🗣 EIAL MOLDAVSKY habló de sus dichos sobre Lali Espósito: "Estoy muy triste porque es una persona que quiero, admiro y respeto"
#Intrusos #Intrusos25Años
#Intrusos #Intrusos25Años
00:00And where it is quite ironic, just what she had asked him to stop doing, right?
00:05Well, Eyal Moldavsky, protagonist of last week, the day that on the radio, actually the other week, the other Friday,
00:12He talked about that girl, that outing, that she slept in her naked bed, that if he sucked her, he didn't suck her, that blah blah blah.
00:19Someone tells him Lali, he says no, but everything is like yes, because he tells a fact that he wanted to take her to Spain.
00:24Well, everything coincided, right?
00:25Then he denies, he says that not only he was not Lali, but that everything he told was invented.
00:30And he asks for forgiveness, right?
00:32Lali stops following him, what a coincidence.
00:34Lali stops following him, and Migue Granados, also in this program, who gave us a note, said that he had spoken with Lali and that he was furious.
00:39Obviously it was true.
00:41For the first time, Eyal Moldavsky gives the face and speaks with intruders, exclusively.
00:46How have the days gone, how has the day after all this mess been, and what do you have to say?
00:55Eyal, how are you?
00:57Here we are.
00:58Well, after what happened, how did you live it?
01:01Very bad, the truth is that very bad.
01:03They were very bad days, and with a lot of sadness, and with a lot of regret, and with a lot of anguish.
01:08Did you avoid the press at the exit, last week?
01:13Because it seems to me that I had already said what I had to say, and that it was just repeating myself.
01:17And that, although clearly I am not the victim of this story, the days were very bad, I was very sad, I am very regretful and I am very hit.
01:25And I'm very sad to see me like this, but I don't have much ...
01:28The truth is that you can't go back in time, no matter how much I tried all these days, there is nothing to do.
01:32There was a lot of talk, you received a lot of criticism.
01:35Yes, it is a video that is very bad, and it is a video that hits me a lot in a place where I feel a great rejection for seeing myself, which is the worst thing that can happen to you.
01:45And then, well, maybe if I saw it in another person, I would also have criticism, so I don't have much to say,
01:51unless later, case by case, there are people who hit me more, there are people who generate more contempt for me, so I don't care what they think.
01:57In the case of Feynman?
01:58Everyone can think whatever they want.
02:00Well, and how did you see the repercussions that Lali stopped following you, also your sister, the statements of your sister?
02:09No, well, the statements of my sister are a video that they took out of context, where she is clearly defending Lali for the case.
02:14She felt touched, she felt exposed, and that is what hurts me the most, and it seems to me that it is okay for her to make the decision she wants, because she was very exposed.
02:22I am very sad to have been the one who said it, and I am very sad to have left in that place a person that I love, that I admire, that I respect,
02:29that is a symbol of this country, and that I will continue to love her and continue to admire her, as I have done all my life, and I feel very bad.
02:36Did you try to talk to her, get closer?
02:39It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.
02:40Did you apologize personally?
02:42There are public areas and private areas, and here we are talking about the public.
02:45I have to apologize, I'm going to apologize every day, I'm going to regret what I said every day,
02:49and I hope that at some point, life, time and things will go on, because, well, this is about making a mistake,
02:58sending a shit and trying to deal with it for the rest of your life, and see if your life is more than what you did.