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Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 15 en Español Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 15 en Español Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 15 en Español Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 15 en Español Completo
00:00Perder mi bodeguita!
00:02No, no se preocupe Don Gilberto, esa maquina no nos va a vencer.
00:05Si, Don Gil, ya tenemos planeado desaparecerla.
00:07Eh, trabajar duro para recuperar a los clientes.
00:11Quiero echarme un rato.
00:16Está causando...
00:22La mano de Claudia.
00:24No era la mano de Claudia.
00:26Era un maniquí que alguien puso ahí para molestarte.
00:29¿Un maniquí?
00:32Pero no te preocupes por eso.
00:34Ya voy a encontrar al culpable.
00:36¿Qué? ¿Entonces el plan ya no va o qué?
00:42El plan sigue en marcha.
00:45Esa máquina tiene que desaparecer sí o sí.
00:50Solo vamos a tener que esperar el momento indicado para poder hacerlo.
00:57El muqui dijo que su alma no estaba en el plano espiritual.
01:01Por favor, dejen de meterle esas estupideces en la cabeza a Francesca.
01:05Tú y el otro charlatán han hecho que ella llegue a esta situación.
01:09Llego. El chamán no es ningún charlatán.
01:11Yo no tengo nada que hacer con él.
01:13Esto es real.
01:15Y esto también.
01:20Nuestra casa y la bodeguita corren peligro
01:24mientras ese tipo siga viviendo en las nuevas lomas.
01:28No, papito. Nadie nos va a quitar nuestra casa.
01:31¿Por qué en mi jardín?
01:33Bueno, porque el hueco ya estaba hecho
01:35y me quedaba cerca la casa para visitarla.
01:37Ah, bueno. Por tu genial idea,
01:39ahora Francesca se debate entre la vida y la muerte.
01:42¿Y necesitas el hueco para enterrarla?
01:44¡Correctito! ¡No seas tosco!
01:49No me voy a rendir sin darle pelea a esa máquina.
02:05¡San Juan Bendito!
02:07No está.
02:09¿Qué pasa, Félix?
02:10Quisiera saber si usted, por casualidad,
02:13le ha guardado su máquina.
02:15¿Qué máquina?
02:16La Neutrónica.
02:17No. No la he guardado en ningún lado.
02:19¿Por qué?
02:20Porque no está en su sitio.
02:22Este error te va a costar muy caro, Watchman.
02:24¡Muy caro!
02:29¡San Juan Bendito! ¡Abracitos a los guabrillos!
02:35Buenos días, Don Gilberto.
02:37¿Qué tal, Doña Margarita?
02:39¿Qué se le ofrece?
02:41Pensé que nos había abandonado.
02:43Por eso estuve comprando en la máquina del costado.
02:46Pero al parecer se la han llevado.
02:49¿Cómo que se la llevaron?
02:52Ya no está.
02:53Yo creo que se la han robado porque el Watchman está llorando.
02:58En fin.
02:59Deme dos latas de atún, un aceite y el vinagre, por favor.
03:04Por supuesto.
03:07Dos latitas de atún.
03:10Buenos días, Don Gilberto.
03:12Por favor, me da un champú y una mostaza.
03:15Oye, ¿qué será de la máquina? Que ya no está.
03:18Me tengo que lavar. Necesito lejía y detergente, por favor.
03:22Yo creo que se la llevó a la municipalidad.
03:25Ahorita nos atiendo.
03:30¿Cómo ha amanecido, Don Gilberto?
03:32Se escucharon mis plegarias.
03:35¡La máquina desapareció!
03:40¡Qué buena suerte!
04:04Hola, Fran.
04:07¿Cómo estás?
04:09Bien. No sé qué dicen los médicos.
04:11Dicen que debemos tomarnos vacaciones.
04:14Sí, ya quiero irme de acá.
04:16Sí, sí. Pronto nos iremos a un lugar tranquilo, con mucho sol,
04:20donde podamos tomarnos el descanso que nos merecemos.
04:24¿Cuándo me dan de alta? Quiero irme a mi casa.
04:27Hoy mismo nos vamos a la casa.
04:30¿Y la mano?
04:32Ya solucioné ese problema.
04:35El infeliz del cobrador de micro enterró a su maniquí en nuestro jardín.
04:40Mi infeliz es poco.
04:42Casi me mata de un infarto.
04:44Sí, sí. Ya está advertido.
04:46No volverá a enterrar nada en nuestro jardín.
04:50¿Sabes algo de Leonardo?
04:53¿Por qué me preguntas por él?
04:56Olvídate de ese infeliz. No es de fiar.
04:59Olvídate de él y del charlatán que te dijo todas esas cosas en la sesión espiritista.
05:04No te hace bien recordar esos momentos tristes de tu vida.
05:30Trini, ya tienes toda la información para recuperar mi máquina.
05:35Rastreala y mándame todas las coordenadas a mi correo personal.
05:40La búsqueda de Neutronics ha comenzado.
05:44La verdad no entiendo cómo puede desaparecer una máquina como esa de la vuelta.
05:49Yo te dije que si algo le pasaba, tú ibas a ser el único responsable.
05:54Y vas a asumir todos los gastos si no la recuperamos.
05:58Señor Miguel Ignacio, no sea malito.
06:00¿Yo de dónde voy a sacar para pagar una máquina como esa? No tengo.
06:04Entonces reza para que la recuperemos.
06:07Buena idea.
06:08Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo, santificado sea tu nombre, venga.
06:12Máquina ubicada, Miguel Ignacio.
06:15San Juan Benito.
06:17La ubicación ya está en tu correo.
06:29Llama a la policía.
06:31Comunicándome con la comisaría de las nuevas lomas.
06:37Espero que esa máquina no vuelva a aparecer nunca.
06:45Hemos vendido 200 soles en menos de una hora.
06:49Jamás una máquina va a poder superar la atención de una persona.
06:52Y usted, don Gilberto, es el bodeguero más maravilloso de todo el Perú.
06:56Eres muy dulce, maripacita.
06:59Me haces recordar mucho a la Gris.
07:02La hija de mi padre.
07:04La Gris.
07:06La hija de la Charito.
07:09Algún día te hablaré de ella.
07:13Pero ahora me pongo a pensar.
07:16¿Quién se habrá llevado la máquina?
07:19¿La municipalidad o los amigos de lo ajeno?
07:23No importa quién se la llevó.
07:24Lo importante es que usted va a poder seguir atendiendo a los clientes como siempre.
07:31Cuídame la bodeguita un ratito.
07:32Sí, sí. Yo la cuido.
07:34Soy el mejor bodega en la ciudad.
07:38¡Feliz día!
07:40¡Don Gil! ¡Don Gil! ¡Don Gil! ¡Don Gil!
07:44¡Tres cerros por la mejor bodega en la ciudad!
07:46¡Feliz día!
07:47¡Feliz día!
07:54Señora Francesca.
07:55¡Qué alegría tenerla de vuelta!
07:57Gracias, Lucio.
07:58¿Arreglaste todo como te ordené?
08:01Por supuesto que sí.
08:02Pueden subir cuando deseen.
08:04Let's go to the room so you can rest a little more.
08:08The doctor has asked you for at least three more days of rest.
08:13And that scandal?
08:15Some stupidity of the rustics of the front.
08:18Don't listen to them.
08:26What is this scandal?
08:29Did I get the house wrong?
08:30Yes, yes.
08:31The bastards are the dead ones.
08:33What are you doing here?
08:34To the wall, to the wall, to the wall.
08:36Hey, hey, hey, hey.
08:37What's going on? What's going on?
08:39To the wall, miss.
08:40Let's see, let's see, let's see.
08:41We are poor but honored.
08:43You are confusing us.
08:44I don't have my car.
08:45I don't have my car.
08:46Hey, hey, hey, silence.
08:47Where is the machine?
08:48What machine?
08:49Check the whole house.
08:52Don't move.
08:53There, calm down.
09:04I knew you were behind all this, criminals.
09:08Are you crazy?
09:09We haven't stolen anything.
09:10What fault do we have that you have taken it?
09:12Why do we want your machine if we have our own little winery?
09:15Valentino, where did you hide the machine?
09:18A magician never reveals his secrets.
09:20Is this serious?
09:21You know I just wanted to prevent Mr. Gilberto from stretching his leg.
09:33I don't know.
09:35I don't know.
09:36I don't know.
10:00Well, nothing has happened to your machine, Mr. Miguel Ignacio de las Casas.
10:03What a joy.
10:04And who tells me that you are not in cahoots with these criminals?
10:07Do you think the watchman...
10:09I'm very sure of that.
10:11Go over there.
10:12No, get out of here.
10:13Just look at their faces.
10:34I'm going to make all of you pay.
11:03I'm going to make all of you rot in jail.
11:05We don't know how this machine got up there.
11:08You know us, officers.
11:10We are good people.
11:12We would never take something that is not ours.
11:14My daughter and Yuli sleep in the room.
11:17And they would be unable to steal a pin.
11:20So how can you explain that you found the machine on the second floor of your house?
11:24That's a very good question.
11:26But I don't have the answer.
11:28We're going to clarify that now, gentlemen.
11:30But I didn't think I'd find so many people here.
11:33That microphone outside is yours.
11:35Now, please.
11:36Everyone, walk to the transport unit.
11:37Let's go to the station.
11:54Juanbrillo, please.
11:56You are the only ones who can explain all this.
12:01I... They are not to blame for anything.
12:04I am to blame.
12:06What? Another Gonzala?
12:08She was not alone.
12:10I left her in her room, Mrs. Lorena.
12:12With my help.
12:13And mine.
12:14What am I going to tell your mother?
12:15It was a joke, ma'am.
12:17A joke?
12:19But we did not do it with bad intention.
12:21It was just to scare the owner of the machine.
12:23Yes, we did not think they would get into trouble because of us.
12:27You are older, right?
12:32And Mario.
12:33We do not care.
12:34Please, Mr. Inspector.
12:35Miguel Ignacio.
12:36Did you hear the boys?
12:37It was just a joke.
12:38A joke?
12:40I'm going to make them meditate their joke from Maranguita.
12:48What is Maranguita?
12:49The meat.
12:50No, no, no, no.
12:52The meat.
12:53Silence, please.
12:55Silence, sir.
12:56I do not see a serious crime here.
12:58It can not be.
12:59He already got carried away by the crocodile tears of these young criminals.
13:04What happened?
13:05We are not even sure that my machine works.
13:08Well, you can try it now, right?
13:09I'm going to do it right now.
13:11Try it, try it, try it, try it.
13:13Young criminals.
13:15Calm down, boy.
13:19Give me a bottle of water.
13:24Give me a bottle of water.
13:27Surely he ran out of bottles.
13:29Shut up, sucker.
13:33Give me a package of mint candies.
13:36You told me you were going to have a good time, but ...
13:39The machine resented?
13:41It must be.
13:42Is it artificial intelligence?
13:44That means they have failed.
13:46Why don't they take all these people to the police station?
13:51I don't want to stay here anymore.
13:55You don't have to say anything.
13:56The machine told you, Nachito?
13:58It's just that we've got a pretty special bond.
14:02I can't take it anymore.
14:04I'm going out.
14:15Oh, it's so hot in there.
14:17I hate everyone.
14:19And you, boy with the appearance of a elf.
14:21Have you been in there all this time?
14:23It's just that Nachito gave me a favor, nothing more.
14:26To end my little winery.
14:28To end your little winery.
14:33No, it was a joke.
14:35They believed it.
14:37What happens is that I thought of it and I asked Panchito to ...
14:39Hey, I'm your compadre.
14:41Yes, yes.
14:42Yes, my compadre Panchito.
14:44I asked him to help me.
14:46Do you understand?
14:47If you saw his faces.
14:50Mr. de las Casas, listen to me please.
14:52I'm going to ask you to be more responsible when you call the police station.
14:55The police is respected.
14:57It is not to be an accomplice in your jokes.
14:58Yes, sorry, sorry, Mr. Commissioner.
15:00It's just that ...
15:01It happened to me in my hands.
15:03Yes, yes.
15:04That's how we play with the neighbors.
15:06You know, the playful moves us.
15:08Let's go.
15:19But I love it.
15:21We cry of sadness and joy.
15:24But I am yours and you are mine.
15:42But my eyes told me.
15:46I was not sleeping anymore.
15:48I was just crying.
15:50I do not know why.
15:51My girlfriend left me.
15:53But tonight I'm going to ask for forgiveness.
15:59Love is a trap.
16:03But I love it.
16:05But I love it.
16:07We cry of sadness and joy.
16:10But I am yours and you are mine.
16:14Love is a trap.
16:17But I love it.
16:19But I love it.
16:45Has forced this poor man of needy appearance
16:55to be locked day and night
16:58without ventilation
17:01without bath
17:03Well, actually the toilet turned when they took the machine.
17:06I also said.
17:09What can I tell you?
17:11You made your joke.
17:13If you make a semi-joke, we're done.
17:15Well, then I passed the test to work in your corporation.
17:18We'll talk about that later.
17:22This man is a coward.
17:24Slavery to a human being to get away with his own is worse than what you've told me.
17:29Maripaz, go home, you're punished.
17:32Why? I didn't do anything.
17:33Go home.
17:34No, but it's true, ma'am, she didn't do anything, it was just the three of us.
17:37Go home.
17:38We just wanted to help the old man.
17:40Go home.
17:41It's obvious that the mastermind behind this was my daughter.
17:44Listen to your mother.
17:55This is a matter that I am going to solve personally.
18:01And I don't want anyone else to intervene.
18:05If they hadn't canceled the real machine, but only I can think of trusting someone like Pancho.
18:59I'm old like that.
19:01I will go face to face with the great.
19:04I've never told you, but you remind me a lot of my father.
19:09Yes, he was a noble, hardworking man, devoted to his family.
19:15Over the years he became a renegade like you.
19:18Stop being silly.
19:21This time you're not going to get away with yours.
19:26I don't know what you mean.
19:28You put that machine to break my business.
19:35But it was just a warm-up.
19:38What you want is to crush them like last time.
19:43Don't tell me you think so well that I want to destroy your new little house.
19:50Last time you could do it because Pepito didn't pay the mortgage.
19:56But now this house is mine and I have all the documents in order.
20:05No, no, no.
20:06I swear to Mr. Gilberto that it is not in my plans to destroy your little house.
20:11And why am I going to believe you?
20:14That day you appeared with a tremendous apparatus and directed the demolition.
20:21But really, Mr. Gilberto, I'm sorry that you and your family think I'm going to send you a front loader.
20:27But it really is not the case.
20:29Look, what I want most in this life is peace.
20:35That's exactly what you're not going to have.
20:39If you keep messing with us.
20:42I'm a businessman, Mr. Gilberto.
20:44All I saw was an opportunity and I put the machine.
20:48A machine of lies.
20:50Well, that proves that there are opportunities for vending machines in our district.
20:55Just like when I saw your land and I saw the possibility that it would be good to build an intelligent building.
21:01But it is not the case, Mr. Gilberto, it is not the case.
21:04Believe me.
21:05It was not, nor is it, nor will it be.
21:07Something personal.
21:09How cynical it can be.
21:11You couldn't stand having us in front.
21:15And now the story repeats itself.
21:19But if you don't want to see us.
21:22This time who is going to have to go.
21:24It's you.
21:26No, no, no, Mr. Gilberto, really.
21:28Believe me.
21:29Believe me.
21:30I've lost a lot of things because of my arrogance, because of my ambition.
21:34But I've really learned the lesson.
21:38Don't play the victim with me.
21:41I know you very well.
21:44And I don't believe in your regrets.
21:47No, Mr. Gilberto, no.
21:50I reap what I sow.
21:52And I really don't lie when I say that I would give up everything I have.
21:57For having Otito and Gladys by my side.
22:05Who is Gladys?
22:14I don't know what to do.
22:16One more night.
22:18Oh, little house.
22:23Who would have thought.
22:25That I was going to get so used to you.
22:32To the neighborhood.
22:34To this city.
22:36To my new family.
22:43What happened?
22:51What happened, Teresa?
22:53Sorry, Mrs. Tere.
22:56Help me with this.
22:58Oh, yes.
23:02You don't have to dress like that.
23:05Okay, let's see.
23:06No one asked for your opinion here, right?
23:08It's just that I don't see you comfortable.
23:10You are not like that.
23:12That's what it's about.
23:14Because being me, he doesn't respect me.
23:16Instead, I dress like my mommy and I inspire strength, security.
23:20What else?
23:21I'm starting to feel like her.
23:24Have you seen that ghost movie?
23:26Where the medium is doing all, all, all, all his spell, all his thing.
23:31And the ghost enters his body to talk to the fairy?
23:34No, I haven't seen it because I don't like to watch ghost movies.
23:37It doesn't matter.
23:39The point is that being Nelly Camacho, I can defeat Miguel Ignacio de las Casas.
23:45That's an evil man.
23:47He doesn't care who crosses his path.
23:49Whether it's a person, an animal or a house.
23:52Which means?
23:56That man is capable of anything.
23:59And we have to be attentive.
24:01Because at any moment he appears with his giant apparatus and knocks down the house.
24:08How do I look?
24:11Well, good, I think.
24:14Mommy, you and me together, we're going to win today.
24:20Kisses to Angel Gabriel.
24:38Forgive me, love, I didn't understand your question.
24:42I heard you say that you wanted to have a certain Gladys by your side.
24:47To me?
24:48I was talking about ...
24:50Don Gilberto, I introduce you to Miss Greta Gomez de la Torre.
24:54His girlfriend?
24:56Almost girlfriend.
24:58You haven't learned the lesson, have you?
25:02Oh, Mikey, isn't the gas station too big?
25:04No, no, Don Gilberto is our neighbor next door.
25:09Cut, don't tell me.
25:12So you are the one who lives in the scary house on the side.
25:18Exactly, I live there.
25:21And it's my property.
25:24Oh, but why don't you finish it?
25:26I don't know, put a hand in painting, a little decoration, something.
25:30Because I like it.
25:35Oh, Mikey, not only the house is horrible, but also the inhabitants.
25:40One more horrible than the other, huh?
25:42No, I think you have to disappear at once for all that mess.
26:04Minimum 5 years of work experience?
26:06And what do we do, those of us who just graduated?
26:08Who are you talking to?
26:10No, I'm seeing a call for nursing technicians at a registered clinic.
26:15The salary is good, but it requires a minimum of 5 years of work experience.
26:19And how many do you have?
26:20One, and that with adjustments.
26:22And it's because after my internships they hired me in the polyclinic.
26:24If not, not even that.
26:26Have you heard anything about the polyclinic?
26:29I would like to go talk to the director to ask her to please take the suspension of my job.
26:35But I have no face.
26:36But why don't you tell the lawyer?
26:38She works hard, but it shows that she loves you.
26:42Yes, she has some affection for me.
26:44Maybe in those days I'll go and look for her.
26:47And you, what are you doing with that book?
26:49Oh, no, I was trying to study for my admission exam, but it's difficult because I don't know how to start.
26:55If you want, I can help you.
26:56Thank you, Yuli, but I don't know, you are doing your thing and Jimmy is in China.
27:01I can't help him.
27:09He's looking for you.
27:12He didn't tell me he was coming.
27:13How am I?
27:14Oh, you're fine.
27:15Pretty as always.
27:16Yes, you are beautiful.
27:17But tell him that he is not used to coming like this when he feels like it.
27:21He has to let me know.
27:22You have things to do.
27:23Oh, Tere, how annoying.
27:27Doña Tel?
27:30That's better.
27:31And nothing heavy, insolent girl.
27:35Mami, please tell him to wait for me downstairs.
27:37I'm going.
27:42I see you are very excited about Salva.
27:45Yes, he is very cute.
27:47And more mature than Cristobal.
28:05So you are Yuli's new boyfriend.
28:09Yes, ma'am.
28:10Hey, Olinda, don't worry.
28:12I can perfectly accompany Salva while Yuli comes down.
28:15No, don't worry.
28:16I have nothing to do.
28:18Besides, I'm talking here quietly with young Salva, right?
28:21Yes, that's right.
28:22I still remember the turkey.
28:24The turkey?
28:25The turkey you prepared for us for Christmas.
28:28How delicious.
28:29What a scent.
28:30How delicious.
28:31It has come out.
28:33Thank you very much.
28:34Thank you very much, Mrs. Olinda.
28:36I have cooked several things in the time they have been in Chalhuanca too.
28:39Yes, yes, yes.
28:40Salva has been feeding us.
28:42Ah, earning the family, you mean.
28:46Nothing to understand.
28:47Rather, we should exchange recipes.
28:50Have you ever cooked food from Chalhuanca?
28:53Maybe a couple of times.
28:55Let's see how it was.
28:59Excuse me for coming without notifying you,
29:01but I had to tell you personally that I found out about another job interview.
29:05Yes, yes, at the New Lomas Clinic.
29:07What good news!
29:09Pass me all the data.
29:11Yes, yes, of course.
29:12I'm going to Ojaila.
29:13Yes, yes, exactly.
29:17I love it.
29:18What good news.
29:19Ah, yes.
29:20Which is ascendant?
29:22Ah, how?
29:23What is that?
29:24In the Chinese horoscope.
29:28Don't worry about me, dear daughter.
29:31I'm better now.
29:35I'm going to go out for a walk.
29:38I'm going to meditate.
29:42I'm going to stretch.
29:44I'm going to follow your example.
29:56All good?
29:58All perfect.
30:03Yes, I'm talking about my daughter's portrait.
30:05Are you going to intern me for that?
30:07No, of course not.
30:10I understand your pain perfectly.
30:13All I want is for you to have control over yourself again
30:17and that you don't let yourself be carried away by anyone.
30:20I don't.
30:21I don't.
30:30Why don't we go on a trip?
30:34Because I don't think it's convenient to leave the house now that...
30:40Now what were you going to say?
30:43That I don't think it's convenient to go on a trip and...
30:46leave the house in the middle of an investigation of you-know-what.
30:50Don't make me repeat it.
30:52Yes, yes, yes.
30:55You're right.
30:58Although nothing accuses us, it wouldn't look good if we tried to leave the country now.
31:02That's right.
31:07Shall we go to the terrace?
31:11I'll catch up with you.
31:16It's up to you, Dicken, I don't want to separate.
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35:00En vivo y en directo desde el Estadio Nacional.
35:03Perú. Bolivia.
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36:07¿Eres full caro?
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36:27Don Gilberto.
36:30Fuera de mi bodega.
36:33Ya te dije lo que tenía que decirte.
36:36Pero si a mí no me dejó hablar.
36:38¿Y para qué quiero escuchar tus mentiras?
36:43Mire, tiene todo el derecho a desconfiar de mí, pero he cambiado de verdad y se lo quiero demostrar.
36:49Tú no tienes nada que demostrarme.
36:53Lo invito a almorzar a Francesca's.
36:57¿Tú y yo almorzando en un lugar público?
37:00¿Y por qué no? ¿Qué tiene de malo?
37:02Mire, lo espero en mi oficina.
37:04Usted sabe que soy el nuevo CEO de la corporación Maldini, ¿no es cierto?
37:10Perfecto. Lo espero a la una en la corporación.
37:22¿Qué pasó, Gilberto? ¿Por qué estás todo tieso?
37:26La Vizcacha Estreñida me invitó a almorzar.
37:34Por favor, no le digas nada a nadie.
37:44¿Cómo no voy a estar orgulloso de mi hijita si hasta casi se convirtió en una delincuente para salvar la bodega?
37:51Y lo haría mil veces más.
37:53Aunque los chicos hicieron todo el trabajo, yo no hice tanto.
37:56Sí, pero tú fuiste la cabecilla.
37:58¿Qué haces aquí, hijita? ¿Quieres que te lleve a algún lado?
38:00No, es que quería hablar contigo y en la casa hay muchos sapos.
38:04¿Así se expresa una señorita?
38:06Ay, papá, para que me entiendas.
38:08Ya, ¿y qué cosa quieres hablar lejos de los sapos?
38:11Ya. Es que estudiar en una universidad o en un instituto es muy caro.
38:17Sí, pero tú no te tienes que preocupar por eso, ¿ah?
38:19Sí, pero es que antes de eso tengo que prepararme en una academia y todo eso.
38:25Sí, pero no te preocupes porque voy a escoger la más barata para que no te preocupes.
38:28Sí, pero tiene que ser una buena para que ingreses a la primera.
38:32¿Pero la vas a poder pagar?
38:34Por supuesto que sí, hijita. Claro que sí.
38:37Gracias, papá.
38:39Tendré que trabajar el doble o hasta el triple. No me importa. Mi hijita lo vale.
39:06Bonito detalle, señorita Zapayal.
39:14Ya va a caer.
39:26Ay, ¿por qué mi jilguerito me pidió que no le dijera nada a nadie que hoy...
39:33¡Qué rabia!
39:35¡Qué rabia!
39:37¿Qué pasó, Tere?
39:39Doña Tere, le dije a la Lorena que hoy iba a lavar mi ropa.
39:43Subo a atenderla y los cordeles llenos de su ropa.
39:46Sus calzones, sus calzoncillos del tito.
39:48Ay, seguro Lorena no te entendió.
39:50Claro que me entendió. Pero ella se quiere hacer la importante.
39:53Ella no me quiere dar mi lugar.
39:55Ya, se quiere zurrar en la conversación que tuvimos ayer.
39:58O quizás confió en que el sol iba a secar rapidito su ropa.
40:03Mira, no la defiendas. Seguro te está poniendo en mi contra, ¿no?
40:06Ay, ¿qué pasa, Tere? Digo, Doña Tere, no se preocupe si quiere.
40:12Subimos y vamos a ver. Seguramente ya hay ropa para bajar.
40:17Mira, este ya está seco. Este hace rato.
40:21Son delgaditos.
40:23Ya, ya, Olindita. Llévalo todo al cuartucho.
40:26Yo le digo a la maripaz que lo ordene después.
40:32Yo tengo que hablar con la Lorena.
40:34Ella tiene que respetar las jerarquías.
40:36¡Qué cosa!
40:37Ella tiene que respetar las cosas que yo he dicho que se hagan en esta casa.
40:40Voy a regresar a hacer las cosas de la cocina.
40:44Olinda, un momento.
40:48Se nota que estoy escondiendo algo, ¿verdad?
40:50Se nota que estás escondiendo.
40:51Ay, es que me pidieron que no dijera nada.
40:54Bueno, pero yo lo intuyo. ¿Qué vas a cocinar?
40:58¡Ah! Arroz con pollo.
41:01Es que la Lorenita me dejó todos los ingredientes para hacerlo.
41:06Olinda, a ti me encanta eso.
41:08Arroz con pollo.
41:11¿En serio crees que me llamen?
41:13Por supuesto. Serías unos tontos si no te llaman.
41:16Eres la mejor técnica de enfermero que conozco.
41:20¿Conoces a otras chicas que sean técnicas de enfermería?
41:24¿Yuli Flores Insegura?
41:33No soy insegura.
41:34¿O no?
41:36¿O no?
41:39Pero tú eres un tonto.
41:41Un tonto que te va a hacer una comida muy rica.
41:43¿En serio?
41:44Sí, claro.
41:45Bueno, si tú insistes.
41:58Disculpe que recién venga a recoger su tacita de café.
42:01¿Le gustó?
42:06Qué bueno.
42:08¿Va a ir a almorzar a su casa?
42:11No, en realidad.
42:12Prefiero ir a un restaurante gourmet o al club.
42:16¿Usted ya almorzó?
42:18Seguro me invita.
42:25¿Y tiene hambre?
42:35Dígale al vejete rastrero de Bruno que le invita a almorzar.
42:41Ah, sí.
42:43Gracias, eso haré.
42:48Señorita Zapallábel.
42:53Sí, señor.
42:57La tacita.
43:01Sí, la tacita.
43:27¿Podría decirme dónde está la oficina de la Vizcacha Extrañida?
43:31¿Vizcacha Extrañida?
43:33¡Ay, Nacho, pues!
43:35Ah, señor de las casas.
43:36¡Váyame, por favor!
43:45Ah, no me digan que la señorita Zapallábel contrataca.
43:55Es mi aquí.
44:08¡Ay, bienvenida!
44:10¿Cómo están?
44:11¡Me muero de hambre!
44:13He venido todo el camino soñando con ese arroz con pollo.
44:19¿Arroz con pollo?
44:21Ah, es que Teresa me dijo que preparara mundonguito.
44:25Pero si ayer compré todo para el arroz con pollo.
44:28No, no es eso. Simplemente...
44:31Acá a todos nos gusta el mundongo.
44:33¿Sí o no, mi trufa de chocolate?
44:35Sí, mi dueña Tere.
44:36Ay, Ma, qué pena.
44:38Amor, si quieres, te llevo donde el agachadito.
44:40No, no, no te preocupes.
44:42Ma, mañana te preparo arroz con pollo para ti.
44:46¡Ay, sí!
44:47¡Qué riquito! Hace tiempo que no comemos arroz con pollo.
44:50Gracias, Solinda.
44:51No, no, no.
44:52No, no, no.
44:53No, no, no.
44:54No, no, no.
44:55No, no, no.
44:56Muy bueno, sí.
44:57Gracias, Solinda.
44:58Me voy a lavar las manos.
45:05Un cubiertito, por favor.
45:06Ay, sí.
45:09¡Un momento!
45:12¿Y mi papito?
45:13¡Por fin lo voy a decir!
45:15¡Se fue a almorzar con la bizcacha estañida!
45:22Por fin preguntaron.
45:26Pula, ven, ¿verdad?
45:27Que yo tanto de mola soy.
45:28Yo te estoy ganando, ¿ya?
45:30Esta competencia...
45:31Pula, ya sabes, ya.
45:33El cliente de la mesa cuatro está bien espeso.
45:35¿Qué pasa, Panco?
45:36Ya te he dicho cómo tratar a los clientes.
45:38Con respeto, con amor.
45:40¡Con servicio!
45:41¡La servicialidad es lo más importante!
45:43¿Qué se les está hablando?
45:45Es que está preguntando por todo, pero no se decide por nada.
45:52Buenas tardes.
45:53¿Ya decidieron qué van a pedir los señores?
45:56Yo la conozco a usted.
45:58Y yo también a usted lo conozco.
46:00Usted es el abuelito del Jimmy, ¿no?
46:02Hoy bien son su el Jimmy, ¿no?
46:04Para dejarle a la Alessia.
46:06Bueno, ya está corrigiendo su error.
46:11¿Usted es la chef?
46:12No, no, no.
46:13Soy la encargada.
46:14El calita de lata se fue a hacer unas diligencias.
46:17Estaba preguntando al mozo por las recomendaciones del día.
46:20¡Ah, no!
46:21No hay recomendación del día.
46:22¿Cómo puede ser?
46:25Pida nomás lo que sea, pecho.
46:26Acá todo es lico, lico, delicioso.
46:30Disculpe, don Gilberto.
46:33Voy a hablar con Diego para que haga unas mejoras en su negocio.
46:36¿Qué le gustaría?
46:38Me da igual.
46:41Nadie cocina tan rico como mi tortolita.
46:46Así que se volvió a enamorar y rehizo su vida.
46:49¡Qué bien!
46:52Yo también era feliz, pero le fallé a la Gladys.
46:56Se llevó a mi hijito y ahora no me lo deja ver.
47:02¿De verdad no te importa que te vean conmigo?
47:10¿Y por qué me importaría?
47:12Es más, terminando de comer, lo voy a llevar al club para probar un plus café.
47:19¿Qué será eso, pues?
47:23Ya lo voy a probar.
47:40¡Por los clavos de Cristo!
47:41Mi papito con Miguel Ignacio de las Casas.
47:43¿Pero por qué lo dejaste ir?
47:45¿Te volviste loca?
47:46Me dijo que quería comprobar algo.
47:48Pero ese tipo no es de fiar, es una mala persona.
47:51¿De verdad el tipo que estaba metido en la máquina era su compadre?
47:54Y no tuvo el menor reparo en hacerle eso.
47:56Vamos a buscar a don Gil.
47:58¿Tienen idea de dónde está?
47:59Olinda, llámanos a su celular.
48:01Sí, sí, eso mismo haré.
48:02Sí, llámanos, llámanos.
48:07Está timbrando un celular acá.
48:09¡Ay, por favor!
48:11¡Ay, no!
48:14¡Dejó su celular en la casa!
48:29Todo lo hice mal.
48:31Mi matrimonio con Isabela fracasó.
48:35Y mis hijos, Fernanda y Nicolás, me ignoran.
48:41No se comunican.
48:45¿Cómo es, no, don Gilberto?
48:47Uno cosecha lo que siembra.
48:55¿Cómo quisiera tener una familia como la suya, don Gilberto?
49:00Una familia de verdad.
49:03Unidos en la buena y en las malas.
49:30Papito, ¿dónde estás?
49:32Ay, por Dios, ya son muchas horas.
49:37No me mires así, que me haces sentir culpable.
49:39¿Y quién tiene la culpa?
49:40Ay, Tere, doña Tere, cálmate, por favor.
49:44Yo preocupándome por tus calzones húmedos
49:46y tus decisiones unilaterales sobre el menú,
49:48y mi papito está en la boca del lobo seguro.
49:51Ya, tía Tere, ya va a regresar doña Tere.
49:54Sí, tía Tere, no piense lo peorcito.
50:00¿Y? ¿Y?
50:01Fuimos a la corporación, pero nadie nos dio razón.
50:04Nos vieron salir en hora de almuerzo,
50:06pero hasta ahora no regresan, amor.
50:07Ay, por Dios.
50:08Ten compasión de mi padre.
50:09Protégelo, Señor Jesucristo.
50:12Hagamos una cadena de oración.
50:13Dorma, por favor.
50:15Se me ha ocurrido algo.
50:17Hagamos una cadena de oración.
50:18Vengan todos.
50:20Vengan, vengan, vamos.
50:42Soy un hombre solo, don Gilberto.
50:48Y estoy solo y arrepentido
50:51por no haber actuado de otra manera.
50:57Ahora tienes a tu lado a una chica muy guapachosa.
51:07No, ella no llena mis días.
51:11Lo siento mucho.
51:14Es lo que merezco.
51:17Por lo menos reconoces el mal que has hecho
51:23y te arrepientes.
51:26Eso habla muy bien de ti.
51:31Gracias, don Gilberto.
51:47Quiero alcanzarla
51:49Quiero atrapar su amarillito el corazón
51:55Baby me está esperando allá
51:57Bajo la fiesta del sol
52:02Quiere enlurar en la frente
52:04Que Dios no bajó su cinturón
52:09Me tiene prometido changar
52:11Ya que me dio parte de contón
52:15Decenas de negocios
52:17Lujo y riqueza
52:19Yo me adorasto
52:21Ya vivo en la China hoy
52:40Papito, ¿dónde estabas?
52:42¿Qué pasa? ¿Por qué tanta expulsividad?
52:46Te devoraste mucho.
52:48Y Miguel Ignacio no es de fiar, don Gil.
52:51¿Le hizo algo?
52:52Dígame nomás que ahorita voy y lo pongo de cabeza, dígame.
52:54¿Por qué todos lo ven violencia?
52:55Así son.
52:57No, se portó muy bien conmigo.
53:00Fue muy amable.
53:02Sí, de verdad.
53:04Me invitó a un spa,
53:08Al Francesca también me invitó.
53:13Y después a un club.
53:16Una cosa muy bonita.
53:18Se portó muy bien conmigo.
53:23Creo que me voy a ir a descansar un ratito.
53:26Sí, papá.
53:27Es lo mejor.
53:39I bought for the mundongo.
53:41And I bought for the rice with chicken.
53:48It seems that Teresa and Lorena are arguing, right?
53:52I told you that I was going to need the strings.
53:56Well, after the spa,
53:59I was very calm, relaxed.
54:03It doesn't bother me at all.
54:06I hung up the clothes before I went to work
54:08because I was sure that it was going to dry quickly.
54:10And when are you going to take some time to help clean the house?
54:13Lorena works, Teresa.
54:15And what do I do?
54:16You also work, love, but you work at home
54:18and that makes you have more flexible solar energy.
54:19One moment.
54:20Which side are you on?
54:22I'm here.
54:24Which floor? I'm going.
54:25Please, stop arguing.
54:27Look at the time.
54:28You are absolutely right.
54:31Why don't we organize ourselves nicely?
54:33Why don't we make a schedule with all the activities of the house
54:36and so we see who touches who?
54:38We see what we cook during the week
54:40and all the important things for a better coexistence.
54:44I don't agree with you.
54:46I am the matriarch of the house and you are taking away my authority.
54:49You are trying to impose your power.
54:51And they elected me democratically.
54:53But Obradito has a good idea.
54:55It doesn't matter because I am the matriarch of the house.
54:59It doesn't matter because I am the matriarch of the house.
55:01I don't agree with you.
55:03Let's go, let's go.
55:10Let's go.
55:12Let's go, let's go.
55:28What can I do to catch her?
55:32I'm not the only one who wants to conquer her
55:37The most beautiful, unattainable princess that everyone wants
55:43There's no one like her in the world
55:47She has me trapped, I can't avoid it
55:51I can't escape
55:53The most beautiful, since I saw you, I can't stop thinking about you
55:58And when I'm asleep, I dream of you again
56:02You have me trapped, I can't avoid it
56:06I can't escape
56:13A signature and you will have the biggest gift of your life
56:23What can I do to catch her?
56:27I'm not the only one who wants to conquer her
56:32The most beautiful, since I saw you, I can't avoid it
56:36I can't escape
56:38The most beautiful, since I saw you, I can't avoid it
56:42I can't escape
56:44The most beautiful, since I saw you, I can't avoid it
56:49I can't escape
56:51The most beautiful, since I saw you, I can't avoid it
56:56I can't escape
56:58The most beautiful, since I saw you, I can't avoid it
57:03I can't escape
57:05The most beautiful, since I saw you, I can't avoid it
57:10I can't escape
57:12The most beautiful, since I saw you, I can't avoid it
57:17I can't escape
57:19Boy, don't be stupid
