:11Well, first I'm going to steal something from my boy Gabriel Luna
25:15and say it's good to be back in my home state of Texas.
25:18Oh, there it is.
25:20Best country in the world.
25:22I used to come to South by Southwest
25:23when my band was trying to get that record deal.
25:26And some of you are old enough to remember what that was like.
25:29And it's very much what he's talking about.
25:33There's the path you think you're going to take,
25:35and there's the path that you should take.
25:37And music, I thought, was going to be the way
25:39I was going to make my dent in the world.
25:41And what I realized is that I'm not a musician.
25:44I'm not an actor.
25:45I'm just a storyteller.
25:46And to be able to find people like Hideo
25:50to help you tell your story by you trying to help them tell theirs
25:55has been a true honor.
25:56And to find out that that's what inspired me
26:00doing stupid Instagram lives or whatever
26:03and playing music to try to connect with people,
26:06to inspire that for this character,
26:08I mean, as an actor, you just want to have a job.
26:10And if you not only get a job,
26:12but you get to work with incredible talent
26:17and incredible creators,
26:18and then for them to take that love
26:20that first sparked inside of you to tell that story
26:24and to integrate it into a character
26:26in a story like this is beyond my expectations.
26:29So thank you.
26:30Thank you very much, Hideo.
26:32That's nice.
26:33Let's give him a hand.
26:35So, Troy, you know, this is your second Death Stranding.
26:39How has Higgs evolved as a villain?
26:41So we got to see him a lot in Death Stranding 2
26:43or Death Stranding 1.
26:45What was your take this time with Death Stranding 2?
26:47What else have you brought to the evolving character?
26:49Part of the problem with success
26:53is now you've got this huge bar to hit
26:56and it's easy to walk in on that stage and go,
27:01is everyone going to like this?
27:02The fugs he wearing?
27:03I don't know.
27:04You've got to make sure that you not only hit that bar,
27:06but you jump over it in a backflip.
27:08And the good thing is that you've got a great team
27:12from the head down to lead us and go,
27:15just tell the story.
27:16Just play the scene and don't worry about it.
27:19And especially in the way that we shoot,
27:21if you're on Walking Dead or something,
27:23you've got this incredible set.
27:25Big glasses, big nose.
27:26And everyone's in the makeup.
27:28You're really in it.
27:29When we step foot on the stage
27:30and you're wearing spandex and shiny disco balls
27:32all over your face,
27:34everything's working against you
27:37to try to suspend your disbelief.
27:39And so what you have to do is you have to trust.
27:41And especially when you're creating a world
27:44like Hideo is doing,
27:46everybody is just trying to hit the world
27:50that is up in that head.
27:52And you see it on screen.
27:54It's a mind-blowing world with mind-blowing characters.
27:57It could be cringed in five different ways.
27:59All we have to do is just play it beat to beat
28:02and scene to scene.
28:03So worrying about the evolution,
28:05to me that's an editorial thing.
28:07That's how we take it back home
28:08and everybody at KJP and Hideo
28:10takes all of the bits that we put together
28:13and strings it into this beautiful story.
28:15Really for the actors,
28:16all we have to do is just trust.
28:19And the proof's in the pudding.
28:20You guys saw it with the first one
28:21and I can't wait to see what you think of the second one.
28:24Yeah, it looked badass.
28:25Well, it's great to have you back on stage with Norman.
28:27What was it like being back in performance capture together?
28:30Any fun stories?
28:31Anything you can share?
28:32It's a very serious story that we're telling,
28:36but we're just a bunch of goofs.
28:38And it's more about, like,
28:41if you don't have a good connection off camera,
28:46you're not going to have a good one on camera.
28:48And so some of my favorite moments with Norman
28:50are just, it's the zero hour.
28:52It's before you go to set.
28:54It's the cup of coffee and sitting at your trailer
28:56and just catching up and finding out
28:58what's been going on in your life
29:00for the last three or six months.
29:02And then being surprised with what Norman's going to do.
29:07Higher quality, most triple-A publishers.
29:09Yeah, I wonder why.
29:10It's truly amazing what she brought to it as well.
29:13And I wish she was here on stage with us.
29:15I feel like if a game's a triple-A game.
29:16But it's about saving those moments for the camera.
29:19And if you're not hanging out
29:20and if you're not talking to each other in between setups,
29:23then it's really hard to kind of spark that.
29:25So for me, all of my favorite moments with Norman
29:28are really just kind of the in-between moments.
29:31And it's been finding a friend in him
29:34and hearing about the artist that he is.
29:37And this guy's got a work ethics that is second to none.
29:40He throws everything into the role,
29:42everything into the work.
29:43And it's truly fun to watch him work.
29:45So once you step foot on stage with him,
29:47you realize that he didn't come to play.
29:50So you got to be prepared.
29:52You got to be ready to do backflips
29:53because that's what he's going to do.
29:55Norman, do you have any special memories and days with Troy?
30:00Yeah, a bunch.
30:01Now talk good about me.
30:02Of course I will.
30:03You know, he knows the world so well.
30:07He's such a seasoned pro.
30:10You do all these things that, you know,
30:14what's the thing you say in the beginning?
30:16The squid?
30:18What's that thing?
30:19Magellan Man?
30:22When you get there, you do the exercises and you say that.
30:25Oh, the purple dinosaur.
30:26Purple dinosaur.
30:28There's all these weird things that you do.
30:30And so I'm constantly, I was like, what does this mean?
30:32Norman is baked?
30:34Why am I saying the hungry purple dinosaur right now?
30:36You think that's why he's wearing the sunglasses?
30:38This isn't my dialogue, is it?
30:40It was nice to bond with somebody that could help me
30:42because this was all kind of brand new to me when we started.
30:46All right.
30:47Well, I love a peek into the mind of Troy Baker, purple dinosaur.
30:49You don't want to peek into this mind.
30:50I'm tired.
30:51For sure.
30:52All right.
30:53Well, it sounds like Sam's going to have a lot of trouble this time
30:55with Higgs, but thank you so much, Troy, for joining us today.
30:58And I can't wait to hear you singing in the game because I know music
31:01is so essential to the world of Death Stranding.
31:04The soundtrack, everything that we even saw in the trailer today.
31:06Yeah, the music did look really good.
31:07It really just sets the tone for the whole world.
31:09So is there anyone else we maybe want to bring out on stage?
31:15Yes, before that.
31:17For DS2?
31:20Higgs is not, like, twice or thrice better.
31:23It's 100 times better than DS1.
31:28So at the end, you're going to go, like, watch Higgs and say,
31:32what is this?
31:33And you'll probably throw the controller.
31:34It's so ridiculous.
31:35So I'll apologize beforehand.
31:37Mission accomplished if you do.
31:40Oh, my gosh.
31:43So I love music, as you know.
31:47And this time I put so many that I love for music.
31:51I still can't get over the fact that Troy was 10 minutes, man.
31:54Of course, I'm working with him again for DS2.
31:56Yeah, I didn't even realize that.
31:58That should happen so fast.
32:00Let's bring him out and meet our next guest.
32:01He's flown all the way from France.
32:02Please give a warm welcome to Woodkid.
32:05Woodkid, yeah.
32:23I don't know who that is.
32:26Hugs for everyone.
32:30All right, Woodkid, thank you so much for joining us here at South by.
32:32How's it going?
32:35That was your song in the trailer.
32:37We were backstage watching it.
32:38And I was like, this is beautiful.
32:40Can you tell us a bit about it?
32:41Oh, okay.
32:43What to say?
32:44It started like two years and a half ago.
32:47He's the composer.
32:48The video called me.
32:50And after I'd been involved in the director's cut of DS1.
32:54You must be sweating in that.
32:55Yeah, for real.
32:56I wanted to write a song.
32:57So come to Japan and spend some time.
33:00And I was like, okay, I'm going to come for a few days and just get inspired.
33:03And I stayed for a couple of weeks, maybe a bit more than this.
33:07I was stuck in an office with the teams.
33:11And we got inspired by the lore of the game and the beautiful performances of these guys.
33:18And I started to write.
33:21And then I was feeding Hideo ideas.
33:23And I was like, I'm going to do a couple of songs.
33:25And then this song came out.
33:26And Hideo was like, we're going to make it something.
33:31So it was right before we moved floors.
33:39So we didn't have any equipment.
33:41I have a meeting room right next to my room.
33:44He made the soundtrack for Assassin's Creed Revelations.
33:47Does that it?
33:48So every morning, I go to the office.
33:50He's already there.
33:51And when I go home, he's still there.
33:53He's making music there.
33:56So after two, three hours, I go and visit him.
34:01This is the character.
34:02This is the story.
34:04And then Woodkid, the next day, gives me all ideas and new songs.
34:08He made such great songs this way.
34:12And I also did some exercise with Woodkid every morning in the office.
34:16Yeah, he had me work out every morning.
34:19Well, it's a good way to get the creative juices flowing.
34:21Yeah, sure.
34:22So will To the Wilder be available soon?
34:24Because I need to add it to a playlist immediately.
34:27Where can we find it?
34:28I think it's out today, yeah.
34:29Out today.
34:31That's good timing, you know?
34:32It's convenient.
34:35How did you two meet?
34:36Because I know this is not the first time that you guys have worked together, right?
34:42In 2020, January, I was in Paris.
34:46And I had a friend who said to introduce a musician.
34:49And I met him.
34:51And it all went to pandemic right after that.
34:54So we kind of stayed in touch.
34:58And I listened to his music, and I really liked his music.
35:02And for Death Stranding Director's Cut, he kind of gave me a song to work on, Goliath.
35:09And I made the final trailer for Director's Cut using his song.
35:13But for DS2, I wanted to make it much more higher level.
35:18So it's been about two and a half years.
35:48I had worked before on my latest record.
35:51So I brought that in because Hideo was such a fan of some of these sounds.
35:55I was like, OK, we're going to bring them back.
35:57And of course, it's very orchestral.
35:59But it's also a various amount of pop songs.
36:04But they're also procedural.
36:06So the challenge was to create songs that would really be fitting the game,
36:12but also evolve as the player is playing.
36:16So I won't say too much, but it was a real challenge.
36:19But I'm very proud of what we've done.
36:21And yeah, it might be enough to make an album, maybe.
36:30To the Wilder is the main theme, right?
36:32But there's also themes for each character.
36:37And he's singing, and these are all beautiful songs.
36:41And also, it goes on the cut scenes and also in the gameplay scenes.
36:46But also, if you do something, I'm not going to say it,
36:49you could listen to the music too.
36:52So you could kind of always have the music playing with you.
36:55So it's like a record device? That kind of makes sense.
36:57Well, Woodkid, thank you so much for joining us.
36:59And I can't wait to hear more of the music.
37:02The soundtrack is so important to the world of Death Stranding.
37:05Kojima-san, I heard you have another announcement about music.
37:11Yeah, more stuff?
37:14We're going to have like an orchestra,
37:16a world tour of Death Stranding concert tour,
37:19starting end of this year.
37:21Let's roll the tape.
37:23Oh, shit.
37:41Kendrick Lamar sampled Woodkid before all the fame.
37:43Really? Damn.
37:52Yeah, this shit is nuts.
38:04London, yeah.
38:07Not Austin.
38:14It's kind of crazy how like so many other groups,
38:17I think, try to do what Kojima does.
38:19So we'll have a full orchestra performing the music of Death Stranding
38:21coming later this year.
38:22November 8th is the first kickoff date.
38:24But Austin, in case you weren't able to catch with your eyes how it flashed,
38:27there will be a date here.
38:29So do not worry.
38:30Make sure to head to Kojima Productions channels
38:32for all the full details after the panel.
38:37The Strands of Harmony is the title of the tour.
38:41And it will kick off from 8th of November in Sydney,
38:46at the Opera House.
38:47And we're going to go around.
38:49And we might add more cities.
38:54And maybe we might ask people to guest appear in these concerts as well,
38:59and musicians, maybe.
39:02We'll see.
39:03All right.
39:05I am ready for that.
39:06I love a concert series.
39:07All right.
39:08Well, there has been so much to unpack.
39:09We have seen a trailer.
39:10We've seen a collector's edition.
39:11We've chatted.
39:12A world tour.
39:13We're getting a little close on time.
39:15Kojima-san, could you check your watch for me?
39:20Oh, this watch.
39:21I'm going to zoom in on that.
39:25Maybe you saw in the trailer the guy with the bandana.
39:28Get it?
39:31He was wearing this.
39:32The Hamilton.
39:33And we do a collaboration with this watch this time in the game.
39:35Look at that.
39:36Jesus Christ.
39:37They're even making watches?
39:39All right.
39:40So that watch is going to be available on June 26 as well.
39:43Please check out Hamilton's official social channels after the show for more details.
39:47But for real now, we are starting to wind down on time.
39:50I wanted to make sure that everybody had a chance.
39:52If there's anything else we wanted to share,
39:54if we wanted to share some comments with the folks here in Austin,
39:57we could maybe start with Witkid and work our way down.
40:00I'm very, very proud of working for this master here.
40:07And yeah, I can't wait for you to see what we've done
40:09because I think it's quite special and it's quite substantial.
40:15I would echo that, first of all, saying thank you to Hideo.
40:19This has been a long-time partnership and collaboration,
40:22and I'm honored that you've included me in this.
40:24And to everybody who's ever come up to me to express
40:27how much this game is meant to them,
40:29know that it gets passed on to everyone on the team.
40:32Thank you guys for playing this game.
40:34We can't wait for you to play the second game.
40:36Do people dress like this unironically?
40:39I'm going to defer to Hideo for putting me in this.
40:43Yeah, this guy definitely does.
40:44It's been an eye-opening experience.
40:46A lot of years, a lot of hours, a lot of good times.
40:50Easily see that.
40:51Friendship stuff.
40:54I owe Guillermo a big one, I guess.
40:58Yeah, it's been a real joy watching you work.
41:01A real genius, for sure.
41:04And thank you guys for playing it.
41:06Thank you, South By Southwest.
41:07These are the two guys who are definitely dressed up.
41:09My first time here, I went out with Bill Murray.
41:11I just met him.
41:12He was in a dress riding a pony.
41:16And it's just been fun ever since.
41:18But thank you.
41:19Thanks for the opportunity.
41:20That is the beauty of South By.
41:21You never know who you're going to run into,
41:23what's going to be happening.
41:24Everything's always crazy.
41:25Kojima-san, before we wrap up,
41:27is there anything that you wanted to share
41:28with the folks here on stage
41:30and then the folks here in Austin who are watching at home?
41:34Well, it's about connection in the game.
41:38I didn't have anything when I started my independent studio.
41:41I only had connection with people.
41:44So I connected with Norman, Troy, and Yoann, Woodkid,
41:48and even the staff.
41:51It's kind of crazy he went and made his own studio
41:53and it's still doing so well.
41:56Am I dropping frames?
41:58It looks like...
41:59Okay, all right.
42:00Yeah, other people are F-ing too.
42:02This stream had an F.
42:03I'll just give it a second.
42:05See if it gets any better.
42:06See if it fixes itself.
42:07I don't know yet.
42:09Sony made a great investment.
42:10Yeah, they did.
42:13I feel like the game does look really good
42:14because Konami was only good because of him.
42:17Oh, there it is.
42:18When I created something through connection,
42:21the game was about everyone to,
42:23when you play the game,
42:25kind of maybe think about it and maybe share.
42:28And I think this game is going to turn out really good,
42:31so I hope you enjoy it and maybe share.
42:34Konami's in a shitter?
42:35I don't even know what they do nowadays.
42:36I have no idea.
42:38And acting, the music,
42:40everyone here on stage has contributed.
42:43It's like not a normal game.
42:45So the performance is great.
42:47So thank you so much.
42:53Yeah, we're going to play this on release like 100.
42:55Thank you all so much for joining us here
42:57at South by Southwest.
42:58Again, Death Stranding 2 on the Beach
43:00is available for pre-order starting March 17th,
43:02so right around the corner.
43:03You guys don't have to wait too, too long.
43:05And then this summer, June 26th,
43:07exclusively on PlayStation 5,
43:09Death Stranding 2 on the Beach.
43:11Make sure to check out PlayStation blog
43:13and playstation.com for more info
43:15on everything you've heard today,
43:16on the trailer, on the collector's edition,
43:18on that tour.
43:19We'll have all the details,
43:20all the numbers, everything that you guys want.
43:22And then in the meantime,
43:24thank you so much for the audience for being here.
43:26Thank you, Troy.
43:27Thank you, South by.
43:30We hope you enjoyed today's special panel
43:32presented by PlayStation.
43:33Thanks, y'all.
43:34Yeah, that was badass.
43:35They brought a lot of people in there too.
43:37That's really cool.
43:42Yeah, these two guys did not dress up.
43:45These two guys did.
43:47It's so obvious.
43:50So fucking obvious.
43:52Anyway, yeah.
43:53Bro, I cannot believe that happened
43:55right when it, uh,
43:57right whenever this ended.
43:58Like, yeah.
43:59I got lucky there.
44:01Yeah, I did.
44:02Like, that trailer, bro,
44:03that trailer was really good.
44:05Like, I, I,
44:07I was actually kind of surprised
44:08the quality of it.
44:09I didn't think it was going to be this good at all.
44:11But like, yeah,
44:12some of this was just really fucking badass.
44:16Like, I don't know anything about the story
44:18of this at all, but, um,
44:21this is really fucking cool.
44:23Like, yeah, this is badass.
44:25Uh, yeah, the solids.
44:26Yeah, dude, the snake part too.
44:28Yeah, we'll watch that again.
44:33Oh, that's the watch.
44:44Is this it?
44:45Yeah, I think this is it.
44:57There it fucking is.
45:18Man, this is fucking,
45:29this is so cool.
45:33Like, just,
45:36that's so badass.
45:39It is.
45:40That's so fucking cool.
45:42It looks amazing.
45:43Yeah, it does.
45:44And, uh, stranded snake.
45:46Like, I mean, this is the, uh,
45:48I mean, like,
45:50this is why I like video games, man.
45:52Like, yeah.
45:53Peak weird, 100% awesome.
45:55Yeah, I know.
45:56Are you going to play Death Stranding 2?
45:58Yeah, yeah.
45:59Well, any big game.
46:00Okay, so here's the thing.
46:02A lot of people ask me about this a lot.
46:04Um, any big game that's going to come out,
46:07I will be there farming it.
46:09I will be there playing it.
46:11I will be there doing it.
46:13So don't worry about it.
46:15It doesn't matter.
46:16Like, hey, hey, hey.
46:17Who killed Tempered Gore Magdala yesterday in six minutes?
46:21Oh, that's right.
46:23Because I beat the fucking game with Monster Hunter.
46:26I don't want to hear that shit.
46:28Who beat Avowed?
46:30Now, who didn't beat a couple other games?
46:32Also me.
46:33Who didn't beat Astro Bot?
46:35Okay, me.
46:36But I did play it.
46:37I played Astro Bot.
46:38I did, didn't I?
46:39Dynasty Warriors.
46:40I didn't.
46:41All right.
46:42I didn't.
46:43I didn't play that one.
46:44I played it a little bit, right?
46:45But that was it.
46:46And address the Death Stranding 1 allegations.
46:49I have never played the game.
46:51I don't know anything about the game.
46:53I heard that it was just a walking simulator
46:56and an Amazon delivery driver simulator.
46:59I didn't think it would be interesting.
47:01But now that the second game is coming out,
47:03I think that I'm going to put it on my list
47:05of games that I'm going to play.
47:07And even if it is a Amazon delivery driver simulator,
47:11I'm going to try out and play it
47:13and at least put a good foot forward
47:15and try to enjoy the game.
47:17How big is the list?
47:18So here's my list, right?
47:20You guys want to see my list.
47:22Give me a second.
47:23That's a calculator.
47:27So Asmon list of games to play.
47:32Games to play.
47:34All right.
47:35Number one right now is what's the what's
47:38and this is my actual list.
47:42Monster Hunter Wilds, right?
47:45Like just, you know, new weapon,
47:47new weapon, you know, set Deco farm.
47:53So like just to make sure I get all the right gear.
47:56So there's definitely this
47:57and then there's also Pirate Yakuza.
48:02Pirate Yakuza very, very big game
48:04and want to play that a lot.
48:06And then after that I have I did want to finish.
48:09I know you guys are going to get upset about this.
48:11I did want to finish fail guard.
48:13I'm almost done.
48:15I just I stopped playing it.
48:17And then also Stalker 2.
48:19I haven't finished that game either.
48:21No, I just I want to finish the fucking game.
48:23I just want to finish it.
48:24I want to I'm almost done with it.
48:26I want to finish the fucking game.
48:28That way I can say it sucks
48:30and I can say see look it sucks.
48:32Like I know it sucks.
48:33I played the whole thing, you know,
48:35and then after that and then there's also KCD 2
48:39and then I'm trying to think
48:41are there any other games after this?
48:46I will say that Death Stranding 1
48:53is now above Witcher 3
48:56and the reason why is
48:58because Witcher 4 doesn't come out for a while
49:00but Death Stranding 2 comes out pretty soon.
49:05So like that that's really it
49:07and so like let me see here
49:09and Kazan comes out in two weeks.
49:10Yeah, yeah, yeah.
49:11No, I know that
49:12but I'm talking about other games
49:13that I'm going to play now.
49:15But you actually gonna finish Cyberpunk
49:16but not finish Fail Guard?
49:17No, no, no.
49:18You don't understand.
49:19These are games that I'm going to play off stream.
49:22Like these are all going to be off stream games for me
49:25that I play on my own time.
49:27I know this might sound crazy
49:29but I actually really like video games
49:31and I like playing video games.
49:34I'm not going to make you guys watch Fail Guard.
49:36No, that's at that point like isn't that
49:39that's I probably should get banned for that.
49:42So no, no, that's not it at all.
49:44Now in terms of stream games.
49:46Okay, so this is two lists, right?
49:49So you have these are Asmon list of games to play
49:52and then you have a second one
49:53and then this is going to be Asmon
49:58Asmon list of games to stream.
50:00Okay, and then all right.
50:02Well, what?
50:05Let me think.
50:09Yeah, so that's the problem, right?
50:13AC Shadows
50:14Kazan first Berserker game
50:16Kazan first Berserker
50:18and I feel like there's definitely that
50:20I'm trying to think if there's anything else
50:22Skyrim guys
50:24y'all need to shut the fuck up about that Skyrim shit.
50:27Y'all got to shut the fuck up about that.
50:30Yeah, Death Stranding 2.
50:31Death Stranding 2.
50:32Yeah, Death Stranding 2.
50:34Well, I mean these are all like new games, right?
50:36And so like obviously I'm going to play all these new games.
50:39I mean, why would I not play the new games?
50:41So like I'll probably I will get to Death Stranding 1
50:44and I will finish the game.
50:46Hopefully by the time the Death Stranding 2 comes out
50:49before it comes out.
50:50The same as like I did that with Dragons Dogma 1
50:53is I beat Dragons Dogma 1
50:55or at least I credits rolled it.
50:57I didn't do the DLC
50:58before Dragons Dogma 2 came out
51:00and so like that way I can go into the game
51:02and I know what I'm expecting.
51:04I know what I'm planning, right?
51:05And so that's it.
51:06Now there's a chance
51:08that I could maybe stream the first day or two
51:10of Death Stranding 1, right?
51:12Like I feel like again,
51:13this is an immersive long-form RPG
51:17and I don't really like streaming games like that.
51:19I'm just going to be totally honest.
51:20I don't like doing it.
51:22It's like weird and annoying to me,
51:24but I would maybe stream a first day
51:26or something like that,
51:27you know, something like that.
51:28Yeah, the Expedition 33.
51:30Yeah, yeah, that's another one.
51:31But these are all like what we're talking about now
51:35or like just new game releases.
51:37Like other than that,
51:38like old game releases that I would play,
51:41I would probably say the two big ones
51:43would be Ghost of Tsushima and Skyrim.
51:47Like if I was going to think about it
51:49and also there's a big part of me
51:51that I don't really even want to do that
51:53until I finish Cyberpunk
51:55because that's another game
51:56that I never really finished.
51:58So yeah, Ghost of Tsushima.
52:00Yeah, yeah.
52:01But like any new video game that comes out,
52:03I will play the new video game, right?
52:05And I hope that at this point
52:07people can respect the fact that I do that
52:10and I will continue doing this
52:12and Persona, you know,
52:14if they bring out a new Persona,
52:16I'll play it on release.
52:18But yeah,
52:19you may be concerned about what's this year
52:21about graphics and action being dated.
52:23You're correct.
52:24But mods take care of that.
52:25I don't care about that.
52:26I'm not going to do it with mods.
52:27I'm going to do the raw game.
52:28That's it.
52:29So didn't you say
52:30you're going to play Genshin sometime?
52:31So when am I going to play Genshin?
52:36That's a great question.
52:38Anybody else have any other questions?
52:41Any more of these?
52:43I'll eventually play it.
52:44Like the thing is that
52:45like I've been playing,
52:47I played Wuthering Waves
52:48a pretty good amount.
52:49I played the 2.0 patch.
52:50I thought it was actually very good.
52:51It was a very, very good patch.
52:53It was one of the best
52:54gotcha patches I've ever played.
52:56And I did all the content.
52:58I beat everything.
52:59I did everything.
53:00I did the holograms at level six.
53:03I didn't do the new one.
53:04I did not finish the new one.
53:06The heckade or whatever the fuck it is.
53:08So like the only thing
53:10that I haven't played yet is
53:12I was going to go back and play
53:14Zenless Zone Zero again.
53:15But then I thought to myself
53:17every moment that I'm spending
53:18playing Zenless Zone Zero
53:20is a moment that I'm not playing
53:21Pirate Yakuza or S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2.
53:25And so I just never really
53:26got around to playing it, right?
53:27Because there's just so many
53:28of these other games
53:29that are just like honestly
53:30like way fucking better, right?
53:32And so like, yeah, AI Limit.
53:34Yeah, no, I'll play that for sure.
53:37Would you play any of the previous
53:38Fable games for the first one?
53:39Yeah, I can maybe do.
53:40If I did a playthrough of Fable 1
53:42before the new Fable game comes out,
53:45I think that could actually
53:46be pretty cool.
53:49Yeah, I don't know how long
53:50that playthrough would be though.
53:52That's the only thing is
53:53I'm not really sure.
53:54But yeah, maybe that would be fun.
53:56I don't know.
53:57Rise of the Ronin comes out tomorrow.
53:58Is that true?
54:04Comes out on March 10th.
54:06Damn, it does actually.
54:08Yeah, I might play this tomorrow then.
54:10I don't know.
54:11What is tomorrow?
54:12Tomorrow's Monday.
54:13Yeah, I'll probably try this out.
54:14I mean, look, the thing is that
54:18I mean, honestly,
54:20I'm not expecting this game
54:21to be super good.
54:22I looked at some of the gameplay.
54:23I thought it was okay.
54:25But I think it'd be worth...
54:27Listen, it's an action combat sword game.
54:32I'm going to play it.
54:34I'm going to play the game.
54:35And if it sucks,
54:36I'll stop playing it in an hour
54:38and that's it.
54:39But I played Ninja Gaiden a lot.
54:42I put a lot of hours into Ninja Gaiden.
54:44So maybe I'll try it again
54:45and see if it's any better.
54:47And that's how I see.
54:49And if you like Core Keeper, Terraria,
54:51yeah, I don't know.
54:52But Nioh 2 is better in my opinion.
54:54It's a solid 7.5 out of 10.
54:55It's a good game.
54:56Yeah, I mean,
54:57the last game that I played
54:58that was kind of like this
54:59was Wulong.
55:00And that game fucking sucked dick.
55:02That game was so fucking bad.
55:04And so that's kind of what makes me think
55:06this game won't be good.
55:07But I will absolutely try the game
55:09and get into it.
55:11It's just like some of the gameplay
55:12did not look amazing.
55:14And so that's why it was a little bit
55:15kind of lukewarm on it.
55:17But yeah, finished Ninja Gaiden
55:18before Veilguard.
55:19The reason why I didn't finish Ninja Gaiden
55:21is because I heard that they were
55:22coming out with a patch.
55:24And I assumed that the patch
55:25was going to fix the frame rate issue.
55:28Or sorry, the camera issue
55:29that the game has.
55:30The game has very bad camera issues.
55:32And that's the reason why I didn't,
55:34I haven't played it yet, right?
55:35That's the only reason.
55:37And so, yeah, if they do fix that,
55:39I would be very happy.
55:41The patch didn't fix it.
55:42Yeah, that's too bad.
55:45But yeah, the game, I mean,
55:46Ninja Gaiden 2 was really fun.
55:48I just think that the controls for the game
55:50made the game a lot worse.
55:52Like basically, if the game had the level
55:54of responsiveness and control
55:57that Elven Ring had,
55:58Ninja Gaiden 2 would have been
56:00an insanely fucking good game.
56:02But it just didn't, really.
56:04It just didn't.
56:05And so that's why I stopped playing it.
56:08That was the real reason.
56:10I just didn't really like the way
56:11that the game was,
56:13I didn't like the way the game played.
56:14The camera's ass?
56:15Yeah, it just made it not fun.
56:17But other than that, I mean,
56:18I thought the game was very,
56:19it was a great game, right?
56:20Amazing game.
56:21But it just wasn't necessarily really
56:24for me, right?
56:26And cameras can really frustrate me a lot.
56:28And so that's it.