• last week
Álvaro Salas y Cecilia Bolocco revivieron el chascarro del famoso “Políglota”, que decía hablar y escribir 58 idiomas, pero no consiguió demostrar nada de su talento.


00:00You were talking about the polyglot.
00:02It's a big hit on the Chilean television.
00:04And I want us to remember it while they enjoy this wonder.
00:07Learn a new word with the polyglot.
00:09How disturbing was that.
00:10The polyglot speaks and writes 58 languages.
00:15Very good.
00:16And more than that.
00:18Poor thing.
00:18And more than that.
00:21Forgive me.
00:22I give it like...
00:24What a fucking beauty.
00:255% of what represents 100% Farsi language.
00:29I'm convinced that Gonzalo did it on purpose.
00:33What is the only man-made factory on Earth that can be seen on the Moon?
00:40Where did you acquire and learn the knowledge of Chilean languages?
00:44And also, where did you absorb it easily?
00:50What a nuisance.
00:58But in Carcajada.
01:00He did it on purpose.
01:05Look, I'm sure that Gonzalo Bertrano did it on purpose.
01:09But convinced.
01:09Now that I see it again.
01:11Carcajada was laughed at in La Muela.
01:13Do you remember?
01:13Do you know what happens?
01:14But it can't be that someone invited him.
01:16And that he invited these beauties.
01:18Because each one spoke almost 100 languages.
01:20Look, look.
01:21It was impossible to guess.
01:23Ciudad Fasada is the name of the city.
01:24It was like two months ago.
01:26A month ago.
01:26With Susana Jimenez in Buenos Aires.
01:28On television.
01:29And he answered all the questions he asked.
01:31In Egyptian, Aramaic, in Russian.
01:33And Gonzalo said, you have to bring it to Chile.
01:36And I had on the table, I had the Guinness Book of Records.
01:39And it appears there.
01:4058 languages and 12 dialects.
01:43But it turns out that there are so many questions.
01:45So, in Egyptian, ask me this.
01:47Two or three sentences.
01:49In this, ask me.
01:50But here, Gonzalo is already with the Russian consul.
01:53That's it.
01:55The rooster that spoke without a word.
01:59Now, what did you feel at that moment, Cecilia?
02:02When you heard Gonzalo laugh.
02:04When you saw that this was going to turn
02:06into the biggest mess on television.
02:08But then it started to get 60 points.
02:10One wanted at least to guess something.
02:13Something, something.
02:14So, how to help him.
02:15To calm down.
02:16The other thing is evil.
02:17All the people laughed.
02:19But not to guess a single thing.
02:21Because everything was no.
02:23Another one stopped.
02:24He started to talk.
02:26He answered.
02:28And he was like.
02:29Oh my God.
02:30This man wanted to die.
02:31The Russian said.
02:35What did he say?
02:36He said.
02:37Could you repeat it?
02:39He says that he is very happy to be in Chile.
02:41It is the first time that he knows the human nature here.
02:44And the climate.
02:45That's what the man said.
02:46No, I said live on Monday.
02:48He is alive.
02:49He was a chanter.
02:50He was a chanter.
02:51And then he tried.
02:52Because he was very bad.
02:53He really fell asleep in the hotel.
02:55But he stayed in Vermejo.
02:56And he came later.
02:57A month later.
02:58And he saved him with a little kiss.
03:02He was a chanter.
03:03He was a chanter.
03:04He was a chanter.
03:05He was walking around the world with a text.
