• yesterday
Incredible Northern Vets S01 E01


00:00She's so gorgeous.
00:02It feels like it was a fairy tale.
00:05What did you do to your eye, bud?
00:06I treated a bear.
00:08My wife passed away four years ago, so he means an awful lot to me.
00:12Can you shake a paw?
00:14Good boy.
00:15We've been struggling with a tooth infection.
00:17They're just a worry for anesthesia.
00:19Pigs, the longer they're under, the more at risk they are for dying.
00:24I have the fox.
00:26Foxes are my favorite animal.
00:28She's in very rough shape.
00:31She's just been through it.
00:34Across the country,
00:36Be nice.
00:37indigenous vets are using their knowledge and skills
00:40Good little baby.
00:41to help the animals we love stay happy and healthy.
00:59I'm just going to check him out here.
01:01You're such a good baby.
01:03My name is Corey Steven.
01:05I own Nachaco Valley Animal Health Services.
01:07It's a mixed animal rural practice.
01:11The next vet clinic is over 100 kilometers away.
01:16People think I baby you too much.
01:19It's a safe space here. You can baby away.
01:22Oh, man.
01:23I've been working with animals for 20 years.
01:26I've been working with animals for 25 years.
01:29Do you think you can get urine from him outside
01:31if I send someone out with a ladle to catch it later?
01:34Worth a shot?
01:36I knew that animals were always going to be something important to my life.
01:40They probably kept me out of trouble.
01:44You're such a good boy.
01:48Oh, were you successful?
01:50Wonderful. Okay, good.
01:52Is Jerry outside?
01:53No, he's just up front. I'm just going to go chat with him.
01:57So Mickey has another leaky eye.
02:00My little dog got his eye hurt.
02:03It's your turn, Mickey. Come on.
02:05It happened yesterday.
02:07And then this morning it was actually looking a little bit worse,
02:11so I made an appointment to come in.
02:14You know the way.
02:16My wife passed away four years ago.
02:19Here we go.
02:21And he's all I've got to talk to anymore.
02:26So he means an awful lot to me.
02:30Working in the community that you were raised in,
02:33you build relationships with people.
02:35Looks like Mickey just got a haircut.
02:38It's a sense of community, definitely.
02:40What did you do to your eye, bud? Are you going to tell a story?
02:43Well, he treated a bear yesterday.
02:45Yeah, he treated a bear.
02:47Well, yesterday evening there was a bear that came into the yard.
02:54Go see if there's a bear here.
02:57Yeah, he's been here.
02:59Bear scat.
03:01Mickey saw him coming across the lawn here,
03:04and he started barking at him and running at him,
03:07and the bear went up this tree.
03:11And I got Mickey out of the way.
03:14The bear looked back and seeing how big Mickey was,
03:18and he couldn't tell embarrassed he'd come back and down out of the tree.
03:24So do you think he heard it yesterday with chasing the bear?
03:28Yeah, that's when I noticed it, is after he got through chasing the bear.
03:32Mickey, unfortunately, is of the breed of dog that has buthalmic eyes,
03:38which means that they are kind of poking out of their head.
03:43You haven't been putting anything in it, right?
03:46They're easily accessible to trauma.
03:48You're okay.
03:50So this is just stain to check and see if there is trauma to the cornea.
03:57So this blue light picks up the fluorescence of the stain that we put in there.
04:05It looks like it's scratched through a few of the layers of the cornea.
04:10Mickey likely ran into a rose bush or some sort of stick.
04:14Really red, quite swollen, and painful.
04:17So we're going to put him on an antibiotic drop.
04:20You're all right, bud.
04:22It's okay, Mickey. It's okay, darling.
04:24And oral anti-inflammatories for pain.
04:27Are you up for the challenge?
04:28You bet.
04:29All righty.
04:30Well, I have to put medication in his eye, and I don't mind doing it.
04:36Can you see me?
04:40You've got to quit chasing bears.
04:44He's my little buddy, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure he's okay.
04:49Mickey, come here.
04:51He says, I've had enough of you.
04:54Okay, Mickey. Come on.
04:56Mickey, he's loved very much by his owner.
05:00I think Jerry is Mickey's lifeline, and Mickey is Jerry's lifeline.
05:04How's your eye?
05:06You going to talk to me? You going to show me your eye?
05:09Here, that a boy.
05:11Yeah, he says, I'm ready to go home.
05:30Forest Grove Veterinary.
05:32Are you going to sit down? Yeah, okay.
05:34He does that. It's embarrassing.
05:37I had only been out of school for two years when I ended up buying Forest Grove Veterinary Clinic.
05:43You can have a cookie.
05:45My old boss said, is anyone interested in buying this clinic?
05:49And I was like, yes, me. Like, I want to own the clinic.
05:53Strong heartbeat there.
05:54Good for 13.
05:55Excellent for 13.
05:57We really are like your family doctor here.
06:00Cats and dogs, wildlife.
06:02We're willing to do a lot of things.
06:08Hello. Hi.
06:10I'm Katie here with Living Sky Wildlife Rehab.
06:12I have the fox.
06:14Okay, perfect.
06:15It smells like a fox.
06:17This afternoon, we have a fox coming in.
06:20You can just follow me back.
06:22There is a wildlife rehabilitation center nearby, and they often bring little critters to us to examine.
06:29We can go in here.
06:30I always love it when foxes are in clinic.
06:32Foxes are my favorite animal.
06:35Foxes are just, I love them.
06:38How comfortable are you holding a fox?
06:40Fairly comfortable. I work with her every day.
06:44We've had this red fox in our care for about a week now.
06:47We're not sure what happened to her, but she's in very rough shape.
06:51We brought her in just to make sure that we're on the right path with treating her and that she's getting all the care she needs.
06:58She's a little bit feisty.
07:00I think she's more scared than angry.
07:03She has tried to escape.
07:06When they're under stress, they're going to do what wild animals do to protect themselves.
07:10We use a pair of welding gloves.
07:12We just need that extra thick protection to keep us safe.
07:21Oh, jeez.
07:25As soon as we were bringing it out of the carrier, it was a little bit startling to see.
07:30Her skin looks horrible.
07:32Her skin looks horrible. It does look significantly better than when she came in, which is...
07:37Her skin is just full of these awful crusts. She's so itchy.
07:41She may have some sort of leg injury.
07:44And here.
07:46As far as foxes go, this is one of the most serious cases we've seen at our center.
07:50Oh, sweet girl.
07:52She's in very rough shape.
07:54She's just been through it.
07:56Oh, God.
08:01Oh, sweet girl.
08:04She does look pretty mangy, hey?
08:07She's just been through it.
08:09We have a fox from Living Skies Rescue.
08:13It was a little bit startling to see a fox in that rough of shape.
08:17When she first came in, we weren't sure how long she was going to be with us.
08:21She's very mangy. She's very skinny.
08:23She may have some sort of leg injury.
08:26I know. It's okay.
08:27It's whole coat was all patchy, had wounds on its face, big wounds on its little bum area.
08:33It's pretty deep.
08:35They're pretty deep.
08:37Her eyes were very swollen and shut.
08:39We were worried that she may not have vision in one of them because it was crusted shut so badly.
08:45For a wild animal, if the injury is so bad that they won't be able to perform basic functions,
08:51then euthanasia is the kindest thing we can do.
08:55Is she okay with people touching at her face?
08:58She's very, you know, gentle about it.
09:00She doesn't, like, snap.
09:03She's very sweet, but you can tell she doesn't want to be around people,
09:07which is fair. She's a wild animal.
09:09She shouldn't be around people.
09:11Um, God.
09:13It looks like she got in some sort of scrap here.
09:16Like, looking at it, it looks like there's a puncture wound, like something kind of bit her.
09:21Maybe it was in a fight with another animal, but of course, we can't talk to the fox, so we don't know.
09:27The eye itself is looking okay.
09:30It looks like they're responding normally.
09:32Concerned, too, was the leg.
09:35You said it was in the shoulder.
09:37I'm going to see if she'll let me.
09:41A broken leg is really challenging to come back from for wildlife.
09:46Hey, beautiful girl. It's okay. It's okay.
09:48Hey, beautiful girl. It's okay. It's okay.
09:50So, looking at the fox's leg, is there any obvious swelling?
09:54Is the leg moving in a way that maybe it shouldn't be moving?
09:58She's putting good, like, resistance on my finger there.
10:03Honestly, it's feeling really nice.
10:06I don't think we need to do x-rays.
10:08I'm not worried about her shoulder, and I'm happy to see both of her legs are stretching out as they should.
10:14So, those two wounds, we have been trying to keep an eye on those.
10:18When she first came to us, her wounds were so infected that they actually had maggots in them.
10:23Well, they look like that they're healing up really nice, though.
10:27I like that they're nice and pink. There's no discharge coming from them.
10:30There were no maggots, which is always a plus.
10:32There was no signs of discharge or swelling.
10:35The fox wasn't painful with being touched in that area,
10:38so those are all great signs to me that it's not actively infected.
10:42So, I suspect that those are going to heal up beautifully on their own.
10:46But it's going to be a slow return to normal.
10:49It's going to take a long time for that skin to look better.
10:52Although it looks rough right now, all the things put together should heal up really nicely on their own.
10:58Really, the fox just needs time.
11:00She did so well.
11:02She's really, she's amazing.
11:04I love her. Oh, my God.
11:06It's going to be a long road to recovery, but it seems like she's started off on a good path.
11:11I've taken quite a liking to her, so I really hope that she'll end up being released.
11:17I also wear these pants whenever I work with her, so they smell like her now, because she's peed on them sometimes.
11:21It definitely has a fox smell.
11:23Not you, just her, but yeah.
11:37Working in rural British Columbia, it is dynamic, for sure.
11:43Hello. Hey, Cal.
11:49Yeah, keep coming.
11:51Tulo is seven.
11:53I got him when he was about ten weeks old, so I've had him for a long time.
11:56He is a mini pot-bellied pig crossed with a Giuliani, which are two miniature breeds of pigs.
12:02Pigs are very loving. They're very caring.
12:05Like, they kind of connect with one person on an emotional level, so he's just kind of like my animal.
12:10Hi, Tulo. How are you?
12:13I brought Tulo here today because we've been struggling with a tooth infection for the past couple months.
12:18And he has a little bubble on his cheek here.
12:24He's been on antibiotics a couple times, but it seems to keep coming back.
12:28I'm a gentle hygienist, so I deal with teeth all the time.
12:31And for me, it's hard to just have him living with an active infection.
12:36This one here is where it just opened and drained.
12:39Let's have a look at your mouth.
12:41Tulo had been having some recurrent large, firm, bone-type swelling.
12:46He had a big lump on his cheek, probably the size of a baseball.
12:52This has changed, actually.
12:54Do you remember that big, firm, hard, bony callus that was there?
12:59That has gone.
13:00Seems to be gone, yeah.
13:01The infection is no longer impacting the bone in which that root sits in.
13:08Okay, okay.
13:09So he has an abscess from that root.
13:12Yeah, yeah.
13:13Okay, so you're thinking at this point, it'd be a possibility to take the tooth out?
13:18We have the equipment.
13:19We can make the time to make that happen.
13:21But pigs, they're just a worry for their anesthesia.
13:25Pigs do not sedate well when they're put under an anesthetic.
13:30They can't thermoregulate, and so they get too hot.
13:33And that creates a critical situation,
13:36and there's no way you're yanking that tooth out in an awake pig.
13:40The unfortunate thing in these guys,
13:43So in order to get that tooth out,
13:45you have to expose the root that's buried and encased in there,
13:49and that takes a long time.
13:51And the longer they're under an anesthetic,
13:53the more at risk they are for overheating,
13:56the more at risk they are for dying.
13:58You'd hate to take a systemically healthy pig
14:01and subject it to an anesthetic,
14:03and you'd hate to take a systemically healthy pig
14:06and subject it to an anesthetic.
14:08You'd hate to take a systemically healthy pig
14:11and subject it to an anesthesia if it's high risk to cause death.
14:16Like if it was firm and hard and the bone was affected,
14:20but that's pretty soft and probably going to just open on its own and drain.
14:25Do you think his quality of life with the infection is he's okay at this point?
14:29I think he's fine.
14:31You just need to provide home care for that.
14:33Okay. Let's manage it the best we can.
14:36Tulo is a fabulous pig.
14:39His owner has done an amazing job at caring for him.
14:44Can you shake a paw?
14:47Aw, you're such a good kid.
14:49He is living a great life.
14:51I know raspberries aren't your favorite. I see that.
14:53I want to try to do my best to make his quality of life the best that I can
14:57because he helps me in my quality of life.
15:00I try to make friends with him whenever he comes
15:02because he could really seriously hurt you if he wanted to,
15:05although he doesn't really have a mean bone in his body.
15:18See you tomorrow.
15:19Bye. See you tomorrow.
15:21Owning a clinic, your work is never really done.
15:26It can be really stressful.
15:28I know. You're so happy.
15:32I like to deal with the stress by taking my dog, Daniel, out for runs or hikes.
15:39Bring it here.
15:46Running, that's one of my big things.
15:49It's a really great time to think.
15:54I learned at a pretty young age that I was Indigenous.
15:59I am Vuntuk Gwich'in, which is from Old Crow, the Yukon.
16:07My mother was part of the Sixties Scoop.
16:12She was taken from her mom at a very young age and put into a different family.
16:19There's a lot of Canadians who are learning that that was what happened to them as well.
16:25It definitely cuts a link in that chain of learning about your heritage.
16:29There's a lot of cuts to that chain, but that's a big one.
16:33I have this huge pull to learn more,
16:36but there's a lot that keeps me back from trying to explore my heritage and culture further.
16:43That fear of rejection, right?
16:45It's really scary to go out there and put yourself out there to do that.
16:51But I really want to go to Old Crow one day.
17:03The fox had been here for about two weeks.
17:05She was everywhere in this pen.
17:07They're very active animals.
17:09They'll kind of do a little fox parkour around the whole pen.
17:13We have some cameras in here that we get to watch from inside without disturbing them.
17:18When we first got the fox in, she was in pretty rough shape.
17:23But in the course of her time here, she improved leaps and bounds.
17:28As I went to go check on her food and water, as we do every day,
17:32I kind of noticed that it hadn't really been touched from the last night.
17:36That led me to go, you know, see where she might be hiding.
17:41And she wasn't there.
17:43She basically just spent every minute testing every inch of this pen.
17:47And she found the one loose board in this entire pen and she, you know, took it and ran.
17:54Would have been nice to have a little more control over her release and where she ended up.
17:58But she was done her course of medication.
18:01She was strong and she was feisty.
18:04So we're hoping she's doing okay.
18:14This is Pearl. I just got her last week.
18:18She's two. She needs her shots for sure.
18:21She might need dewormer.
18:23And the other thing is that I would like to check her ears for mites because they were really dirty.
18:28Oh my goodness. She's so gorgeous.
18:30Rag dolls. They look so cute.
18:32They kind of look like they're going to have a baby.
18:34They're so cute.
18:35They're so cute.
18:36They're so cute.
18:37They're so cute.
18:38They're so cute.
18:39They're so cute.
18:40They're so cute.
18:41Rag dolls. They look so cute.
18:43They kind of look like a lightly toasted marshmallow in my opinion.
18:46And so she was living on a farm.
18:48She wasn't really suited to farm life.
18:50I think it sounds like she was kind of getting beat up on by the other animals which is why they wanted to rehome her.
18:55I can't believe that I've only had her for a week because she is so affectionate and sweet.
19:00And she's always kind of weaving in between my legs.
19:02I'm sorry sweet girl but I'm going to have to take you down from there.
19:06She's pretty nervous here.
19:07I'm just going to bring you back to the table.
19:09She doesn't really like to be held for too long which I'm having a hard time with.
19:14You're like I just want to love you.
19:16I know.
19:21I don't think she's used to being taken to the vet.
19:24Good job.
19:26My cat doesn't really like going to the vet and I become incredibly stressed.
19:30It makes me nauseous the thought of having to bring her in.
19:33You sound great. It's okay.
19:35And so I really wanted to be a vet that I would bring my cat to and I would feel comfortable with her being there.
19:41Just in your ears I just want to make sure, yeah they are still a little dirty.
19:46And I felt really secure handing my cat over to Dr. Allison because she gives me cat person vibes.
19:52I am going to just draw up the vaccine and then after we give her a little poke maybe she even just wants to like hide in her kennel or snuggle up to you.
20:00I don't want her to be all stressed.
20:02You're okay. You're okay baby.
20:05And just a little tiny poke. Good job Pearl.
20:09It feels like it was kind of a fairy tale.
20:12All done. That was it.
20:14This beautiful cat, she's like living on a farm and she needs to come and be a city cat.
20:19It's like a match made in heaven.
20:22Pets provide a lot for people.
20:24And really from like as soon as they enter the door until the very end, we're there to help.
20:30It bothers him.
20:32Oh thank you.
20:34Our pets, we don't get to pick their health like how they're going to be throughout their lives.
20:40I think that can be really hard to prepare for.
20:46Oh no.
20:48Oh no.
20:51To be able to be someone that they can come to with problems or questions, it's a really big privilege to be that trusted person.
21:00He looks funny.
21:02Who wouldn't want to work at a place that makes animals happy?
21:06I really love what I do.
21:09I guess we'll have to baby proof.
21:12Until the year we get him.
21:14Pulo is doing really well right now.
21:17He wags his tail when he's happy.
21:19His infection has gone away.
21:27You coming out?
21:29He's like other people's dogs, right? Like you get pretty attached to your animals.
21:32He's like my dog basically.