En un impactante testimonio, varias mujeres han denunciado situaciones de acoso laboral y abuso de poder por parte de Ari Paluch, quien en las últimas horas fue cancelado por hacer un comentario completamente fuera de lugar sobre la locutora del programa de Beto Casella de la Rock And Pop. Las acusaciones incluyen comentarios inapropiados, exigencias incómodas y un ambiente laboral hostil que llevó a algunas a abandonar sus puestos. Las víctimas relatan cómo el comportamiento del conductor afectó su bienestar emocional y profesional.
00:00It's so easy Jose de Burundanga
00:02It's so easy Jose de Burundanga
00:04Because this girl, what's the name of your hostess?
00:08No, no, no, she's not
00:10She's pretty, that girl
00:12So, we can fix it, let's go
00:14One morning, we put the glass with water
00:16No, but wait, this is black magic
00:18Stop the voice of your father
00:20Father, locate yourself
00:22But, isn't there a level of Burundanga, little one, that gives you a little kiss?
00:24No, no, no
00:56Sincera, sin que nadie lo maten en el Twitter totalmente diferente de lo que pasó con...
01:01No importa, eso no quiere decir que sea un error.
01:03O sea, se están riendo.
01:07Le voy a poner algo en una bebida, una mina para poder transartela.
01:11¿Qué me estás cargando?
01:12No, pero es que hay un montón de gente escuchándote.
01:14El chiste es metételo en el culo porque hay un montón de mujeres...
01:17No, pero hay un montón de mujeres que van al boliche, le ponen eso y lo escuchan ahí
01:22y decís, ah, mira, si lo dijeron en la tele y todos se rieron.
01:26Viniendo de que le tocó el culo a cuanta mina pudo, hay una mina que lo denunció.
01:30Tiene muchas denuncias.
01:32Es un tipo que viene de ese lugar.
01:33Para mí, este pibe, esa sí muestra su verdadera cara.
01:37Vamos a ver los antecedentes.
01:39Tiene antecedentes, tiene denuncias públicas.
01:42Ha pasado acá con una sonidista de este canal en su momento.
01:49Recién recibida, yo tuve que vivir mi propio tormento en el ámbito laboral.
01:54Y creo que muchas nos callamos por temor a perder el trabajo.
01:58Sufrí con él no abuso, pero sí acoso.
02:01Desde comentarios y requerimientos verbales hasta ser destinataria de algún regalo inapropiado.
02:09Finalmente, al cabo de cinco años, ya no aguanté más la situación
02:16y dejé definitivamente de trabajar en el programa.
02:20Y habló de los regalos. ¿Qué regalos?
02:22¿Qué regalos?
02:23Consoladores y tangas.
02:24¿Eso lo regalabas?
02:25Ay, no, qué horror.
02:26Consoladores y tangas.
02:28Y empecé a trabajar haciendo locución comercial en el programa.
02:32Y estuve ocho meses que para mí fueron muy difíciles, la pasé muy mal.
02:38Era volver a mi casa todos los días llorando por situaciones que pasaban con él,
02:45por sus actos violentos, no solo conmigo, con todo el equipo.
02:51Pero conmigo hay algunas situaciones puntuales que recuerdo,
02:54muchas seguro se me van a haber olvidado, pero algunas recuerdo.
02:57Cuando yo llegaba a la mañana a la radio, yo entraba a las ocho,
03:01y era como una condición que lo tenía que hacer,
03:05entrar al estudio y saludarlo a él con un beso.
03:09Y cuando me acercaba a su silla, él abría las piernas para que yo me acercara más a él.
03:15Se repite en cada una de nosotras, ¿no?
03:17Esto de dar la vueltita en el estudio, a todas te agarra piel de gallina
03:21cuando escuchas que a otra le pasaba lo mismo.
03:23Y vos decís, pensar que yo pasé eso también.
03:26Es terrible.
03:27¿Cuándo empezó esta forma de trabajar?
03:30¿O no fue desde el día uno, que ya notaste que era algo así turbio, raro?
03:34Cuando él me cita para entrevistarme, que me dijo tomemos un café,
03:39me da una dirección en Palermo y yo voy a tomar el café,
03:43y no era un café, era un restaurante con velitas y una champañera esperándome.
03:48Así te esperó.
03:50Así te esperó.
03:51Así me esperó.
03:52Cuando me entro, digo, no, no, no, yo ya, no, ya está, no,
03:56yo venía a bailar, pensé que era algo más rápido, un café,
03:59para saber, bueno, el sueldo, ¿no?
04:01Lo que se habla comúnmente.
04:02No, yo me tengo que ir, me tengo que ir.
04:04Y ya le molestó.
04:06Ahí, ya, ¿viste?
04:08Cuando decís, uy, trabajar con este tipo va a ser un tema.
04:11Empiezo a trabajar y bueno, y sí, cada vez, cada día había que dar la vueltita,
04:16yo ya no, es radio, esto va a estar, y dar la vueltita, no.
04:19Y como decía André, ¿no?
04:21Que uno aclara esto.
04:23Yo me iba vestida, imagínate, 5 de la mañana, ¿cómo puedo ser vestida, viste?
04:27Entonces uno empieza como a justificarse uno.
04:30Y yo no quería dar la vueltita y yo me iba vestida normal, ¿no?
04:35Ni escotada, ni embarazada.
04:38Ah, sí.
04:39Que te siga entrando la calza, que te seguís poniendo una remera.
04:43El estado más lindo.
04:45Entonces, punto.
04:47Deliberadamente hiciste, ¿qué?
04:49Y Marcelo, el marido, me regala el jardinerito este famoso y me lo pongo, ahí voy.
04:54Y decía, no, me dice, no, no podés venir así.
04:57No, ya sos una embarazada cualquiera.
04:59No, por Dios, lo que sos con ese jardinerito.
05:01No, ¿sabés qué?
05:02Anda, no vengas más.
05:03Qué pena, me lo dijo.
05:04Qué horror.
05:05Qué horror.
05:07Sí, Nancy, totalmente.
05:08¿Sabés qué es lo peor de todo esto?
05:09Que si vos no hacías lo que él te pedía al aire, era, ay, cállate, no sabés ni
05:10qué era un made-up.
05:11Y entonces te maltrataba al aire y te hacía quedar como un desastre de profesional.
05:12No, te degradaba.
05:13¿Por qué?
05:14Porque no habías accedido al cafecito, no habías accedido al cafécito, no habías
05:15accedido al cafécito, no habías accedido al cafécito.
05:16No, no, no, no, no, no.
05:17No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
05:18No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
05:19No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
05:50No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
06:13No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
06:39No, no, no, no, no, no.
07:07I don't know if it's the right way to say it, but he has a disease with this topic.
07:13He's a guy that you have to treat like what he is.
07:15And he's a person that everyone around him has to treat like what he is,
07:18because he has this kind of impulses that look like a joke, but they're not.
07:22Because all of a sudden he passes by, the microphonist touches him here,
07:24and he swears when he turns around.
07:26I think he was very nervous because he didn't realize where he was turning.
07:30Because he was looking down, you see?
07:32Because if not, you would continue.
07:33Because Beto knew where he was turning.
07:35He knew where he was turning.
07:37But he was laughing.
07:39It's a little bit like what Pepe just said,
07:41Rial also tweeted,
07:43you can't do it with the essence.
07:45It's very wrong to be an expert in punches,
07:47when they sleep the two nurses to abuse them.
07:50But it was fiction, it was a joke, it was another effort.
07:53But here the problem is that if they didn't do that kind of thing,
07:56if they didn't access what he wanted,
07:58it was hard for them to do their job.
08:00Well, in the theater it happened a lot too.
08:01A lot.
08:02Yes, they would touch your tail because it was good luck.
08:04No, I'm not saying it was good luck.
08:06It could happen and you didn't report it because you were afraid.
08:09Of course.
08:10Because you talked and didn't work anymore.
08:12The same thing happened to the conductors who worked with him.
08:14And apart from that, as Ximena says,
08:16in our case it was kind of naturalized.
08:18He touched your ass.
08:19Well, but in the environment of journalism it was the same.
08:22There were a lot of women who put up with a lot of things,
08:25because if not, the conductors...
08:26Apart from that, when you were going to complain,
08:28they would say, no, but how?
08:29He's disgusting.
08:31We come from another time where the sexual joke was supposed to be funny.
08:36But today it changed.
08:37Today there is no more of that, thank God.
08:39Because it was uncomfortable.
08:40With whom do you have to complain if the producers were in front?
08:42Of course.
08:43And the producers were the same many times.
08:45They could lose their job.
08:46Let's hear Paluch's apologies.
08:48Very sorry.
08:50I want to apologize genuinely to Noe,
08:54Beto Casella's secretary,
08:56for an imprudent joke I made this morning.
08:58Usually in Beto Casella's case,
09:00we generate a situation of satire, of humor,
09:04as if we put some characters satirizing the things we talk about.
09:09But nothing, this is an excuse.
09:11It is simply to explain the context.
09:13I had my daughter in front of me, who participates in the case with us.
09:16I did not want to be offensive to any woman and to any person.
09:19However, I made a joke that did not correspond.
09:22And for this reason, I feel genuinely sorry.
09:27This ended up happening, which was a mistake.
09:32And my daughter made me see it immediately.
09:34So it's not that I had to wait a while for her to become aware.
09:37I apologized to Noe.
09:39And I apologize to everyone.
09:41He, with all due respect, feels offended.
09:43I did not offend anyone.
09:44To him, to whom I offended.
09:46I apologize.
09:47This is a permanent learning.
09:49Times change.
09:50And things that one sometimes says naturally,
09:53should not be said.
09:54And if in a case like this they are said,
09:56they must be immediately reprimanded.
10:00So go away from this request for apologies.
10:03And thank you very much.
10:06Well, it's nothing, it's nothing.
10:07He is a hard student to learn.
10:09He does not get excited easily.
10:14When something can be too much for you, do not tell me.
10:16You do not realize.
10:17For your daughter, do not tell me.
10:18For me, this is what he says is real.
10:19It is in its essence.
10:20It is part of his nature.
10:21It is your nature.
10:22Besides, what makes the joke worse,
10:24is that he is naming a person.
10:26Yes, in particular.
10:28How old is the speaker?
10:30I do not know.
10:31It is a longing.
10:32And here, because someone raised it and it went viral,
10:35but if they are not jokes that happen ...
10:36I do not know if I can think of it.
10:38I can not even think of it.
10:40With the burundanga for the face.
10:42Are you thinking of a girl you liked,
10:44to drug her to do something to her?
10:46A little.
10:47A little.
10:49We do not use burundanga to have fun.
10:51Besides, even with burundanga,
10:52the scene also tells the macabre mind
10:54that you have to have.
10:55Ana Tijota was killed for not having stopped
10:58what Yalmold did.
10:59It's true, you're right.
11:00I hope the same in this situation,
11:01because I did not see any kind of criticism.
11:03No, no, in the networks there was a lot.
11:04No, they killed him in the networks.
11:05I did not see it.
11:06Ana Tijota did not react.
11:07The only one who reacted was Ari's daughter.
11:09Because no matter how much you tell me,
11:10he got nervous, he can not laugh.
11:12He has to be normal.
11:13He has to be normal.
11:14He has to be normal.
11:15You have a chip for it.
11:16She has many years of television experience.
11:18No, no, stop.
11:19I do not want to be part of this.
11:20No, of course, do not say that.
11:21For her and Nati,
11:22for her and Nati,
11:23it also amplifies because it is Lali.
11:25I say, there is also a spice.
11:27No, no, I say, there is a spice.
11:29Many times selective.
11:30Many times.
11:31No, people, lastly,
11:32comparing the situations,
11:34Yalmold Dawski is a moron
11:36who told an anecdote
11:37that he should not have told,
11:38but he did not steal it,
11:39he did not steal it,
11:40he did not use it,
11:41he is a fool.
11:42He was telling a story.
11:43No, he told an intimacy.
11:44Yes, yes, yes.
11:46He left being a fool,
11:47because the truth is he left long.
11:49But not that he said something that is wrong.
11:51That someone noticed him.
11:52No, but here is a bug.
11:53Here is an ugly bug.