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Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: SNAKE CHALLENGE / Maizen animation.
OVERSPEED Speedrunner VS Hunter in Minecraft.
Today JJ and Mikey become Snakes in Minecraft.
Mikey and JJ in Mutant Worm in Roblox!
New Video Maizen - JJ turned into a Snake - Roblox Snakey!
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#maizen #minecraft
Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial


00:00What's that?
00:01In this video, Mikey and I ended up in virtual reality.
00:05Whoa! We're snakes now!
00:08Who will win and become the longest snake?
00:11What? There's a troll on our server? He's attacking us!
00:19Mikey, hurry up before the lightning zaps us!
00:22Why does it always start raining when we're far from home?
00:27We forgot to check the weather forecast!
00:30Ouch! What was that?
00:32The weather's getting worse! Lightning is striking everywhere!
00:36Next time we're taking the car!
00:38Quick! Back home!
00:41Faster! Get inside!
00:44Try again!
00:46Not again! I can't squeeze through!
00:49Mikey, drop the umbrella!
00:52The wind is getting stronger!
00:57It flew away!
00:58Oh no! My umbrella!
01:00These thunderclaps are freaking me out!
01:03Yeah! It always feels like it's gonna hit our house!
01:07Time to rest!
01:08What's your idea?
01:10The rain will last all day! Maybe we should play some games!
01:15How about dusting off our VR headsets?
01:18Sounds awesome!
01:19Let's do it!
01:23Oh! It's sunny here! Cool!
01:26JJ! Here I am!
01:28Look at me!
01:30What? You turned into a snake?
01:33Yeah! This is awesome!
01:35Oh wait! What about me?
01:37You're a snake too! A red one!
01:40And you look like a tiny worm!
01:42Alright little snake! We need to eat fruit to grow!
01:46Where do we get food?
01:48Over there!
01:50An apple!
01:52Let's go!
01:55Time to eat!
01:57Mmm! Delicious!
02:00You got a little longer!
02:02Oh! It works!
02:04Guys! Would you like to play this mod?
02:07Like this video if you want to play with us!
02:10I see a watermelon!
02:12I'm eating this!
02:15This game is made for you! You're always hungry!
02:19Whoa! Cool! We're growing!
02:22Shall we look for more fruit?
02:24Okay! The winner is whoever gets the longest!
02:28Looks like we have a new leader!
02:30It's me now!
02:33I can already imagine myself as a giant anaconda!
02:37Hey! Oversized snake!
02:40While you're chatting, I found more bonuses!
02:43Hey! Save some for me!
02:45Ha! I'm lucky!
02:49Oh yeah! Victory!
02:51What? You got three in a row?
02:53Oh yes! That was delicious!
02:55Hey! You're growing way too fast!
02:58I'm a snake master!
03:00There's nothing here!
03:02JJ! All the bonuses are mine!
03:05Take this!
03:07Where did everything go?
03:09Everything's in my belly!
03:11I have to catch up to Mikey!
03:13Looks like I'm winning this challenge!
03:15I need to find apples or bananas ASAP!
03:18Not that!
03:20Ooh! Super bonus!
03:22What's that?
03:24A golden apple!
03:26That gives you a huge growth boost in the game!
03:31Then this is exactly what I need!
03:33Hey! That's mine!
03:35Thanks! I was just about to grab a snack!
03:38That's not fair!
03:40I'm now the longest snake on the server!
03:44Mikey is a bad friend!
03:46Ha! You lost!
03:48Look out!
03:51Ouch! I crashed!
03:55Oops! I lost!
04:00Now I'm tiny again!
04:02Just like at the start!
04:04Yes! I took the lead!
04:06You'll have to start all over again!
04:08Oh no!
04:10There are barely any fruits left!
04:12Oh! A fruit!
04:14I'm coming!
04:16This apple will help me grow a little bigger!
04:19Aha! Here's my chance!
04:22I'm so hungry!
04:24Every bonus gets me closer to victory!
04:26It's mine!
04:28Nope! Mine!
04:33We crashed!
04:35We both lost!
04:36How did that happen?
04:38If you hit another snake!
04:40Game over!
04:41Hey! Should we start over?
04:43Yes! This time I'll be the longest!
04:45The game goes on!
04:47Comment down below!
04:49Who do you think will win?
04:51Who will become the longest snake?
04:54Or Mikey!
04:58Did you see that?
05:00Yup! We've got a new player!
05:02I thought this was a private server!
05:04Could it be a hacker?
05:06What is that monster?
05:08It's a troll!
05:10How did he find us?
05:17Oh no! He's attacking the villagers!
05:22He ate him!
05:25Poor guy!
05:27And now he's got a giant ball in his belly!
05:29All the villagers are in danger!
05:31How do we help them?
05:33We have to stop the troll!
05:34What if he eats us?
05:36Didn't think about that!
05:38Shh! The troll might notice us!
05:42Did you mean slither?
05:44Doesn't matter! Just hide in the field!
05:46This spot looks good!
05:48We'll hide in the grass!
05:50Phew! We're safe!
05:52Think he won't find us here?
05:54The key is not shaking the grass!
05:56Brr! That evil snake is hunting us!
05:58Hold your breath!
06:00And what's that?
06:02Oh no! He got even bigger!
06:04It's surrounding us!
06:08We have to escape!
06:10Where's the exit?
06:12Over here! We can make it!
06:14I'm closing in!
06:16It's a trap!
06:18We're trapped in a loop!
06:20Yes! We're like mice in a cage!
06:22Mikey! You crashed!
06:24This is the end for me!
06:26How do I survive?
06:30I crashed too!
06:32Where are we?
06:34We respawned back in the village!
06:36Game over!
06:38Did the troll really win?
06:40He's playing unfairly!
06:42We need to teach him a lesson!
06:44There's barely any fruit left!
06:46We won't be able to grow big enough to eat him!
06:48We need a plan!
06:50A runaway plan?
06:52A winning plan!
06:54What do we do?
06:56I'll distract him!
06:58Okay! I'll set a trap!
07:00Let's go!
07:02I've got an idea!
07:04Hey! Worm! I'm over here!
07:06Catch me if you can!
07:10JJ! Be careful!
07:14Why do you need TNT blocks?
07:16I'm preparing a hidden trap for the boss!
07:18Good idea!
07:20Just like this!
07:22Hurry up!
07:26A little more!
07:28Are you seriously painting TNT to look like an apple?
07:32This is going to be a surprise!
07:34The troll is catching up to me!
07:36Hold on! Almost ready!
07:38He's about to eat me!
07:42Everything's set!
07:44Now's the time to support us!
07:46Guys! We believe in your support!
07:50The villain took the bait!
07:52Right here!
07:54Jump! Like this!
07:56What about the troll?
07:58Got him!
08:02He couldn't stop and ate all the blocks!
08:06Look! The villager survived!
08:08We saved them!
08:10And where's the troll?
08:12There he is!
08:14Whoa! Now he's tiny!
08:16Don't hide!
08:18We're going to teach you a lesson!
08:20Catch him!
08:22Let's go!
08:24Troll! Stop!
08:26What a coward!
08:28Guys! Don't miss the next challenge!
08:30Watch right now!
08:32We're playing a Sonic game! Do you like it?
08:34I just love it!
08:36Mikey! Look how I collect rings!
08:38It's so easy!
08:42But let me try, please!
08:44No! The boss is coming soon!
08:46We've never beaten him yet!
08:48I want to try too!
08:50Maybe I can!
08:52Mikey! This is a serious mission!
08:54I only have one try!
08:56I'd show you how to beat this boss!
08:58You better cheer for me!
09:00Then we'll definitely beat this game!
09:04Come on, Sonic!
09:06That's it! I love speed!
09:08Run! Go!
09:16Oh! Did you hear the bell?
09:18Who's there?
09:20It must be the delivery guy who brought our pizza!
09:24Let's run downstairs!
09:26Okay! The game can wait!
09:30I didn't know you made food delivery for us!
09:32I ordered the biggest pizza!
09:34Oh yeah!
09:36We definitely won't go hungry!
09:38Mmm! Pizza!
09:40It feels like you'll eat it in a second!
09:44Come in!
09:46Put the pizza right here!
09:52Mmm! What a smell!
09:56It's good that we're home!
09:58Yeah! Imagine walking outside in this weather!
10:00No way!
10:08I hope I remembered to pause the game!
10:12Time for a change of pace!
10:16But we didn't know that at that moment
10:18the villain made Sonic evil!
10:20Prepare to be skewered!
10:22How about this?
10:26What happens next?
10:28What happens next?
10:30You'll find out right now!
10:36Let's start dinner!
10:38Bon appétit to everyone who's eating now!
10:40Oh yeah!
10:50Did you notice anything?
10:52No! Everything's fine!
10:54I thought lightning struck right next to our house!
10:56Our house is like a bunker!
10:58Nothing broke!
11:00That was delicious!
11:02Mmm! You're right!
11:04We have to beat this game!
11:06Well, that's it! My turn!
11:08I play now!
11:10Okay! But be careful!
11:14This is weird! What happened to Sonic?
11:16Look! It's kind of angry!
11:18Are you sure this is normal?
11:20Wait! Sonic is in danger!
11:22How did this happen?
11:24Maybe this is a bug in the game?
11:26I've never seen anything like this before!
11:28Or maybe it's just a glitch!
11:30Let's restart the game!
11:32Hmm! I don't know!
11:34Oops! The gamepad isn't working!
11:36What is this?
11:38JJ, look!
11:40It's like Sonic is trying to crawl out of the TV!
11:44Wait! It seems like the game is frozen!
11:48Ouch! Lightning struck!
11:50It's even scary!
11:52Don't be afraid! It's safe at home!
11:54We have nothing to be afraid of!
11:58This is definitely not a bug!
12:02Something seems wrong!
12:04Ah! It's crawling out here!
12:06Evil Sonic is here!
12:10Run! Run! It's coming at us!
12:12We need to hide somewhere!
12:16Let's split up!
12:18We're in big trouble!
12:20The game is cursed!
12:22Maybe I can hide in the closet!
12:26This place is occupied, JJ!
12:28This is my hideout!
12:30Go find another bunker! I'm here first!
12:38If JJ found me easily,
12:40then this Sonic guy can definitely find me here!
12:44Oh no!
12:46Sonic almost found me!
12:50That was close!
12:52Mikey, watch out!
12:54It's coming for you!
12:56I need to do something!
12:58We can't just run around the house!
13:00JJ, I'm back with you!
13:02Why did you get outside?
13:04Maybe you can do something about the game?
13:08I'm trying,
13:10but the buttons aren't working!
13:12It's already on the stairs, JJ!
13:14We need to stop this!
13:16I pressed the button combination!
13:18Oh! What's going on?
13:22Oh, I can't stand up!
13:26It's like we're being sucked into the TV!
13:30Wow! Are we inside a game?
13:32Right! We're in the game!
13:34And Sonic is now free in our house!
13:36Look, it's looking for us!
13:38But now Sonic has lost our trail!
13:42Do you think Sonic the Hedgehog will notice
13:44that we're in the game now?
13:46Hopefully not!
13:48Maybe if we beat the level, we can get out of here!
13:50Sonic's world is so colorful!
13:52So how do we get out? Any ideas?
13:54If we beat this level
13:56and defeat the boss,
13:58the game will reset!
14:00And we'll go back home!
14:02Sounds logical!
14:04Hey, look! Rings!
14:06Let's collect them! It's like in the game!
14:08Oh, cool!
14:10But we're so slow!
14:12How do we get faster?
14:16I have speed potions!
14:18Let's drink them and run!
14:20Oh, that's different!
14:22Now we're like Sonic the Hedgehog!
14:26We're running faster than the wind!
14:28There's no wind in this game!
14:32That's right!
14:34Let's parkour on the platforms!
14:36Just like in the real game!
14:40That was fun!
14:42I forgot for a second that we were stuck in a game!
14:46We're doing great!
14:48Don't relax!
14:50We still have to reach the boss!
14:54We've collected so many rings!
14:56That's awesome!
14:58If you fall down, it's game over for you!
15:02Don't stop!
15:04Watch out!
15:06Do you hear screams?
15:08Oh no!
15:10How do we get to the fox?
15:12It's so high!
15:14I have rings!
15:16Let's try to craft something!
15:18Are you serious?
15:20The rings can help?
15:22Look, I'll put up a crafting table.
15:24Put the rings in the slots.
15:26We have to help him!
15:28We're good players!
15:32It's a lucky block!
15:34What's inside?
15:36You got trampoline blocks!
15:40Let's build a trampoline and jump to the platform!
15:42A trampoline is the best way to get higher!
15:44That's it!
15:46You did it!
15:48Jump like a bunny!
15:50Hold on, Mikey!
15:52We're almost there!
15:54So high!
15:58Like this!
16:04We'll save you!
16:06Break the cage, JJ!
16:08Just a little more!
16:10Yay! You did it!
16:12That's it! You're free, Tails!
16:18The fox thanks us!
16:20And Tails gave us blasters!
16:22These will come in handy in the boss fight!
16:24Wow! Thanks, Tails!
16:26This is exactly what we need!
16:28See you later!
16:30We were happy to help you!
16:32It's a race to the finish!
16:34Now we have weapons!
16:36We can definitely handle this!
16:40So, Mikey,
16:42are you ready to fight the bad guy?
16:44The boss will come to an end!
16:48I can already imagine defeating this Eggman!
16:54JJ, while you were giving your speech,
16:56the boss already flew here!
16:58Oops! What?
17:00It's flying around on its own flying machine!
17:02How are we even going to get it?
17:06I will flatten you!
17:08Calm down! We have blasters!
17:10This will end it!
17:12Aim and shoot!
17:16Parallel attack!
17:18Dodge! It shoots something powerful!
17:20The boss is in trouble!
17:22Take this!
17:24Shoot the Eggmobile!
17:26I'm right here!
17:28Dr. Eggman,
17:30we will defeat you!
17:32We got it!
17:34What are you doing?
17:36Yeah, look!
17:38One of his engines is smoking!
17:40It's losing health!
17:42But the boss hasn't given up yet!
17:44Get ready for the next attack!
17:46Get more!
17:48We need to destroy the Eggmobile!
17:52Now we'll finish it!
17:54Ow! I got hit!
17:58I'm holding on to the edge of the platform!
18:00You survived!
18:02But I can't hold on like this for long!
18:04Wait! I'll try to pull you out!
18:06Don't! It's dangerous!
18:08Fight, Eggman!
18:10I'll try!
18:12You can do it!
18:14Guys, like it and help us defeat Eggman!
18:16Get this!
18:18Get more!
18:20That's it!
18:22Not bad!
18:24I'm already out of commission!
18:30Oh no!
18:32My hands are slipping!
18:40Hang on, Mikey!
18:42I'm running!
18:44JJ, hurry up!
18:48Am I starting to fly?
18:54Mikey! No!
18:56Are you flying too?
18:58Whoa! We're flying up together!
19:00Is this some kind of magic?
19:02It looks like we're being pulled back to our world!
19:08We're coming back!
19:10We're home!
19:12We finally left the game!
19:14Oh look! There's Sonic the Hedgehog!
19:16It's running around us so funny!
19:18I got it!
19:20Should we leave the hedgehog here?
19:22I want to play with Sonic!
19:24No! The blue hedgehog
19:26needs to go back to his world!
19:28Sonic has friends there, Mikey!
19:30You're right! They need Sonic!
19:32That was sweet!
19:34So, are you ready, buddy?
19:36Oh yeah!
19:38Here we go!
19:42Sonic is back in his world!
19:44And he's looking at us
19:46right through the screen!