00:00:01Shōwa no Jōshiki wa Reiwa no Hijōshiki?
00:00:06Mazu wa sweets ni matsuwaru Shōwa no Jōshiki Reiwa no Hijōshiki.
00:00:12Shōwa sedai ni dai ninki datta sweets ga.
00:00:17Tabemashita, tabemashita.
00:00:18Buume dattan janai desu ka ne. Dokoni demo arimashita ne toji wa.
00:00:23Sōtō hayatteta to omoimasu yo.
00:00:26Hagotae ga kekko yokute oishikatta desu.
00:00:31Kori kori datte oishikatta kedo.
00:00:33Tapioca ga sugoi hayatta mitai na kanji de.
00:00:36Na kanji de niteru kanji.
00:00:38Shirogute bunipuni shiteru yatsu desu yo ne.
00:00:40Shikaku yatsu.
00:00:41Shikaku yatsu tabemashita.
00:00:43Hayatta na.
00:00:44Meccha hayatta yo ne.
00:00:46Hayatta, hayatta.
00:00:47Doko ito mo nazarekoko datte yo ne.
00:00:49Nazarekoko wa hayatteta yo ne.
00:00:51Meccha hayatteta.
00:00:52Nazarekoko ka!
00:00:55Hantōmei no chiisana blokkujō no suizu.
00:01:03Zenzen shiranai uchi ni nanka kaigai kara haittekiteru tabemono de.
00:01:07Buumen notte hajimete tabeta tabemono de.
00:01:09Mezurashii no de, ikki ni hayatta.
00:01:13Tabeta toki no shokkan ga atarashikatta.
00:01:16Jitsu wa natadekoko.
00:01:18Filipin hasshō no suizu.
00:01:21Filipin yatta no ka?
00:01:26Kori kori to shita dokutoku no shokkan ga wadai o yobi.
00:01:30Reiwa de iu tapioca boom no you ni,
00:01:33shōwa sedai no aida de dairyūkō shimashita.
00:01:37Nani de dekiterun desu ka?
00:01:40Denpun janai?
00:01:41Denpun desu ka?
00:01:42Dōhanbaiki de natadekoko iri no jūsu ga utetari to ka,
00:01:47zeri to ka yōguruto no naka ni natadekoko iri de utetari to ka.
00:01:52Sonna hayatta nda.
00:01:53Room no mattada naka ni wa natadekoko iri no jūsu ya zeri nado ga hatsubai.
00:02:00Natadekoko tantai de pakku ni haite utte atta yo ne.
00:02:06Aisu noseta.
00:02:10Fruits ponchi ni mo zettai natadekoko.
00:02:13Natadekoko haite ochi de arrange shite tabeteta.
00:02:17Fruits ponchi!
00:02:19Yōguruto to awasen no ga oishikatta ka na.
00:02:23Pape ni haite tte, natadekoko no ue ni whipped cream ga atte,
00:02:29ichigo sōsu ga nokatte tte,
00:02:31natadekoko o ire tokeba nandemo hayatta mitai na.
00:02:34Sonna hayatta nda.
00:02:37Sonna natadekoko no toriko ni natte ita shōwa sedai.
00:02:42Natadekoko tte moto wa nandaka shittemasu ka?
00:02:46Kanten janai nda yo ne.
00:02:48Ima smartphone de shirabetai gurai.
00:02:51Wakarazu tabeteta?
00:02:53Kowai kedo sō desu yo ne.
00:02:56Wakannai kamo.
00:02:58Fruits toka.
00:03:00Sonna imeji.
00:03:04Genryō ga nanto toka kangaeta koto nai.
00:03:07Natadekoko ga nan no tabemono na no ka wakarazu tabete ita shōwa sedai mo
00:03:13sukunaku nakatta yō desu ga.
00:03:16Yabai na, sāshikani. Wakarazu kutteta.
00:03:19Sāshikani, nandarō.
00:03:21Natadekoko tte somosomo ittai nan na no deshō ka?
00:03:26Soko ni shōgeki teki na tsukurikata ga atta no desu.
00:03:31Yatte kita no wa,
00:03:33Nippon de yūitsu natadekoko no kokunai seizō o okunatte iru
00:03:37Fujiko Kabushiki Gaisha.
00:03:40Sakai Minato Kōjō o shunin no Murakami-san ni kīte miru to?
00:03:46Natadekoko wa
00:03:473, 2, 1
00:03:50kokonatsu jyūsu o hakkō shite tsukutte imasu.
00:03:53Eh? Kokonatsu?
00:03:55Taisen da.
00:03:56Kokonatsu jyūsu?
00:03:58Hakkō sasen?
00:03:59Nani kokonatsu fumi nokotte nai?
00:04:01Sassoku sono tsukurikata o misete itadaku to?
00:04:06Kono tanku no naka ni natadekoko no genzairō to naru ekitai ga haitte imasu.
00:04:11Saku-san, guranyū-tō no eki kokonatsu jyūsu o irete
00:04:15baichi-eki o sakute shite imasu.
00:04:18Baichi-eki to wa
00:04:19Saku-san, guranyū-tō eki kokonatsu jyūsu o mazeta
00:04:24natadekoko no moto ni naru ekitai.
00:04:28Soko ni kuaeru no ga?
00:04:31Kochira wa nan nan desu ka?
00:04:32Kochira wa sakusan-kin no isshu de natakin to irimasu.
00:04:36Kin nan ya?
00:04:40Kokonatsu jyūsu o hakkō saseru tame sakusan-kin no isshu de aru natakin o kuaeru.
00:04:48Dekiyagatta ekitai o shikakui yōki ni utsushitara.
00:04:57Katamaru wa.
00:05:01Kochira wa nan nan desu ka?
00:05:03Hai, kochira wa muro ni narimasu.
00:05:07Batto ni ireta chōgō-eki o koko de hakkō shite imasu.
00:05:11Ekitai o oyoso ni shūkan,
00:05:13sanjūdo zengo ni settei sarita muro ni irete baiyō.
00:05:18Usukame ni usui maku no yōna mono.
00:05:21Buikame ni wa shiroku atsumi ga dekite ikimasu.
00:05:25Jitsu wa kono maku koso,
00:05:27natadekoko no namae no yurai.
00:05:29Natadekoko wa supeingo de kokonatsu no himaku o iu surun desu.
00:05:35Soshite, oyoso ni shūkan.
00:05:38San, ni, ichi.
00:05:41Kochira ga dekiagatta natadekoko no shīto desu.
00:05:44Uwaa, kore ni kurumaretai nā.
00:05:50Nanto, kokonatsu jyūsu ga atsui shīto ni daipenshin.
00:05:56Baiyō sasete dekiagatta natadekoko no shīto wa
00:06:00atsusa ni baratsuki ga aru tame
00:06:03kin'itsu ni kikai de suraisu.
00:06:06Ika no yō.
00:06:07Uwa, kore kono mama kajiritai ne.
00:06:10Kaji wa amai da kedo.
00:06:12Katachi o totonae nagara ibutsu ga nai ka
00:06:14light up de hitotsu hitotsu o sasagyō de kakunimu tte imasu.
00:06:20Soshite, teinei ni katachi o totonaeta natadekoko no shīto
00:06:27kikai de saikoro jō ni katto.
00:06:33Shakushakushī honna.
00:06:36Minasan ga yoku shitteiru natadekoko no katachi ni.
00:06:41Shiranakatta wa.
00:06:42Shikashi, kono nankai de tabete miru to.
00:06:47Eh, suppai yo?
00:06:49Natadekoko o tsukuru toki ni osu o ireteiru tame
00:06:53kono mama de wa kanari suppai.
00:06:57Soko de, natadekoko no komakai sen'i ni haitta osu o
00:07:02Chūgo kai hodo mizu o irekaenagara arai nagashi.
00:07:07Temahima kakatteru.
00:07:10Amai sato no haitta eki ni tsukekonde natadekoko o kanase tamemasu.
00:07:16Shiage ni amai eki ni tappuri to tsukekomi.
00:07:20Natadekoko no kansei.
00:07:25Shikashi, sonna natadekoko o reiwa sedai wa
00:07:30Mai wa kiita koto aru kedo, tabeta koto wa nai.
00:07:33Tabeta koto nai?
00:07:37Don'nan da to omou?
00:07:42Natadekoko o tabeta koto ga nai reiwa sedai mo iru you de.
00:07:48Fujikko Kabushiki gaisha no nenkan uriage o kurabete mite mo
00:07:52piikuji wa oeso rokujuu okuen nano ni taishi
00:07:56Natadekoko o tabeta koto ga nai reiwa sedai de wa sanjuu ni okuen kono hangen.
00:08:00Soko de natadekoko o tabeta morau to
00:08:05Dou desu ka?
00:08:07Amai kara ka na?
00:08:09Mochi mochi shite te omochi mitai de nanka suki desu.
00:08:14Uke wa ii ja.
00:08:21Natadekoko wa reiwa sedai ni mo daikohyou deshita ga
00:08:26Showa sedai ga daisukidatta amaai tabemono wa hoka ni mo
00:08:31Mezurashii no de kiiroi no to shiroi no to ga atte
00:08:35Kiiroi no to shiroi no to.
00:08:36Kiiroi toki wa totemo ureshikatta kioku ga arimasu.
00:08:40Tonikaku kono shiru no toriai wa shite itake desu.
00:08:47Matta ne.
00:09:06SNS so followersu hyaku yonjuu roku man nin.
00:09:11Reiwa sedai no himakima san ga showa sedai ni kanjiru
00:09:14ariehen generation gyappu to wa?
00:09:17Watashitachi sedai kara suru to karaoke tte iu no wa
00:09:20hanbun hanasu basho de hanbun utau basho desu.
00:09:24Hyaku paa utai?
00:09:25Hyaku paa uta datta no ga shinjirarena kutte.
00:09:29Sore koso jimusho no shacho no ojiichan toka to
00:09:34issho ni karaoke ni itta toki toka ni
00:09:36minna zutto utau desu ne.
00:09:38Sora shinjirarenakute
00:09:40nanteyu ka
00:09:41ato tambarin toka
00:09:44Ahe wa sukaumono janakute kazari janai desu ka?
00:09:48Chiyoi! Chiyoi!
00:09:49Must! must!
00:09:51Kore! Kore!
00:09:52Kore yo!
00:09:53Kore ga shinjararenai!
00:09:54Momotani san no yatsu ya?
00:09:58Uta ga kikoenai ja, tte natchatte
00:10:01Honnou, shinjirarenai koukei ga
00:10:04Kayanai kata desu.
00:10:05Sou nan yo.
00:10:06Gyappu ya na.
00:10:07It's cheaper than going to a cafe, and you don't have to listen to people.
00:10:10There are many types of food and drinks.
00:10:13That's why everyone goes to karaoke.
00:10:15You can't treat it as a private room.
00:10:17You can sing there.
00:10:21That's right.
00:10:22It's completely private.
00:10:24That's right. So I ended up not singing a song.
00:10:27This is quite shocking today.
00:10:31What is the sweet food that the Showa era loved?
00:10:35When you catch a cold and have a fever, your parents will be sweet.
00:10:40They asked me what I wanted to eat.
00:10:42I wanted to eat peach canned food.
00:10:44Oh, peach canned food.
00:10:49Peaches are a little higher in rank than oranges and pineapples.
00:10:54That's right.
00:10:55I was happy.
00:10:56That's right.
00:10:58Orange canned food and pineapple canned food.
00:11:01That's right.
00:11:03What is the luxury food that the Showa era loved?
00:11:09Peach canned food.
00:11:13In the Showa 40s, the price of a bowl of Chinese soba was about 63 yen.
00:11:21The price of peach canned food was 110 yen.
00:11:26That's expensive.
00:11:28It was a very expensive food.
00:11:32Therefore, many children were happy to eat peach canned food when they had a cold.
00:11:39By the way, how do you open the can?
00:11:42It's an image of opening it with a can opener.
00:11:46I don't think I've ever used a can opener.
00:11:48I don't think I've ever used a can opener when I was a kid.
00:11:51Nowadays, it's popular to pull the handle and open it.
00:11:58I see.
00:12:00In the Showa era, people used a can opener to make a hole in the can.
00:12:07It took a little time to open the lid.
00:12:13Let's ask the Reiwa era how to open a can.
00:12:18Can you open this?
00:12:20I don't think I can open it.
00:12:22I don't know.
00:12:24I don't know how to open it.
00:12:29Do you use a tool called a can opener?
00:12:32Can you use a can opener?
00:12:34I don't think I can use it.
00:12:36I don't think I can use it.
00:12:37I don't know how to use it.
00:12:38Can you use a can opener?
00:12:43You've never touched a can opener, have you?
00:12:47It seems that there are many people in the Reiwa era who don't know how to use a can opener.
00:12:52They don't use a fan.
00:12:54They don't use a fan.
00:12:57It seems that there is a shocking play of the Showa era using such a can opener.
00:13:04I did it.
00:13:08My parents made it for me.
00:13:11I did it.
00:13:12It's nostalgic.
00:13:14What is that?
00:13:15Is that a bamboo horse?
00:13:16That's right.
00:13:18I made it.
00:13:20It's a nostalgic toy that the Showa era made with a can opener.
00:13:24It's a can opener.
00:13:26It's nostalgic.
00:13:28I've never bent it so much that I've had a complex fracture.
00:13:32I've never bent it so much that I've had a complex fracture.
00:13:35I was riding on a can with a string tied to it.
00:13:38I enjoyed walking with a balance like a bamboo horse.
00:13:44And what is nostalgic is...
00:13:52The sound of a walking bamboo horse.
00:13:55I saw this in a textbook of a family.
00:13:58A textbook?
00:13:59It was in a textbook.
00:14:00It's like a game from the old days.
00:14:02It's a game of using a bamboo horse.
00:14:03It's like a game of using a bamboo horse.
00:14:04It's like a game of using a bamboo horse.
00:14:05It's like a game of using a bamboo horse.
00:14:06When I asked the Showa era about their memories...
00:14:09When I was young, I didn't have anything to play with.
00:14:12I used to play with this.
00:14:14In the old days, there were a lot of haystacks.
00:14:18It's more stable than a bamboo horse.
00:14:21Because it's tied to a string.
00:14:23It's stable.
00:14:24It's stable.
00:14:25It's not expensive.
00:14:26I can't play with a bamboo horse.
00:14:28I can't play with a bamboo horse, either.
00:14:29I can't play with a bamboo horse, either.
00:14:30This is easy.
00:14:32It's hard to make a bamboo horse.
00:14:34With this, you can make it even as a child.
00:14:36I remember making it easily at home and playing with it.
00:14:42It's been a long time since he experienced a haystack in the Showa era.
00:14:47I'm scared.
00:14:52I remember this sound.
00:14:55I remember this sound.
00:14:57It's amazing.
00:14:58You're good at it.
00:15:00I'm getting used to it.
00:15:01You're getting used to it.
00:15:02It's a good sound.
00:15:03It's a good sound.
00:15:04It's a good sound.
00:15:05It's a good sound.
00:15:06It's a good sound.
00:15:07It's a good sound.
00:15:09I can still play with it.
00:15:11It's a little unstable.
00:15:13Can you play with it?
00:15:14It's amazing.
00:15:16I used to play rock-paper-scissors with this.
00:15:18I used to play rock-paper-scissors with this.
00:15:19I remember playing rock-paper-scissors with this.
00:15:21It's nostalgic.
00:15:23It brings me back to my childhood.
00:15:25What is this?
00:15:27It's inconvenient.
00:15:28It's not good for anything.
00:15:30I agree.
00:15:31I can't understand what is fun about this.
00:15:33I agree.
00:15:34It's convenient.
00:15:35We asked the Reiwa generation to see the can-pocky that can turn the Showa era into the Tohoshinki era.
00:15:43What is this?
00:15:44Is this that?
00:15:46What was that?
00:15:49It's not a thread!
00:15:50It's definitely not a thread!
00:15:51This is the thread telephone.
00:15:54There are the Reiwa generation who are not sure about the thread telephone.
00:15:58Do you know what this is?
00:16:03We have it at school
00:16:05Do you know about it?
00:16:07I'm a first year student
00:16:09Even now, it's a school game
00:16:11It's a tradition
00:16:13What do you do in class?
00:16:15Do you do Dōtoku?
00:16:19Do you do Zuga Kōsaku?
00:16:21Zuga Kōsaku?
00:16:23Ah, I might do Kōsaku
00:16:25I might make it
00:16:27It was a very popular game in the Shōwa era
00:16:32There was also a classic game that you could play indoors
00:16:38It was very popular
00:16:40It was hard to do the last one or two
00:16:42I see
00:16:44It was boring
00:16:46Remove one
00:16:48It's nostalgic
00:16:50It's nostalgic
00:16:52When there was no TV game
00:16:54There was no Famicom
00:16:57The Shōwa era treasured item is this slide puzzle
00:17:04I don't know
00:17:06There was something like this
00:17:08There was a manga character
00:17:10There was
00:17:14Slide the 15 panels one by one
00:17:20It's a puzzle where you line up the numbers from 1 to 15 in order
00:17:27Even if you line up the top half neatly
00:17:30It's hard to get the last few
00:17:33You had to struggle a lot
00:17:38There was also a type where you had to match the numbers
00:17:43Is this fun?
00:17:45It's fun
00:17:47I see
00:17:49I brought it with me
00:17:52It's been a long time since he experienced a slide puzzle in the Shōwa era
00:17:58Ready, start
00:18:00It's normal
00:18:03What do you line up first?
00:18:06It looks like 1 and 2 are lined up
00:18:09Is this a strategy?
00:18:11It's a strategy
00:18:13I wanted to start from the bottom
00:18:15But I gave up
00:18:17Are you starting from the top?
00:18:19It's like starting from the top
00:18:23The last part is difficult
00:18:25I can do 11
00:18:27You're good
00:18:29It's coming
00:18:31It's coming
00:18:33He finished in 1 minute and 54 seconds
00:18:37He's fast
00:18:391 minute and 54 seconds is fast
00:18:41He's fast
00:18:43He finished in 1 minute and 52 seconds
00:18:45There are Shōwa people who finished smoothly
00:18:49Go, go, Yūko
00:18:52No, no
00:18:54Shōwa people are loud
00:18:56The way they cheer
00:18:58It's messed up
00:19:01Do you have a strategy?
00:19:03No, no
00:19:05It's messed up
00:19:07It's difficult
00:19:09I can't do it
00:19:12I'll give up
00:19:14Thank you
00:19:16I can't do it
00:19:18It's difficult
00:19:20I'll give up
00:19:22Will his memory be useless?
00:19:25He retires
00:19:28He finished in 2 out of 6
00:19:33It's difficult
00:19:35He'll challenge the Reiwa generation
00:19:39He did it
00:19:41He's fast
00:19:43He did it
00:19:47He's amazing
00:19:49He did it
00:19:51He's using his smartphone
00:19:53Is he used to it?
00:19:55He cleared 6 out of 7
00:19:57He surpassed the Shōwa generation
00:20:00There are many more Shōwa generation games
00:20:053 in a row
00:20:07He did it
00:20:09It was fun
00:20:11Press here and the ring goes up
00:20:14A water game where you can throw a ring or a ball in the water
00:20:20I know this
00:20:22I know this
00:20:24It was fun
00:20:26It's a game where you throw a ring or a ball in the water and compete for points
00:20:32There are more than 100 series of games
00:20:37The most popular game is the ring game
00:20:41You can throw a ring in the water
00:20:46It's a game you can't clear
00:20:50It's difficult
00:20:52This is a fishing game
00:20:58It's nostalgic
00:21:00I know this
00:21:02I got this as a gift from a ramen shop
00:21:04Ramen shop?
00:21:06He enjoyed fishing with a rod
00:21:14This is an athletic land game
00:21:17It's nostalgic
00:21:19He did it
00:21:21It's a ball
00:21:24He did it
00:21:26He overcame 8 challenges
00:21:30He wants to reach the goal within 1 minute
00:21:33It's a game like Fugen Takeshi and Sasuke
00:21:38It was released in 1954
00:21:43It sold 400,000 copies in 3 years
00:21:49His father played this game a long time ago
00:21:55Gura Gura Bashi
00:21:58Doki Doki Crane
00:22:03Wani Wani Ike
00:22:06Yura Yura Board
00:22:11He ate it
00:22:13He's an idiot
00:22:15It's been a long time since I played this
00:22:17It was the dream of the kids at that time to see them clear this game
00:22:23Next is the word game, Showa no Joushiki, Reiwa no Hijoushiki
00:22:30The words must have changed
00:22:33In Showa and Reiwa, the meaning of the same word may be different
00:22:40For example, the meaning of the word 1 hour
00:22:45How many minutes do you think it is?
00:22:51How many minutes do you think it is?
00:22:5658 minutes
00:22:58I think it's about 50 minutes
00:23:01I think it's about 50 minutes
00:23:03I think it's about 55 minutes
00:23:04I think it's less than 1 hour
00:23:08I think it's less than 1 hour
00:23:11According to the program, the Showa generation thinks it's less than 1 hour
00:23:21But the Reiwa generation
00:23:25How many minutes do you think it is?
00:23:28About 1 hour and 15 minutes
00:23:31I think it's about a little less than 1 hour
00:23:41About 5 to 10 minutes
00:23:44A little less than 1 hour
00:23:4680 minutes
00:23:4870 minutes
00:23:50I think it is that
00:23:5150 minutes
00:23:53I have to recognize
00:23:55I can't wait for the meeting.
00:23:57I think it's been too long.
00:23:59Like a little over an hour.
00:24:01Everyone uses it in that sense.
00:24:03I see.
00:24:05I think the meeting will be delayed.
00:24:07But you don't have to wait for the meeting with these people.
00:24:09No, no.
00:24:11I don't know.
00:24:13When we proceed with the investigation in the program,
00:24:15About 70% of people say that the Reiwa era is more than an hour.
00:24:21Which is right, the Showa era or the Reiwa era?
00:24:25Checking the time difference in the dictionary,
00:24:28It is written that it is actually a little less than that number.
00:24:33It turns out that the Showa era is more correct.
00:24:38Then why does the Reiwa era answer that it is a little more than an hour?
00:24:45By the way, why is the time difference of an hour about an hour and 10 minutes?
00:24:49Because it's an hour and a little.
00:24:51It's a weak time difference.
00:24:53I see.
00:24:55It's a plus.
00:24:57It's an hour and a little.
00:25:00That's right.
00:25:02The Reiwa era thought that it would add time for an hour.
00:25:08Many people think that it is a little more than an hour.
00:25:13I don't think so.
00:25:16How much is it when you say less than 1,000 yen?
00:25:191,100 yen or 1,300 yen.
00:25:22I see.
00:25:23Even if you say it's less than 1,000 yen, you don't feel special.
00:25:27It's less than 1,050 yen.
00:25:30It's a little less than 1,000 yen.
00:25:321,100 yen.
00:25:34In the same way, the word less than 1,000 yen.
00:25:38The Reiwa era thought that it was a little more than 1,000 yen.
00:25:42As a result, it was more than half.
00:25:46Of course, the correct answer is a little less than 1,000 yen.
00:25:51The wrong perception of the Reiwa era is that it is a little darker than the weak.
00:25:57Because it is used on a daily basis, the meaning of the weak is ambiguous.
00:26:02It is thought to be one of the causes.
00:26:05Even the word Florida has a different meaning between Showa and Reiwa.
00:26:12What do you mean?
00:26:14Let's ask the Showa generation.
00:26:18When you hear the word Florida, what do you think of?
00:26:23Florida in America.
00:26:25When you hear the word Florida, what do you think of?
00:26:29Florida in America.
00:26:30It's a tropical image facing the Caribbean.
00:26:33It's an image with a lot of Disneyland and resorts.
00:26:36I've never heard of anything other than that.
00:26:40Speaking of Florida, most people in the Showa generation recognize that it is a Florida state in the southeast of America.
00:26:51When I asked the Reiwa generation,
00:26:55When you hear the word Florida, what do you think of?
00:27:02I'm curious when you say it.
00:27:05It was used in a shocking sense that was unimaginable in the Showa generation.
00:27:14Is it you?
00:27:15The meaning was a little different.
00:27:16I'll never say it.
00:27:21The meaning is unknown to the Reiwa generation?
00:27:24What is the word for the impossible Showa?
00:27:29A couple.
00:27:30I don't know anything about Messi.
00:27:33Abecs come from French.
00:27:38So they are two people.
00:27:41Two people.
00:27:43Then you must like Kinnipi.
00:27:50No, it's Kinnipi.
00:27:55Is it a new snack?
00:27:57What is it? Do you know?
00:27:59I see this person with my own eyes.
00:28:02What are you saying at this moment?
00:28:04It's full of enemies.
00:28:06It's not Skippy, it's Skippy.
00:28:12Skippy people.
00:28:14What is the pronunciation?
00:28:15Favorite people.
00:28:16Favorite people.
00:28:17Favorite people.
00:28:19Favorite people.
00:28:21I'm sorry.
00:28:25You have never seen such a way of grabbing.
00:28:30I have to remember a lot of things.
00:28:38In the Reiwa generation, Florida is not recognized as an American state.
00:28:45Florida is...
00:28:51Leaving the bath?
00:28:52Leaving the bath because I'm going to the bath.
00:28:55My friend is using LINE.
00:28:57I'm going to the bath, so I'm leaving the bath.
00:29:00That's true.
00:29:01That's true.
00:29:02In the Reiwa era,
00:29:04the phrase,
00:29:05leaving the conversation because I'm going to the bath,
00:29:09was omitted.
00:29:13Leaving the LINE.
00:29:15Leaving the conversation,
00:29:17going to the bath.
00:29:18Leaving the bath because I'm going to the bath.
00:29:20I see.
00:29:21Speaking of words,
00:29:23there are other things that are called differently in the Reiwa and Showa eras.
00:29:29That is Rolex, a luxury watch that everyone admires.
00:29:34Rolex is Rolex.
00:29:36It's hard to get it now,
00:29:38and the price is high.
00:29:42It's being sold regularly.
00:29:45It is said that if you can buy it, the value will increase.
00:29:50Some people buy it for investment purposes.
00:29:54What is the name of Rolex in the Showa era?
00:30:00It's expensive, so you can't buy it.
00:30:02Even now, you can't buy expensive watches.
00:30:06In the old days, it was called Rolex.
00:30:11Isn't it Rolex?
00:30:13It's Rolex.
00:30:14Do you stretch it?
00:30:15Yes, I stretch it.
00:30:17It's different from other watches.
00:30:19If you say, this is a great watch,
00:30:21it's Rolex.
00:30:24That's right.
00:30:25Some people in the Showa era called Rolex as Rolex.
00:30:32If you tell that to the Reiwa era,
00:30:41It's lame.
00:30:42It's lame, right?
00:30:44It's cheap.
00:30:45Like a pachimonka.
00:30:51It's cheap if you say LAW.
00:30:53It's a bit lame in terms of words.
00:30:55It's lame, but LEX is cooler.
00:30:57Yes, LEX is cooler.
00:30:59Rolex was sometimes called using English pronunciation in the Showa era.
00:31:05I see.
00:31:06Currently, Rolex has been a official name.
00:31:11Also, the high-end brand Cartier that everyone admires,
00:31:15some of the Showa generation called it differently than now.
00:31:30The high-end brand Cartier that everyone admires,
00:31:33some of the Showa generation called it differently than now.
00:31:45I used to have a second bag.
00:31:47It was popular to have a second bag like a dine heel.
00:31:51Cartier, or Piton.
00:31:54I used to say Cartier, Cartier.
00:31:56I still say Cartier.
00:31:57People still call jeepers denim.
00:32:00I still call them jeepers.
00:32:02I still call them jeepers denim.
00:32:04But what about the Reiwa generation?
00:32:07This one.
00:32:08This is...
00:32:12Do you know what brand this is?
00:32:15The Showa generation called it Cartier.
00:32:21It's totally different.
00:32:22It's like a snack from a local shop.
00:32:25It's like a Japanese snack.
00:32:28That's true.
00:32:30Cartier is more like a Japanese snack.
00:32:33Some of the Reiwa generation are like this.
00:32:36My mom calls it Cartier.
00:32:39At first, it was called Cartier.
00:32:41But now, I feel like Cartier is more like a Japanese snack.
00:32:45Some of the Showa generation called Cartier, Cartier.
00:32:51Cartier Japan was founded in 1989.
00:32:56Cartier was the only brand in France.
00:33:03Some of the Showa generation drink champagne to celebrate Christmas.
00:33:09It's like a Christmas party.
00:33:13It's like champagne because it's a party.
00:33:20Champagne to celebrate Christmas.
00:33:22We used to open champagne to celebrate Christmas.
00:33:25That's true.
00:33:26We used to open champagne.
00:33:29Some of the Showa generation call champagne Champagne.
00:33:36Let's ask the Reiwa generation.
00:33:41It's like a bubble era.
00:33:47That's true.
00:33:48It's like a cake.
00:33:50It sounds like a name.
00:33:57I feel something strange.
00:34:02What is it?
00:34:10It's close to the smell.
00:34:13The rhythm and the look are similar.
00:34:16Yes, they are.
00:34:17They are similar.
00:34:19They are similar.
00:34:21It's a unique sensibility.
00:34:23I might have got the right answer.
00:34:25I don't know.
00:34:27Champagne is an English word.
00:34:30Champagne is a French word.
00:34:33They are not wrong.
00:34:36Champagne is a common word in modern Japan.
00:34:41The Reiwa generation didn't use the word Champagne.
00:34:47The women of the Showa generation compared men to something.
00:34:55The representative face was...
00:35:02Kazukiyo Nishikiori of the Showa generation and Noriyuki Higashiyama.
00:35:10I'm a man.
00:35:12I'm a man.
00:35:14I'm a man.
00:35:16I'm a man.
00:35:18I'm a man.
00:35:20I'm a man.
00:35:23The representative faces of the Showa generation were...
00:35:30The representative faces of the Reiwa generation were...
00:35:37What is that?
00:35:39It's a bear.
00:35:40What is that?
00:35:41It's a bear.
00:35:42Which one is a bear?
00:35:43It's a bear.
00:35:45What about the other one?
00:35:47It's a rabbit.
00:35:50It's a Spirish.
00:35:52It's a Spirish.
00:35:54It's the second one.
00:35:55It's the second one.
00:35:57I've never used the second one.
00:36:00It's an image that Showa people use.
00:36:02It's the second one.
00:36:03On the other hand, what about the Showa generation?
00:36:07It was popular because it was classified.
00:36:10Which one is the representative face?
00:36:12It's the soy sauce face.
00:36:14It's the soy sauce face.
00:36:18It's the soy sauce face.
00:36:19The soy sauce face is Nishikiori.
00:36:21Higashiyama is the soy sauce face.
00:36:25In the Showa era, the representative faces of men were...
00:36:29The soy sauce face and the soy sauce face.
00:36:33It means it's thick.
00:36:36If it's thick, it's the soy sauce face.
00:36:39It's the soy sauce face and the soy sauce face.
00:36:41What are the characteristics?
00:36:44It's the soy sauce face.
00:36:48It's old.
00:36:49It's old.
00:36:50It's Kiyohara.
00:36:54It's the soy sauce face, isn't it?
00:36:55It's the soy sauce face.
00:36:56That's right.
00:36:58At that time, the representative of the soy sauce face was...
00:37:00Kikawa Koji, Nakamura Toru, and Akashiya Sanma.
00:37:06Their eyes were sharp and sharp.
00:37:09Their face was thin and clear.
00:37:15On the other hand, what about the sauce face?
00:37:18The soy sauce face has a deep crease.
00:37:22I see.
00:37:23Abe Hiroshi has a thick soy sauce face.
00:37:29That's right.
00:37:31Like Abe Hiroshi and Kanda Masaki,
00:37:35the soy sauce face has a deep crease and a clear impression.
00:37:43At that time, the representative of the soy sauce face was...
00:37:45The soy sauce face is Shonen Tai.
00:37:48The soy sauce face is Noriyuki Higashiyama.
00:37:52The sauce face is Kazuki Nishikiori.
00:37:57In 1988, she was chosen as the representative of the popular language.
00:38:03Shonen Tai
00:38:10In the Showa era, women were not only a part of the entertainment industry.
00:38:16There was a man I was interested in.
00:38:18He asked me what kind of man I was.
00:38:20I said, soy sauce face or sauce face.
00:38:25When women and men talk about their favorite men,
00:38:29the soy sauce face was used to convey this trend.
00:38:34There are other people like this.
00:38:37When I was young, there was a hook.
00:38:40Two people came from the other side.
00:38:42There are two people here.
00:38:43Which one is the sauce face and which one is the soy sauce face?
00:38:46Which one do you choose?
00:38:49Which one do you choose?
00:38:50Which one do you choose?
00:38:52Here, we know that the soy sauce face is the sauce face.
00:38:58If the soy sauce face is the sauce face, it's good.
00:39:02If the soy sauce face is the soy sauce face, it's goodbye.
00:39:05If the soy sauce face is the sauce face, it's goodbye.
00:39:07I see.
00:39:08I choose the soy sauce face.
00:39:09I choose the soy sauce face.
00:39:10It's powerful.
00:39:12It's good.
00:39:15When I asked a Showa-era man whose face was classified at that time.
00:39:21I'm in my 20s and 30s.
00:39:23When it comes to drinking and eating, girls talk about that.
00:39:29The first excitement was the soy sauce face and the sauce face.
00:39:32They talked about that at discos.
00:39:35I see.
00:39:36I think it was in the 50s.
00:39:38I don't have money, but it was fun every day.
00:39:42It's good.
00:39:44I don't have money, but it was fun.
00:39:46It was fun when I didn't have money.
00:39:48When I first met him, he asked me which face I thought I had.
00:39:55I used it to talk to him.
00:39:57I'm the soy sauce face.
00:39:59Yamato Damashii is the soy sauce face.
00:40:01You're a man.
00:40:02That's right.
00:40:03What is the photo of the man who is proud of the soy sauce face?
00:40:10It's a close-up.
00:40:11It's a close-up.
00:40:12It's a close-up.
00:40:13It's a close-up.
00:40:15It's a close-up.
00:40:17It's a close-up.
00:40:18It's a close-up.
00:40:19It's a close-up.
00:40:20It's a close-up, so people don't get close to me.
00:40:23I knew it clearly when I was a girl.
00:40:26I had the soy sauce face.
00:40:28By the way, your father is not a soy sauce face.
00:40:33I'm a soy sauce face.
00:40:35These are the photos of the two men who have been friends for 30 years.
00:40:42It's cool.
00:40:44It's cool.
00:40:45It's like he's a new face.
00:40:47He looks popular.
00:40:50He's a soy sauce face.
00:40:51He was a soy sauce face when he was young.
00:40:54When did you first meet your girlfriend?
00:40:56It was in the first grade of high school.
00:40:58I was in the first grade of middle school.
00:41:00My father is from Kagoshima.
00:41:02He has a strong personality.
00:41:03He's a soy sauce face.
00:41:04He's a soy sauce face.
00:41:05He's a foreign face.
00:41:07He has a face like this.
00:41:11This is a photo of a foreign man who is a soy sauce face.
00:41:17When I was young, I was asked who I looked like.
00:41:21Have you ever been in a Charlie scene?
00:41:23Charlie scene.
00:41:25It's cool.
00:41:27Charlie scene in Kagoshima.
00:41:33It's cool.
00:41:35I'm sure I've gained more than 30 kg.
00:41:38When I was in my twenties.
00:41:39Were you popular at that time?
00:41:41No, I'm not popular anymore.
00:41:43By the way, there is a word called 〇〇 face these days.
00:41:49I'm a salt face.
00:41:51I'm Kentaro Sakaguchi.
00:41:53I'm a salt face.
00:41:55I'm Shisei Takahashi.
00:41:58I'm a salt face.
00:42:00I'm a salt face.
00:42:02I'm a salt face.
00:42:03I'm a salt face.
00:42:04I'm very popular.
00:42:06Salt face with a bright and light face is popular.
00:42:15There are also other seasonings faces.
00:42:18Sugar face.
00:42:20Like Inoue.
00:42:21Shibayu Dai.
00:42:26Because it's sweet?
00:42:30And others.
00:42:35Masaki Kada.
00:42:37A handsome man with a sexy face like a boy.
00:42:41I see.
00:42:44I like Masaki Kada.
00:42:45I know.
00:42:46I wanted to marry him.
00:42:48Congratulations on your marriage.
00:42:50Thank you very much.
00:42:52I see.
00:42:53The classification of faces has evolved in Reiwa.
00:42:58Soy sauce face.
00:42:59Sauce face.
00:43:00These words are not used as much as they were in Showa.
00:43:06Mark is not so popular in Reiwa.
00:43:10Let's compare them to the Reiwa era.
00:43:14I didn't know that.
00:43:15I was surprised.
00:43:17I don't know.
00:43:20It's like an animal show.
00:43:22I see.
00:43:25It's like a children's toilet.
00:43:30But how about the Showa era?
00:43:33I was shocked because of the coloring.
00:43:39I don't know.
00:43:40I went there with my friend.
00:43:42We are the same age.
00:43:44Unfortunately, I've never been there with a girl.
00:43:46It's a boy.
00:43:48Domu-domu burger.
00:43:50Domu-domu burger?
00:43:51I'm looking forward to it.
00:43:53I may have forgotten it.
00:43:55Was it like this?
00:43:57Domu-domu burger with a red zone mark.
00:44:02Domu-domu burger had more than 400 stores nationwide in the previous century.
00:44:09Domu-domu burger was founded in 1970.
00:44:13Domu-domu burger was born in Machida, Tokyo.
00:44:18Domu-domu burger?
00:44:19I didn't know that.
00:44:20I didn't know that.
00:44:22By the way, McDonald's, which has the most stores in Japan,
00:44:26opened its first store in Ginza next year in 1971.
00:44:32Mos Burger was founded in Narimasu, Tokyo in 1972.
00:44:38Domu-domu burger is the original hamburger chain in Japan.
00:44:44I didn't know that.
00:44:47Domu-domu burger has a variety of ingredients.
00:44:52Domu-domu burger, cheese burger, etc.
00:44:55There are also classic hamburgers.
00:44:59Now, many stores have hamburgers with eggs and shrimp.
00:45:06Domu-domu is the first hamburger chain in Japan.
00:45:12Domu-domu burger has a variety of ingredients.
00:45:16Domu-domu burger has been popular since the Showa era.
00:45:20It's been a long time since I ate this hamburger.
00:45:22I think it was in front of the station.
00:45:23It was in front of the station.
00:45:25When I was a child, when I was told that I would go to eat hamburgers,
00:45:29I didn't say I would go to McDonald's.
00:45:31I said I would go to Domu-domu.
00:45:33So, it was like a hamburger equals Domu-domu.
00:45:37My mother was a snack shop owner.
00:45:40So, I slept in the afternoon.
00:45:42I was happy when she took me to McDonald's.
00:45:45There was also a person like this.
00:45:47I got a New Year's ball.
00:45:50I might have said that I would take my cousins to McDonald's.
00:45:52I didn't say that.
00:45:53I said I would take my cousins to McDonald's.
00:45:55I said I would stop them.
00:45:58I didn't say I would stop them.
00:46:00I didn't say that.
00:46:01I didn't say that.
00:46:02I didn't say that.
00:46:04The New Year's ball was so precious that it was very popular with children in the Showa era.
00:46:13However, the number of Domu-domu hamburgers decreased due to the re-opening of the store and business in Heisei.
00:46:24I haven't seen it now.
00:46:25I wonder what happened.
00:46:26Did they withdraw?
00:46:27Domu-domu hamburgers still exist.
00:46:31What is the current situation of Domu-domu hamburgers?
00:46:37I searched on the Internet.
00:46:43Domu-domu hamburgers still exist.
00:46:46Domu-domu hamburgers still exist.
00:46:52Let's go to Domu-domu hamburgers.
00:47:01What is that?
00:47:05There are Domu-domu hamburgers.
00:47:09I found it.
00:47:10Domu-domu hamburgers look beautiful.
00:47:12They look different.
00:47:15The store is called ION.
00:47:21Let's go inside.
00:47:22It looks like a toy store.
00:47:24It's cute.
00:47:26Domu-domu hamburgers transformed into a stylish space lined with Ano Marks on the wall.
00:47:34Domu-domu hamburgers decreased in number in less than a tenth of the previous century.
00:47:38There are a lot of vegetables.
00:47:39Domu-domu hamburgers still have 29 stores nationwide, mainly in Kanto.
00:47:45Domu-domu hamburgers still exist.
00:47:46Domu-domu hamburgers still exist.
00:47:47Domu-domu hamburgers still exist.
00:47:48Domu-domu hamburgers still exist.
00:47:50Domu-domu hamburgers still have 6 stores in Tokyo.
00:47:53It's amazing.
00:47:55Domu-domu hamburgers and fish burgers are standard.
00:47:58Fish burger looks great.
00:47:59It looks delicious.
00:48:00Domu-domu hamburgers and Okonomiyaki burgers were novel at that time.
00:48:04Domu-domu hamburgers and Okonomiyaki burger were novel at that time.
00:48:07It looks delicious.
00:48:09Domu-domu hamburgers' number decreased in less than a tenth of the previous century.
00:48:12Domu-domu hamburgers still have a large number of customers.
00:48:16That's right, back then, too.
00:48:18So, when we asked the Showa generation who came as guests,
00:48:23When was the first time you came?
00:48:25I was in high school, so it was about 30 years ago.
00:48:28Wow, that's amazing. You're a Yomodomu fan.
00:48:30People like me, who only know about the old days,
00:48:35I wonder if I'll join if I find something.
00:48:38That's nostalgic.
00:48:39I still have the taste of Showa, so I like it.
00:48:44It's in my cell phone, but I put a gold sticker on it.
00:48:53Oh, that's good.
00:48:55It's shiny.
00:48:56That's nice.
00:48:58I don't want to put it on my cell phone, so I put it in here.
00:49:03It might be the best burger chain.
00:49:06I'm from Saitama, but I came all the way to Tokyo to eat Yomodomu.
00:49:13I've been digging since I was a kid.
00:49:16You're a big fan.
00:49:18I'm a Yomodomu fan.
00:49:20I'm a Yomodomu fan.
00:49:22I'm a Yomodomu fan.
00:49:24Yomodomu fan.
00:49:26That's a good word.
00:49:28I'm a Yomodomu fan.
00:49:31In addition, he is not only fascinating core fans,
00:49:35He is also making his own hamburger that is unique to Yomodomu.
00:49:41Let's take a look at his cooking process.
00:49:45The first thing he took out was...
00:49:50Shungiku no kakiage.
00:49:53Shungiku no kakiage on a hamburger?
00:49:57It looks delicious.
00:50:00Does it go well with bread?
00:50:03Shungiku no kakiage, which seems to never go well with bread.
00:50:09Domdom is aggressive.
00:50:12He puts it on a bun with mayonnaise and a special sweet and spicy sauce.
00:50:17It's crispy and delicious.
00:50:19And meat, which is essential for hamburgers,
00:50:23on top of the kakiage.
00:50:26In addition, the meat is sandwiched between Shungiku no kakiage.
00:50:34The mouth.
00:50:36Finally, if you put a bun on it,
00:50:40It's a perfect Shungiku kakiage burger.
00:50:46It's amazing.
00:50:49The scent of Shungiku spreads as you eat it,
00:50:52and the juiciness of the meat is entwined.
00:50:55It's a full-fledged meal.
00:50:57It looks delicious.
00:50:59But why is he making such a special burger?
00:51:04There's a person who's really thinking about hamburgers.
00:51:08When I went to a soba restaurant or a bar,
00:51:13I thought it would be fun to put a hamburger on this menu.
00:51:16I think he's actually working on that.
00:51:20The hamburgers developed for this purpose are beyond our imagination.
00:51:27It's a squid devil burger with a lot of fried squid in a black bun.
00:51:34Squid devil is that.
00:51:36That's right. It's a shocker.
00:51:39The combination of fruit pear and teriyaki sauce is surprisingly good.
00:51:45It's a double teriyaki burger with pear.
00:51:48It's a huge fried squid that pops out of the bun.
00:51:51It's a fried squid burger with salsa sauce, which is spicy and sour.
00:51:57Fried squid.
00:51:58I think fried squid is really good.
00:52:01It's delicious.
00:52:02In addition, there is a maitake burger with 200g of maitake mushrooms, which is irresistible for mushroom lovers.
00:52:11Wow, it looks delicious.
00:52:13I love maitake mushrooms.
00:52:15What was the most popular limited burger?
00:52:20It's a whole crab burger.
00:52:22It was going to be sold for about two months, but within a week, it was sold out of stock.
00:52:32A whole crab burger, which is used in a luxurious way by a soft-shell crab that can be eaten whole.
00:52:41This kind of limited burger is made regularly, and more than 1,000 types have been developed so far.
00:52:50That's great.
00:52:52It's fun to have a self-development center.
00:52:56It's a Dom Dom burger with red blood.
00:52:59With that evolution, REIWA has now realized four consecutive black blood.
00:53:06That's amazing.
00:53:09In addition, there are other marks of the Showa era that REIWA did not recognize.
00:53:15This mark is nostalgic.
00:53:17What is this?
00:53:18It was in the train.
00:53:20First, let's ask the REIWA generation to see it.
00:53:25What is that?
00:53:26I don't know.
00:53:27I don't know.
00:53:29It looks like a leaf.
00:53:30I feel like I've seen something.
00:53:32I've never seen it.
00:53:33Nice to meet you.
00:53:34Nice to meet you.
00:53:35What is this?
00:53:37It looks like an alien.
00:53:40Have you ever seen this?
00:53:43It looks like a grain on the surface.
00:53:47What was it?
00:53:48I've seen it.
00:53:50What about the Showa generation?
00:53:53It's nostalgic.
00:53:55It was on the train.
00:53:58Don't you know?
00:53:59I feel like I've seen it.
00:54:01Don't you have it now?
00:54:02It's so unique that I can't help but remember it.
00:54:06The backrest has a special feature.
00:54:09It's a silver sheet.
00:54:10A silver sheet?
00:54:11A silver sheet.
00:54:12It's a silver sheet.
00:54:13That's it.
00:54:14It was a silver sheet.
00:54:16That's it.
00:54:17That's right.
00:54:18It's a silver sheet where the elderly and people with disabilities sit gracefully.
00:54:24Until 2008, this mark of blue and white was the landmark.
00:54:31Even now, people still call it a silver day or a silver day.
00:54:36The word silver is used to refer to the elderly.
00:54:42The origin of the silver was not from the silver hair of the elderly.
00:54:47Actually, there was a surprising reason.
00:54:51In 1973, a man in charge of the National Railway at the time thought of distinguishing the priority seats from other seats.
00:55:01He happened to find a silver fabric used in Shinkansen at the factory.
00:55:07He named it a silver sheet because he made a seat with that fabric.
00:55:13It was a chair.
00:55:15Is that so?
00:55:17I've never heard of it.
00:55:19The seat was decided by the fabric.
00:55:22As a result, the name of the silver sheet was established, and the image of silver equals the elderly spread to the world.
00:55:33It's a familiar silver sheet for the Showa era, but what about the Reiwa era?
00:55:39I've never seen it before.
00:55:42Did you know the word silver sheet?
00:55:45No, I've never heard of it.
00:55:47You don't even know what a silver sheet is?
00:55:49I was surprised by that.
00:55:51It says priority seat.
00:55:54Buses and trains are all priority seats.
00:55:58From 1909, the name was gradually changed to a priority seat so that it could be used not only by the elderly but also by pregnant women.
00:56:11Certainly, it's not just for the elderly.
00:56:15As a result, in the Reiwa era, there were fewer people calling it a silver sheet.
00:56:21Next is the common sense of the Showa era and the non-common sense of the Reiwa era related to magic.
00:56:28Magic using certain items was very popular among the Showa era.
00:56:34It was popular.
00:56:37It's like everyone was wearing it.
00:56:39Yellow, blue, red, pink, colorful.
00:56:44I put it on my wrist and ankle and wore it like an eye patch.
00:56:52Misanga, an accessory made of thread.
00:56:58What made it so popular?
00:57:02Soccer players used to wear it a lot.
00:57:05The early J-leaguers, such as Ramos and Kitazawa.
00:57:10Soccer players were cool.
00:57:12It was fashionable, cool, and like sports.
00:57:15It was popular among entertainers, so there were quite a few people who imitated it.
00:57:20I thought everyone would be popular.
00:57:24At the time when the J-league was established, the star player Ramos and Kitazawa were wearing misanga.
00:57:34It is said that the Showa era, which saw it, imitated it and became a big boom.
00:57:40Magic using misanga.
00:57:44When you tie a misanga, make a wish and put it on your wrist.
00:57:50If it comes off naturally, your wish will come true.
00:57:53I put it on when I take a bath.
00:57:55Whether it's a little dirty or not, I put it on.
00:57:58I put it on until it comes off.
00:58:00I put it on because I thought my wish would come true.
00:58:04While making a wish you want to come true,
00:58:08put misanga on your wrist and ankle.
00:58:13Once you put it on, you don't have to take it off when you take a bath.
00:58:18It was said that when it comes off naturally, your wish will come true.
00:58:23I was told by my parents.
00:58:25I was told.
00:58:27I was told.
00:58:28I think I was told 100%.
00:58:30Everyone was in love.
00:58:33That's right.
00:58:34There was only love.
00:58:37But it's hard to cut.
00:58:39That's right.
00:58:40If you cut it yourself, it's bad luck.
00:58:43There was a belief that love would not come true.
00:58:47I made an effort to cut a part or make it thinner so that I could cut it on purpose.
00:58:54I put on a matching one to win the game.
00:58:59You can't cut it all at once.
00:59:01I really can't cut it.
00:59:03If I can't cut it for 2, 3, or 4 years, I really can't cut it.
00:59:06So you forget when you cut it.
00:59:09That's right.
00:59:10In addition, misanga is not just worn.
00:59:15I put cellophane tape on the desk at school.
00:59:19I put a little bit of slanted patterns, V patterns, and beads.
00:59:25I made it.
00:59:27It was fun.
00:59:29In the Showa era, some people made their own original misanga.
00:59:34You did a lot.
00:59:36I did.
00:59:37You did?
00:59:38I did it all the time on the table.
00:59:40Yasu, you did a lot.
00:59:42You did a lot, Yasu.
00:59:43I loved it.
00:59:46V patterns, slanted patterns, etc.
00:59:52He made various kinds of misanga and enjoyed it.
00:59:58I asked an elementary school student in Reiwa if he knew misanga.
01:00:03Do you know what misanga is?
01:00:05I don't know.
01:00:07I can't imagine what it's called.
01:00:10What do you think misanga is?
01:00:12It's a drink.
01:00:14A drink?
01:00:16Maybe it's carbonated.
01:00:18I think so.
01:00:19It's a food.
01:00:21A food?
01:00:22A vegetable?
01:00:23A vegetable?
01:00:24A vegetable?
01:00:26What is the correct answer?
01:00:30I wish it was still popular.
01:00:33I'd be happy if my wish came true.
01:00:36Isn't that a little too serious?
01:00:39It's scary.
01:00:40It's scary.
01:00:41It's like an adult.
01:00:42It's Reiwa, isn't it?
01:00:44On the other hand, I asked the Reiwa generation a little higher.
01:00:48I don't want to wear it if I can.
01:00:50I don't want to wear it if I can.
01:00:52I don't think it suits our fashion.
01:00:55Misanga doesn't seem to be acceptable to young people who are at the top of the trend.
01:01:03In addition, there is a love spell that became popular among Showa students.
01:01:09It became popular.
01:01:11There was a jinx that you could become a maid.
01:01:15I think everyone was doing it.
01:01:17Write the name of the person you like on the eraser.
01:01:22That's right.
01:01:23It's a spell to write the name of the person you like on the eraser.
01:01:28If you write the name of the person you like and use up the eraser without anyone finding it,
01:01:34you will be in love with the person you like.
01:01:38In order to make love come true, you have to use up the eraser without anyone finding out.
01:01:45If you open the cover on the way and find out who you like, it won't come true.
01:01:50It's cute.
01:01:51I didn't have a boyfriend.
01:01:54I don't use the eraser on my friends.
01:01:57Because they can see my name.
01:02:00Because everyone is doing it.
01:02:01I don't use it.
01:02:03I can't use it.
01:02:05Because it's slow to use.
01:02:07Forcibly sharpen it.
01:02:10Intentionally sharpen it and lose it quickly.
01:02:13Everyone is doing it.
01:02:15I want to make it come true and become a maid.
01:02:19I write it whenever I can.
01:02:26To make love come true, she used up the eraser.
01:02:31She was sharpening it for no reason to use it up as soon as possible.
01:02:37I'm trying to use it up as soon as possible.
01:02:40She wants to tell this to the Reiwa generation.
01:02:44I've never said it.
01:02:46I believe in my own power.
01:02:49If I have time to draw, I go to talk to people.
01:02:52That will come true.
01:02:54I don't think it will come true if I draw a lot.
01:02:59If you draw a lot.
01:03:01I think it will come true if I polish myself, lose weight, and put on makeup.
01:03:10The Reiwa generation seems to be realistic about love.
01:03:16In addition, the Showa generation expresses their feelings for the person they admire in a certain way.
01:03:24At that time, it was somehow life.
01:03:29I think it was a video of life.
01:03:31Nakamuri Akina's life.
01:03:34I liked Nakamura Toru.
01:03:36Nakamura Toru's life.
01:03:38I asked him what he was popular with recently.
01:03:41He said, I'm Kyon Kyon's life.
01:03:43It's like that.
01:03:45In the Reiwa era, it was a star.
01:03:47In the Showa era, it was a life.
01:03:50It was in the Tokugawa era.
01:03:53It was in the Bebop era.
01:03:55She wants to tell that to the Reiwa generation.
01:04:02It's too high.
01:04:04It's too high.
01:04:06It's too high.
01:04:10It's too high.
01:04:12It's too high.
01:04:14I really like him.
01:04:17It's a life that is hard to accept for the Reiwa generation, but it seems to be natural for the Showa generation.
01:04:25There was a sticker.
01:04:28At that time, there were many stickers with the name of the idol as life.
01:04:35In addition, among such enthusiastic fans, there was a person who stood out.
01:04:41At that time, there was something like a elite guard.
01:04:44It was a loud voice.
01:04:48Lovely something.
01:04:50It's Oshikatsu now.
01:04:52It doesn't change.
01:04:53I was doing something like this in the middle of the song.
01:05:01Here is a video of the elite guard at that time.
01:05:07The story of the elite guard who loved Akira Nakamori was unbelievable.
01:05:16It's a life.
01:05:22Yoshizumi of the Showa generation can't forgive.
01:05:25This is strange. What is the Reiwa generation?
01:05:28It's a way of using SNS.
01:05:33For example, LINE.
01:05:35Short words.
01:05:37There are abbreviations, but they are short.
01:05:41Something like that.
01:05:43My son also came.
01:05:45There were 10 LINE messages.
01:05:47There were 10 contents in one line.
01:05:50There was nothing.
01:05:51It's like this.
01:05:53It's a sentence.
01:05:55I think it's better to do it like that.
01:06:00I have an opinion.
01:06:02It takes a long time to do a long sentence.
01:06:06So I'm waiting for something to come.
01:06:10But if you send one line at a time, you can see it.
01:06:15I see.
01:06:17It's the same with TIKTOK.
01:06:19I want to go right away.
01:06:21I don't think so.
01:06:23You send a long sentence for about 5 minutes.
01:06:28But if nothing comes in 5 minutes, I think it's ignored.
01:06:33Please send a long sentence by e-mail.
01:06:37It's a conversation.
01:06:39Even if I don't get a reply for 1 minute, I go to another site.
01:06:43I can't wait.
01:06:45I see.
01:06:47I think it's my fault.
01:06:49It's amazing.
01:06:51I don't have to talk here.
01:06:53I don't have to talk at home.
01:06:55I just have to enjoy it and go home.
01:06:57That's the best.
01:06:59That's the best.
01:07:01Please pay attention to Gagarin of the elite guard.
01:07:16It's worth it.
01:07:24It's cute.
01:07:39Don't talk to me.
01:07:45I'm a girl.
01:08:07It's a life.
01:08:09In the Showa era, it was called life.
01:08:15It's a big difference from the way of calling luxury cars.
01:08:19What do you call this?
01:08:24That's right.
01:08:26Do you call it BMW in the Showa era?
01:08:28Do you call it BMW?
01:08:34I didn't know.
01:08:36In the Showa era,
01:08:40It's called BMW.
01:08:42That's all.
01:08:44In the Showa era,
01:08:46BMW was called
01:08:48BMW and BMW.
01:08:52What do you call it in the Reiwa era?
01:08:56Do you call it BMW?
01:08:58I don't know.
01:09:02That's right.
01:09:05In addition, the car that his father used to ride was BMW.
01:09:10What about the two girls?
01:09:13Wait a minute.
01:09:15The car that my father used to ride was BMW.
01:09:18Wait a minute.
01:09:20It's a little Showa-like.
01:09:22Why is it called BMW?
01:09:26However, the Showa era also stopped calling it BMW.
01:09:32Why did you change the name to BMW?
01:09:35Maybe it's because people around me call it BMW.
01:09:39Maybe it's because I'm from the countryside.
01:09:42I wanted to be a city person, so I tried to use proper words.
01:09:48In fact, in 1981, the Japanese government of BMW was established.
01:09:55BMW became the official name.
01:10:00Then, in addition to the wrong pronunciation,
01:10:03Did you feel embarrassed by the cute pronunciation of BMW?
01:10:09Everyone started calling it BMW.
01:10:15But why did the Showa era call it BMW in the first place?
01:10:21There was a reason.
01:10:26When I was in junior high school,
01:10:36Free announcer Tazaki of the Heisei era is incomprehensible.
01:10:41What is so strange about the Showa era?
01:10:45The Showa era has a lot of psychological theories.
01:10:49I'm sorry.
01:10:51That's a fact.
01:10:53When it's cold, people say,
01:10:55It's cold. It's cold. It's cold.
01:10:57I think it's cold, so it's cold.
01:10:59I think it's hot, so it's hot.
01:11:01We were like that, too.
01:11:04I'm sure.
01:11:06It's true that it gets cold when it's cold.
01:11:09Is that so?
01:11:11If you say it's not cold when it's cold,
01:11:13It may be a little warmer.
01:11:16It's a psychological theory.
01:11:19Psychological theories are like that.
01:11:21Sickness comes from the tree.
01:11:23Sickness comes from the tree.
01:11:25But when you say it's cold to the younger generation,
01:11:28For example, are you in Hokkaido?
01:11:31You can get an opinion that you want to improve something.
01:11:35Older people don't think it's cold.
01:11:37I think it's hot.
01:11:39It's just a psychological theory.
01:11:41How can I do my best?
01:11:44That's right.
01:11:46That's what I can't get over.
01:11:49I'm going to deny it.
01:11:51I'm going to deny it.
01:11:53There's a fixed concept.
01:11:55Young people don't accept it.
01:11:57That's why we often use it.
01:12:01Young people don't accept it anymore.
01:12:05If you deny it from the beginning,
01:12:07There are a lot of people who are afraid.
01:12:09That's why you're happy.
01:12:11It's only the Showa generation.
01:12:13I'm so angry.
01:12:15I'm so angry.
01:12:17I'm so angry.
01:12:19Why did some of the Showa generation call BMW a Benbe?
01:12:26When I was in junior high school,
01:12:28There was a manga called The Wolf of the Circuit.
01:12:31BMW called it Benbe.
01:12:34Oh, The Wolf of the Circuit.
01:12:37This is the popularity of boys at the time.
01:12:41This is a part of The Wolf of the Circuit.
01:12:45BMW has BMW and Ruby.
01:12:51And this BMW is...
01:12:54How to read when you pronounce the alphabet in German.
01:12:59Then it changed gradually.
01:13:02It's now known as Benbe and Benbe.
01:13:07That's interesting.
01:13:09In addition, there is a popular word in Heisei that does not make sense to the Reiwa generation.
01:13:15First of all, this Choberiba.
01:13:21When I asked the Reiwa generation what it meant,
01:13:28Does it mean that it's a joke?
01:13:32It's a bit of a rebound.
01:13:34Oh, that's good.
01:13:35It's a little funny.
01:13:37It's like bye-bye.
01:13:39Choberi is good.
01:13:41Ba is bye-bye.
01:13:43It's good, bye-bye.
01:13:47It's like that.
01:13:49It's different.
01:13:51When I asked the Heisei generation, the answer was...
01:13:55What does Choberiba mean?
01:13:57It's like the worst.
01:14:00Is that so?
01:14:02Choberibad is an abbreviation of Choberibad, which means the worst.
01:14:09Choberigu, which means the best, became popular in the late 1990s.
01:14:18I know Choberigu.
01:14:19Do you know Choberigu?
01:14:20Yes, when everyone goes home.
01:14:22Choberigu is bye-bye.
01:14:24Choberigu is good.
01:14:26It's good, bye-bye.
01:14:27That's right.
01:14:30When I asked the Heisei generation, the answer was...
01:14:35When I was in high school, the menu in the cafeteria was called Choberiba when I didn't like it.
01:14:45Choberiba with natto.
01:14:47Natto is no good.
01:14:48Natto is from Kansai.
01:14:54When I asked the Heisei generation, the answer was...
01:15:01It's MK5.
01:15:02What does that mean?
01:15:06What does that mean?
01:15:08Michael Jackson 5.
01:15:10Wait a minute.
01:15:11Michael Jackson?
01:15:13Michael Jackson 5?
01:15:17It's Michael 5.
01:15:19Michael 5.
01:15:20Isn't it a computer?
01:15:24What do you mean by a computer?
01:15:26What do you call Apple computers?
01:15:30It's like a MacBook Pro.
01:15:32MacBook 5.
01:15:33MacBook 5?
01:15:34That's right.
01:15:36It's really trash.
01:15:39That's new.
01:15:41It's amazing.
01:15:42It's a little stressed, isn't it?
01:15:43When I asked the Heisei generation, the answer was...
01:15:47It's MK5.
01:15:48I really love you.
01:15:505 seconds over.
01:15:52It's Ryoko Hirosue.
01:15:53I've always loved him more than anyone else.
01:15:57I've always loved him more than anyone else.
01:16:02I'm in a good mood.
01:16:06I won't let you go.
01:16:10She's got it.
01:16:11She's got it.
01:16:13Ryoko Hirosue's debut song, 5 seconds before falling in love.
01:16:19This song was abbreviated and called MK5.
01:16:26This MK5 had another meaning.
01:16:325 seconds before.
01:16:33It's going to be popular.
01:16:35This song is popular.
01:16:37How about MK5?
01:16:41It's very cold.
01:16:44That's right.
01:16:45It's very...
01:16:47It's very...
01:16:48It's very...
01:16:49It's very cute.
01:16:50It's very cute.
01:16:51It's the best.
01:16:53It's very cute.
01:16:56The Heisei generation's Himahima has a sense of honor.
01:16:59This is the Heisei generation.
01:17:04Who wipes their face with a wet towel?
01:17:07I hate that.
01:17:09There are still people who do that.
01:17:11Some people even wipe behind their necks.
01:17:16I don't like to be clean.
01:17:19I don't like to be used.
01:17:22I don't know what it is, but when I wash it, I see the history of it.
01:17:27I see.
01:17:28I don't like that.
01:17:29It's the history of the wet towel.
01:17:31I feel like this part is clogged every year.
01:17:36When I come to a warm shibori, I feel like my blood vessels are spinning.
01:17:41You're right.
01:17:45But I understand what you're saying.
01:17:48When I was in my teens and 20s, I was like this.
01:17:54If I was a kid, I would have been like this.
01:17:57I might have thought like this.
01:17:59You were like this. You were almost in a bath.
01:18:03I was like this.
01:18:05You were really like this.
01:18:08You were really like this.
01:18:11I was like this.
01:18:14You were like this.
01:18:16I was sweating a lot.
01:18:19You were already in a bath.
01:18:235 seconds before falling in love.
01:18:315 seconds before really going crazy.
01:18:335 seconds before really going crazy.
01:18:36Have you ever bought it?
01:18:38I have.
01:18:40I was working so hard.
01:18:42I bought it just in time.
01:18:45You said you were a girl.
01:18:47That's right.
01:18:49MK5 was also used as a shortened word for 5 seconds before really going crazy.
01:18:56I think it's going to be popular.
01:18:57I think it's going to be popular.
01:19:00Let's ask the Reiwa generation about the popular Heisei word, Bari-san.
01:19:07Bari is cold.
01:19:10That's right.
01:19:11It's like crazy.
01:19:14It's like Bari Bari Bari.
01:19:15It's really cute.
01:19:16It's like Bari Kawaii Yone.
01:19:19It's like Bari-san.
01:19:21Bari-san is cute.
01:19:23Let's ask the Heisei generation about the correct answer.
01:19:27It has a lot of radio waves.
01:19:28It has a lot of radio waves.
01:19:39Bari-san has three radio waves.
01:19:45That's right.
01:19:46Bari-san means that the radio waves of the mobile phone are in a very good condition.
01:19:52It was popular in the era of Kara-kei, where the maximum three were the mainstream.
01:19:58At that time, there were many places where the radio waves were bad.
01:20:02It seems that the Heisei generation had a hard time.
01:20:06It's quite slow to get e-mails.
01:20:11I was told that I was late.
01:20:14I will ask the center.
01:20:17It will arrive later.
01:20:20I will ask the center.
01:20:23I will ask the center.
01:20:26In addition, it is said that there was a function that is no longer available on old cell phones.
01:20:34Do you know my old cell phone?
01:21:08Don't know
01:22:38There are a lot of good things in life, but there are also a lot of bad things.
01:22:46When you become emotional, there is nothing good in life, but only bad things.
01:22:53But you don't have to complain or oppose anything.
01:23:01You can calmly think about what you should do.
01:23:10Then you can make a clear choice.
01:23:16I'm bored.
01:23:18I can't do this on TikTok.
01:23:21I heard a rumor that I was stabbed.
01:23:25If I cut this out and post it on TikTok,
01:23:28Don't cut it out!
01:23:30Don't cut it out!