00:00work so I could represent myself. Who did you get the advice from? Chris sitting next to her.
00:07Plaintiff's witness? Correct. Did you get the advice from her because that's her profession?
00:12She is a paralegal of some sort? No ma'am. Was the advice free? No. What did she charge you for it?
00:20For the first initial get back in my house $250. And in what month was that? November of last year.
00:26And then you had someone else file for a protective order against you? Yes ma'am. And who was that?
00:32Ex-girlfriend times two before Miss Robinson. You are the unluckiest guy I know Mr. Rash. Yes ma'am.
00:40And did again you use the plaintiff's witness to help you with that situation? Yes ma'am. And what
00:47was her fee for that? $1,200. And all of this transpired while you were living with the plaintiff?
00:53No ma'am. The $250 happened while I was staying in Duluth, Minnesota.