• 2 days ago


00:00Did to the gate this is the top where he did it. I also have on text messages just a second
00:05Just a second. Let me kind of look okay. Just first. I'm a very simple person see this one thing at a time cuts
00:12Cuts he made 16 cuts eight on the front just a second miss Maldon
00:22You don't have a picture of what was there is that right you mean the finished gate before he damaged it yes
00:28I do not okay
00:31This is a picture of the gate yes as it is today, yes
00:38Did you have it fixed
00:40Not yet, would you make circles around?
00:44So know that you have marks here right make circles around
00:49that picture
00:51See what she's talking about
00:53Was there a bar across there's a frame so yes, there was a bar on the sides the top and the bottom