• 2 hours ago
👉 La ciudad de Bahía Blanca enfrenta una crisis sin precedentes tras severas inundaciones que han dejado a miles de personas afectadas. Las Fuerzas Armadas y el gobierno provincial han desplegado un operativo masivo para asistir a los damnificados. Con la ayuda de plantas potabilizadoras, vehículos anfibios y módulos logísticos, se busca estabilizar la situación y comenzar la fase de normalización.

👉 Seguí en #BuenDíaA24
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00:00In addition to these things, nine flights of Hercules of the Argentine Air Force have already participated with the Argentine Navy, amphibious vehicles and personal cargo transport vehicles.
00:14And the Argentine Army made available to the Intendant, from the first opportunity we received the message to participate,
00:23integrating centers, communication facilities, heavy, light vehicles, boats.
00:28And yesterday we finally realized, thanks to God, with the arrival of reinforcements sent to us by the mechanized brigade 10 and from the command of the General Staff of the Army,
00:41two fueling plants that are currently operating from dawn in the area of ​​the APSA complex on July 14,
00:51with the ability to supply 9,000 liters of water per hour to each fueling plant, potable obviously,
01:003,600 liters of water in sachetada and 10,000 liters of water in granel to be used with cisterns and be able to distribute them in the evacuation centers.
01:11In parallel with that, in the Serri area, which is the area that we had more complicated, once the water has started to flow and descend,
01:20we deployed a logistics module composed of five trucks that have integrated the facility of being able to provide kitchen, bathroom,
01:31toilet, shower, regardless of whether it is a fueling plant or an electrogen group.
01:38The intention now where we are deployed in Serri, in the area of ​​the Quintas, is to evacuate with Oshkosh vehicles,
01:45which are vehicles especially suitable for moving in difficult terrain, families so that they can be displaced from their places,
01:54taken to the logistics supply centers, assisted and then returned to their homes.
02:00The reason is that many of them, as you know, naturally decide not to be evacuated, but to remain in their homes.
02:06Now that the water is going down, they are cleaning and carrying out recovery activities.
02:12In the early hours of the morning, the bridge was finished.
02:16Last night, the superintendent was supervising this activity in the area of ​​Malvinas and Buenos Aires.
02:22On the Arroyo Maldonado, a Mavey bridge has been extended, a compact modular bridge that is from the company Ingenios Mecanizadas 10.
02:31This bridge will allow connecting the two parts of the city with a capacity of up to 40 tons,
02:38it is 30 meters long and allows the sense of circulation of light vehicles to busses, not trucks,
02:46because of the port that has the same bridge.
02:50These are the most important activities that took place yesterday at dawn,
02:56and now we are also with vehicles, an important column of 17 vehicles of the Armed Forces,
03:03between the Argentine Navy and the Argentine Army, and more than 100 men.
03:08We are now working on the bike lane, unloading the solidary railroad that arrived yesterday,
03:16to be able to distribute the loads according to the centers that the superintendent determines and bring them to the ...
03:29Well, there has been a cut in the press conference.
03:34The conference is given by the command of the Army, which is coordinating the transfer of the elements,
03:43and to the left of this representative of the Army is Lieutenant Zubieles.
03:48I think the audio is back.
03:50The Minister of Security has instructed us to make ourselves available to the Lieutenant
03:55in everything that is logistics, technical and human resources.
04:01We have deployed more than 735 troops in Bahia Blanca,
04:06on top of the natural equipment that the city and the district have.
04:10We have allocated vehicles to replace those that have logically been left underwater,
04:16and technical resources to be able to operate with boards and logistics centers,
04:22so that our staff is communicated.
04:25At this time we are, as those who are in Bahia Blanca may have seen,
04:30saturating sectors of the city with rounds of two and four people,
04:36in what is micro and macro centers, where today we lack the electrical resource,
04:42to logically guarantee and be able to bring the tranquility and order to the neighbors.
04:48At the same time, we have assembled and placed two centers of operations of importance,
04:53one in Ingeniero White and one in Serri, which were the places of greatest concern,
04:59where we have the Superintendent of Bodies and the Superintendent of Siniestral,
05:03with their people working, taking care and assisting in everything that is necessary.
05:09We also have our firefighters from the province of Buenos Aires,
05:14who are working with the volunteers, who have nucleated the Provincial Directorate of Civil Defense,
05:19who are punctually dedicated to the search of the two minors in the town of Serri.
05:26A search that was deepened yesterday.
05:31We have been working with the technical resource, with the drones, with the helicopter.
05:35The superintendent yesterday made an overflight through the area as well,
05:39with the necessary care of the parents, logically, and with the necessary assistance,
05:46with the psychologists that the municipality has provided.
05:49We are taking care of the evacuation centers,
05:52we are taking care of the distribution centers that the superintendent has arranged,
05:56and collaborating in everything that is necessary to be able to guarantee everything that has to do with security
06:05at this time so traumatic for all of us.
06:08We will continue with this. The minister will return these days
06:13and is monitoring at all times what can happen,
06:17and accompanying the superintendent and all the volunteers.
06:25The work that is being carried out at the level of the federal forces with the SINAGIR,
06:31the federal forces, the Naval Argentine Prefecture, the National Gendarmerie, the Federal Police.
06:37We have worked very well with the Ministry of Security of the Province of Buenos Aires.
06:42So it has been a really coordinated work,
06:47made available by the superintendent of the city of Bahia Blanca.
06:52Regardless of the means that have been deployed,
06:55I want to emphasize this because it is a work with a very great effort,
06:59and we know that it will be sustained over time.
07:01So the federal forces, the police, the Gendarmerie, the prefecture have deployed hospitals,
07:07the federal police, there is a hospital that also deployed the DINESA in the shopping area,
07:12Plaza de Bahia Blanca.
07:14They are obviously all available to try to mitigate this huge tragedy that is going through the city.
07:20Thank you very much.
07:23Well, good morning.
07:25We are going to make an update report.
07:30We are, I would say, finishing the stabilization stage.
07:35Very close to starting the normalization phase of the city.
07:40It is a day of good news.
07:44The water has already been completely removed, Engineer White.
07:48We no longer have houses with water inside,
07:52in the Quintas area, which was the last to be removed.
07:55Well, we still have to clear the streets.
07:59We are working in that direction,
08:01but already with the tranquility that we do not have houses in that situation.
08:07In the same way, General del Cerro and everything that has to do with the locality is already without water.
08:14The Quintas area, which was a place that only 36 hours ago,
08:20the Argentine Navy, thanks to General Diaz's decision,
08:26with amphibious vehicles, was able to visit and assist more than 40 people
08:32who were on their roofs and who later were able to provide.
08:37People did not want to evacuate, of course.
08:40That is why they were in that place.
08:42And then with heavy vehicles, Oshkosh of the Argentine Army,
08:46well, they were provided with hot food and everything necessary to be in a better way.
08:50Well, today they do not have water in their homes.
08:54We still have to clear the area of the Quintas,
09:00not of the homes, but of the Quintas.
09:02We are working at this time with municipality staff
09:07to demolish a bridge that we understand is a barrier
09:12and because we want to quickly exhaust the sector
09:15before being able to suffer any kind of climate inclement.
09:21What has to do with the Villa Jardin area,
09:24which had the two pots in Villa Turf on August 17th.
09:28Well, Villa Turf also practically no longer has water in the homes.
09:34It remains to be cleared some of the arteries.
09:39And well, August 17th has gone down more than a meter
09:42between yesterday afternoon and today
09:44and we hope to be able to finish the work during the day.
09:47The truth is that for us it is important to be able to finish
09:51with this situation and circumstances of neighbors under water
09:55and to be able to focus 100% on the next phase of normalization of the city.
10:02In terms of evacuees, we continue with an important number,
10:09but they are already decreasing considerably.
10:12We have lowered the threshold to 700.
10:15We are working on a program that, on the one hand,
10:18the municipality is collaborating to be able to clean those residences
10:23or those homes in which the tenants must return,
10:27many who are in the different centers,
10:30and doing a specialized program that is called Back Home.
10:36In terms of deceased, we continue with the same number as yesterday,
10:4216 confirmed deceased,
10:46the two girls, Pilar and Delfina,
10:48who are still being searched intensely in the Serri area.
10:55Well, there is an evolution yesterday
10:59according to the number of checks that the different departments
11:07of the Bonaerense police have made in relation to the people
11:12who had raised in 9-11 a search warrant
11:16looking for some known person.
11:20Today the number of requests is 222
11:25and the checks made are 222,
11:30with which we have 100% positive checks
11:34from the Bonaerense police.
11:41I am going to make an asterisk in this.
11:44I know that there are many comments,
11:46I have seen it in many media.
11:50What I want to ask people,
11:55who often refer to this type of circumstances,
11:59is that if you have any doubts about the whereabouts of a person,
12:02please make the complaint in court or call 9-11,
12:07there will be the traceability procedure.
12:11And if for some matter of fear or some special situation
12:15you do not want to make the complaint,
12:17please communicate with this attendant
12:19who is going to make the complaint in the name of the neighbor
12:22who may have some type of doubt.
12:25We, particularly with Federico,
12:30the general joined a few hours later,
12:33we are in this situation several hours before the storm.
12:37We took the decision to suspend classes in Bahia Blanca early,
12:42which was a decision that I understand saved many lives.
12:46We were in the crisis committee from 23 to 30 hours
12:50the day before the storm.
12:52And on that day we have not stopped working for a minute
12:56after first trying to save, assist, evacuate, protect
13:00and in this time to try to start stabilizing and normalizing the city.
13:07It would not make any sense at all
13:12that we have some maneuver or some situation
13:16that tries to lower a number of fatal victims,
13:19if it had been one person who died,
13:22we would still have the pain we suffer and feel today,
13:25but it would not make any sense,
13:27because evidently we have done everything we should do,
13:32not from the day of the moment of the storm,
13:35but from a long time before and we will continue to do so.
13:39You know, especially those who are from Bahia Blanca,
13:42I am a person who has always handled me in a very direct way
13:47with my neighbors.
13:49Many neighbors in the city have my phone number,
13:52they have written to me since they started,
13:55they keep doing it and telling me many things that I,
13:58as I always do, I usually hear.
14:01People know where I live and people know how I handle myself.
14:04The only interest I have today is to get out of this situation
14:08and there is nothing I want to do more than protect,
14:11take care and face my neighbors.
14:14So on that line, I reiterate that if anyone has any exposition
14:19or any doubt, or make the complaint,
14:23and if you do not dare to do it, please contact me
14:26so that I can present myself before the court
14:29and we can have in this situation all the traceability,
14:32all the seriousness and all the transparency that such tragedy
14:36and such pain has generated to all the Bahians.
14:41We already have enough pain to speculate with this type of situation
14:48that really, the truth would be, or it seems to me,
14:54very complex to make this type of speculation
14:58in a moment of so much pain, of so much sensitivity,
15:01and in which I must also say, as I have been saying these days,
15:05as a Bahian I feel an enormous pride
15:08for the way our citizens have handled the solidarity,
15:11from the patience, from the understanding
15:14to begin to get out of this situation.
15:18In terms of security, we have had again a night
15:23that did not have situations linked to disturbances,
15:29linked to agitation,
15:31some situation that has to do with unrest.
15:34Unfortunately, we did suffer an armed assault
15:38with a person injured, let's say, by a bullet,
15:42a fact clarified, let's say, with the detainee.
15:48We hope he stays there for a long time, detained,
15:52that he does not leave for a long time,
15:54because the truth is that these are facts that we do not want
15:57in the city of Bahia Blanca.
15:59In terms of services, we began to get closer to normality.
16:0237% of the electricity service has been restored.
16:05What remains is the most difficult,
16:07which has to do with some isolated places
16:09or with some cameras in the center of the city.
16:12Water and gas are normal.
16:17Public transport continues to operate normally
16:20as of yesterday.
16:21Last night, we successfully began to collect the waste.
16:27We have normal supplies of fuel and food
16:31in Bahia Blanca.
16:32I want to recommend to the citizens
16:34that if they do not have to pass through the most affected area,
16:40the area close to everything that is the Napostá stream,
16:47the Entubado, those areas that have more mud
16:52and elements on the street,
16:54please try to avoid those arteries.
16:57There is heavy machinery.
16:59Today there are more than 6,000 people working on the street
17:01trying to clean and gradually regain tranquility.
17:06So, as far as possible, avoid those areas.
17:10And those who leave, please leave with patience,
17:13because for us today it is also a priority
17:15to put a lot of energy into cleaning
17:18to be able to regain normality
17:20and also get everything that has to do with sewage.
17:24As the General well raised,
17:27also within the actions that we have taken from the Committee,
17:31it has to do with the mobilization of bridges,
17:33a tactical bridge of the Army to be placed
17:37on Avenue Primero de Mayo and Malvinas
17:40and also the bridge of Vigalidad,
17:42which is already installed on Route 3
17:44to resume movement in that place.
17:48Another very important issue for us,
17:52I said it yesterday,
17:55we have been working since the moment of the emergency
17:59until yesterday afternoon,
18:01practically with an empty deposit,
18:03especially assisting what had to do with the evacuees
18:07and with the areas of greatest problem in relation to water.
18:12We have managed yesterday and today to put into operation,
18:17they are already operating in the city,
18:1924 delivery points that are in different places.
18:24After this conference, we will share them
18:27so that you, through the media,
18:30can reach the citizens.
18:33I am going to name them,
18:35Sociedad de Fomento de Bellavista,
18:37Sociedad de Fomento de Kilometro 5,
18:39Asociación Judicial Bonaerense,
18:41Sociedad de Fomento de Villa Gloria,
18:43Club Hardingrin,
18:45Sociedad de Fomento de Villa Maducci,
18:47La Biblioteca Rosario Sur,
18:49Sociedad de Fomento de Villa Muñiz,
18:51Sociedad de Fomento de Villa Loreto,
18:53Sociedad de Fomento del 5 de Abril,
18:55En Noroeste, Asociación Civil Natan 1,
18:58Club Esportivo Noroeste,
19:01Una Ilusión, Conveyor Comunitario,
19:04La Entidad Tambor de Taquari,
19:06El PEC de Villa Nosito,
19:08El Club Libertad en Villa Rosas,
19:10Casa Pueblo en Calle Neuquén al 2400,
19:13El Club Huracán,
19:15El Centro de Jubilados de Ingeniero Guay,
19:17La Asociación Civil Vecinal del Barrio Saladero,
19:20El Serri, La Escuela 14,
19:22El Club Serri,
19:24El Club Ordeu de Chaco al 5000,
19:26El Club Los Salcones.
19:28En esto quiero ser claro, digamos,
19:31le pido a la gente que tenga calma,
19:33que tenga tranquilidad,
19:34nosotros ya logramos salir de la fase de emergencia,
19:37vamos a poder abastecer bien,
19:39vamos a hacer varias renovaciones
19:42en este lugar estamos entregando hoy
19:45mercadería y artículos de limpieza
19:47en primer término, en primera medida,
19:51y vamos a ir renovando varias veces en el día.
19:54Sabemos que el abrazo solidario
19:56que le están dando a Bahía Blanca
19:57es muy importante, el General lo dijo,
19:59estamos en este momento empezando a descargar un tren,
20:02muchas gracias,
20:04muchas gracias a todos quienes desde distintos puntos del país
20:06colaboraron con esos 11 vagones
20:08repletos de ayuda para los bahienses,
20:10lo estamos descargando,
20:12vamos a estar descargando durante todo el día,
20:14se va a consolidar, clasificar,
20:16y esperamos ya en el día de mañana
20:18poder distribuirlo y juntarlo con otras bocas de donación,
20:21o sea, vamos a poder destinar ahora
20:24el 100% de nuestra energía
20:26a poder mantener esa cadena
20:28de suministros y de mantenimiento.
20:31En materia de colchones, lo dije ayer,
20:33es el bien más escaso,
20:35teníamos un stock de 1400 colchones
20:37que estamos distribuyendo en el día de hoy,
20:39una decisión que tomamos
20:41es que cada día
20:43vamos a repartir
20:46o distribuir el 100%
20:48de los colchones que teníamos
20:50a la noche del día siguiente,
20:52que es cuando armamos los repartos.
20:54Como lo dije ayer, lo reitero,
20:56la gente debe inscribirse a través
20:58de la aplicación
21:00Emergencias Bahía,
21:02pero también hemos dispuesto,
21:04porque hay mucha gente que no tiene colectividad,
21:06que la gente puede inscribirse
21:08en los cuatro puntos
21:10que están a disposición.
21:12La idea, lo que hicimos hoy,
21:14es entregarlos a domicilio.
21:16Trabajó nuestro equipo en un sistema
21:18de geolocalización informática
21:20y desde muy temprano
21:22han estado dando vuelta
21:24y siguen haciéndolo
21:26en poder distribuir
21:28esta asistencia.
21:30En Bahía Blanca también,
21:32lo van a poder encontrar hoy
21:34en el mapa que vamos a distribuir
21:36en la conferencia.
21:38Hay 27 roperos comunitarios
21:40distribuidos también en distintos puntos de la ciudad.
21:42Hay mucha ropa.
21:44Vamos a ir todo el tiempo renovando,
21:46con lo cual también ir con calma
21:48a cada uno de esos 27 puntos
21:50que tiene Bahía Blanca.
21:52Si hay alguna asociación civil,
21:54alguna institución que se quiere sumar
21:56a estas redes de roperos comunitarios,
21:58por supuesto que está abierta la posibilidad
22:00de que puedan hacerlo.
22:02Y tenemos 51 puntos calientes
22:04en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca que están cocinando
22:06al mediodía y cocinando por la noche.
22:08Vamos a sostener esta asistencia
22:10para que también quienes puedan
22:12cocinar lo puedan hacer
22:14de esta manera.
22:16También quiero informarles
22:18que en las cuentas Bahía por Bahía
22:20hasta el momento de iniciar
22:22esta conferencia de prensa
22:24en la cuenta en pesos
22:30467 pesos
22:32y en la cuenta en dólares
22:344630 dólares.
22:36Y para finalizar
22:40agradecerle como intendente
22:42bahiense en primer lugar al gobernador
22:44que estuvo ayer en la ciudad
22:46con un paquete
22:48de inversiones para Bahía
22:50y de ayuda para los bahienses realmente
22:52muy importante
22:54por más de 270 mil millones de pesos.
22:56Agradecerle la presencia
22:58y el despliegue que ha hecho la provincia
23:00en todo este tiempo.
23:02Y también hoy
23:04recibimos al presidente, a Javier Milei
23:06que estuvo en la ciudad
23:08de Bahía Blanca
23:12pidiendo acompañar
23:14a los bahienses en este
23:18Desde ayer
23:20por la tarde
23:22a disposición el ATN
23:24de 10 mil millones que el gobierno nacional
23:26ya destinó a la ciudad
23:28de Bahía Blanca
23:30el presidente me confirmó que están trabajando
23:32en mecanismo de ayuda
23:34directa para los bahienses
23:36que ha tenido una reunión con el ministro
23:38de Economía para avanzar y trabajar en esa línea
23:40que también
23:42está trabajando en poder
23:44destrabar algunos fondos del BID
23:46especiales o específicos para
23:48catástrofes climáticas
23:50y bueno, me dijo personalmente
23:52algo que ya me había expresado
23:54telefónicamente en estos días
23:56a los ciudadanos de Bahía Blanca
23:58que no iba a dejar sola
24:00Bahía Blanca en la etapa de la reconstrucción
24:02que nos iba a seguir acompañando
24:04Bueno, ahí está el intendente
24:06Zubieles. Rápido resumen
24:08de lo que dijo. Dinero de la Nación
24:10ya está a disposición y
24:12ayúdenme, profe Mercedes
24:14comienza la distribución
24:16de, por ejemplo, colchones propios de la ciudad
24:181.400 dijo, más los que están
24:20llegando, ¿no es cierto?
24:22Sí, ahora lo que se ha identificado
24:24son puestos donde
24:26la municipalidad y quienes ayudan
24:28están proveyendo comida caliente
24:30lo que llaman puestos calientes
24:32y lo que queda por definir es
24:34que los caballos de Zubieles
24:36son los puestos de distribución
24:38de la asistencia
24:40están bajando del tren y dijo que mañana
24:42iniciaría la distribución y ahí recién
24:44por lo menos por lo que está diciendo, ahí se conocerían los lugares
24:46donde la gente puede ir a buscar esa asistencia
24:48¿Y ahora qué dicen?
