• 2 weeks ago
Tratamientos tradicionales para el pelo


00:00Look, they always crucify me for this. Before giving my answer, I can tell you that I am
00:10a professional. I graduated from Cosmetic Chemistry in Argentina. I have studied in
00:14five different countries and I can tell you that there are many opinions found. It is
00:20something very controversial, do not spread it, eat it. I mean, there are many, even phrases
00:25like the one I just mentioned, but in my particular case, I believe that nature is
00:30there to take advantage of it. Why do I say this? Because when you have a flu and you are
00:35Latino, only a Latino will understand this. Our grandmothers go and make us tea, and they
00:41make tea with cinnamon, they make it with things. Obviously, you have to be careful, why? Because
00:47it is not the same an onion that I have, for example, we have a growth shampoo that
00:52is based on onion, but this onion goes through a process. This onion is planted specifically
00:57for us. This onion, we know that it does not have any fungus, that it does not have anything
01:04contagious, so to speak, speaking in more scientific terms, so that they can understand me,
01:09what is going to cause you a major problem that you are trying to cure. So, obviously,
01:15yes, we have to be very careful with what we are going to put on, because not everything, but yes,
01:19of course, I go totally pro. The other day, very recently, I saw a very, very famous stylist
01:27of many celebrities, who said that she added aloe vera to all her masks, and I said,
01:33wow, that she is saying that. It is very important because unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation
01:42about it, you just have to be a little careful. Obviously, also something that happens a lot,
01:47there are many girls who make, for example, their natural homemade droppers. That dropper
01:51that you are making cannot last more than two days, so every two days you are going to have to
01:55do it. Why? Because it does not have preservatives and you are adding many things that later
02:01can cause you an irreversible effect or damage, which is what you are trying to avoid.
02:09And a question in that sense, for example, sometimes I do the linseed gel. Very good
02:19for laughing. I love it. I imagine the fixation, how do you stay that day? Very shiny, beautiful,
02:26but what happens is that I feel that sometimes the linseed does not preserve well, and when sometimes
02:32it smells a little strange, the consistency changes. What would be the recommendation,
02:40for example, in the time of use of the mask? Look, the ideal thing is always that the things
02:46that you do naturally at home, you put them in the fridge. That will help you extend your
02:51lifetime more, that is the first thing. And the second, decorate for no more than two days. Why?
02:56Because they have different organisms that you do not know because you are not a scientist,
03:00because you are not wearing this. It does not have a preservative that will help you last longer.
03:06So in the long run, when you calculate and say, I am going to be doing this mixture every day,
03:10for that, go to a pharmacy, a supermarket, and there you obviously buy your favorite products.
03:17100% perfect. And well, if you can share with us some tips that can not be missing in your
03:22hair routine to have a healthy scalp, because basically the scalp is like the
03:28basis of everything. It is like the makeup that you have to have, prepare your skin so that it looks
03:33flawless. What is the advice that you can share, especially in this winter time,
03:38that there is a lot of dryness in the hair, dryness? Tell us. Well, look, the main thing that I can always
03:46tell everyone, especially those who are here in the United States, is to buy a water filter
03:51for your shower. Why? Because the water here really has a lot of lime. The water here is a
03:57little aggressive for our hair and that is why maybe you, if you came from Latin America here,
04:02you have never had lime, but here you have lime. And second, exfoliate. Exfoliating the scalp
04:07is very important once a week, every ten days. Why? Because with exfoliation we are
04:13removing all those residues that remain from previous products, from day to day,
04:19even from the environment. So for me that is the main thing, that a scalp is
04:24healthy and healthy, it is a hair that is going to grow. So you really have a lot of
04:31knowledge about it, because that's where it all starts and sometimes we neglect it. Yes,
04:36that's right. And well, to finish, precisely speaking, we have to talk about curly hair,
04:41obviously. There are many celebrities who have embraced their natural texture, for example
04:46Francisca, Leslie Grace, even Carl Vivi has let us see her hair without a wig and without
04:50extensions. A lot. Very big, a little afro. What do you think of that, that a woman decides to be
04:57natural? What do you think of that? Look, first for me it means strength, it means that she is a
05:03woman who loves herself, who does not care what they say, because our roots are curly hair.
05:11That curly hair, that the queens before were only curly hair and now you see how
05:17girls with all hair texture participate in beauty treatments and win. That really is
05:22a pride. I think that more than anything it is a message, a message to all those girls who are
05:27growing up, that their hair is beautiful as they are, that you can get there, you can be famous without
05:33having to wax your hair, that that is not a difference. Your hair can help you to
05:40define yourself and for me there is no more important definition than to carry your roots and be
05:47proud of that hair that God gave you as a gift. Well, thank you very much. And well, to finish,
05:53if you want to leave a message for our people who are listening to Dipol in Spanish.
05:57Well, the main thing I can tell you is that always, always give a lot of love to your hair and
06:03your hair will give it back to you. Drink a lot of water. If you do that exercise that I know
06:08fitness was, it is very fashionable. Try to wash your hair frequently because sweat
06:14greatly mistreats the strands.
