• yesterday
Tomás Vodanonic, alcalde de Maipú, interpuso una querella contra Joaquín Lavín León, diputado y esposo de Cathy Barriga, por tráfico de influencias y fraude al fisco.


00:00And now, it's not only about statements, but there's an announcement from Querella against the husband of Katy Barriga, the deputy Joaquin David León.
00:07It's because of influence trafficking, and also because of tax fraud.
00:11And that comes together with the statements, particularly yesterday, when we spoke with Giovanna,
00:15that said that he took, or would have taken, decisions in the municipality.
00:19And today, we also have, and they're going to help me from above, we have live...
00:23We have the tweet of Tomás Boánoz, which we are going to review now.
00:26It was necessary.
00:27Well, to do justice, do total justice, not half.
00:31No, no, no, it wasn't necessary. As we are seeing today, this is the tweet that Tomás Boánoz made today.
00:36He said the following.
00:37As Mayor of Maipú, we have filed a criminal complaint against the deputy Joaquin David León,
00:41for eventual influence trafficking crimes and tax fraud,
00:45and duty as mayor to prosecute all those responsible for the serious acts of corruption that occurred in Maipú.
00:52This is part of what he published this morning, after interposing this complaint against Joaquin David León.
00:57Of course, he said he was the mayor of La Sombra.
00:59We are also going to be in contact with another former employee of the municipality of Maipú,
01:03who is going to be live, live with us, to address this issue.
01:06In particular, to say if it was true that he made decisions,
01:10was it true that he was in meetings where it was not necessary that there were any deputies.
01:14We are going to talk about all of this with Guillermo,
01:16who we thank as a former employee of the municipality of Maipú to be with us.
01:19Now, we have a complete report.
01:21Because now they are no longer statements.
01:23Yes, they are not statements, but they are accusations and complaints.
01:27Let's go with Guillermo, let's go live with him, do you think?
01:30Guillermo, thank you very much for being with us at this time in the afternoon.
01:33What do you think of the complaint of the municipality against Joaquin David León?
01:36We want to hear you.
01:39Hello, good afternoon.
01:42With respect to the information and the complaint that Mayor Tomás Modánovich interposed,
01:51I think it is totally correct,
01:54since Mr. Joaquin David, as everyone knows,
01:59Joaquin David was the mayor of the shadows, as they say.
02:05Did you see him at any meeting where he made decisions instead of the mayor in particular, Guillermo?
02:14Within the municipality I did not see him.
02:17I saw him, obviously, since he has come very little, very little.
02:22But if the times they did not go to the parliamentary headquarters,
02:30there obviously I saw that there were plans in which they were to unlink some officials
02:39who were not from the same political sector as Mr. Joaquin David.
02:43Let's see, we want to go there, Guillermo.
02:45You say that he made the decisions when there were officials who were not right-wing, let's put it that way, right?
02:52That's right, that's right.
02:54That is, his first intervention took place three weeks after Cati Barriga arrived at the mayor's office.
02:59Giovanna, I don't know if yesterday, Felipe is able to corroborate it.
03:03You are also the third one to talk about it.
03:05He determined that these 500 left-wing people, as they were determined at that time,
03:10were evicted or fired from the municipality?
03:13The Reds.
03:14The Reds?
03:15That's what they said.
03:18Directly, the plans went from Joaquin David to his chief of staff,
03:25who is currently being investigated,
03:28I imagine that everyone already knows,
03:31Arnaldo Domínguez, who inside the municipality,
03:35all the officials, we knew him as the dwarf.
03:38That is, the official, if you ask him,
03:42that he was in charge from 2016 until the end of 2021 of Mrs. Barriga,
03:48they know that he was dwarf,
03:51and in fact he was the person who was the intermediary between Joaquin and the municipality.
03:57And never, at any time, no one, because obviously there are very few people who have come out to speak,
04:03and others are obviously silent because there is a long process.
04:07Why do you tell it?
04:10Pamela, right?
04:13Yes, Guillermo.
04:15With respect to your question,
04:20with respect to why we have come out to speak,
04:23the officials are scared, I think that to this day they are still scared.
04:27If you have seen in the media, the only ones and the few that have come out to speak,
04:32is Joana Nogales, Andrea Bustamante, and who speaks.
04:38Practically, I imagine that it must be because of a fear issue that they do not want to come out,
04:45and obviously because of this media issue, a big issue that has come out.
04:51Now, why do I come out to speak?
04:56It is for a simple reason that recently he came out to speak in some media,
05:02and that is precisely Felipe, who was the only journalist who managed to stop him, just like you,
05:08because Mr. Jabás...
