• 2 days ago
La Vendimia Solidaria celebra su 21ª edición, destacándose como un evento clave en Mendoza. Organizado por la Fundación Grupo Vila y Grupo América, ha impactado directamente a uno de cada cuatro mendocinos. Este año, se recaudaron más de 790 millones de pesos para becas educativas, viviendas y equipamiento médico. La iniciativa comenzó en 2004 como un asado entre amigos y ha crecido hasta convertirse en una importante cruzada solidaria que involucra a empresarios, políticos y figuras del deporte.


00:00I had the luxury of working with you for the transmission of the solidarity blessing 21 years that the foundation has been helping
00:07We repeat your number all the transmission because it is shocking one of each four mendocino yes that impacted them directly pleasure
00:13Juli works with the truth that it was a great day one of each four mendocino received in these 21 years direct help
00:21on the part of the foundation this group vila and
00:25The group America and above all the most important issue here is that scholarships are granted so that those students who really cannot access to what is education
00:35are completed in the university studies, housing for families who are really also in a vulnerable situation, equipment in health services of the entire province
00:46and the work with silsa with the saldívar foundation and with independent rivadavia with the sports club independent rivadavia
00:56that well they do a whole joint work always the sport very very united to the people and solidarity
01:11good and all these were dancing the queen that was stolen
01:16a nice meeting where political entrepreneurs meet and that all have the function and the objective of helping to close one year and open another for what comes in the next march
01:29we talk with pamela david our captain host also the doctor daniel vila and this tells us
01:36good as they are asking how they are not stopping because they are there for all
01:40happy because it is a day where one celebrates the solidarity of many people of all the people who accompany us so we are very happy
01:48are the hosts and also open the doors of your house to be able to receive all those people who throughout the year collaborated with the foundations
01:57a kind of thank you but the beginning for the help for the next year
02:02receive them, meet them, look at each other, thank them personally
02:07and it all started first in a more spontaneous way, not 21 years ago when they decided to start collaborating from Buenos Aires, then directly from Mendoza and it has been a whole progression
02:21this was born here precisely in the San Isidro estate 21 years ago and it was born in an almost accidental way
02:27because we invited some friends to come to a post harvest barbecue on a Sunday and it turned out that from that barbecue spontaneously some of those who were there decided to help a little
02:41I want to refer to the moment it was 2004 post 2003 a very traumatic moment for Argentina
02:47where there were many people who had many needs, well there spontaneously as I say many of these friends who were celebrating the harvest with us decided to make donations and this was born
03:00the truth is that one would like everyone to be much better and that there would not be so much intervention but that it is important to change the life of one of each four Mendozanos
03:10In terms of education, the scholarships that promote the equality of conditions of those who do not arrive, of those who can pay it
03:17Yes, we already have scholarships, scholarships by the foundation that are already professionals, they are lawyers, architects, doctors, we are lucky that as that started several years ago, the delivery of scholarships, they are already professionals
03:32and well, the gratitude that these people also have for having been able to graduate thanks to the foundation
03:38I think that what is also very valuable is that it arises from the privates, although there was a barbecue of friends who started it, each Mendozano who is here today, who bought his chair, who bought a table, it arises from the privates, that is great
03:53Of course it is not to celebrate that there are people who are the forceful figures of the people who need it, but everything that is achieved is important thanks to the solidarity of those privates, it is beautiful
04:05There was a lot of money that was raised, more than 790 million pesos, which is an absolute record and in what goes of the 21 years they already have more than 11 and a half million dollars
04:19Dollars, because if I say it in pesos it is a lot, but 11 and a half million dollars in the 21 years, the show of Lucra, the truth that also broadcast by America En Vivo, very good Lucra closing and besides that he knew very well in the context in which he was yesterday
04:38With all the people who were there all year, how beautiful the captain was, listen to me, what a goddess, fire also the rich, there is the governor of the province, Alfredo Cornejo, who also came to participate, Julio Cobos, apart from all the political arc, different parties, this was a bit what we highlighted in the broadcast
05:06Do you want us to give a summary of what we saw yesterday in Mendoza? In the middle of Vendimia this happened
05:19How good every year to be here sitting down and counting the years
05:22But this year is going to exceed all the years before
05:26Health and the pericón that always from school they teach us the importance of the dance
05:39Virgen de la Carrodilla is everything we ask
05:51Virgen de la Carrodilla, we trust in you, amen
06:01Welcome to this edition number 21 of Vendimia Solidaria
06:07They are the national queen of Vendimia, Alejandrina Funes and the national virreina of Vendimia, Sofía Perfumo
06:16The collection of this solidarity event this year, 720,416,160 pesos
06:27Recognizing these people who have been and are so important in this crusade
06:35We put the Argentine football association and the World Cup team at the disposal of Vendimia Solidaria
06:42Three shirts for Argentina
06:45Chiqui Tapia says that each shirt, with everything we already know, for him, for him, should have a value of 20,000 dollars
06:57Health to all and thank you very much
07:15Beautiful, beautiful, with a kiss to Karima Soko, who was also the host of the event, who was flu-sick and gave it all
07:22What a professional, what a woman, a professional because she was with temperature and everything
07:27A big kiss for Karima to get better
07:29All the people who participated in Vendimia Solidaria and who make it possible every year is very important
07:33Above all, beyond everything, is to change people's lives, so thank you
