00:00There are a total of 39 entertainers who have challenged KAMIWAZA CLAIN so far.
00:06Tonight, we have a special guest for the first time on TV.
00:11New CLAIN star!
00:15Oh, Mr. Ichiro!
00:16No way! That national star has come!
00:20Oh, it's Mr. Ichiro!
00:21Really? I'm so happy!
00:22Are you going to do a UFO catch?
00:26Oh, timing.
00:27Oh, it's Mr. Ichiro!
00:29It's Mr. Ichiro!
00:30He catches moving things.
00:33Mr. Ichiro, the world's best impersonator.
00:37He looks like Mr. Ichiro.
00:38He looks like Mr. Ichiro.
00:39I'm the best among the impersonators.
00:41Mr. Yoshimoto is the best.
00:43There are quite a lot of impersonators.
00:46Mr. Ichiro goes around the country in the business of CLAIN.
00:51In addition, he plays games with his family more than twice a week.
00:55He has collected more than 500 prizes for his children.
01:00Is your mother good?
01:01My mother is good.
01:02Do you think you will succeed?
01:03I hope I can achieve the results I have achieved from day to day.
01:08I'll do my best.
01:10His ability is as good as the finalist, Johnny Shimura.
01:14He is quite good.
01:16It seems that the big three of CLAIN games in the world of impersonators will be together.
01:19Let's take Johnny Shimura as an example.
01:21Mr. Ichiro.
01:22I think he will do it.
01:24Please stand by.
01:27Please stand by.
01:30His family came to support him.
01:34I'm Konichiro and Konikonichiro.
01:36The third one is Konikonikonichiro.
01:39That's right.
01:40Please concentrate.
01:45Now, the important first seat.
01:49Two seats are connected.
01:50Is that so?
01:51That's right.
01:53It's about 40 cm high.
01:55It's a huge candy crane.
01:57Two 5x size pies are connected.
02:02It's too heavy to lift.
02:04How do you drop it?
02:07You can't grab it.
02:09If you push the left seat, it will fall.
02:13The aim is to drop it with one arm.
02:16It's an illusion spin.
02:18However, he failed in the first seat.
02:23I think I was a little late.
02:26Will it be the first seat and the first hit?
02:31It's similar.
02:34That's when you put it in.
02:38Please concentrate.
02:41You can do it.
02:44Dad, you can do it.
02:49It looks good.
02:51How is it?
02:53Please hit the tree.
02:57I pushed it in.
02:59How is it?
03:00It fell.
03:03That's amazing.
03:06I pushed it in to melt it.
03:10He got a candy crane that he couldn't succeed in the first seat.
03:15He's good.
03:17He got 1 meter.
03:21I learned a lot from my teacher.
03:23My wife is my teacher.
03:26This is the left side.
03:30His wife, Kimi, is his teacher.
03:34He has been good at games since he was a child.
03:37He is a very good gamer.
03:40It's different.
03:44He practiced with his family.
03:46He came to get 1 million yen.
03:49I'm good friends with Nichiro.
03:54Nichiro is the kindest child in the world.
03:57He is a very good child.
04:00I don't want to see Nichiro's tears.
04:04I want to see Nichiro happy.
04:06I want him to do his best.
04:08The second player is Kanechika.
04:13Kanechika recommended him.
04:16He is a disciple of Lugia.
04:18He is good.
04:20I learned a lot from him.
04:22I think he is close to me.
04:25Kanechika is a good player.
04:28I want to get 1 million yen.
04:29I want to get 1 million yen.
04:31I want to get 1 million yen.
04:33The strongest crane player, Yukipoyo.
04:36When I was in elementary school, I went to catch UFO almost every day.
04:41I have been playing since I was 7 years old.
04:43This is my 21st year.
04:45He is a fool.
04:47But he is very good at playing crane.
04:50He is the manager of a game store.
04:53He is very good.
04:56Yukipoyo is a professional player.
04:59He looks good in the game store.
05:02I can catch it with one shot.
05:04This is a mini crane.
05:08This is a 360-degree arm.
05:12He is aiming for a prize.
05:15The width of the arm is small.
05:17He needs a delicate control technique.
05:20He is weak.
05:21If he can get one of the four prizes, he will be strong.
05:27I aim for this yellow bear.
05:31I roll it with two legs.
05:35I see.
05:36I have to show my skill.
05:38I can't fool around.
05:40I don't pretend to be a fool.
05:42Did you pretend to be a fool?
05:43I have been pretending to be a fool.
05:46He changed his character from a gyaru to a crane girl.
05:49Is his skill real?
05:57He controls the arm.
06:01He looks serious.
06:03He is serious.
06:05He is angry.
06:07Can he roll it well?
06:10I want to catch it.
06:12It looks difficult.
06:14Is it okay?
06:16He did it.
06:18He has 21 years of experience.
06:22He is happy.
06:23If he is happy, he should go home.
06:28Do you play crane games?
06:30I don't usually play crane games.
06:33Did you play crane games when you were a student?
06:34I didn't play crane games when I was a student.
06:37Have you ever played a crane game?
06:39I have played a crane game.
06:40It's decided.
06:42I'm asking you to play a crane game.
06:44I will play a crane game.
06:47She will play a crane game.
06:50The ring is 3.5 cm in diameter.
06:54She needs a skill to put her arm in the ring.
06:59She is good at controlling the space.
07:01She can't make a mistake.
07:03I want to do it.
07:05I will aim at the bottom of the box.
07:09It's easy to get caught.
07:12She chooses a box that is easy to get caught.
07:16She has 21 years of experience.
07:18She knows how to catch a crane.
07:26She is lazy.
07:29She is determined to catch a crane.
07:33She caught a crane.
07:39Will she be able to catch a crane?
07:44How is it?
07:45Is it okay?
07:47How is it?
07:51Can you catch a crane?
07:55She caught a crane.
07:58It's a pity.
08:00She made a mistake because she put her arm in the ring.
08:06I will do it again.
08:08I won't give up.
08:09I will aim at the middle of the box.
08:12I can't make a mistake.
08:14Will she be able to catch a crane?
08:17Is it okay?
08:21Is it okay?
08:23Is it impossible to catch a crane?
08:27How is it?
08:29She caught a crane.
08:32That's great.
08:34She is good.
08:36She caught a crane.
08:40That's great.
08:42I caught a crane.
08:44You did it.
08:47Thank you very much.
08:49She doesn't react to my posts.
08:53But she likes my posts.
08:58I will do it again.
09:00Don't post a lot of likes.
09:01The staff checked her post.
09:03She posted more than 1 million likes.
09:07She likes my posts.
09:09She only posts my posts.
09:13I'm embarrassed.
09:14I'm good at this.
09:16She is good at fishing.
09:20How many times can you catch a crane?
09:23I can catch a crane once in 10 times.
09:26She puts a hook in the ring.
09:31There is a third button on this stand.
09:35You can adjust the height of this button.
09:40You have to adjust the height of this button.
09:45This is a difficult task.
09:48Can she catch a crane?
09:53The hook is in front of the red stick.
09:57The rope is shaking.
09:59You have to read the shaking and put the hook in the ring.
10:03What is this?
10:05This is a crane game.
10:07This is an octopus that I practiced a lot.
10:09She is good at this.
10:12YUKIKO wants to play this game.
10:20This is all thanks to SHOHEI.
10:29She switched on the game mode.
10:31She switched on the game mode.
10:35She is good at fishing.
10:48She is good at fishing.
10:56She is good at fishing.
10:58She can't fish.
11:00I'm sorry.
11:02I was fishing very well.
11:04I'm sorry.
11:06YUKIKO was not good at fishing.
11:08She failed to put the hook in the ring.
11:10This is my job.
11:11I will try again.
11:12YUKIKO tries again without giving up.
11:15I was able to catch a crane once in 10 times.
11:17She has a lot of guts.
11:26How is it?
11:28How is it?
11:31She is good at fishing.
11:34How is it?
11:37How is it?
11:40She was able to fish.
11:42She is good at fishing.
11:44She is good at fishing.
11:46She fixed the depth of the fish.
11:48She put the hook in the ring.
11:50She killed the shaking.
11:52She was able to catch a fish.
11:54She was able to catch a fish at the fastest pace in history.
11:57She is good at fishing.
11:59NICHIRO has won two prizes with 600 yen left.
12:05What is the next target?
12:10I'm interested in this narrow strike zone.
12:13I'm interested in this narrow strike zone.
12:19This looks fun.
12:21If the stick attached to the arm passes through the hole, a large number of prizes will fall from KUSUDAMA.
12:29The diameter of the stick is 1.3 cm.
12:31The hole is only 2 cm.
12:34Many challenges have been challenged.
12:37She has only succeeded once out of eight times.
12:41She is good at fishing.
12:44She chose a difficult one.
12:49I haven't been cool so far.
12:55I want to be more cool.
12:58I want to live up to expectations.
13:01She wants to show her cool back to her children.
13:04I don't have a sense of unity.
13:14I only do this.
13:20The horizontal position seems to be correct.
13:27This is good.
13:29This is NICHIRO in Japan.
13:36This doesn't go in.
13:38She failed because the stick was slightly tilted to the side.
13:44However, she failed twice in a row.
13:48This is not good.
13:50This is a difficult challenge.
13:53You should put the stick and the stick together.
13:57This is difficult.
13:59Put the stick and the stick together.
14:01I'm happy.
14:03I don't have any problems.
14:06This is not NICHIRO.
14:08This is difficult to play.
14:10The master who was cool here will show you a good example.
14:19The grip is perfect.
14:22This is amazing.
14:26This is amazing.
14:28This is a master.
14:30This is a master.
14:32This is a master.
14:35This is a master who can do it.
14:37This is good.
14:39YUKI POYA also failed twice in a row.
14:43Why does everyone do this?
14:45I want to do this.
14:47This is the third time.
14:49I think the pressure will change from now on.
14:51I don't want to lose to the pressure this time.
14:56Only this time?
14:58I participated in THE W last summer.
15:04I challenged THE W with an air make-up artist.
15:07It's a flashy make-up artist.
15:09It was a story written by KANECHIKA.
15:12I was telling a lot of stories.
15:15I couldn't speak for 10 seconds.
15:18I couldn't watch it.
15:20YUKI POYA is vulnerable to pressure.
15:23I'm just aiming.
15:25The trick is my ability.
15:28I also have a good sense and control.
15:31What is the trick?
15:33The final is just around the corner.
15:35This is difficult.
15:37I have to decide soon.
15:39YUKI POYA is aiming.
15:44Is the horizontal position good?
15:47Is this good?
15:51Is this good?
15:53This is good.
15:55This is good.
15:57This is good.
16:05This is good.
16:07This is good.
16:11This is the final stage.
16:13This is just around the corner.
16:17YUKI POYA went to the final stage.
16:22I'm happy.
16:24I won against the pressure.
16:28There are two prizes left for the remaining 300 yen.
16:31NICHIRO is being chased.
16:33I'm confident in this.
16:36This is like a play in Seattle.
16:38This is a game of golf.
16:43Use the golf club arm to hit the cup 1 meter away.
16:50Put the club in a position a little away from the prize.
16:53The point is to convey the momentum of the club to the ball.
16:58If you can't get the center of the ball, it will be out of balance.
17:02The center of the club and the center of the ball overlap.
17:07If you don't control the arm, you can't hit the ball.
17:12I think it's the spirit of the person who is chased.
17:17I can't get this.
17:19Leave it to me.
17:22If you make a mistake, you will be out of balance.
17:24I want to win this.
17:27I will win this.
17:32It would be cool if I could win this.
17:35I'm serious.
17:38If it's NICHIRO, I can win this.
17:43How is the momentum of the ball?
17:46I think it's good.
17:48I will win this.
17:52I will win this.
17:54I'm counting on you.
17:57I will win this.
17:59He jumped.
18:03What is this?
18:05I can't watch this.
18:09He couldn't convey the momentum of the ball because he put his arm too close to the ball.
18:13He was out of balance.
18:15Is this okay?
18:17It's okay.
18:19I'm sad.
18:21I will show you my skills from now on.
18:23I will show you my skills from now on.
18:2546 years of suffering.
18:29KENTA IMAMURA used to be a model.
18:32He became a comedian because he was similar to NICHIRO.
18:3813 years have passed since then.
18:40He is still NICHIRO.
18:43I have to support my family.
18:45I'm going to buy a plastic bat.
18:47It's not over yet.
18:49I want to support my family with a plastic bat and a crane game.
18:55Where are you shooting?
18:57Nine times.
18:59Two strikes.
19:01I will do my best.
19:03I will show you the miracle that WBC showed me.
19:07Is this okay?
19:09I will show you.
19:11I will do my best.
19:13I will do my best.
19:15I will do my best.
19:17I will do my best.
19:21He changes the power of a plastic bat.
19:32Is this the final?
19:34Please come.
19:44It didn't reach.
19:47The first stage is over.
19:49I lost to WBC Korea.
19:53Is this the end?
19:55YUKI POYO will challenge the final stage.
20:00It's a crane game.
20:04It's a double-shaped crane that moves 360 degrees in all directions.
20:08If you catch a million yen and drop it at the ticket gate, it will be destroyed.
20:13The first obstacle is a straight course.
20:20He has defeated many challengers.
20:24It's a rolling spin.
20:27It's a difficult course.
20:32The time limit is 70 seconds.
20:34This is a godly technique that only 15% of professionals can succeed.
20:40I have prepared a lot of videos.
20:45I will do my best for one job.
20:48It's been a long time since I shot a video, so I'm calm.
20:52YUKI POYO, can you make a miracle?
20:59The number of visitors is the largest in Japan.
21:02He sneaked into the back of the forbidden USJ.
21:07It's cute.
21:09Will the fans be able to answer the crab quiz?
21:14It looks fun.
21:17It's amazing.
21:20He is the first successful person.
21:23If he succeeds, he will receive a million yen.
21:26YUKI POYO's godly technique challenge.
21:30YUKI POYO's godly technique challenge.
21:40I'm scared.
21:42I'm calm.
21:45I'm calm.
21:47I'm calm.
21:49I'm calm.
21:51I'm calm.
21:53I'm calm.
21:55I'm calm.
21:57It's okay.
22:00I'll cheer for you.
22:03I don't have time.
22:07It's difficult here.
22:09I'm scared.
22:11It's there.
22:15It's there.
22:17This is difficult.
22:19Did you hit the crab?
22:21He didn't have enough ammo and didn't have time to pick up the crab.
22:25Kamiyaza failed!
22:27I have an electric bicycle that I use when I go shopping at the supermarket.
22:30I wanted to make it a Prius after I graduated, but...
22:36I don't need this anymore, so buy me a Prius!
22:40The confident entertainer is always ready for a challenge!
22:45Hey, how you doin'?
22:47Next, a special spring break project!
22:50From the popular Super Nintendo World,
22:54to the world of movies, everyone's favorite, Harry Potter,
23:00The number of entries is the highest in Japan!
23:03Universal Studios Japan!
23:08With that kind of enthusiasm,
23:10USJ came up with a quiz about hunting!
23:14A god-level craftsman who supports USJ versus
23:17a Japanese-style entertainer who loves USJ!
23:20If you get all 6 questions right,
23:22you'll get a chance to win a quiz called the Kamigoe Challenge!
23:26The title of the quiz is...
23:31Special Entry!
23:32You can't enter the park!
23:36The quiz navigator is...
23:38I'm at Universal Studios Japan!
23:45She's been to Universal Studios Japan twice a year since high school.
23:49She's from Osaka, and her name is Nanisha Shibuya.
23:52She's been to Universal Studios Japan twice a year since high school.
23:56You know, there's that globe thing, right?
23:59To make it easier to read,
24:02you have to turn it counterclockwise.
24:06I learned this at a location shoot.
24:09I brought it as my only sword.
24:13The first one to come is...
24:16Wow, it's so cool!
24:20It's beautiful at night, too.
24:23You hit the block to get coins and items.
24:27You can enter the game world!
24:31And there's a newly-opened area.
24:34Wow, it's Donkey Kong!
24:36He's here!
24:37He's here, isn't he?
24:38He's taking a picture, isn't he?
24:40Donkey Kong's jungle is completely reproduced by a truck.
24:45I want to do this!
24:46Wow, this is great!
24:47It looks fun!
24:50The first god craftsman is waiting here.
24:54Oh, there's a guy over there who's having fun!
24:57Mr. Shibuya!
24:59I'm Uchimitsu from Park Concierge.
25:01Nice to meet you.
25:03Uchimitsu is the god of Park Concierge,
25:08and he's known all over the U.S.A. for 13 years.
25:14Park Concierge has one exam per year,
25:18and only those who pass the exam can join the concierge.
25:22Out of 15,000 employees,
25:25only 1% can join the concierge.
25:29Wow, that's amazing!
25:31Here's the quiz!
25:33We'll start with the Mario Kart Coupon Challenge!
25:36Here it is! It's the Coupon Show!
25:38I've seen it before.
25:39When you put on the exclusive goggles,
25:42you can see the Coupons in front of you!
25:44It's like a game!
25:45You can control the kart like in a game,
25:47and aim for the goal of fighting enemies with items.
25:50It's just like a real Mario Kart!
25:53From the Coupon Show,
25:55here's the God Craftsman Question!
25:57There's actually a hidden character here.
26:02Do you know where he is?
26:05A hidden character?
26:07The God Craftsman Question!
26:09A hidden character is hidden in a finely decorated Bowser Castle!
26:14It's hard to find even if you're a big fan!
26:20A hidden character?
26:22This is Bowser's door!
26:25Yes, this is where Bowser's house is!
26:28Wow, the atmosphere has changed!
26:31I feel nervous!
26:33Bowser is planning a strategy to defeat Team Mario.
26:38Bowser is desperate not to lose!
26:43Isn't Clabo a hidden character?
26:46This is not a hidden character!
26:49This is not a hidden character!
26:51Please look for it in every corner of this building!
26:58This is difficult! What does this mean?
27:04Did you find it?
27:07You found it!
27:09If you look more closely, you can find it!
27:13There's a difference in the shape!
27:16Did you find it?
27:18Did you find it?
27:20It's very difficult!
27:22Did everyone find it?
27:25Is it okay?
27:27Yoshi is hidden in the Earthquake!
27:33What are the four challengers' answers?
27:36Is it possible?
27:38It's Yoshi!
27:40Everyone chose Yoshi!
27:43If it's Mario...
27:45Isn't it the momentum to go for it?
27:49It's a barrier!
27:51It's a barrier!
27:53It's easy!
27:57The correct answer is...
27:59Yoshi is hidden in the Earthquake!
28:09Yoshi is hidden in the Earthquake!
28:16It's easy!
28:19There's another interesting thing.
28:21There are a lot of books in Cooper's library.
28:24There's a book called How to Talk to Princess.
28:28Cooper likes peaches.
28:31He's reading a book about how to talk to princesses.
28:35He's very serious.
28:39It's just the beginning!
28:43Next is this popular area!
28:46It's so cute!
28:48I'm so happy!
28:50It's a Minion!
28:53It's so cute!
28:55It's a Minion Park where prank-loving Minions gather.
29:00Of course, Minions are very popular as souvenirs.
29:05There's a secret to the excitement of the fans.
29:09After you take it off, you can use it as a clip.
29:13Oh, I see!
29:15It's a Minion skin!
29:18From this Minion Park, Kamiya the Question!
29:21Is this a uniform?
29:23Yes, it's a Minion uniform.
29:27It's so cute!
29:28Thank you!
29:29It's so cute!
29:30The crew's uniform is very well-made.
29:34Imagine the Minion wearing this overall.
29:38Not only the color, but also the logo on the chest and the buttons.
29:44There's a secret backyard where the uniforms are collected.
29:48Kamiya the Question sneaks into the area you can't enter normally.
29:55One, two...
30:01There are so many!
30:05Minions and Jurassic Park.
30:09There are more than 500 types of uniforms used in USJ.
30:15But there are more than 100,000 of them!
30:21The person in charge of all of this is...
30:24My name is Urakawa. Nice to meet you.
30:26Nice to meet you, too.
30:28Urakawa Naoko is the god who knows everything about the uniforms in USJ.
30:33So the god knows where the 100,000 uniforms are?
30:38Yes, that's right.
30:40Jurassic World!
30:42I got it.
30:44In just a few words...
30:46This is the Jurassic World wardrobe.
30:50There are so many!
30:52Just by coming here, I feel like I'm at Jurassic Park.
30:57There's a secret behind this Jurassic Park uniform.
31:01At first glance, it looks like a regular short-sleeved uniform.
31:06But it's actually a mesh type.
31:09I see. But I wouldn't know if I wore it normally.
31:12The USJ uniform team's secret technique
31:15is to make sure the movie doesn't lose its world.
31:23Here's a paper quiz about the uniforms used in Universal Wonderland.
31:29I changed!
31:32It's cute.
31:35It suits you so well.
31:38It's so cute!
31:41It's so cute!
31:43Here's a paper quiz.
31:45There's a secret behind the Universal Wonderland Sesame Street uniform.
31:51What is it?
31:54It's not in all the other uniforms.
31:57That's right.
31:59The hint is that Universal Wonderland has
32:03Sesame Street,
32:07Hello Kitty,
32:09and other popular characters and attractions.
32:14There's a secret behind the uniform.
32:18Umezawa, do you know what it is?
32:21It's the original Ame-chan.
32:25I see.
32:27I can do this.
32:28I know!
32:30I know!
32:32What's the answer?
32:35The answer is...
32:37There's a knee pad.
32:39Everyone got the same answer.
32:42It's a place where a lot of kids come.
32:45So they often kneel down to greet people.
32:48I see.
32:49I see that a lot.
32:50When there are a lot of kids, they look down.
32:52When they look down,
32:54they make sure their feet don't hurt.
32:58The answer is...
33:00If you look at what's going on in the park...
33:03They eat a lot and charge up their energy.
33:07When the kids come, they kneel down.
33:10When you give or take something,
33:13you have to look at the kids.
33:16That's how the uniform was created.
33:19It's a combination of knee pads and a lot of thought.
33:24How do you feel?
33:26I feel kindness.
33:28I can feel the smile on their faces.
33:31She's a good kid.
33:32Everyone got the correct answer.
33:35It's a place that's kind to the crew and the kids.
33:38That's Wonderland.
33:40If it was Halloween,
33:42zombies wouldn't show up.
33:44It's a protected place
33:46where zombies don't show up.
33:48I'm going to the USJ.
33:50What are you talking about?
33:52I'm being called to the USJ.
33:54Are you going to help me?
33:56What are you talking about?
33:58I don't need your help.
34:00I'm going to give you a pair of slippers.
34:02Is it free?
34:03I think so.
34:04What do you think?
34:06It's free.
34:09The third question.
34:11What is the official name of the character
34:13next to the character
34:15in the popular attraction,
34:17Yoshi Adventure?
34:21Captain Pinocchio.
34:25Everyone got the correct answer.
34:29The fourth question is
34:31the other side of the USJ.
34:34A god chef
34:36who takes care of everything
34:40Can the mania win?
34:44The fourth question is
34:46the popular Gekiuma USJ gourmet.
34:48There are a lot of gourmet food.
34:50There are more than 80 restaurants
34:52in the park.
34:54At the Kinopio Cafe
34:56in Nintendo World,
34:58there are a lot of meat,
35:00a thick hamburger,
35:02and a crispy pizza
35:04filled with crispy dough.
35:10There are more than 800 types
35:12of gourmet food.
35:14A god chef
35:16who takes care of everything
35:18is here.
35:22It's the meat from the manga.
35:24Hello, I've been waiting for you.
35:26I'm Takarai, the chef.
35:28Takarai Toshinari
35:30is one of the top chefs
35:32in the USJ.
35:34He runs a restaurant
35:36called Cut Food
35:38in the park.
35:40Without him,
35:42you can't taste the USJ gourmet food.
35:44If the god doesn't say yes,
35:46you can't go out to the world.
35:48That's right.
35:50That's amazing.
35:52We have a theme
35:54of letting people
35:57taste the USJ gourmet food.
35:59We value
36:01the spirit of no limit.
36:03We're developing
36:05new things.
36:07Everyone loves
36:09eating gourmet food.
36:11The most popular
36:13is turkey leg,
36:15crispy and juicy
36:19and cute
36:21cookie sandwich
36:23that looks like a minion.
36:25The thick beef stew
36:27is very popular.
36:29Angus meat pie is also very popular.
36:31And the food
36:33that the USJ is proud of
36:39Two types of churritos
36:41that are inspired by My Melody
36:43and Kuromi.
36:45Jurassic Park churritos
36:47that are inspired by Meisai.
36:49The gorgeous and cute
36:51toppings that match
36:53the young generation.
36:57This is Minion churritos
36:59and Kitty churritos.
37:01I've seen this picture
37:03of the person eating this.
37:05This is Hello Kitty churritos
37:07with strawberry milk.
37:09This is sugar candy
37:11with banana and ribbon.
37:13I've tested it many times.
37:15And this is
37:17Minion chocolate banana churritos.
37:20I'm cute.
37:22You look like you're having a hard time
37:24putting a small banana on top.
37:26I'm happy.
37:28And this is
37:30a very delicious churritos.
37:32This is Kamiwaza
37:34and this is a premium
37:36sweet churritos.
37:38Please tell us
37:40the official name
37:42of this churritos.
37:46This is hard.
37:48Please don't give me
37:50the official name.
37:52This is a high-class
37:54way of making churritos.
37:56It's a combination of
37:58cake and churritos.
38:00That's the purpose
38:02of this churritos.
38:04Even though he's eaten this before,
38:06he doesn't know the official name
38:08of this churritos.
38:10Try to guess
38:12the official name of this churritos.
38:14It looks like an eclair.
38:16It looks like an eclair.
38:18It looks like an eclair churritos.
38:20What are their answers?
38:22Top of the tiramisu.
38:24It's a high-class churritos.
38:26Dolce churritos.
38:28It's tiramisu.
38:30The answer is finally revealed.
38:32Are you sure?
38:34Yes. It's a cake
38:36and churritos.
38:38I remember being shocked.
38:40The powder looks like tiramisu.
38:43If you get it wrong,
38:45you will be eliminated.
38:47Who will be the winner?
39:03It's huge.
39:05It's amazing.
39:07It's a popular churritos
39:09in New York.
39:11You can only eat it now.
39:13It looks delicious.
39:15How does it taste?
39:17It's delicious.
39:21It's like a dessert.
39:23It's like a cake.
39:25The concept of churritos
39:27has changed.
39:29It's like a cake.
39:31Yume Tote
39:33Ohira is eliminated.
39:35I want to point out one thing.
39:37I like churritos.
39:39I don't have to say everything.
39:41I can tell you everything.
39:43I can tell you everything.
39:45I can tell you everything.
39:47I can tell you everything.
39:49There are two questions left.
39:51Will Rika Adachi and Inoue Nonsuta
39:53be perfect?
39:55I don't know.
39:57We came to New York,
39:59where the cityscape of the United States
40:01in the 1930s was successfully reproduced.
40:03We came to New York,
40:05where the cityscape of the United States
40:07in the 1930s was successfully reproduced.
40:09There is a person
40:11who is looking at the stairs alone.
40:15Nice to meet you.
40:19Are you okay?
40:21Are you alone?
40:23Actually, this person
40:25is a great god craftsman
40:27who supports USJ.
40:29Do you have anything to say?
40:31What is it?
40:33I feel history.
40:35I feel history.
40:37It's not actually rusty,
40:39so it's actually painted to rust.
40:41Rusty god.
40:43Rusty god.
40:45That's right.
40:47The god who controls the painting of USJ.
40:49The god who controls the painting of USJ.
40:51Aoi Takagi.
40:53During business hours,
40:55he secretly goes around the park
40:57to check the maintenance location.
40:59And after the park is empty,
41:01he paints everything.
41:03He paints everything.
41:05Takagi and another god of painting,
41:09are in charge of this.
41:31This is the sand.
41:33This is the sand.
41:35It's very rusty.
41:37He expresses the texture of rust
41:39with sand.
41:41I want to do it.
41:43What do you mean?
41:45He also puts paint on the wood block.
41:47He also puts paint on the wood block.
41:49I express the peeling of the paint.
41:51I express the peeling of the paint.
41:53I express the peeling of the paint.
41:55That's great.
41:57It looks like the paint is peeling.
41:59He does it on purpose.
42:01This area is the theme of the 1930s.
42:03This area is the theme of the 1930s.
42:05So, the pillars
42:07are not well maintained.
42:09So, the pillars
42:11are not well maintained.
42:13They are broken on purpose.
42:15They are broken on purpose.
42:17The gods use different colors
42:19depending on the theme of the area.
42:21Take a look at the pillars
42:23covered with dust.
42:25The sand is painted
42:27with a brush.
42:29The sand is painted
42:31with a brush.
42:33He also paints the walls
42:35of the marble.
42:37He also paints
42:39the feathers of the birds
42:41with a brush.
42:43Are these not marble?
42:45Are these not marble?
42:47I don't understand what you are saying.
42:49I don't understand what you are saying.
42:51He uses a lot of techniques.
42:53He uses a lot of techniques.
42:55There are many tools
42:57for painting the pillars.
42:59Please pay attention to them.
43:01Please pay attention to them.
43:03The pillars in USJ
43:05are painted
43:07according to the theme of the area.
43:09For example,
43:11the San Francisco area
43:13is painted with a dark wood color.
43:15is painted with a dark wood color.
43:17The New York area
43:19is painted with a dark wood color.
43:21The New York area
43:23is painted with a dark wood color.
43:25The pillars are damaged
43:27because they are not paid.
43:29Here is a question for Kamiya.
43:31Here is a question for Kamiya.
43:33Where are the white pillars?
43:35Where are the white pillars?
43:37Where are the white pillars?
43:39I remember taking a picture
43:43I remember taking a picture here.
43:45I remember taking a picture here.
43:47Kamiya is a maniac.
43:49I'm sorry.
43:51Where is Amity Village?
43:53I'm sorry.
43:55It's near the Joseon dynasty.
43:57It's near the Joseon dynasty.
43:59Both answered the same.
44:01Both answered the same.
44:03The answer is
44:07Amity Village,
44:09Amity Village,
44:11song by Projekt Red
44:13from Pak Hartmann.
44:15If you go right from there, you'll see Wonderland.
44:18If you go past Wonderland, you'll see Jaws.
44:21If you go straight from there, you'll see Waterworld and the Super Nintendo area.
44:26Go a little further to the right of the toilet in front of it.
44:33Even the location is perfect!
44:37The theme is rural fishing villages,
44:40so the trees exposed to the salt wind are the key points.
44:44If you look at it as a whole, it's more white than the New York area.
44:49That's true.
44:50I think it would have been better if you could judge that it was the Amity area
44:55if you could judge that it was the Amity area if you could judge that it was exposed to the salt wind.
44:58The final question has finally come!
45:01Adachi or Inoue?
45:06Finally, a thunderbolt from Harry Potter!
45:10Who will be the winner?
45:17Harry Potter!
45:19The last place is the Wizarding World of Harry Potter,
45:22which has been the No. 1 ride show in the world for five years in a row.
45:28We're here!
45:33It's amazing!
45:35I've been here a lot in private.
45:38It's my favorite area!
45:40The world view that is so detailed is the charm of this area.
45:47This is the UK stage,
45:50and it usually rains in the UK,
45:53so the floor is a little damp.
45:56I heard that they're reproducing that.
46:02Please take a good look at the floor below Tsururu.
46:06The water is dripping down,
46:09so it's a little darker than other places.
46:12That's true!
46:14Harry Potter is so particular about this,
46:17so here's a paper quiz!
46:20I think it's going to be a problem.
46:22Will Harry Potter be okay?
46:24The bag that delivers the mail in the work.
46:29In the area, the waiting room is also successfully reproduced.
46:35I've always thought it was very realistic.
46:38There are a lot of bags waiting to deliver the mail.
46:42I've seen it before.
46:43There's also something like dirt.
46:45That's right.
46:47Shibuya-san, here's a paper quiz!
46:50How many bags are waiting to deliver the mail in this warehouse?
46:56The final question is super difficult!
46:59Count the number of bags in the warehouse!
47:02I'm going to count from now on,
47:05but if it's raw, I'm going to have to go through it.
47:09I'm going to have to count it while sitting on a chair.
47:13How many?
47:15How many?
47:18How many?
47:20That's not fair!
47:22How many bags will appear in the movie?
47:25Of course!
47:26You can actually deliver the mail.
47:29There's a U-beam.
47:31There's a place where you can put it in.
47:33There's a place where you can put it in.
47:36Last year, he disguised himself as Harry Potter and came to the bag.
47:42Inoue has been to the location many times.
47:45Will he be able to answer these questions correctly?
47:49What's the answer?
47:51Please show us the answer.
47:53Number 20.
47:55I got it!
47:57What's the number 15?
48:02I'm not sure if it's 20 or 15.
48:05I'm going to go with 15.
48:09Number 15.
48:11Here it is.
48:13Here's the result of fate!
48:17I don't know this one.
48:18It's hard to guess.
48:20It's impossible.
48:21I don't know this one.
48:22I've never counted this one.
48:24This program is broadcast on free service TVer.
48:27Previous episodes were broadcast on U-NEXT.
48:31Here's the result of fate!
48:34Here I go.
48:371, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
48:53Two more.
48:57There's one more.
48:59Is this a cheat?
49:00It's a cheat.
49:03There's more.
49:04There's a lot.
49:07What if it's 24?
49:08No way.
49:09There's more?
49:12The answer is F, G, A.
49:18How could this be?
49:20No way.
49:21The answer was right.
49:22You were smiling in your heart, right?
49:26I was.
49:27No way.
49:29So, the USJ manias didn't get any more questions.
49:34Produce Six Colors Project, where six members produce the new songs of each generation.
49:39The second single, Kizuita Kotowa, produced by me, Yuta Katayama, is now on air.
49:44It was produced by music producer Koichi Tsutaya and has a J-pop ballad.
49:49Please check it out.
49:53Next time, Kamiya Zakuren vs. Snow Man Fukazawa again.
49:57This is what you call a swing.
49:59And also...
50:02An actress, Kanon, is a master of Taiko.
50:05She's mentally strong.