En este emotivo homenaje, se recuerda al querido conductor, periodista y productor Gerardo Rozín, a tres años de su partida. Amigos y familiares comparten anécdotas que destacan su sentido del humor, su pasión por la televisión y el amor incondicional hacia sus hijos. Se resalta cómo Rozín supo crear momentos inolvidables tanto en su vida personal como profesional, dejando un legado imborrable.
00:00This 2025 is the 3rd anniversary of the departure of the driver, journalist and producer Gerardo Rosin,
00:08brain of great products and television moments.
00:20If I fill out a form, I'm a journalist.
00:23Because I was a journalist when I was 12.
00:25It's like something that belongs to me.
00:27You never stop being a journalist, even if you do other things.
00:41We're stuck.
00:43We're stuck, man.
00:45We're stuck.
00:461, 2, 3.
00:47We don't have a choice.
00:49It's not that we're not going to get out. We can get out.
00:51I don't see the possibility of getting out without this falling down.
00:54There's no way.
00:56I don't think so.
01:01You have to be patient.
01:07Let's go with your new section.
01:08Rosin's numbers.
01:09Attack, Rosin.
01:11With Adrián. Very good.
01:12For example, how many zeros does your bank account have?
01:15How dare you?
01:16I left it here.
01:20Well, you know that I...
01:21It's just a number, Adrián.
01:24It doesn't have any zeros, but not many.
01:26The question has nothing to do with your character as a former president,
01:30but I don't know many people who know Shakira.
01:32So, I mean...
01:33And she was really made to be loved by you.
01:36Yes, yes.
01:37She was part of the family, let's say.
01:39Yes, by the way.
01:40And they were also a very strong couple.
01:44How do you imagine yourself in five years?
01:48The last one.
01:49How do I imagine myself in five years?
01:52I don't know.
01:53You know that...
01:55Since what happened with Néstor, I stopped imagining the future.
01:59No, no, no, no, no.
02:01I've tried my best.
02:03No, no, no, no.
02:04Can I look at you for a minute?
02:06I'll talk to you.
02:08Do you think we can have a quieter closing after the show,
02:11or do you think we should say goodbye here?
02:13No way.
02:14What women have praised you for the most,
02:16when they met you in person?
02:22I think it's a certain ability to mask my inabilities.
02:28It could be summarized almost in the sense of humor.
02:33There's humor.
02:34Yes, I think life...
02:35That's a hard worker.
02:36I have a rotten finger.
02:39I have a rotten finger.
02:40Do you want to show it?
02:41What a nice moment!
02:42No need.
02:43No need.
02:44Once he played ball on the beach.
02:47He put his nail inside.
02:48It's not all nice, what we're going to tell.
02:50He put his nail inside.
02:51That nail dies and falls.
02:53And it was like this.
02:54And it didn't look good.
02:56My dad is very nice.
02:57My dad is very funny.
03:01He just threw him to bed.
03:03We make titles.
03:05I love you very much, daddy.
03:07When I think what children I leave to the world,
03:09I leave children who were loved.
03:11I will always leave children who were loved,
03:13because they have very good mothers who love them.
03:16And that's a lot.
03:18And a very dedicated father, let's say.
03:22Very dedicated.
03:23And I'm going to leave the world two children raised with love and ideas.
03:27I'm a father.
03:28I'm a canalla.
03:29I'm a central fan, which is my country too.
03:31And I had the opportunity to write in Buenos Aires.
03:34I never grew up that I didn't come back.
03:36But I didn't come back.
03:38And I love the place where I live a lot and I appreciate it a lot.
03:42And I live in exile.
03:48I don't leave.
03:51I don't leave.
03:53I live in exile.
03:57That's how it is.
04:18Your hope in the golden and wounded silence.
04:27By the moon that they pass singing.
04:32I'm leaving, Gerardo.
04:35How nice Gerardo sang.
04:37He was dying to sing, always.
04:39But he was little encouraged and trained a lot to do this.
04:42He thought about it, he thought about it, he turned it around.
04:46And he did it.
04:48His wish came true.
04:50Oh my God, Carmela, what can I ask you?
04:52You were one of the women of his life.
04:54He is a man who loved each of his women a lot.
04:57He loved his children madly.
04:59He loved each of his projects.
05:01Always, very passionate about his work.
05:03He fell in love with each project.
05:06What did you love most about Gerardo?
05:11His sense of humor, I think.
05:13He was very funny.
05:15He was very funny, very funny.
05:19He knew how to order food, that was very important.
05:22He knew how to choose the place, go eat, order for everyone, organize.
05:26He was a great producer of television and life, of moments.
05:30He liked to produce moments.
05:34I think that was fascinating about him.
05:38Well, he left us, I mean me, Mariana, wonderful children.
05:41There they are in the photo.
05:44And there we are building a new family.
05:48A family was built, let's say, of all those who were left without Gerardo.
05:52Yes, look, we already had a good relationship with Mariana, with Pedro's mother, luckily.
06:00But well, this brought us together more, pushed us to do more things together.
06:05Two years ago we went on vacation five times.
06:08What you are telling is amazing, Carmela.
06:10Yes, it was very funny because with Mariana it was sometimes difficult to explain.
06:13I said, well, but you, and in the end, sisters.
06:16Because it was very difficult to explain what we were all doing together there.
06:20But well, he also put that together in some way.
06:22And he did a lot of bad things, but he also did that well.
06:25When he says, I chose my children's mothers well.
06:29There we are trying to be all together and accompany each other.
06:32And well, Mariana is very good people, Pedro too.
06:35There he is with you, look, that's Mañaneras.
06:37Mañaneras, which was very important to me, Gerardo.
06:40Very important, because I returned to television after being a mother,
06:44when I was called to do that project.
06:47And it really was very, very important to be able to return to television.
06:51And Mañaneras was a project that went very well.
06:53A program here in the mornings of America.
06:55It is true, Carmela, what you say, that this thing of putting together the moments to eat.
07:00He, I don't know, once a month, for example, at least,
07:03invited us to eat to each of the conductors, alone.
07:07So he ate with one, Paula Trapani, he ate with me.
07:10He always chose the restaurants very well.
07:12He ate out, he chatted, he was interested.
07:15It was part of his job and to put together the team, the mystique of the groups.
07:20Yes, totally.
07:24How do you miss him, Gerardo?
07:26Yes, yes, yes.
07:28Yes, because apart from that, he was a glutton.
07:31He occupied a lot of space.
07:34All the time he occupied space in our lives.
07:37So, well, he's not here.
07:40Yesterday we were talking with Carmela about this situation that we were going to live today.
07:45This little tribute from love and with all the respect we have for Gerardo.
07:50How much he wanted it and how faithful the television medium was to him.
07:55Can you tell why?
07:57Yes, yes, I am very grateful to everyone.
08:00As they say on TV, I told him.
08:04Many people knew Gerardo's diagnosis and prognosis and he didn't want to tell it.
08:09And no one told him, no one revealed it, no one chased him, no one made him a guard in the house.
08:14And I am very grateful for that.
08:17I think he also earned it.
08:20I think there is a very nice and beautiful feedback, as they say when we do things wrong, right?
08:26As a journalist.
08:27I think he earned it, but the medium also showed that he can.
08:30That he can take care of a person he loves and respects.
08:33That's impressive.
08:35Because this medium, of which we are part, has these disloyalties.
08:40But Gerardo knew how to conquer even that, where no one opened his mouth.
08:46And everyone knew that Gerardo was not going to live long and no one spoke.
08:52But he earned it.
08:54Yes, it was very nice.
08:56What would you tell Gerardo today, Carmela?
08:59Many things.
09:00Sometimes I tell him.
09:01Sometimes I still tell him.
09:03No, I would tell him about our daughter.
09:06I would have liked him to see her now.
09:10See her from where she is.
09:12And see a spectacular girl like your daughter.
09:16I was a witness to the whole process.
09:19Since you got pregnant.
09:21How did you manage to live with a pregnancy?
09:27And then Elena was born.
09:30For me it was fascinating.
09:33She is magical.
09:34She is beautiful.
09:35She has always been.
09:36And she is at an age now.
09:38You see that one believes that the best age has always passed.
09:41And the kids surprise you.
09:42Ah, but this is great.
09:44And she is at a fabulous age.
09:46She is fabulous.
09:47She is a fun companion.
09:48She is growing up well.
09:50She has a sense of humor.
09:52She is curious.
09:54What do you think of him?
09:56A lot of laziness.
09:58Laziness in the sense of humor.
10:00Yes, that's tremendous.
10:01He likes music a lot.
10:02Something I don't participate in.
10:05I think it's Gerardo's legacy.
10:07He loves music.
10:08He likes instruments.
10:09He sings well, like his father.
10:11He is tuned like his father.
10:12I can't sing anything.
10:15I think that sensitivity with art is his father's.
10:19How nice.
10:20How nice.
10:21Carmela, I love it.
10:23I love being able today, on this special day, to share this moment together.
10:29We send you a big kiss wherever you are.
10:32And we also say goodbye with an applause.
10:34See you tomorrow.