00:00Yeah, this says I'll be happy to come by and remedy any issues. He never did. He never did and he never he stood me up
00:06He said I'll be there a week from Saturday. I've called him. I can prove I called him like
00:13He never did and you left me irrational messages and it's
00:18Made me nervous to go to your house
00:22Your actions today demonstrate you can't control yourself
00:25Is what I'm telling you, okay, that's what it that's
00:28So if you have high blood pressure, I would take a chill pill because I have high blood pressure
00:33And I don't get excited
00:37Mr. Lucas he woe her
00:40$780 that's what her proposal is to fix the damage that you did cutting through the iron gates
00:45You can't have a hissy fit on somebody else's property and then accept payment for it
00:50But you did you got paid so you're gonna have to give it back to her and she says that she
00:55Didn't have the gate fixed. She's got a proposal from what looks like a