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Раскрыл главный секрет псих больницы родители в Schoolboy Runaway в Minecraft! Начало шестого сезона!

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► Реклама и сотрудничество: edison@wildjam.ru
00:00Boya, my Omani one is Uzuryda.
00:03Mata koko kara, batsushite yaro.
00:06Oh, Maloy, I'm so sick of you, you can't even imagine.
00:10In the room you were in, you shouldn't have been there.
00:16There's a super dangerous patient.
00:19You have nothing to do there.
00:21It's a secret room.
00:24Oh, kakakoro nafig.
00:26Oh, Maloy.
00:29You were made a candle in your childhood?
00:32What do you mean, Nafig, I was made a candle in my childhood?
00:34Well, check it out, so that the temperature does not rise.
00:38Oh, rectal candles?
00:40Oh, yes, how well you know.
00:43Of course we did, Nafig, this is an ordinary procedure.
00:48So are you ready or not, psychobob?
00:50What are you looking at me?
00:51I say, jump on the bed!
00:53Come on, Nafig, it's...
00:55How is it? Get ready, Nafig!
00:57Jump on the bed, I said!
01:02Give me some pills, doctor.
01:04No, Nafig, we're done, Nafig.
01:06Sit down on the candle and let's go!
01:15I sat down.
01:16If you don't listen,
01:19you're going to have a small-tummy ultrasound.
01:23Do you understand me?
01:24So it's not scary.
01:26But your innovative device will be very scary.
01:30I warned you.
01:31I got it, okay.
01:32Okay, I'm going.
01:33And take the traffic light, please.
01:35Take the traffic light, Nafig, from my room!
01:37Bye, I said!
01:45Little one, we need to talk.
01:48Little one, we need to talk.
01:51I know that you're in my head!
01:54I know that you're not real!
01:56I know that you're pretending,
01:58because I just miss you, Nafig!
02:01He's real in real life,
02:03but here, in these four walls,
02:05he's not real, Nafig.
02:06He appears when...
02:09when I don't have pills.
02:11Nail, nail, nail, nail, nail...
02:13How will Nafig find it?
02:15Nail, candle, Nafig,
02:16the doctor forgot his...
02:18Nafig, traffic light, which is here...
02:21Where's the nail, Nafig?
02:23Damn it!
02:24I need to go to the ground floor!
02:27I need to go to the basement!
02:29Oh, here it is.
02:32I need to go down there,
02:35where I can't go down!
02:37There, where...
02:46Some English...
02:48There, where...
02:50Where the doctor told me not to go down!
02:53That's where I need to go!
02:55Don't look out the window!
02:57I don't like to do this!
02:59Don't stay here!
03:01Not for a second!
03:03Hurry up!
03:06Oh, if only the ceiling was gold!
03:09If only instead of these walls
03:11there was a mountain full of silk and rachat lukum!
03:14How good my life would be!
03:17How good it is that in general
03:19they don't need anything in this life!
03:22The syringe is good!
03:24The fifth season of the new season of Skullboy!
03:27I just...
03:30Rats, Nafig!
03:32Damn it, Nafig!
03:34It would be better here
03:36to make this room
03:38from rats!
03:40To your left!
03:41Oh, another one!
03:42The fifth season of the new season of Skullboy!
03:45I just...
03:47Nafig realized that
03:49syringes should be used for yourself!
03:51Syringe should be used
03:53if you want to get somewhere in the room!
03:56And now when I have three syringes in my inventory
03:59I can, Nafig, kill everyone
04:01who gets in my way!
04:03Any doctors, Nafig!
04:05This is a book about Trinobol!
04:07I don't understand, Nafig!
04:10Oh, okay!
04:12Later, Nafig!
04:14Later, Nafig!
04:18Ugh, Nafig!
04:19What a surprise!
04:21Let him sleep here!
04:23But I know that he won't be able to catch me
04:25for the next ten minutes!
04:27Because he is Nafig...
04:29So, do you have satanistic
04:31summons again?
04:33Or what?
04:34Nafig, join us!
04:35Cherry, are you ready?
04:36Get up here!
04:37Come on, get up next to me!
04:39Green light!
04:41Let's go, let's go, let's go!
04:44Red light!
04:47At least some entertainment
04:49in this dark place!
04:51Let's go, let's go, let's go!
04:54Red light!
04:56Green light!
05:00Why are you standing?
05:02Come on, come on!
05:04Red light!
05:05Excuse me, I'm going to the red light!
05:07Oh, my God, Nafig!
05:10It's like...
05:14There is no one here!
05:16And this book!
05:17It's like...
05:18Which one to turn on?
05:19Oh, this one!
05:20It's like I have no other Nafig business!
05:22I will play this squid game
05:24with you, Nafig!
05:25Oh, great!
05:26Well done!
05:30Five minutes have passed!
05:31Five minutes have passed, Nafig!
05:32Only five minutes have passed!
05:33Let's search, let's search, let's search, let's search!
05:35Quickly, what is here?
05:36Some Nafig books!
05:37Five minutes have passed!
05:38I have already...
05:39Nafig, I came here and there is nothing here!
05:42Five minutes have passed!
05:44I have already managed this!
05:57So, that's it, vitamins...
05:59Vitamins, I drank!
06:01I drank, I drank!
06:05I DRA...
06:06Your Nafig...
06:10...on the street...
06:13With fresh air,
06:14as if you need to breathe more often!
06:17In vain, Nafig...
06:21through these holes
06:23I can't squeeze through!
06:25I can't even understand
06:27where is this stupid house!
06:30In the mountains, in the forest
06:32a small road
06:34people do not ride,
06:35Cars don't move, cars don't...
06:37A few hours later...
06:58This is a huge beetle.
07:02It was huge on the mountain.
07:04And this is taking into account that I was poisoned with pills at the very beginning!
07:14That's it! I have the maximum amount of keys!
07:16That's it! That's great, Nafik!
07:18I will go down where I can't go down and I will see what I can't see!
07:23Nafik, do you see? Finally!
07:25I will go down! I will go down!
07:27I will find out, Nafik!
07:28I will find out what kind of secret patient Nafik is!
07:44Go to hell!
07:49Someone is doing this...
07:54Oh, a rat!
07:56I will go with you now!
08:00For dinner!
08:01It looks like Polina!
08:03Oh, hello!
08:06Strange atmosphere here, right?
08:09Tatyana, what the fuck? A child upside down!
08:11This is not a child!
08:13Do you understand? I'm here...
08:14Two hands, two legs, a head!
08:16Well, look for yourself!
08:17A child!
08:18I was afraid!
08:19This is a toy!
08:20Kuzivara no mokou!
08:22Oh, this is a toy!
08:23This is a toy!
08:24This is a toy!
08:25What were you doing?
08:26I was washing it, and now I think, whose?
08:29Maybe you know?
08:30Listen, Tatyana, I have such a...
08:32No, I don't know whose toy it is!
08:34I have such a question to you...
08:35I can't, Nafik, sit down!
08:37I have such a question to you!
08:39Well, who is it?
08:40Come on!
08:41Tell me!
08:44Are you real?
08:45Well, I was in the morning...
08:47I looked in the mirror...
08:49I combed, ate...
08:50And what?
08:52Well, you somehow look just in swimming trunks, crocs, sunglasses...
08:57As if you do not fit into this atmosphere!
09:00Well, you have a lot of new things behind you too...
09:09And if I don't look back, then...
09:12In general, it me...
09:15Well, then don't look in the mirror, don't pass by...
09:22I'm going to sleep, Nafik...
09:24This is...
09:28I won't look back, Nafik...
09:51I'm so tired, Nafik!
09:53I warned you!
09:55A thermometer, Maloy!
09:57But I...
09:58A thermometer!
09:59Let me explain, Nafik, for a minute!
10:02I just woke up, your Masha, Nafik!
10:08Well, I fell asleep!
10:10Well, think about it!
10:12Well, what now?
10:14Maloy, let's measure the temperature with you, huh?
10:16I think you have this heat!
10:19Well, again, Nafik!
10:21Lying down!
10:22Our cleaning lady found you!
10:23What's her name, Nafik?
10:26Wait, Nafik!
10:27Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...
10:30So Tatyana is real?
10:31Well, we had a cleaning lady, Nastya, yes...
10:33No, no, her name is Tatyana!
10:35Well, we had Anastasia!
10:36But her name is Tatyana!
10:38I know her, Nafik!
10:39From the second or third season!
10:41I don't remember, from some season of Skullboy!
10:43I don't know her name!
10:45We had Nastya!
10:46I don't know her!
10:47But it's Tatyana!
10:48Maybe Tatyana!
10:49I don't remember her name!
10:50So you don't know what your cleaning lady's name is?
10:52Well, Tatyana, yes, I remembered Tatyana!
10:54So what, it's Tatyana!
10:55Why the hell was Nastya here in the first place?
10:57It doesn't matter what her name is!
10:59It matters!
11:00Because if she...
11:01Then I don't have a hallucination, doctor!
11:04Good night!
11:11I hate you!
11:16So it's possible, Nafik!
11:19So it's possible!
11:22So it's so useful to carry with you, Nafik!
11:25These syringes!
11:26It's a pity that I don't have them anymore!
11:28Well, it's just, Nafik, with its own degrees!
11:30With its own measurements and temperatures, Nafik!
11:32With its own and all the others, Nafik!
11:34It keeps me!
11:36And he's sleeping now!
11:37I need to go down to the first floor!
11:39I need to go down...
11:45To the kidney!
11:49Cyclope chicken, Nafik!
11:54I don't get it!
11:55I don't get it, Nafik!
11:56Super-duper-duper-dangerous patient!
12:01What the hell?
12:02He woke up, Nafik!
12:05Am I bald?
12:07I'll be a patient soon!
12:09I'll be a patient soon!
12:12Why do I need strings?
12:13What do I need to sew?
12:14I don't get it!
12:16Cyclope chicken!
12:24It's very useful to find syringes!
12:29Smart thoughts...
12:31Well, they don't...
12:32They don't...
12:33They don't...
12:34They don't...
12:35They don't come to me quickly!
12:36Like, I think, and...
12:38And they don't come to me quickly!
12:40I mean...
12:41I think, and...
12:42And through the series I only make decisions!
12:46That's it!
12:47But it's an idea!
12:49So, Nafik, write me in the comments if you need something!
12:53Because, like, I think...
12:59Like, I think...
13:01But when I think, it...
13:04Like, it...
13:05Well, it's not right away, like...
13:07I think, it's...
13:12Like, I don't...
13:13I don't regret that I...
13:15Oh, Nafik, pills!
13:16I drank!
13:17I don't regret that I, Nafik...
13:19That I...
13:20That I took a pill!
13:21Because I...
13:22I had so many...
13:24I drank pills, I...
13:25Look what dances I'll do to my Sultan
13:27when I go home!
13:29Ats-sy, a leg, ats-sy, a leg, ats-sy!
13:33I don't regret it!
13:34T-Tatyana, she's still on my side!
13:36She warned me that there was something there, so I fucking decided to cut it off!
13:41And then I tell him, it was always so easy for me to communicate and work with children,
13:45you just need to let them understand that I'm an even more dangerous and unpredictable psychopath than they are.
13:50Listen, I hope you can provide first aid, because I have a shortness of breath.
13:56Whose toy is it?
13:59Well, you brought it this time.
14:00No, Tatyana says she found it, she washed it off, it's dirty, someone lost it.
14:04What Tatyana?
14:04Some child probably lost it, well, that's it.
14:07That's it, take it.
14:08Why do I need this toy, I will carry it with me.
14:13Some country.
14:14Especially when I go down to the first floor right now!
14:20I have two more attempts.
14:22That's it, good.
14:22I found out that Tatyana, you are real.
14:26Only your boss is confused.
14:31Why do you provide first aid?
14:35Why do you restore his heartbeat?
14:37She doesn't want to work again.
14:40Who, Paul?
14:41A new toy!
14:43They gave it to me at work.
14:45You see, if it breaks, my salary will be deducted.
14:49So it's a ficus.
14:51It's a broom.
14:53Tatyana, it's a ficus, it's a flower, what kind of broom is it?
14:58It's a ficus.
15:00No, I understand, it's not standard.
15:02Well, it works as a broom.
15:03Look, look how good it is.
15:05What the hell are you digging?
15:07It's even in the pot.
15:08Here's the pot.
15:10It's not a broom at all.
15:12You see, well, wait.
15:14I was confused with the words.
15:16This is a work inventory.
15:17Put it away.
15:19So you believe that we are in a madhouse.
15:22You can't believe.
15:23Yes, you can't believe everything they say here.
15:26If I believed everything they say here,
15:29then I would give them...
15:32Just wait, Tatyana.
15:34And the rat that runs here, do I see it or does it really run here?
15:39I hear something rustling.
15:43Here's the rat.
15:45Here, look.
15:45I'm running after it, look.
15:47I'm running after the rat.
15:49You see, I'm running after the rat in a circle.
15:50What do you mean?
15:51Come on, look in front of me.
15:52Here, the rat is running in front of me.
15:54I'm running around you with a rat in a circle.
15:57You see?
15:59I'm going to punish this rascal now.
16:02What the fuck?
16:03Everyone, get ready quickly.
16:04We need to gather together.
16:06A dangerous cyclops has escaped.
16:08He bit me in the ear.
16:09I'm taking a baton.
16:10To the doctors.
16:12Search urgently.
16:14What the hell am I doing here?
16:16This one escaped again.
16:18As always.
16:18What's wrong with his head?
16:21Colleagues, come on, look for him.
16:25Guys, you're weird.
16:27They can hear you.
16:29But they can't see you.
16:30That's the problem.
16:31How the hell can Tatiana hear you?
16:34Who the hell are you?
16:36Okay, you.
16:37So, they went to look for me.
16:40The knife is here.
16:41Help, help, help.
16:42They went to look for me.
16:43It means I have a little time.
16:44I have a little time.
16:45What the hell?
16:46To confuse everything here.
16:47Quickly, quickly.
16:52Hello, what the hell?
16:54Finally, familiar people.
16:58Tatiana and Ficus, what the hell?
17:00It's locked, locked, locked.
17:01Another parrot.
17:03Oh my God, it's locked everywhere.
17:05I can't get out of here.
17:06It's good, it's locked here too.
17:08I need to get here.
17:10Some super tough, fierce secret is here.
17:13It says here that the entrance is only for staff.
17:18To get in here...
17:19It's locked here.
17:20To get in here, you need a salad key.
17:23And a salad...
17:26Jill, you are adequate.
17:29And the fact that I work 10 hours a day...
17:3369 hours.
17:35Are you adequate?
17:39Let's go, let's go, let's go.
17:40Just close the door behind you.
17:41Close the door behind you.
17:42Well done, well done.
17:44And crawl, don't get up.
17:45Even if you get up, you have no legs.
17:47And I'll crawl so that I can be heard.
17:49Listen here.
17:50Oh, the key is small.
17:52The problem is that I was caught once.
17:54If I...
17:57If I do it again...
17:59Where are you...
17:59Why did you hide behind the ficus?
18:01I'm telling you, it's a ficus!
18:02What broom, for fuck's sake?
18:04Here, the ficuses.
18:05How the fuck can a ficus be confused with a broom or a broom?
18:09Come on, quickly.
18:13Damn, I'm confusing the keys.
18:20And I can't get out here, for fuck's sake.
18:24I'll go to my office.
18:26I'll look at the cameras and video surveillance.
18:33Okay, we know the proven tactics.
18:35The fact that I can't be seen behind the curtains.
18:36This is cool.
18:38But the problem is...
18:39Stop, for fuck's sake!
18:40The fact that I can't escape from here now!
18:42Lord, why the fuck did he have to go to the office right now?
18:48I'll track down this little one.
18:51I'll find him!
18:52And when I find him...
18:53I'll give him a tooth!
18:55He's free!
18:56Yes, yes, yes, I know.
18:57I'll go there.
18:58Well, I'll go there.
19:05It's kind of stuffy in the office, for fuck's sake.
19:07I need to open the windows.
19:10For now.
19:11What's behind the window?
19:14Wait, there's something behind the window.
19:15Have you seen it?
19:16Have you seen it?
19:17The devil is behind the window!
19:19I'm sick of you!
19:36Oh, little one.
19:36I'm so sick of you!
19:37You can't even imagine how...
19:40You've been tormenting me for a month already.
19:43Even more!
19:44I want to get fired, for fuck's sake.
19:45I'm so tired!
19:47I want to get fired, for fuck's sake, from this hospital!
19:50You're an inadequate patient!
19:52I can't handle you!
19:53Ratatouille, for fuck's sake!
19:54I've already done everything I could!
19:58You're not afraid of anything.
19:59Will you have a beef cutlet?
20:07Where did you get beef cutlets?
20:09Here's another one.
20:10Here you go.
20:12Double burger, will you?
20:14You stole it from the canteen, didn't you?
20:16No, it's ratatouille for me.
20:19I'll really call you ratatouille, for fuck's sake!
20:21It's ratatouille!
20:22Here's a slice of salmon.
20:24It's not ratatouille.
20:26You're a psycho ratatouille, for fuck's sake!
20:29There's no ratatouille in this room, for fuck's sake!
20:31Here's a fried chicken.
20:33There's only me and you here!
20:36Follow me, quickly!
20:37I'm coming.
20:38Ratatouille, good job.
20:39Follow me!
20:40We're going back to your style, for fuck's sake!
20:43You see, there's no point in having some kind of
20:45preventive conversations with me.
20:47You see, I know why I'm here.
20:50Because my parents set me up, for fuck's sake.
20:52My dad is tired of me.
20:54They sent me here.
20:55They think I'm...
20:56They think I'm...
20:57I've heard enough of this bullshit!
20:59Yes, yes, yes.
21:00Like, I've been here for a month.
21:02But I haven't been here for a month, for fuck's sake!
21:07I've told you a hundred times!
21:08Get rid of that ficus!
21:09It's a ficus!
21:10It's an anime!
21:11It's a ficus!
21:12It's not a body, it's inadequate, for fuck's sake!
21:15If you don't do it right...
21:15Ah, well, tsk-tsk.
21:17You're not my boss,
21:19and you didn't change your shoes.
21:21Who didn't change them?
21:23I'm sorry, Tatyana.
21:24I'm sorry.
21:25Put on the ficus!
21:26It's really my fault.
21:27I'll be right back, Tatyana.
21:29I'll be right back.
21:30Wait here.
21:31I'll try to escape.
21:31Tatyana, I'm sorry.
21:33I'm listening and obeying.
21:34The ficus is over there, for fuck's sake!
21:36The ficus is in the hallway, for fuck's sake!
21:41Ah, I forgot, for fuck's sake, I forgot!
21:42The ficus is...
21:43Tatyana, I'm sorry.
21:44The ficus is...
21:45It's not there, the ficus is...
21:46The ficus is over there, for fuck's sake!
21:48Over there!
21:49The ficus is over there and to the right.
21:50On the radio!
21:54Milka, why are you standing?
22:02Thank you!
22:04For fuck's sake!
22:04It's not real!
22:05It's helping me!
22:09The ficus!
22:09That's it!
22:10I'll run away from here!
22:11I'll run away from here!
22:15To your left again, you damn rick!
22:18For fuck's sake!
22:20Is it...
22:22Is it opening or not?
22:23The service room.
22:26The doctor...
22:33The doctor said that you can't enter here under any circumstances.
22:38This is a secret section of our...
22:43White Key.
22:46I put on my shoes!
22:48Where is this Milka?
22:49Where did he go?
22:51You should have looked after him!
22:53Who are you?
22:54A doctor?
22:56You are a doctor!
22:57I have a small...
22:58Everyone, shut up!
22:59Everyone, shut up!
23:01Look for this psychopath who ran away!
23:05I want to kiss you.
23:07The doctor says that there is a secret patient here.
23:11And I can't enter here under any circumstances.
23:15He almost caught me last time.
23:17I was like, damn it!
23:19I hid here.
23:21He didn't see me and left.
23:23And I was thinking, thinking, thinking...
23:26What the hell?
23:29The arrow points here.
23:31But it points to the other side!
23:37What is here?
23:39The same ventilation as I have!
23:42There is ventilation in every room!
23:45Now I have a question.
23:45Who drew this arrow?
23:48And the second question.
23:49Now we will find out where this ventilation leads.
23:52Because if this ventilation...
23:57Was I here?
24:02What the hell?
24:05Damn it!
24:09Does it make sense for me to use another key to open this door?
24:13The number of keys is limited.
24:21I can't use the keys everywhere!
24:26I was here!
24:28It's locked too.
24:30Somewhere in these rooms is a very dangerous criminal!
24:34Last time I almost lost my hoof.
24:36One more key.
24:38One more key.
24:39Now I can open more.
24:41Last time I almost lost my hoof when I came in here.
24:44Thank you very much.
24:45I will not enter this room anymore.
24:50It's locked. I can't get in here.
24:56There is some kind of...
24:59There is some kind of passage.
25:06I don't believe it.
25:07Be careful, dangerous patient!
25:28Ah! Ah! Ah!
25:33So this door...
25:34All this time it was...
25:37But it's locked from this side.
25:38I got it.
25:46I can't use the lever.
25:48I can't break it with my nail.
25:52I can't use the cross.
25:54And I can't use the white key either.
26:00So I need to go to this damned room where I almost...
26:06Listen, there is...
26:07There is some kind of...
26:09I even...
26:12Shoot me!
26:19I need vitamins to prevent a cold.
26:34What the fuck?
26:39Thank you very much.
26:43Another ventilation!
26:45What the hell is this?
26:47Why is it made of steel?
26:59That's why I couldn't get in here.
27:01Because the door is locked with this...
27:05What the hell is a chainsaw man doing in this clinic?
27:10Working as a doctor?
27:12Scissor... Scissor?
27:16What do we have here?
27:17Patient number 36.
27:19Vitaliy Yurievich Begemotov.
27:21He is 43 years old.
27:22No relatives.
27:23No one will look for him.
27:24Physical health.
27:25Ideal conditions.
27:26Ideal what?
27:27Ideal plans?
27:28Damn it.
27:29Patient number 49.
27:30Mirov Nataniel Aleksandrovich.
27:35He is 26 years old.
27:36He is allergic to latex.
27:37That's why he needs special gloves.
27:41Patient number 67.
27:42Bezhentayev Daulet Albertovich.
27:44As it turned out, the younger the subject, the easier it is to work with him.
27:48Thus, we were able to achieve a mutation in his...
27:53Patient number 82.
27:56Perets Eduard Maksarovich.
27:59There are some kind of...
28:04What experiments?
28:05Why am I the fourth one?
28:08He has a lot of close relatives.
28:12I need to find a way to make his relatives believe that I can't save him, otherwise I can't explain his disappearance.
28:18I honestly...
28:19I don't understand anything at all.
28:21Am I a psycho or not a psycho?
28:23So the pills...
28:25Are they healing me or are the pills making me so...
28:34The light is flashing.
28:35So the pills are healing me or are the pills making me so...
28:39That I'm a psycho?
28:41I don't understand.
28:42And why do I need a hookah?
28:44I can't take a chainsaw.
28:47Fuck you.
28:53I told you.
28:55No, no, no.
28:56You shouldn't be here.
28:58No, no, no.
28:59I warned you.
29:00He knew that I would come here.
29:02He knew that I would...
29:03Little one.
29:05No, no, no.
29:07I told you.
29:08I don't want to be a patient number 82.
29:11You shouldn't be here, little one.
29:14I got it now.
29:15I got it, I...
29:18But I can use the hookah.
29:20Why the fuck can't I do that?
29:29But I can use the hookah.
29:34But I need to...
29:36Little one.
29:38But I need to hit him with the hookah before he hits me.
29:42Because if he...
29:45If he hits me...
29:48I warned you.
29:51Sleep, sleep, my dear.
29:59That's all.
30:00That's all.
30:01How good it is.
30:05So. It's great.
30:12But what kind of pati...
30:15Dog, how can I get into this dangerous patient?
30:18I got nothing.
30:19I got nothing.
30:22Your left.
30:24The riddle remains!
30:29Oh, I'll find this little one, I'll stick these guts in his eyes!
30:34Little one, wait.
30:44What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What?
30:50The window is open! I can go outside! I can go outside! I can go outside!
30:53I wanted to come in here and say that I need to break the chief's safe,
30:56because there is a key in the chief's safe,
30:58with which I will be able to enter the office of a special...
31:17Is it because I ran away?
31:21Oh my God!
31:24General meeting! Someone ran away from us!
31:26Urgently! Urgently! Look for him!
31:29Look for him! Look for him!
31:33Tatyana, help! This crazy man ran away!
31:42No! No! No! No! No!
31:46Don't do it! Don't do it! Don't do it! Don't do it!
31:50Something is burning! Something is burning!
31:53What's going on? What's going on?
31:55What? What the fuck?
32:19To be continued...
